ACT I: Scene 1
(Sundae is sitting in a chair in a therapist's office, talking to Dr. Austin, the therapist)
Sundae: I've always been screwed up like this. I don't remember one point in my life when I haven't been. I've never fit in with any crowd, I'm not normal. I'm not complaining though. Most of the people in my school are shallow and all the same. All the girls talk about is makeup and shopping, and all the guys talk about is girls. I hate them, I hate them all.
Dr. Austin: So you're saying you don't have any friends?
Sundae: Oh no, of course not. I have plenty of friends. Just not in my school, that's all. I've got Felicity, Charles, Tilly, Lilac, Parker, June…and that's only a few. I'm really popular actually, just not in school. I love my friends so much, but I despise everyone else. They're all just selfish creatures.
Dr. Austin: What about your parents?
Sundae: What about them?
Dr. Austin: How do you feel about them?
Sundae: I hate them so much. I hate them.
Dr. Austin: How about me? Do you hate me?
Sundae: (Says without hesitation) Yes.
Dr Austin: I see. So you're saying that you hate everyone else, every human being on earth?
Sundae: Yep. Everyone.
Dr. Austin: But Sundae, there's millions of people in the world you haven't even seen before, how can you possibly hate them?
Sundae: They're all the same.
Dr. Austin: How can you be sure about that?
Sundae: I've got people figured out. I know every thought that goes on in their head.
Dr. Austin: So do you believe you're psychic?
Sundae: (Stares at Dr. Austin, offended) God, of course not! I'm not crazy- I'm sick of people thinking I'm crazy!
Dr. Austin: (Tries to calm her down) Shh, I know you're not crazy, I didn't say you were.
Sundae: You asked if I was psychic! No body's psychic, I should know!
Dr. Austin: Alright, my apologies, let's get back to business. Tell me about your friends.
Sundae: What do you want to know?
Dr. Austin: Well, what do you do with them?
Sundae: Sometimes we go to the park or explore the woods. We have sleepovers at my house a lot, even on school nights.
Dr. Austin: With the boys too?
Sundae: Yes, why not? Is there something wrong with boys?
Dr. Austin: Well no, but most girls your age aren't allowed to have sleepovers with boys. Their parents don't allow it.
Sundae: My parents don't care. They never cares about what I do.
Dr. Austin: Interesting. Which of your friends is your favourite?
Sundae: Well, Tilly is. She's my best friend. She's beautiful, but she always says I'm more beautiful than anyone, and she doesn't lie so I guess I am. She's so kind and generous, she always compliments me. My mom hates her a lot though, she yells at me for hanging out with her…
Dr. Austin: Really? What does she say?
Sundae: She says that Tilly shouldn't be in my life and that I should make real friends, like she thinks she's using me or something. My mom wants me to make friends from school, but I don't like the people there. Tilly's my best friend.