She sat in a metal chair at the other end of the room. Tristen hadn't traveled ten miles before he found her. It almost seemed as if she were searching for him. He strode in on all fours, his red coat shining and dirty in the dim light of lanterns. Dahlia was wearing a forest green dress that was put to shame by her emerald eyes. A light brushing of rouge on her cheeks made her ghostly face have some definition. Her red colored lips, that detracted from the rouge, barely parted as she spoke.
"I've been waiting for you to turn." The corners of her mouth upturned into a wicked smile. She looked him from muzzle to tale and then went back to his eyes, "Shift." She said quickly, waving her hand. In a matter of seconds Tristen stood before Dahlia.
"You knew I was coming?" Tristen looked around the room for a familiar face, a traitor or someone from town that might now his secret. Dahlia laughed and kicked up her foot to cross over her leg.
"I'll show you." A slight grin crossed her face and stuck to one side, "Come." She said as she rose and turned her back on him. He hesitated before following her. The room behind her throne was elaborately dressed like something out of Aladdin: King of Thieves. The first thought that came to his head was Arcielli; she would enjoy this room. In the center of the red satin cushions was a deep golden vase. At the bottom was a round object that Tristen couldn't place.
"It's water scrying," He sighed, "You don't think they have one as well?" Dahlia dove her hand into the pot and pulled out the object. Slowly she turned it to Tristen.
"This is how I knew." As she said this the item came into focus. It was an eye. The same caribbean blue as... He clutched his mouth to keep from throwing up.
"Squeamish?" She gently placed the eye back into the water, "You don't look it. You're strong, Tristen, In all her visions of you I can see how much you desire her." She came forward and traced her finger along his chest, "I can see you fight your urges to rip her clothes to shreds and take her tightly in your arms. I can see how you want to love her body all night. Her dark skin, light hair, her scent, her eyes. I see everything and I can give it to you. Everything." She whispered into his ear. With her last breath the candles that lit the room were out as if her exhale suffocated everything. Tristen held his breath. Her lips greeted his. Her skin was cold, even to him. Her age may not have helped. Newer vampires always felt warmer. He pushed away from her and spit.
"I don't want... I just came to..." He searched for the words in the dark.
"You came here to help me in my conquest." She said for him. He closed his eyes and shut her out for she was right.
"Shift back," She said, "Go to your pack and get as many of them as possible to join my cause. You will all be rewarded once I have complete power. I know that some will join me." Tristen nodded. He walked out of the room and shifted back.
"What did I get myself into..." He thought and then took off back into the woods.