(At rise a person is laying on the ground, not moving, head between arms, then they look up and...)
Hello?!? (Silence) Is anyone there?!? (Silence) Hello?!? (Silence) Why? (Sit Up) Why must I stay here?... Why can't I be free? Silence... I'm in a room, no one is around, all alone, Silence... I am disconnected from everything; Everyone!... I Sit here, stand here, lie here; Silence... (On Knees) People pass but I can not reach out to them... I am, alone... I see them speak, I scream out but; Silence... I want to speak out, and connect to people but; Silence... So many people, but not one is listening... I am searching for an Island of Hope in a sea of never ending distress... For one person to hear what I have to say would mean the world but; Silence...
(Sit Back on the Ground, completely lost) So I sit here by myself and think about how things could be... I am Alone, Trapped; Silent...
(Head down, back to the position at rise)