A/N: As you noticed, last chapter everything resolved itself and this is merely the happy ending I needed to give Emma and Jake.
Thank you to 'anitasmiles', 'Miss Mysteries', 'Kayla Brown' and my most loyal reader 'Wanna-Be-MrsEdwardCullen' for the reviews!
Jake and I were getting married tomorrow, a week after our graduation, on June 12. No one really knew I was pregnant – only my family. My mother didn't take it half as bad as I thought she would, thanks to Jenny preparing her for it, dad was angry at me for a long time but he came around after I cried and begged for him to talk to me again. Kyle and Jenny were a little hesitant because I was dreaming about attending college, which wouldn't be happening now. But ultimately, everyone was happy for us. Jake and I had plans to move to San Francisco after I give birth so he could go to college. With the help of the compensation money he got we could live there for five years without having to actually pay for anything. I even considered a career in writing, which I never really followed that passion before.
My three month bump on my belly was starting to get noticeable. It was good I wouldn't have to see high school and the people in it anymore – I did like it, but I was ready for my life to begin as Jake's wife and the mother of our baby.
We still didn't know if it was a boy or a girl – I wanted to be surprised but we still thought about names every now and then.
Jake and I were sitting in my living room, awaiting my mother's dinner, talking baby names again. He had one hand over my shoulders and the other on my growing stomach.
"I like Daniel for a boy," I said.
"I like that too. How about Lily for a girl?" he asked, caressing my belly.
"Lily Taylor – sounds like a beautiful little girl," I smiled to him.
"Emma Taylor sounds much better," he smiled back.
"I'll be a Taylor soon enough," I reached and kissed him lightly on the lips.
"I can't wait," he kissed me again.
I woke up with a smile on the morning of my wedding – Jake stayed with me in my bedroom despite my mother's pleading for him to sleep at the guestroom – I couldn't be away from him. Besides, we never did anything the traditional way, Jake and I didn't have our bachelor parties and I got pregnant before marrying him so I decided he could stay with me the night before our wedding.
I buried my head in Jake's wide shoulders and kissed him lightly on his soft, warm lips before getting up and attending to my new morning ritual. My pregnancy wasn't very bad – aside from the fact that I threw up every morning and craved for spicy food at the middle of the night. After that, I put on my large bathroom rope and returned to my room, just as Jake was getting up from bed.
"Sleep well?" he asked me and walked over to kiss me lightly.
"With you – always." I smiled.
"I should go before your mom finds me here…" he chuckled lightly and kissed me again.
"I'll see you soon," I said and ducked my face in his shoulder.
"The next time we kiss you'll be Mrs. Taylor," he grinned.
I smiled and went to Jenny's room as Jake went back down the stairs to the guestroom. We were going to get married at our back yard – a reminder to the many days we spent there as kids, out innocent days, out happiest days – together.
"Oh, good, you're up," Jen greeted me with an enthusiastic smile.
"Good morning," I smiled back, sitting on her bed, resting.
"Yeah, yeah. I can't believe you're getting married!" she exclaimed and hurried from one side of the room to the next, picking up things I wasn't able to see.
"I know," I said truly.
"Are you excited?" she beamed.
"More nervous," I admitted.
"Don't worry, you can't mess it up – all you have to do is say is 'I do', how hard can that be, right?" she continued to say animated while running around.
"You're making me dizzy, Jen," I said to her, closing my eyes.
"Ohh, sorry," she stopped abruptly.
"Let's just get this over with," I said finally.
"That's the spirit, little sister," she smiled and yanked me toward a seat in front of her large mirror and began applying some makeup on me.
After almost three hours I was ready – the makeup, the hair and even the dress lay waiting for me to wear. Jake was already outside, with the rest of the family – my dad, Kyle and mom, who occasionally came to see how things were doing with me.
"You have to help me get into this dress now," I said to Jen, not knowing how to put it on without ruining my hair or makeup.
"Stand still," she said and somehow managed to put my dress on. I looked at myself in the mirror – white, flowing and long dress lay on my body and concealed any reminder of a belly. It had beading instead of straps that formed around my neck as a necklace. My hair was half up, in a wavy kind of way, and the rest of it fell to my shoulders in perfect brown curls.
"I look nice," I said and Jen's face fell.
"You look amazing, Emma – don't underestimate yourself," her eyes glowed at me when she said those words.
"Thanks," I smiled back at her.
"Sure, now let me wear my dress and we're off." She disappeared for a minute and came back wearing light purple, knee length tight dress – she looked amazing.
"Wow – you look amazing!" I said truly.
"Are you ready?" she asked with one breath, smiling.
I inhaled and exhaled, "I am," I smiled.
Jen put out her arm for me, I placed mine into hers, and we walked together down the stairs and through the door to the back yard.
Away from the pool stood a beautiful canopy, decorated with white and red roses and under it stood my Jake. He wore a black suit with a white shirt and a white tie – looking the best I've even seen him – smiling at me, his eyes smoldering.
I smiled at him and without even noticing began walking faster toward him, wanting to be next to him again. Jen held me tight and we walked together until the trail of white roses, where she left me next to my father, walking to the canopy to stand between mom and Kyle.
"You look beautiful," my dad whispered to me with a light grin and walked me down the aisle, though there were no chairs or people there. With every step I took, I could literally feel my heart beam faster and stronger, my unease from being away from Jake being abandoned until I finally reached him. My dad placed my hand in his and I just stared at his perfection.
We turned to the priest and I forgot everything while he spoke, speaking things I didn't really care to listen, until he got to the best part, the part I was waiting for.
"Jacob Allen Taylor, Do you take Emma Jackson to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" he asked Jake.
"I do." He said and smiled at me, not leaving my eyes.
"Emma Jackson, Do you take Jacob Allen Taylor to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" he asked me.
"I do." I said firmly, never once leaving my eyes from Jake's.
We exchanged our rings, that my parents picked out for us of course, and the priest continued.
"With the power I was given by the state of Sacramento, I now pronounce you husband and wife," he finished and I felt Jake's arms wrap around my waist as he leaned me down and kissed me passionately.
"I love you, Emma," he said and lifted us up again, still hugging me.
"I love you, Jake," I said back and smiled at him.
The sun set as we continued to out first dance together as a married couple. It was amazing, but I was relieved it was over, so I could start focusing on my life with Jake.
* 6 months after *
"Do you think you could manage to be faster? My wife is about to have a baby in the seating area!" Jake nearly screamed at the nurse that was supposed to treat us.
"Calm down, Jake." I pleaded and then squealed in pain as I felt another sharp pain below my huge stomach.
"You better get someone here – fast!" he screamed at her again and seconds later, I was being seated in a wheel chair, being carried to the room where I would give birth.
Jake was beside me the whole time, helping me push and calming me down until our baby was safe outside of my body.
"Congratulations, it's a healthy baby girl," the nurse said and placed her by my side.
I stared at the baby in disbelief – she was the most gorgeous creature I had ever seen – she had my thick dark brown hair and Jake's liquid green eyes. She looked puzzled at us while we both smiled at her.
"Hello Lily Taylor," Jake said to her, holding her tiny hand in his.
"You're beautiful," I whispered to her, caressing her arm gently and slowly.
Jake smiled at me and reached to kiss my forehead, wiping the moist hair from my face and reaching to kiss my lips.
Lily fell asleep shortly after and I made Jake climb to the bed with me – hugging me tightly to his body, finally being able to hold me tight to his body without a huge belly in out way.
"You're amazing, Emma," he whispered in my lips.
"You are too," I smiled.
"I love you Emma Taylor." He said and kissed my lips slowly.
"I love you Jake Taylor." I beamed at him and kissed him passionately until I couldn't feel anything but love again. All the pain was gone, our little baby was born and my life was changed without return. Lily would become my life now.
I had found my love, my life and now – my path as well. I was happy with Jake, we would be happy with Lily as our gorgeous daughter and I would never ever need anyone but the two people that made my world spin. They were my life now.
A/N: I literally burst into soundless tears when I finished writing this chapter – I just can't believe it's done, it's over, there is nothing wrong anymore. I love this one, please don't forget to review and tell me your thoughts about it.
I just though about writing a sequel as Lily's POV when she's 16 or 17, or maybe older… Let me know if it's a good idea!
Review please :)