This is my first story here. I hope people will enjoy reading this at least as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Any similarity to real people or to existing stories is purely coincidence. Constructive criticism is welcomed!
I couldn't have imagined a better summer than the one I had with Jake and our families. The first month our families – Jake's and mine, traveled together to France; we saw everything and did everything. The rest of the summer Jake and I hung out together – we had pool parties at my house and we saw every movie that was playing in every one of Sacramento's movie theatres.
Jake is my best bud; my only real guy friend, the one that always told me the truth, sparing my feelings, and the rock in my life.
My life is pretty much perfect – I have the best parents anyone could ever ask for and the two most fun, yet sometimes annoying, brother and sister. Jake's parents and mine met each other when we started to go to school together and we've been friends ever since.
Since high school, there were always rumors about Jake and I being together, but that was never true. He was my best friend and I never saw him like that; I'm sure he never saw me like that either.
I woke up this morning early – not like any other day of my summer, and was in a hurry to get ready for the first day back in school – my last year, I was finally a senior.
Jake and I met up in front of my house and continued to walk toward school; it was only about ten minutes away. I was nervously excited about my last first day of school.
"Are you excited?" Jake asked me cheerfully as we walked.
"You bet I am, can you believe this is our final year?" I was cheerful myself.
"No, I think that's going to take some getting used to…" he grinned.
"Yes." I nodded in agreement.
We reached the school and went into the auditorium to listen to our head mister's greetings. After that, we went to class; Jake and I shared a table, just like every year. People always asked me if we were dating, but that was always far from the truth. Jake was like another brother to me.
Biology was first, and then we had gym. What a horrible choice of subjects for the first day back in school, it was good I never failed in either of them.
I walked with Jake to lunch; we sat at a table near the window, next to a few of our mutual friends. I never noticed before that all the people surrounding the table were the ones we knew from elementary school. I wondered if I'll be seeing them again sometime, somewhere in the future, maybe I'll go with a few of them to college, or maybe I'll never see then again. That thought made me ache in my heart; I would miss Jake the most.
When lunch was over I walked to my next period without Jake; I had chosen literature but Jake didn't have it, he had Spanish instead. Jake wasn't much of a reader, unlike myself, I was obsessed with books and everything that surrounded cultural aspects. He used to say that people who don't like their own lives turn to books to find comfort, but I thought it was just a great way to experience things you would have never even thought of if you weren't reading.
I sat at my usual spot, and waited for class to begin. Then, walked into the classroom a tall, beautiful boy. He walked to the teacher's table and handed him a paper. He was different for everyone around him; he looked ashamed of something, as if he was unwelcome.
"Ah, yes." Said Mrs. Green, then she turned to the class, "Everybody this is James Andrews". Mrs. Green indicated to him to sit beside me.
"Hello" he said as he took his seat. He had an accent, a beautiful English accent, his eyes were green and blue, and his hair was brown and slightly messy. I noticed I was staring at him, gawking even. He was so beautiful.
"Hey, I'm Emma, nice to meet you James." I smiled at him
"Nice to meet you, Emma." He smiled back. His eyes had such deep warmth to them; they were kind and inviting.
Mrs. Green started her class then and interrupted our conversation. I wanted class to be over so I could continue talking to him, and it was weird because lit' class was my favorite…
The bell rang just when it seemed like the class would never end.
I turned back to look at James, "What's your next class?" I asked.
He smiled, "History" again, his eyes were wide with kindness and I enjoyed looking at them; I could do that all day.
"Me too, let's walk together." I smiled at him again, I might have even blushed, he was so beautiful.
We sat together at History as well, after James signed the teacher on his paper. This time he wasn't introduced to the entire class.
"Where are you from?" I asked James.
"Oxford, England." He grinned at me, his eyes looking child like.
I couldn't help but smile back, "What are you doing here?"
"My dad got a job offer and we moved here this summer" he replied.
"How are you liking Sacramento so far?" I asked him. He just made me want to keep asking and wanting to know everything.
"It's beautiful." His eyes were warm and kind again as he looked in mine. I felt as if I had a hundred questions to ask him.
The teacher silenced the class and began the lesson then, forcing our conversation to end, again. After class, we walked down the hall together.
"I'm done for today, how about you?" I asked James.
He looked at his schedule for a second; "Done as well" he smiled. Will his eyes ever stop mesmerizing me?
"Want to come over my house? Its a few minutes from here…" I hoped he would agree.
"I'd love to" he grinned and looked at me with his unbelievable eyes. We walked back to my house together.
Thank you for reading this far, let me know if I should write more. Have a great day!