A/N: Dedicated to Christina coz she's a romantic loser.

His chest heaved a little; it became hard to breathe. Yet, he had to, and every time he inhaled there was a sharp pierce at his heart, like the tip of a knife imbedding itself into his being. He wanted it to stop. Wanted to burn the image and memory of her from his mind. He wanted to leave an empty black hole in its place, so that he wouldn't have to endure the pain of seeing her beauty captured by another man.

He placed a hand over his chest. It felt as if someone were tugging harshly at it, pulling it down into heavy nothingness. It was painful, and as his legs grew to lead he honestly didn't think he could endure any longer.

He blinked slowly and bit his tongue, the swelling tears going down vindictively. His fingers focused on their intertwined fingers and warm embrace, and the air became even more cold--if that were possible.

They kissed. He threw his head sideways, the sharpness in it biting at his neck like fire. He was breathing hard as if he had run across the world twice. The cloud of frost from his breath wafted up into the air and he stared dumbly at it. He shut his eyes tightly, clutching onto the fabric near his chest, his heart drowning under the weight of his soul.

They left through the door which they had entered. He stepped from behind his hiding place. He gingerly picked up the abandoned rose from the snow, brushing off the white crystals with a gentle stroke of his hand.

He felt denied and betrayed. More than that, he felt cast aside and neglected, not unlike the rose in his hand. Giving a shuddering sigh, he let escape a quiet sob into his hands. After several long seconds, he regained himself, and memories of his deceit entered his mind all at once.

Anger seeped into his mind and soul. He crushed rose harshly, the wilted petals falling to his feet. He eyed them disdainfully and pressed his heel into them, wondering if he pressed hard enough could he send them straight to hell.

Does it remind you of someone?? :0