I did this piece for a contest on y!gal, I hope people enjoy it, I will start loading some of my longer fictions as well soon.

A hound bayed and a great roar echoed through the forest. Clumps of snow slid from the needled branches of the pines with soft thumps, disturbed by the deep vibration of a few hundred voices. The hunt was on. Wulf stretched his legs one last time, then ran. His face was lit with a tricksters smirk as he flashed between the trees. He'd often been mocked for his slender frame, but no one could run like him. Now he had the last laugh, flitting soundlessly through the thick snow. None of those cruel fools could catch him, they were too heavy and too slow by half. Wulf would lead them in a merry chase until every last one gave up, exhausted and defeated. It was traditional after all.

Wulf had played the role of the Oak King at every winter festival since he'd been chosen at 14. Every year amongst the Northern Clans the longest day of winter was celebrated with the hunt of the Oak King and the crowning of the man who caught him, the Holly King. The Holly King would be richly rewarded for his skill by making use of the Oak King until the first day of spring in any manner he wished, washerwoman, cook, even as a bed warmer. However, if the Oak King remained free at the end of the day then he was given the finest cuts of any kill throughout the year and pride of place at every feast. It was a worthy reward for the risk of humiliation. The hunt began when the sun reached it's peak and any man who wished to join could do so, but they had only until the sun set to claim their prize. Traps and pit falls were forbidden, although Wulf had encountered them before, and dogs could be used so long as they were muzzled.

In the four years Wulf had been the Oak King he'd never been caught.

This year a number of the young bucks, as fresh to manhood as he was, had let it be known that they would put an end to his winning streak. He gave a soft snort as he leapt over a fallen tree, barely disturbing the snow when he landed. Wulf had already begun to make a series of false trails, clambering through dense undergrowth and over thick piles of decaying pine needles to hide his true path. Those bucks would be the first to give up. Too unseasoned to spot his real trail, they would undoubtedly wander for hours before forsaking the cold and returning to the festival fires.

There was a heavy belling of hounds once more. Wulf threw back his head howled in return, giving them a position to aim for as he made his escape. The bitter cold of the air burned at his chest and clouded his breath. He felt more alive than ever with the fast pounding of his heart in his chest and the hot taste of excitement filling his mouth. As he slipped between two enormous pines his furs snagged and Wulf tripped, a branch snapping heavily under his foot. Curses. He grinned wickedly and ran his hand through the pale gold of his braids. It wouldn't matter, the men giving chase were making so much noise that he doubted one more crack would be noticed. Carefully he unpicked the dark stray fibres the bark had pulled from his clothing. Wulf would leave no sign of his passage, instead he'd drop the hairs elsewhere to tease his pursuers. The young man chuckled at his own mischief.

"Oh my, what could be so funny little rabbit?"

Wulf jolted with surprise and whirled. No more than five feet away stood a tall, broad man. His skin was tanned the deep gold of the Northern Clans, but the rest of his colouring was entirely foreign and uniquely hansom. His hair was nearly black, but lit in the weak winter sun with flashes of red and swept in a short tangle of curls across his forehead, framing eyes of darkest forest green. The man was an oddity alright, and there was a fierceness to him and a strength that had Wulf preparing an escape route in his head. Carefully he took a step back. How had the man had come so close? Wulf didn't know, but he would not be caught.

"Mmmm, you are lovely, aren't you. A fitting gift to the Holly King, fast and clever." His voice was like deep, rich honey, soothing and intoxicating. Wulf swallowed back the fast beat of his heart from where it had risen in his throat. He tried to take another step away but the hot shine in those forest eyes held him.

"Who are you?" To his shame Wulf could do little more than whisper in the eerie silence that spread through the surrounding trees. It sharpened the cold, making it cut to the bone and sending a shudder down his spine.

"It's a shame you don't know me, little rabbit. It's been a while since I've visited these woods, the boys they used to send were so slow and weak….." A pink tongue licked the ruddy edge of fine, wide lips that curved into a wicked grin. "I'd much rather enjoy a good chase, it works up the appetite and sends the blood in the right direction."

Goose bumps ran from crown of Wulf's head all the way down to his toes. He couldn't look away from that lush mouth and the sinful promises it made. He took a weak breath and sighed the answer to his own question.

"Holly King."

"Clever boy. You'll run for me, won't you? My lovely Oak King." The predatory purr made Wulf tremble, he swirled with fear and something tight and warm that coiled in his belly until his guts ached. It broke whatever spell that kept him rooted to the spot and with a desperate growl he leapt back and fled.

He would have to be fast, faster than ever before, and clever. Who knew what the real Holly King would take from him? Surely more than a few months of humiliating service. The Oak King was a sacrifice, the price paid to gain a good spring. It was not a game any more, to bring the clans together and celebrate the change in the days from increasing darkness to growing light. Wulf moved over the snow with sure steps that were so light his passing barely left a mark. His mind raced he knew that he was close to the frozen river, he could make it look as if he'd crossed then double back. No. Too simple, it wouldn't fool the hunters, let alone a God. Perhaps if he travelled down the river itself. He'd reach the great lake, it was exposed but he'd see his pursuer from a great distance. Wulf could lure him to the honeycomb of caves that edged the southern shore and cut back into the side of the mountain. He knew those caves better than anyone and he might be able to trap the Holly King long enough for the sun to set. Perfect.

Wulf glanced over his shoulder, but there was no sign of his hunter. Good. With a sharp twist he slipped down the steep bank cut by the river, trailing chunks of ice and rock. Exhilaration shot through him and he lengthened his stride, breathing measured by each step. For a moment he smiled and wondered if perhaps this hunt, for all its risks, would be the best one yet. It wasn't far to the lake, not at the speed he was travelling. At one point he thought he heard shouts from behind, but his world had narrowed now. The others weren't worth his consideration, they weren't a risk but an annoyance he avoided without thought or hesitation.

He burst out from the pines and skidded onto the lake, his feet fighting to find purchase on the slick ice. For a stomach jolting second he over balanced, arms flailing and the ground titling towards him, but he managed to stay upright through sheer determination. Chest heaving, he stilled and let his heart settle. Wulf would have to be careful on the lake. It was frozen solid enough that there was no risk of falling through into the deadly cold of the water below, but super slick. A wrong step and he'd be flat on his back, vulnerable while his pursuer closed in.

With measured paces Wulf made his way to the centre of the vast expanse of frozen water, every slip denting the control he held like a fist around his panic. He was sweating despite the cold by the time he made it to his desired position. There was no sign of the Holly King and he let his eyes fall shut, whether in relief or disappointment, he couldn't tell.

"You certainly are fast." Wulf's eyes snapped open at the sound of the satisfied purr. That same wicked grin flashed at him, close enough he could have reached out and traced it with shaking fingers. "I can't help but feel moving onto ice was a mistake though, it's made you slow my little rabbit, cautious."

How? How, in the names of his ancestors? No, he knew how, for all his strength and speed he was a man. This was a God. How do you outrun the coming of spring?

"Can I outrun you until the sun sets?" Wulf surprised even himself with the question.

"No rabbit, but I would like very much for you to try." The rich chuckle was maddening, frustrating. It made Wulf burn and tingle, fear, anger and heat rolling from him. His lip raised in a silent snarl. "Run for me."


"Because the spring must chase the winter until its warm enough to melt. Don't you want to melt for me? Don't you want to be my Oak King?" Oh Gods, Wulf fisted his hands to stop them reaching out. He wanted to rub his body along that broad frame, to arch like a forest cat as it marked its territory.

"I.." He stopped before he made himself a liar. He took a deep, steadying breath and met the intensity of those green eyes with one of his own. He wanted to be the Oak King, he'd taken an oath to fulfil his duty should he be caught. To face the true Holly King was as exciting as it was terrifying, a challenge Wulf should have been prepared for instead of indulging in self importance. With a half smile he turned on his heel and ran.

His feet skidded on the ice, but Wulf ran faster and faster. His King wanted a chase and he wouldn't be disappointed. Every near trip, every slide with arms wheeling, took him closer to the shore, to solid ground that he could all but fly across. A bare step from the tangle of reeds and tree roots that edged the ice Wulf tumbled hard, rolling with the impact. He didn't bother to glance back as he scrambled to his feet, sweeping his braids from his face. Instead he threw himself back into a sprint. Now he was back into his stride, short breaths marking his rhythm. It was a dance now as much as a hunt, a celebration beating with the tempo of Wulf's pulse. The caves were forgotten now. Instead he ran towards the flashes of the setting sun between the pines, orange, pink and gold.

Wulf wasn't sure how far he'd gone by the time his legs gave up, exhaustion pulling them out from under him as he collapsed. Shaking cramps rippled down each leg and he curled into a ball of agony, burying his face in the snow. He sobbed as he frantically rubbed his calves, his sweat and tears thawing the ground. Heat ran down his spine and he arched back into a firm chest.

"I've got you now rabbit, that was wonderful. A perfect chase to warm the blood." Wulf whimpered and clenched his jaw. The heat began to spread through his body, bleeding into his muscles and bones. "Shhh, give it a moment. A run like that deserves just reward."

Lips brushed the soft flesh of Wulf's ear. He shuddered and the terrible cramps in his legs began to dissipate, soothed away by the fire in his flesh. Questing hands smoothed over his flanks and down to his thighs in the way someone might quiet a frightened horse. Wulf felt himself relax under the gentle ministrations, his heart still pounded in his chest but now it took a different beat.

"That's right, my lovely Oak King, relax…" The honeyed voice and tender hands sent a spiral of lust deep into Wulf's belly. He felt his cock filling and leaned into the large body that spooned him, twisting his face so his mouth could finally trace the rough skin of the Holly King's jaw. Demanding lips captured his own, spicy and unique, flavoured with life and vitality. He groaned and suddenly that body was on top of him, the hard bulge of the God's excitement grinding against his own. Wulf buried his hands in lush curls and wrapped his legs around narrow hips, lost in sensation.

Wulf had never taken a man into his body before, although he'd fondled and kissed a few of the clan men, it was what made him such a prize for the midwinter feast. He craved it now, his body hollow with need. Clothes were a mistake, a frustrating distraction and he tore at his own, longing to be filled. His frantic arms were captured and pressed over his head, that wonderful kiss ended and a passionate gaze pinned him.

"Don't rush me little rabbit, I want to savour you. So strong and slender, such pretty eyes and what a delicious mouth… I wonder what your other mouth will taste like."

"Please, Lord!" Wulf begged, he would do anything for that most intimate kiss. A throaty purr rumbled against him and Wulf shuddered, thrusting and rubbing their arousals together. The purr turned into a heady growl.

"I want to see you spread for me, exposed." Wulf nodded and his arms were released.

He made short work of his tunic, ripping the heavy woollen garment over his head, before unlacing his breaches, shimmying them over the his sensitive flesh as his cock burst free. He locked gazes with the Holly King as he kicked his boots off and his legs free. Slowly he gripped the backs of his thighs and pulled them apart, braced towards his chest. A grin of pure lust spread across the God's face as he watched, propped on his hands and knees. The Holly King lowered his face and darted his tongue over the nub of a sensitive nipple. Wulf groaned, his arms shaking as he remained still.

"Beautiful." The God licked his way over the firm planes of Wulf's stomach, stopping just short of the young man's weeping cock to dispose of his own tunic and expose a luscious torso. Wulf panted and moaned, desperate for the clever mouth to return to his body long before it did. That wicked tongue took a path along his inner thighs. It teasingly avoiding his member, then dipped down and down again, fluttering over his crease, just missing the tight bud of his entrance. Wulf ran his fingers over the scorching skin of the Holly King's shoulders, silently pleading. He was rewarded by the wet push of muscle and graze of teeth against his pucker, so pleasurable that he threw back his head with a shout. He felt the first breach of his insides with delight and pinched at his own nipples to heighten the euphoria as a calloused hand slipped over the head of his cock. One finger and then two thrust into him and he struggled not to spill his seed.

"So eager, my King. You're ready for me aren't you?" Through a lust addled haze Wulf looked at the Holly King and saw that the God was naked, his golden rod throbbing and stained ruddy. It looked like temptation itself and he longed for the thickness to be crammed into him. He managed a shaky nod and took hold of his thigh once more, spreading them as far as he could.

"Yes, Lord. Fill me."

With a satisfied smile the Holly King pushed forward, the wide tip of his erection forcing past the clench of Wulf's virgin hole. He gasped at the stretching burn, one hand scrabbling in the dirt and snow while the other clenched hard into the flesh of the God's shoulder. Inch by inch that incredible length sank into his body, never pausing until seated cheek to thigh.

"Mmmm, you're like hot silk, tight and welcoming. Perfect." Wulf flushed at the complement, those deep green eyes raked over him and he rocked slightly, eager to please. "That's right little rabbit, I'm going to take you now."

With that dark whisper the Holly King pulled back and slammed home again in a fast, rolling thrust. Wulf let out a shout of pleasure as the silken muscle within him pressed against a secret, sensitive spot. He never felt anything like this, each push was deeper, more punishing and more pleasurable than the last. Where was the pain he'd heard other speak of? The discomfort? He rode wave after wave of perfection, his amber eyes locked with green. Sweat slicked their bodies, mingling the scent of wild abandon, pine and something so purely masculine that Wulf couldn't describe it. Flesh slapped against flesh in a rising crescendo, a rhythm of passion and lust that crashed over Wulf until he couldn't breath, couldn't see, but was lost in screaming pleasure. His cock spurted jets of liquid over his belly, twitching until it was spent. A heated flood of seed bathed his insides, his Lord, his King, his God roaring in completion and collapsing into his embrace.

For a moment they were still, hearts pounding together, breath mingling. Wulf felt as if their bodies had merged. The snow around them had long since melted and he wondered if he had too. The Holly King laughed quietly and rolled, taking Wulf with him until they lay on their sides.

"You did very well, Oak King. I've never had a worthier partner. There will be a strong spring this year, a good summer too." A soft caress traced Wulf's cheek and he nuzzled into it, smiling. What had he ever feared? "You'll wear my mark now and next year I will come to you again, little rabbit."

Wulf frowned.

"A year?"

"Yes rabbit, are you not Oak to my Holly? I will have you next year too." The Holly King smiled and kissed Wulf's forehead.

"Oh. Yes Lord. Must…" Wulf bit at his lip. "Must it be a whole year until I see you?"

The God broke into a broad smile.

"I'm very busy rabbit, but perhaps I could visit. I couldn't leave my precious King alone all that time." Wulf ducked his head shyly.

"Then before you go…. Again?" He questioned, glancing through his lashes. Heat stirred between the pair once more.

"Anything for my Oak King……."