


Enough said.

I stood in the line waiting for my name to be called out so that I could go up and collect my Diploma.

What was running through my head at this moment in time?

Do not trip, do not trip...

Can you blame me?

I looked out at the crowd, everyone was here.

Aunt Becca and the gang, Jimmie, Ryder and Kimmie, Aunt Marie and Mark, much to my happiness, Grams and Gramps...

You get my drift.

I felt my stomach squirm when the person in front of me was called up.

"Do not trip, do not trip" I chanted under my breath "Please don't let me trip in front of everyone"

I hear my name being called and I quickly looked down the line behind me, Ryan winked at me and made a shoo motion with his hands. I smiled at him and started up the stairs towards Uncle Donnie.

So far so good, I grinned up at a beaming Donnie, he handed me the Dipoma and shook my hand, giving it a little sqeeze. I couldn't keep the smile of my face as I made for the other side of the stage.

Still doing pretty good with this not tripping thing...

I spoke to soon.

I got to the steps that go down from the stage and was just about to step of but stood on the end of my gown.

I felt my self falling forward and my eyes automatically scrunched shut, but I didn't do a total face plant.

After few seconds of listening to the murmur of laughter from the crowd I noticed that I wasn't on the floor. I opened my eyes and looked up, Riley was stood there grinning down at me.

"Ryan and Resa asked me to stand here after I get my Diploma, I think the knew it was going to happen" He said shaking his head.

I sighed damn me and my clumsiness.

"Thanks Riley" I smiled at him.

"No problem" He replied and stepped back.

I was bit emotional today, even with all the crap that has gone on in the past year, I was going to miss school. I have had some of the best laughs here as well as met some of the most amazing people.

My teachers, Mr Burges and his stupid funny ways, Miss Carmichael and her frizzy hair and no nonsense attitude, Mr Philips and his eye brows that I set to flames...

Good times...

Then there was Fi, Damien, Leah, Liam, Aaron, Martin, Kiba and so on, all people I met through school and who mean a lot to me.

Things were finally looking good though, everything has just fallen into place.

Ryan and I had done some major talking, he had stayed over mine the night he had told me he loved me (Insert girlie giggle here) and we stayed up half the night, just talking.

I sometimes think I gave in to easily, I mean I had refused to talk to him one moment and then was letting him kiss me senseless the next. But that's just it, every time he kisses me or touches me or smiles at me.... I don't care about what had happened or that he hurt me pretty bad before we sorted it out.

Love. Glorious, stupid love, It's like feeling more than usual. Everything is magnified, every touch and word.

And yes I love Ryan more then I thought possible, I'm still reeling with the fact he has loved me since he was ten...

I mean can you love someone at that young?

Apparently yes you can.

The reaction every one gave when they found out about us?

It was like one big group sigh of relief, we got a lot of 'Finally's'.

What amazes me though, is not how badly we messed things up, but how quickly we sorted things out...

Well I suppose that's us for you, we were never one for originality.

I smiled and let my self be dragged into the many hugs and photos being taken, I laughed and joined in with the happiness that is graduation.

I took of my gown and slipped away from every ones hugs and congratulations. I walked up the steps of the school and walked through the empty halls, heading for the art room.

Once there I stopped to take in the familiar sents of paint, the lavender plant that is always sat on the window sill, and the other arty smells. I sighed and blinked back the sudden tears.

I walked over to the storage room and got out everything I needed and then walked out of the art room with out looking back. I just graduated, I should be happy, not sad.

I walked out of the school, going the opposite way to the sound of everyone who had just graduated. I walked over to the east wall, the wall that is only just noticeable when you walk into the school grounds.

"Hm, time to get to work Katie, there going to be here in a bit" I told my self.

I grinned and shook one of the sprey paint cans I had.

I stepped back fifteen minutes later and admired my work.

Not bad, if I do say so my self.

On the wall in medium sized graffiti writing, in red, blue and purple is a word, just one word.


Simple but sweet and there is also the smiley face underneath it, just think when people read it they will smile!

Well that was my goal anyway.


I'm quite proud of my smiley face... I shall call him Bob.

"Katie?" I jumped at the voice behind me and turned.

A smile graced my face when I saw everyone stood there.

"Did you do that?" Leah asked and I nodded and walked over to the different tubs of paint I had bought with me.

"Wow, Dad is going to flip his lid, still it looks way cool" Resa grinned and came over to help me remove the lids.

"Why though?" Jacko asked looking at me.

"So that they don't forget us" I replied and stood up straight "Who wants to christen the wall first?" I asked.

A few minutes later we all stepped back from, all with paint dripping from our finger and identical grins on our faces.

All of us had stuck our hands in paint and had put it to the wall surrounding the smiley face.

"So..." Riley trailed off and wrapped an arm around Resa.

"Yeah..." Alec smiled a little and kissed Fi.

"College" Liam said in a somewhat awed voice.

Damien chuckled and took his hand.

"Yeah college" He said and winked at me.

"It's going to be so weird not having you guys around" Leah whispered and I felt a small pang of sadness.

Leah and Jacko were the only ones not coming with us to LA, I was seriously going to miss them both.

I mean Jacko has been around near enough ll my life, and Leah was the first ever proper girl friend I ever made.

"I know, I don't think I can remember the last time we were so far apart" Jacko grinned at me but it was a little sad.

"But it will be OK right?" Fi asked looking at us all.

"Of course it will, it's just college, no big deal, your all acting like it is the end of the world, just think of it as a new beginning" Ryan grinned down at me and I smiled wrapping my arms around him.

"Ryan's right, were growing up" I grinned at every one and we all fell silent for a while.

And he was right, I mean we all have to move on at one point right?

"Nah Katie your never going to grow up" Alec said breaking the silence.

Every body started laughing, and I stuck my tongue out at him.

Maybe, maybe not.

All I know is that I have everything I need right here.

My family, my friends...Ryan.


Well in my eyes it's just another fun ride in my crazy, mad, confusing life.

Am I ready for that ride?

I don't know...

Are you?

x.... THE END..........





Or is it?





Nope, theres a sequal coming up yayyyyyyy! You all persuaded me with you amazing persuasion skills lol... So yeah keep a look out for:

The Fight For My Kiss. That's the tital for the sequal to The Search For My Kiss.

Katie: College style!

I have a two week course I have to do and it starts tomorrow, so it will be a bit of a wait till I start it and plus I need to go through it all and stuff... You know what I mean.

I also want to get this story Beta-ed (That really doesn't make sense but meh).

I don't want to write a sequal and have it come out totally crap compared to this.

I do want to thank you all though for the amazing support you have given me right from the beginning of this story. I never thought it would be as big of a hit as it is, so yeah Thanking you lots and lots like jelly tots!

Big thank you tooo:

bbyluv...Ruby Kart...CrazyInAGodWay...WritingWithChocolate...Kit Yami...PrincessCherokee...CrazyFrenzieLaughing...MyLifeIsMe...disappearing in the shadow...JordanAnderson...theskywalkeris...Miss Mysteries...fuwafuwafuwari...Till Tonight Do Us Part...Zeck-Zeecola8...Harlequin Friday...She Lovely...frizzle-tastic...Hydie...M. Pompey...inclinedcontradiction...ishani ...Dreams of death by chocolat...Sally n...Malia-In-The-Sunshine...SeaJade Song...Night Innocence...stereoskyline...Priscilla Shay...HighOnBrokenWings...KelaBelle...C. Regeling...Lupita M...lo...lit black hole...Dragonweave...xXx-Green-Tomatoes-xXx...hollywood fan...Kim Bertram...Summer Shadow...yen...jaci rae...

Wow that took a while lol... Any whoo major than you and I hope you all tune in and like the sequal as much as this one!

Tata from myself, Katie and the gang.... Until next time O_o

A Cookie For A Kiss ...x