Chapter 18

As the cemetery workers closed the coffin out in the field I noticed that Cynthia's face was oddly white. She looked so peaceful, quiet, and calm. Yet her face had no life in it. I've never seen her face like that before, so weird looking. Her eyes and lips looked like they had been sewn closed. Stephen came up to me and held me in his arms. Sukhi stood there. She was gaining on my height now that she was sixteen, "Mom, everything is gonna be all right. We have to get use to this. When we became immortal we had to accept the fact that we are gonna witness some people that we love dying. It's the way of life. But, you'll always have me and dad. And Abby and Harry will always be alive. Don't worry mom. You'll always have us, forever right?" She walked away to the food table.

"Forever. That's a long time Stephen. What are we gonna do forever?"

"Well, I don't know, but we can always keep track of the theories for "the end of the world" and then see which one was actually right. We can explore every spec of the world and read about all the inventors and amazing people that lived in our world. And you know what the good part about that is; we get to do it together."

I wish I could say we walked off into the sunset and then lived happily ever after, but sadly, we lived forever. We watched the people of Earth die in when comets hit our planet. One time, a comet was so big it covered an area the size of Texas. It killed over one and a half million people. And you know the worst part of it, it was when people begged for their lives and I didn't have to. They just looked at me with tears rolling down their cheeks and pain and suffering in their eyes and said, "Please, save me! I want to live so much longer! Oh god, please!" I've watched children die before they reached their fifth birthday. I've watched babies die before they even turned one. And I watched my daughter cry and try to save the lives of those poor mortal humans. I stood there and I told her, "There's no use. There's just no use." She begged me to let her kiss them but every time I would tell her, "We can't have so many people on this earth forever. How crowded do you think the world would be if everyone could live forever?" and then I would hold her as she cried in my arms and the screaming would continue.