Part II
Sam picked the lock on the window of the Montgomery house. She slid quietly through the window and moved through the dark living room. She was meant to kill a gang leader called Mathew Montgomery. Suddenly there was the sound of movement behind her and she felt something click around her wrist.
"You have the right to remain silent." Whoever it was using a voice changer but it was clearly male.
"Fuck." She muttered. He walked her towards the closet. When they got to it he put a blindfold on her and turned her around. He lifted her hand and locked it to the rack in the closet. She pulled against the handcuffs making her attacker laugh.
"You won't get loose." He muttered in her ear. She whimpered and bit her lip. He kissed her, making her teeth let go of her lip and forcing a moan out of her.
"Mmm, so you like this." He smiled and kissed her again, this time sliding his tongue in her mouth. He reached down and undid her pants. She gasped for breath when he pulled back to help her step out of her pants. He unzipped his pants and lifted her up so her legs were around his waist. Her underwear had come off with her pants. He used one hand to support her weight. The other slid down to rub her clit gently. She whimpered and let her head fall back in pleasure. He decided that she was ready for him and slid in slowly. She cried out, holding onto him with her free hand. Once he was all the way in, he slid back out slowly, groaning as he did.
"You like this, don't you?" he smiled. She didn't answer but moaned again. "I thought so." He sped up his motions, grunting as he leaned it to lick and suck on her neck. Sam suddenly moved her hips against him, forcing him deeper. He moaned in her hear.
"Keep doing that." He ordered. She repeated the action and he groaned again. He thrust faster, grabbing the back of her head and bringing her closer to kiss him. The hand on his shoulder turned into a claw as her orgasm approached fast. She cried out as his thrust became harder.
Neither of them noticed the door down stairs opening or the footsteps coming up the stairs. He stroked her clit when she started shuddering. A few quick thrusts later and she gasped.
"Josef!" she cried out when her orgasm hit. He reached his peak. The feel of his hot seed never came and she realized that he must be wearing a condom. She heard the door to the room next to the one they were in open and instantly dropped her legs back to the floor. He pulled off the blindfold and smiled at her before helping her pull her pants back on. Before they could get out of the closet Mathew Montgomery opened the door and blinked. Before he could move, Sam's knife was imbedded in his forehead.
"You did that one handed?" Josef asked, still panting.
"Yes." She smiled. "We should go before the cops come."
"Um, yeah we should." He turned to leave but she pulled him back.
"Handcuffs remember."
"Oh right." He unlocked them and pushed them in his pocket.
"I told you I'd get you back." He said, walking out of the closet.
"Yes you did. But you almost got us killed."
"I would be lying if I said I regret doing it though." She slapped him on the shoulder. "But tell me this, how was that any different from what you did to me?"
"Because I waited till we were alone, in your house." He shrugged and opened the door to his car for her.
"Well we can't all be perfect." He chuckled.
"No we can't, but now I get to get back at you for that."
"Are you complaining?"
"No, I'm not."
"Good. How are you going to get back at me?"
"If I told you that, then it wouldn't be a surprise." She chuckled and kissed his cheek.