Meeting Jesse

The carriage flew over the cobblestone path, nearing the palace. Nearing my doom. My hell on earth.

Tears escaped through my eyes, running down my cheek and dropping onto my dress. I pushed my body to the far side of the carriage – as far as it could go so that I'd be far away from the monster that was sharing the carriage.

The king looked my way and gave a cruel grin. I glared at him with whatever dignity I could muster through my tears.

"There, there now, no need to cry," he came closer and wrapped his arms around me.

I went stiff – disgusted by his touch.

The king spat on his finger then wiped away my tears spreading his saliva across my face. The thought of his spit across my face made me sick, the smell made me sicker. He didn't move – he came even closer, trapping my legs within his, covering my body with his. I held up a hand to wipe my face but the king grabbed it and wound it behind my back.

He started whispering slowly in my ear, telling me what he expected of me, what he wanted from me, that I should be ready for him any time of the day - even if it was four o' clock in the morning. I stared ahead, not saying a word until he grabbed my head and forced me to nod.

"Look at me Eleanor," the king commanded in a scratchy voice.

I looked.

He was starting to get that dazed look on his face again, his eyes seemed to cloud over and before I knew it, he crashed his mouth onto mine. His tongue pried open my shut lips but I made no effort to kiss him back. I stared at the curtain covering the window behind him, thinking of my safe family. They were safe. That was all that mattered.

The king drew his head back, frowning. "I'm not happy Eleanor. Not happy at all. There's no passion coming from you."

I stared at him blankly at first and then the meaning of his words dawned on me. A horrified expression must have crossed my face because he started laughing. Then all of a sudden, his eyes bulged out and his face became red. He started breathing harder and that same dazed look returned.

"Move your lips Eleanor. Cooperate. Or it's bye-bye to your family."

I shuddered as if someone had electrocuted me. My stomach sunk and I felt a spreading terror in my body. It reached every part of me so that I shook like a feather in the wind. I tightened my lips instinctively but the expression on the king's face was terrifying and his face was starting to turn purple. Reluctantly I opened my mouth but made no move towards him. He was sickening; I couldn't believe his wives had bedded him. My eyes trailed over his face. His face was fat, with an enormous double chin. His cheeks sunk down near his mouth and his mouth was thin and small. The king's eyes were beady and cruel, scrutinising everything about me. I trembled and closed my eyes, trying to imagine the man of my dreams.

I couldn't imagine him. No matter how hard I tried, the king's face appeared.

"Eleanor, I'm waiting."

My eyes flew open and I stared blankly at the king. I honestly didn't know what he wanted me to do. He was sitting at the other end of the carriage, slumping down with his short fat legs wide open. He beckoned me with a finger but I didn't move. Furious, he pulled me hard by my arms and made me sit between his legs.

"WELL?!" the king's eyes were nearly going to come out of his head.

A small shriek escaped from me as he screamed. I swallowed hard, not knowing what to do.

"Give. Me. Pleasure." He said quietly. Dangerously.

I stared at him, stubbornly not moving. He grabbed my chin and pulled my face towards him. "Your family, Eleanor. Let's not forget about them." Seeing my resolve weaken, he loosened his grip on me. "Now, move your lips."

He wanted me to kiss him. I had no choice but to do as he said. Humiliated beyond words, I slowly crept up to him, closing my eyes. I tried to imagine that I was kissing my dream man. But I wasn't. My dream man's lips weren't non-existent. They weren't cold and hard. My dream man's kisses wouldn't have been slobbery like a dog's.

The king kissed me hard, breathing all over me, his hands going places so intimate I wanted to cut them off. Then suddenly, I remembered what the lady in the shop had told me, "….you have a spine child…."

I punched the king as hard as I could in the chest and he fell away, wheezing like the old man he was. He clutched his chest, calling me filthy words but I couldn't care less. He was making me his sex slave. He was destroying my dignity.

The king stopped wheezing and looked up. His lips were curled back, baring his teeth. The expression on his face stopped my heart for a few moments. I pushed myself into the side of the carriage, praying that God would take away my soul before he could hurt me. The king advanced, then grabbed my leg. He was about to pull my dress up until the carriage stopped.

We were there. We had finally arrived at the palace.

I wept silent tears of joy. Though the palace was going to be my hell on earth, at least it would be better than the fiery pit I was in now. The king quickly moved back, straightening his clothes and put a pleasant smile on his face. I didn't bother smoothing my dress. Let everyone see it the way it was. The carriage door flew open and then a messenger bowed down. He offered me his hand to help me get down but I refused to touch him. I had enough of touching.

I held the side of the carriage and got down – much to the amazement of the doormen and the messenger. The king waddled behind me and offered me his arm. I had to take it for appearances' sake but I sent him a look of pure venom. I was disconcerted to see that he looked at me without an expression. It meant something very, very wrong was about to happen.


The Ball

I had a lot of rude looks cast at me simply because the other women were jealous that the king was by my side the whole time. I wanted to scream, "You can take him! Spend all your time with him! Just take him away from me!" but then that would be giving out to much information to everyone, not to mention my family. I watched them sadly but cheered up a little at seeing my brothers do well with girls their own age. Young debutantes were clamouring to be their dance partners despite knowing that my brothers didn't have a penny to their name. I wasn't very surprised though; both my brothers were very striking and stunned you into silence when you looked at them. They were both tall and muscular which was a result of all the building they had to do. Fabien had black hair like mine except he had bright, contrasting blue eyes unlike mine that are brown. Evander was blond with brown eyes that again, contrasted well with his hair colour.

I stood beside the king, who was greeting his guests. He told me I wasn't allowed to speak to anyone of my own accord. Especially not my family. It was supposed to be a punishment of what I did to him in the carriage but I couldn't see where the punishment was. I was going back home with my family so there really wasn't any point barring me from talking to them for a few hours. The king held me by my arm tightly as if scared I might run away. I had a good mind to. I looked at him angrily, but he just blinked at me coolly, and proceeded to talk to his subjects. They all ignored me unless they wanted to throw a filthy look at me and various women had whispered into the king's ear while pointedly staring at me.

I really didn't understand the king's charm that he held sway over so many women. To me, he looked what he was. Cruel and unforgiving without a conscience. I was becoming increasingly annoyed with his loud bursts of laughter.

I was lying to myself.

I wasn't becoming annoyed – I was becoming more and more upset. My family kept looking at me, wondering why I wasn't coming over. Tears suddenly filled my eyes and I squeezed them shut. It didn't help though – the tears trickled down my cheeks.

The king tightened his grip on me. He looked at me in a pained way but it was only for appearances' sake. He came and hissed in my ear, "Go clean yourself up, then come straight down, or I'll see to it that you or your family won't see the sun again."

I blinked as suddenly, his grip tightened, twisting my flesh. Then he let go and I saw an angry red mark floating on my skin. I quickly walked towards the direction of the main stairs to the upper floor. Usually, I would have been interested in the artwork in the palace but my heart wasn't in it today. I held my skirts and walked as quickly as I could into the right wing.



I was hidden in the shadows, but I could see everything from here. I could definitely see the fat bastard – who had a girl in red with him the whole time. I tried to study the girl – see if she was anyone I knew but she looked so different that I was sure I didn't come across her before.

I left my hiding spot and crouched along the wall trying to look for old Berty's study. God, he'd become fatter than the twenty pigs my uncle had put together. I guessed I was in the right wing because of all the libraries I was passing. I just needed to get to the bloody study.

There was a sound from down the corridor. It was muffled, but I heard it without a doubt.

I stopped moving and reached for my gun, aiming it at whatever was in front of me. Slowly walking forward, trying to make the least noise possible, I saw the back of red material go round the corridor to the left. I held my breath, trying to listen for footsteps – I could make out a small shuffling noise and the rustle of material. I stepped behind a tapestry and weighed my options. I could follow the person – whoever it was – and wipe them out. They could be a threat and more importantly, they could have seen me. Or I could carry on with what I was sent to do – search Bertrand's study. There was a confliction. I was warned that there might be spies put out in the palace for the sole purpose of killing me. But I was also told the importance of finding the contract papers for the hit-men.

If I was killed, the whole of us could be caught which would put our efforts down the drain.

I decided to follow the person.

Walking briskly without making much noise I walked down the same path as the person before me, keeping a few metres behind so they wouldn't be able to see me. I still didn't know if it was a man or a woman, because I didn't want to get too close. The person was winding its way around the corridors endlessly and I cursed under my breath. Damn it. When were they going to stop?

I waited until the person went down a right corridor then I started following them again. There was a sound of a door opening roughly and I cursed again. I was going to have search each room now because I didn't know where they went. As I turned right, I saw a door to my left close very slowly and quietly.

Whoever it was was in there.

Running towards the door, I suddenly stopped in front of it. Crouching on the ground, I reached up and pushed the door handle slowly. The door opened smoothly and silently, and I slipped into the room unnoticed. It was dark inside the room – the only light was soft moonlight coming through the windows.

In front of the window was a figure. It was a woman, with her back turned to me. From what I could see, she was wearing a long red dress with capped sleeves. Her hair was tied up but I couldn't make out the colour. Her gloved arms were fiddling about with something in front of her so I couldn't see what. She suddenly moved to the right and I swiftly moved behind her.

She must have sensed something because she stopped moving and stood very still. I saw her arm reach out to pull something but it was too dark to see what it was. I realised she was holding her breath so I did the same to keep the silence. She turned her head slightly to her right so I moved quietly to her left studying her from different angles. She looked like a vixen from behind. I hadn't seen her face yet but I hoped it wasn't disappointing. Maybe I could bribe her into a night to keep her mouth shut. It would be a shame to kill such a pretty thing. The woman inched forwards then stopped. She let out a breath and I saw her arm tighten around whatever it was she was holding.

Without warning, the vixen spun around holding a knife in her hand. She raised it at me, advancing, but it had no affect on me whatsoever. I was used to it. It was part of my job. Calmly, I pointed my revolver at her. "Don't move or you'll wish you hadn't."

Keeping the gun aimed at her, I felt about for a switch to turn on a light. My hand went over one and bright light spilled the room. Turning my head to look back at the woman, my jaw went slack. I felt my strength weaken and those similar feelings of desire started to stir.

She was beautiful beyond words.

Her face was sculpted. She was different looking than most young debutantes that I'd seen. Actually, she was different looking that any woman I'd been with full stop. Her raven hair was like silk, a few loose tendrils were hanging down about her face. Her eyes were a dark velvet brown, wide and innocent but sultry and inviting at the same time. Her mouth was open and I noticed her full pink lips were quivering. The dress she was wearing hugged her curves and small frame. My eyes flew over her repeatedly – she looked so enticing and exotic.

Suddenly, a cold realisation swept over me. She was one of them. I was sure of it. She was one of the female spies sent to guard Bertrand. My mind flew back to what I had been told by my boss.


A week earlier

Gerard walked across the office, his hands rung. "You understand Jesse don't you? This is important. If we could just get those papers and prove he did what he did, this war could be over or be entirely in our hands. He'd be sold, exposed. No one likes him much anyway and they'll find this a solid reason to kick him off the throne."

I nodded, looking out the window.

Gerard started speaking again, "Of course, you're going to have to be discreet. You'll have to get through to the palace through the forest."

I raised my eyebrows at him. Gerard waved a hand at me, "Don't look at me like that, we can't take any chances."

"It'll take me days to get through the bloody forest." I said, gritting my teeth.

"I know that, but would you rather be killed?" Gerard spun around to face me. "Look, you're the best one we got. You do your job well, kid. You're reckless, you prefer women to give you a good time rather than stick to what's been planned but you do your job well regardless." He frowned, staring at me. "That reminds me, I'm sure they're going to have spies at the palace and Bertrand is going to play to your weakness I bet. The spies will be from the Order of the Rose so be careful."

I gave him a look that told him I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Oh for God's sake Jesse, don't tell me you don't know about the Order of the Rose." Gerard snapped.

"Not a clue." I smiled blissfully at him to annoy him.

Gerard sat down next to me looking me squarely in the eye. "The Order of the Rose commands some of the toughest, most beautiful women that'll have you begging at their knees. They're dangerous as they are enticing. And to you, they are a huge threat."

I scoffed. "Why?"

"I'm saying that because you seem to have sex with every woman who crosses your path and you never stop to think about the consequences." Gerard muttered, trying to keep his annoyance down. "For once, think with your head, not what's down there, Jesse."

I just laughed at him but when he turned around; he looked quite serious so I decided to look serious too.

"Jesse, I'm warning you….."

"Okay, okay, Gerard, I understand. No sex."

Gerard looked at the ceiling then back at me. "If only you were that simple."


The ball (back to the present)

I was sure that the beauty in front of me was one of them. The way she was dressed to the way she was clutching the weapon couldn't have said otherwise. I looked straight into her eyes to intimidate her which seemed to work.

She dropped her hands by her sides and stared at me - her eyes full of suspicion. She backed away from me slowly, her eyes darting between the door and me.

"Don't even think about it." I said roughly, grabbing her.



I thought I was imagining things when I heard the breathing behind me. I held my breath and abruptly, the other breathing stopped too. It became eerily quiet in the room and I was scared that it was the king who was behind me trying to hurt me in some way. There was a fruit knife wedged in an apple on the desk to my right – I snatched it feeling a little bit safer.

It became silent again but I was sure I heard a footstep. I spun around to find a man behind me and instinctively, the hand in which I was holding the knife went up. My heart started beating wildly. Through the soft moonlight, I could tell it wasn't the king. It was a man but it wasn't the king. This man's frame was muscular and tall. There was a confident, arrogant air about him too.

Suddenly, the man held up a gun to me. "Don't move or you'll wish you hadn't."

I muffled a scream and stood still so that he wouldn't shoot me. I watched the frame of the man walk further from me, searching for something.

The lights in the room turned on, spilling the man in light. He was standing with his legs apart, holding the gun at me and staring me straight in the eye. His confident stance threw me back a little but it was his face that shook me.

His eyes hit me first. There were a striking green and the way he was staring at me with them made me uncomfortable. There was a dangerous edge to them that made me swallow over and over again. His deep chestnut hair was mussed and was highlighted with gold from the lights above him. The man had a perfect straight nose and a mouth that was currently set in a commanding line.

He had a dangerous, reckless air to him. I stepped back from him, intimidated, trying to work out how I could get past him and run for the door.

"Don't even think about it," his deep voice reverberated and before I had a chance to think, he held my arms behind my back.

"Leave me alone," I said, struggling to loosen his grip. He was immensely strong. It was like I was chained to the wall.

He laughed, his hot breath against my neck. "You come to guard the precious king?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said defiantly.

He spun me around to face him then pushed me against a wall, putting his arms either side of me so I couldn't escape. "Don't act stupid, tell me the truth and I might spare your life."

I glared at him and kicked him in the shin as hard as I could. I expected him to fall back like the king had, but this man didn't even blink. "I don't know what you're talking about, I'm not guarding anybody. I just came here for the ball."

"All the guests are downstairs in the main hall, where they should be."

I narrowed my eyes at the man, "Then what are you doing here?"

"I asked you first and besides, do I look like a guest?"

I looked at his clothes and decided that he didn't. Not if any of the weapons he was carrying were anything to go by. Suddenly, I felt his body against mine.

"Who are you and what the hell are you doing here?" he asked, the joking lilt gone.

"I told you, I'm just a …..guest. I thought you were someone else, that's why I was holding the knife."

"Who did you think I was?"

"None of your business." I retorted.

"It's all my business. Now answer me."

"Leave me alone."

I saw him breathe in. Trying to calm himself.



She was being stubborn and it was starting to get on my nerves. I pushed against her, pinning her to the wall. "Did Bertrand ask for spies from the Order of the Rose?"

It was a stupid question to ask but I wanted to see her reaction.


I didn't expect this sort of reaction. I watched her closely, but she seemed genuinely confused. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and let her go from my grasp. She looked grateful but she didn't move. She looked at me, unsure what to do. That was a definite sign that she wasn't a female spy. If she was from the Order, she would have tried to blow a hole in my head.

"What's your name?"

"The man introduces himself first."

I sighed, she was being ridiculous. I went to sit on the desk and looked at her. "My name's……… Geoffrey." Thank God it wasn't.


"Ella? Mind if I call you that? Eleanor seems too dignified for you." I smiled at her, waiting for her reaction.

She stiffened and raised her eyebrows.

"I don't mean that in a bad way," I said quickly, realising I'd struck a nerve. I honestly didn't mean it in a bad way though. I can't stand stuffy women who don't do anything and have no backbone.

"It's okay," she looked at me and sighed.

I watched her closely. She seemed…….upset. "Listen, I'm sorry for the…you know. I….."

"It's okay," she repeated, crossing her arms. She leaned her head back on the wall and looked thoughtful. "What's your real name?"

I was taken aback. How the hell did she know? "How do you know?"

She smiled at me, her eyes warm and inviting. Specks of gold were mixed with the brown. "You took a long time to tell me your name. And besides, Geoffrey doesn't suit you. It's too sensible."

It was my turn to raise my eyebrows. "I'll take that as a compliment. Sensible is boring." I grinned at her.

She smiled back and walked closer. "What is your real name then?" she asked softly.

I looked at her wondering if I should tell her. She looked innocent. "It's Jesse."

"Jesse," she repeated, thinking. "That's a much better name."

I laughed.


The shout came from the corridor. I quickly looked at Ella who had jumped. Terror crossed her face and she put her hand to her mouth. "He's here…Oh God, help me. I've been here too long."

I started at her wondering what she was on about. Then I suddenly remembered that she was the girl who was standing next to the king in the hall downstairs. "Who….?"

Ella looked at me quickly and her eyes widened. "Jesse go! Please go!"

She pushed me but I didn't move. "What's going on?"


"Jesse! Go! Hide! Anything!" tears started trickling down her cheeks. She was in a frenzy. She pushed me again. "Please Jesse!"

I got off the desk and hid under it, shaken by seeing her cry. She seemed so helpless. And to think I thought she was from the Order……..

I heard the door burst open. Footsteps. The door closed.

"What are you doing here? I expected you to come back. You've spent more than half an hour here."

It was Bertrand's voice. I sucked in my breath, trying to control the mad urge to strangle him.

"I….came into the room thinking it was the library." Ella's voice.

"Did I say you could go to the library? No. I said clean yourself up and stop snivelling."

"Why are you doing this?!" it was Ella's tear-filled exasperated cry.

There was silence for a minute and I was about to get out from under the desk when the slamming started. I stayed hidden, worried. I couldn't show myself or the war would rage and continue.

"Eleanor, you're forgetting your family is in my clutches. One mistake from you and there'll be a dozen mistakes from me. Now take my arm and look normal or you'll suffer."

There was silence and the shuffling of feet then the door closed. I got out from underneath and ran to the door. Opening it slightly, I saw Bertrand holding Eleanor possessively. It made me sick to see them together. He was an old bastard of 60; she was a young fresh beauty. I stood still wondering what he was doing with her. Then it hit me.

He was going to marry her. Use her. Then he was going to…………I wouldn't let it happen.

That bastard had done enough - it was time he met his own end.


A/N- I was really happy to see that a lot of people added this story to their favourites but not many reviewed. I'd really appreciate it if I got some feedback. Good, bad or any critique is always welcome! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!