I couldn't believe
How fast I fell for you.
I had promised myself,
I would never love again.
But who knew,
You would cross my way.
I look back now,
And all I see
Is an innocent girl
And a stupid boy.
Both of them
Clueless of how they felt.
Everyone could tell
That she loved him,
And he loved her.
But see she knew,
That all they could ever be
Is friends.
I'm not going to lie to you
I want to be that girl
Walking next you,
Holding your hand;
Loving every second
By your side.
I know that I became
Your stronghold.
I know that we'd be
The perfect couple.
And I know that I will always
Love you.
But there are so many things
Separating us.
So I ask you,
How could we be together?
How could I be that girl?
So please don't be sad
When I tell you,
That all we could be
Is friends.