She was angel, a pure being created by God to cleanse the Earth of human sin. He was a demon, a creature designed to negate the work of angels. By their very nature they were not to be together.

But she, like many of her kind, was a slave to her heart and fell in love with him despite their duties. She forced his heart to accept her and even love her, and he in turn, gave in to the emotions she put on him. It would only be a matter of time until one of them came to their senses.

Come back. Don't leave.

The words were on her lips, she only needed to say them.


She wanted to scream his name. Hell in her mind she was screaming his name. But he needed to hear it, he needed to hear it and stop. But she couldn't speak.

Don't do this.

Did she just whisper that? He stopped but didn't turn toward her. She was his angel, yet he wouldn't even look at her. She would have been hurt had she not been trying to force more words through her frozen lips.

"Please Dav—" She choked as his magic easily stopped the words in her throat. His magic and her own. But that couldn't stop her, because she had to stop him. And her time was running out. Any second he could take that last step and leave her forever.

She struggled against the magic, trying to stand and force him to stay. She would bodily drag him back into the house they'd made their home, if that would only make him stay. But she couldn't move, her body ignoring the commands of the mind and keeping itself from the danger only a few feet away.

He moved as she fought herself. Not a full step, just a twitch, but it was away from her. She felt the full strength of her fear and complete desperation as one last try lifted her off of the curb she'd been sitting.

As soon as she was upright, she ran full speed towards him despite the short distance, and burrowed her face in his leather jacket as her hands wrapped around his bare chest. She forced herself not to wince when their skin touched. She could handle this pain.

She couldn't, however, stop the acid burns that melted her skin like hot metal with the contact. Nor could she hide these burns from his eyes. His muscles tensed under her hands as he felt unwanted pleasure from her pain.

This was the reason he was leaving.

"No." His voice was rough, trying to hide emotions demons shouldn't even posses. He tried to pull her off of him as she hugged him tighter.

He succeeded eventually, he was so much stronger than her, and held her hands in his, beautiful eyes staring into frightened, wild blue. "Stay here, Azula."

It was his eyes she couldn't resist, a beautiful, bright emerald that shifted into a priceless gold. Cold, warm, hard, soft, she was the prey before the cobra when she saw those eyes. Now they held the same hopelessness that was there when she first saw him.

He kneeled with her as her knees finally gave out, setting her on the ground with surprising gentleness, before standing again.

After his touch faded away, the magic that had held her body still was back, stronger than before. She would not be able break it, not while he was here. Her time was up.

She tried again though, to speak. It was pointless, the battle was lost, but still she tried. He stopped her though, not with magic, but with the small shake of his head.

Don't say it Azula.

And then he was gone, disappeared into thin air, like the demon he was and promising only one thing. That she would never see him again.

Azula felt the magic as it left and the purity his presence had forced away began to return. But something else came with it. A sadness that filled every part of her soul. A sadness that replaced every thought in her mind.

Her head fell, with it tears she hadn't known she had. And before God and His people, she cried the pure, lost the tears of an Angel.

A/N: Okay, two people I asked to look over this had told me the previous version was really confusing unless they'd been told a longer version of the summery. I took the advice another writer had given me and tried rewriting it and this is what came out so here we go…

I would love any reviews on this story, I don't know if it's still confusing and if so, I need to know where. I realize that a lot of the story is the same, but I hope I cleared it up. I love reviews and I'm pretty good at responding to them (especially since I have so few T.T) so please review. Seriously, I do love any kind. Except flames, they leave a bad taste in my mouth…

~Wolfen Princess