Hi guys!!!I just wanted to let you know this isn't a new story!!! All I've done is edit it quite a bit. The thing is, I thought the original needed some touching up. So I'm doing it all in one shot. I've mostly added some descriptions and grammatical stuff. I would appreciate some reviews and comments telling me whether it's better or worse or what not. Before I get too wordy, enjoy the edit!

Chapter 1

Regis St. Clair, the bane of my existence. The one person in this entire world who could make my skin crawl and heart beat in panic simultaneously. The mere thought of his hateful name made me dread school. I would feign illness on a daily basis to avoid the sight of him. He was Satan in Hell, poking everyone in the ass with a pitchfork for his own amusement.

His power was unfounded. He controlled every aspect of life that revolved around him. And his life involved making me suffer every moment of every day. St. Clair had his friends wrapped around his fingers. With one word from him, they would trip me, steal my books, pull my hair, and anything else that popped into his large head.

I tried to stay away from them, but they were every where. I would turn a corner, walk in a classroom, go to the bathroom and one of his demons would be there waiting for me. I even tried to report them to anyone who would listen.

Unfortunately, neither Dickenson Boarding School nor its headmaster cared about me. The relationship I had with those in authority was one of tension. I was blamed for everything St. Clair did wrong. Not just St. Clair, but everything in the school. I think it had to do with the fact I was one of the few charity cases the school accepted. The orphanage didn't want me anymore for reasons that are still unclear to me.

Through this unlucky existence, one of the few friends I made did his best to help make my days in the dark Hell hole lighter and easier to handle.

"Roma! Roma, wake up!" Kip called shaking me vigorously.

I snuggled deeper into the worn out sheets. "I'm dead, Kip. I've died of bird flu."

"Roma! You're obviously not dead if you're talking. Besides, you've used that excuse. If you get another mark for being late, they'll give you night detention! Again!"

I sat straight up in bed, scaring Kip back. His dark green jacket hung loosely on his skinny frame over a white shirt and plaid green pants. His light brown hair was slicked down to his head, a sign of his constant need for perfection.

Flying out of bed, I grabbed my uniform from the top of my desk and headed for the bathroom. Growling at my hideous reflection in the mirror, I turned around and stared at the wall. I was a little chunky and it bothered me. I hated the stupid green uniform. The fitted jacket and knee length skirt didn't help hide my rolls. Besides, it was uncomfortable and I'd rather wear jeans. My auburn hair was as straight as a board and I grabbed a scrunchy off the sink, putting it on my wrist.

Kip did his best to keep me out of trouble, bless him, but trouble seemed to follow me every where I went. I was a magnet for disaster. I felt bad for him. He was a true angel amongst the demons in hell who received as much of the Hellfire and brimstone as me. We had been best friends since I was seven, when I was sent to this Hell hole.

I emerged from the bathroom tying my hair up in its signature ponytail and saw Kip standing at the door smiling. It always bothered me a little when he did that. Ever since he got his braces off, his teeth seemed unnaturally straight. "What?"

"This is the first time you've ever gotten up and been completely ready thirty minutes before class!"

I looked over at the clock that sat on the nightstand and glared back at him. "I'm going to get you Kipling Martin!"

He faked a gag. "I curse the day my parents named me."

"I guess since I'm up, let's get some breakfast." I pushed him out the door locking it behind me.

We walked out of the dorm and headed to the cafeteria. Dickenson had a big campus due to the large amounts of money pouring in from well off parents. The freshman and sophomore dorms were located on one side of the campus while the juniors and seniors were on the other side. In between the two dorms was Main Campus where everything else was. The cafeteria was located on the ground floor in the center of the building.

It was a large open room with long oak tables and matching oak stools. They were separated from each other showing the obvious cliques of the school. As Kip and I walked in the door, I heard several pig calls from tables around the room. I knew the calls were for me, but I ignored them and we went to the line.

Conscious of the stares, I grabbed an apple while Kip filled his tray with every piece of junk he could find, donuts included. He paid for his food while I went a found an empty table. The table was always deserted because I sat there. People avoided everything I touched like the plague.

"You're disgusting," I remarked crunching my nose as Kip shoved a whole pancake in his mouth and made the "mmm, that's good" face.

"I like is breakfast. It's the only meal they don't touch!"

I laughed taking a bite of my apple. It crunched pleasantly in my mouth and we sat at our usual table. No one touched that table. I knew it was because they didn't want to touch anything I touched. They didn't even want to be close to me. Kip said it wasn't true and everyone followed their habits.

Just as I was finishing my apple, the first bell rung and I saw kids fly by the door on their way to class. Kip and I parted ways. As soon as he disappeared around the corner, I missed the quiet protection he offered from the evil beings.

My first class of the day was math, the beginning of my daily torture. I hated math. I could do it, but with extreme loathing. It was boring and the class seemed to last hours. It wasn't just because I hated math, I hated the teacher, mainly because she hated me. She decided the first day of class that sitting me between St. Clair and his friend Kehoe would make me happy.

I walked down the second floor hallway and entered in the room, few students already there. I was early again, unusual for me. I didn't want to be there so I would skip or be late on a regular basis. But the number of night detentions was racking up and I couldn't afford to do it the rest of the year. Out of the few students sitting in the class, the two head demons weren't there yet. Not really surprised, but extremely happy. If I could avoid them attempting to trip me or putting gum on my desk, my day wouldn't seem so bad. Both were probably on some sexual escapade, as usual, basking in the glow of their immense popularity.

They publicized the fact that I was a virgin. St. Clair even called me sexless Romance. He thought he was clever. I thought he was trying to kill me by torture and embarrassment. What was worse? My real name was Romance. My mother named me before she left me at the orphanage, that's why I emphasized my name was Roma.

St. Clair was known for devirginizing every girl he came across. It was rumored he had a freshman virgin party in his dorm every year. I didn't believe it, but it was possible. I, at this point, was the only conquest he had yet to be victorious with. And honestly, whether the rumor was true or not, I didn't care. He wasn't getting in my pants any time soon.

Not that he didn't try. In fact, he tried daily, multiple times. This was because our class schedule was almost identical. Curse you secretary! The universe is out to get me, I just know it.

"Oh! Look! Romance isn't late today!" I heard a voice say loudly.

I didn't have to turn around to know it was him. His deep voice seemed to make most girls pool into goo at the sound. It made me shiver in dread. It was like the demon was using an angel's voice to lure in his victims to suck their life force. He put his bag down on his desk and leaned over me. He was incredibly close. I could feel his hot breath on my cheek.

I didn't dare look at his icy blue eyes and dark black hair that fell into his face. That's what he wanted. He had some kind of charm that shot out of his eyes like Medusa's glare. I think it was his full lips and stern jaw line that made people want to fuck him. I didn't want that to happen to me.

"Tell me, Romance. Happen to be on your back recently?"

He was testing my temper. He learned early in our volatile relationship exactly what buttons to push. But I held my tongue. He would win if I said one word and I needed to win the battle today. He would torture me the rest of the day and spread the news that it was going to be another torture Roma day if I didn't.

His full lips got closer to my ear. He was really pushing the bubble space today. He just wanted me to snap. "I would love to get you in that position, Romance. Lying on your back, legs straight up in the air, screaming my name. Maybe doggie style would suit you better. We'll have to test the positions. Then you can say there has been some sex in your novel life."

I couldn't help it. I hated that stupid nickname. I hated him. He pushed me too far and my temper got the best of me as it always did. I could feel the blood rush to my face as the anger boiled over and I turned to him, his icy blues dancing playfully, his lips extremely close to my nose, and smiled. "You'll have to grow a dick big enough, St. Clair. From what I understand, most of your whores have to fake it from all positions."

His face turned beet red, his lips fell from his playful smile and his eyes filled with anger.

"Mr. St. Clair! Have a seat!" Ms. Areca yelled, her screechy voice worse than nails on a chalk board.

Before retreating to his seat, he whispered in my ear, "I won't forget that, Hayes."

His tone sent chills down my spine. He didn't use my first name and that scared me too. That meant today was going to be a day of war. Yes, I had won this battle. But at what cost? He known for his sexcapades, but his revenge plots were far worse than anything my imagination could conjure. I didn't WANT to imagine what was going to happen.

I mentally banged my head against an imaginary wall that had too many dents in it anyway, as I tried to unsuccessfully pay attention to the Pythagorean Theorem. The rest of class I made sure to keep both St. Clair and Kehoe in my peripheral vision. Even the slightest movement made me tense, but they didn't attempt anything. Too many witnesses.

I bounced from class to class like a ninja assassin trying to sneak up on an unexpecting victim. It was a sight to see me shift between trash cans, dodge behind lockers and classroom doors. I could see St. Clair and Kehoe walking next to each other, joking with other guys and flirting with every high skirted girl they came across. They didn't glance at me as they walked into the next classroom with me far behind. My heart beat in panic every time I caught their glimpse or felt their presence within five feet of me.

I waited through English and Chinese class, but neither of them tried anything. I was surprised they hadn't bothered to corner me in a dark hallway where no one would hear me scream. Maybe I would survive until lunch. Then I would find Kip, who would be that faithful friend I knew he could be. Somehow, his angelic light would push away the demons that were chasing me.

Getting my food, which was a mutated form of meatloaf, I sat at our usual table and waited for Kip, my leg jumping up and down in nervous anticipation. His science teacher had the tendency to be long winded and he being late wasn't unusual, but it made me more jumpy as each second passed. I carefully watched for him as students filed in and out of the room that became smaller by the second.

All of a sudden, the bench dipped slightly next to me. Praying it was the angel, I watched elbows prop up on the table. It wasn't Kip and my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. The blue eyed devil stared at me with such intensity that I nearly choked on a dry wheat roll. Where the hell did he come from?

"Where's your bodyguard, sexless Romance?" he asked nonchalantly looking around the room.

I reminded myself I was still on a winning streak. I shrugged trying to keep calm and confident. "Maybe he's teaching your slave how to take it properly." I felt his gaze burn into the side of my face, but I kept eating. I couldn't stop. I was digging the hole deeper and deeper and not even the nighties would be able to pull me out.

"Kehoe has class this lunch. This is the only warning you're getting. Don't show up for study hall." He snatched the bread out of my hands and walked away.

I was frozen stiff when Kip found me. It took him five minutes for him to unfreeze me so I could tell him about my stupidity.