ACT II: Scene 19
(Sundae enters a train station hurriedly looking around for a payphone. Spots one and approaches it)
Tilly: (Appears) Tsk tsk, someone ran out on Dr. Austin once again. She's not going to be happy with you.
Sundae: Leave me alone.
Lilac: (Appears and laughs) Haven't you realized it by now? We're never going to leave you alone.
Tilly: That stupid doctor can prescribe all the pills she wants, but we're not going away. We're here to stay.
Sundae: Whatever! I don't care. I just wont listen to you.
Lilac: I think that'll be fairly difficult, considering you're talking to us right now.
Sundae: Shut up! (Quickly turns away from them, picking up the phone receiver)
Charles: (Appears) Whatcha doing with that phone, Sundae? I hope you're not doing something stupid.
Tilly: Oh, no doubt she's doing something stupid.
Lilac: She's just a stupid, pathetic little girl.
Dr. Austin: (Enters, looking around before spotting Sundae) Sundae?
(Sundae doesn't notice Dr. Austin as she dials, then a voice is heard, sounding like it's through a phone)
Voice: You have dialed 911, what's your emergency?
Parker: (Appears) You're going to regret that, Sundae.
Sundae: I…I…
Voice: Yes?
Sundae: I killed someone!
Charles: What are you doing!?
Dr. Austin: (Slowly approaching) Sundae?
Voice: Excuse me?
Sundae: (Still doesn't notice Dr. Austin) Well not really. I didn't kill them myself, but they died because of me. It's all my fault!
Felicity: (Appears) Oh now you've done it.
Voice: What do you mean?
Sundae: The girls who disappeared, April, Nadine and Willa. I told my dad to kill them. I made him do it. They're dead all because of me!
Parker: You idiot!
June: (Appears) Sundae! How dare you!
Sundae: I'm crazy! I see people no one else does and they tell me to do horrible things! I need to be locked up, before I hurt anyone else! And my dad too, he needs to go to jail right now!
Voice: What are your names?
Tilly: Shut up, Sundae! Don't tell her your name!
Sundae: My father's name is Adam Marshall and my name is-
Dr. Austin: Sundae!?
Sundae: (Finally notices Dr. Austin and gasps, quickly hanging up the phone) Dr. Austin! What are you doing here?
Dr. Austin: You ran out of my office again, I came looking for you.
Sundae: What did you hear? What did you hear me say?
Dr. Austin: Everything, or just about. (Hesitates) Is it true?
Sundae: Is what true?
Dr. Austin: What you said on the phone.
(Sundae remains silent)
Dr. Austin: Sundae, you have to tell me! Is it true what you said? Did you tell your dad to kill those girls?
Sundae: (Hesitates before answering) Yes.
Dr. Austin: Oh Sundae…
Sundae: I know. I know!
Dr. Austin: But…why?
Sundae: They told me to do it!
Dr. Austin: They?
Sundae: My friends! They made me! I can't stop them Dr. Austin! They wont leave me alone! They never will!
Dr. Austin: You don't have to listen to them, Sundae! You can ignore them!
Sundae: No I can't! You don't understand, they don't bother you.
Dr. Austin: But Sundae, I know about these things. I went to school to study things like this.
Sundae: Reading books and writing essays doesn't make you understand anything! It just makes you think you know! You may have studied schizophrenia or whatever, but you haven't lived with it. You don't get it. You don't get it!
Dr. Austin: There are places you can go, Sundae. Hospitals that will make your problems get better. There's a solution to everything, you never have to lose hope.
Sundae: They wont be able to help me. No one can help me! I'm crazy! There's nothing anyone can do to make them leave me alone. Nothing!
(The sound of a train approaching is heard off stage)
Dr. Austin: Sundae, you don't understand.
Sundae: You don't understand!
Tilly: (Approaches Sundae) All you have to do, is jump.
(Sundae slowly walks to the side of the stage, as the train sound progressively gets louder. Suddenly jumps offstage, in front of the moving train)
Dr. Austin: (Shrieks) Sundae!
The end.