I am back.... and at it again... sorry but i missed being on here. However I am writing on someone else laptop due to the early retirement of mine and this one does not have a button for the little quotation marks... so bear with me on this one.. also i am in search of a title for this story... i am open to suggestions... there are 20 pages already hand written for this one so we will see how long it is but i usually write short stories with a slight erotica bend to them..lol you have been warned..now enjoy

Chapter One

He who starts a conversation cannot forsee its end

I was leaving the building after the last group session. It was sunday afternoon and I was tired. I saw them approach and hoped they would pass me by. I could tell they wouldnt. It was the expression in their faces,pissed and righteous both of them. They looked like sisters. The older one had dreads pulled away from her face, her skin shone like ebony and her eyes were the color of good aged brandy. I knew she was older because she carried herself like she had the right... seen it all and done it all. The younger one carried the expression of an old soul and she was hugging herself , as if she was cold but I knew from the weather that it had to be cold from inner pain and not actual weather. She wore her hair in singles and she was wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt despite the Georgia heat.

Can I help you ladies? I said pulling my key from the lock.

yes we are here to see Dr. karnes the older one said stepping towards me. I was immediately surrounded by her smell and for a second I struggled to think past its intoxicating scent.

She left around noon. I was running the group sessions and they finished about an hour ago I said standing there. she took a step closer and said


Jonhson I replied

Look I really need help my sister showed up on my doorstep from New York two days ago. she refuses to speak to me, she isnt eating and when she sleeps she has nightmares. My mom isnt answering her phone I am going crazy. I would appreciate anything that you could do....Today

did you try talking to her Miss....? I said

Daniels she replied and added yes I tried to get her to go home she is not budging and I cannot forcibly put her on a plane as much as I would like to

I looked from her to the stubborn, angry and scared younger sister and humphed then I said I have already set the alarm so we cannot go back in there and I am only a councelor so I might be of no use to her but I will talk to her if you promise to stay back until I call you over.

she nodded desperate and I walked past both of them and figured they would follow. I walked to the little ice cream stand and got myself a mango sherbert. I smiled when I heard the little sister ask

can I get a vanilla ice cream? I nodded and got her ice cream . We walked towards the pond and I sat down while she stood licking at her ice cream. Miss Daniels was a few paces back just standing there looking over at us.

I knew from experience that most of the time with people its better to wait and listen when they are ready they will talk. so I looked at the pond and waited until she said

Look if you are trying to shrink me dont.... I smiled and laughed at that one. she looked at me like I was crazy so I explained

Girl please, I am just a councelor I volunteer with the shrink because I am too scared to get my own head checked but I want to help people and I find that listening to others helps me. I was adopted from africa when I was five and I lived in South Carolina with my adoptive parents, grandma and a slew of cousins before coming here. Shrink you, is the last thing I want to do. she stood there quietly and then she said

Aina and I were always close. we dont know any of our relatives since mom practically got disowned when she married my dad. He was african too you know. Ma beilives he just married her for a green card. He named us and when I was five he left us. I dont blame him I would have fucking left too. Every one left us now its just me against mom.

I waited patiently for her to say something else but she just looked out in the distance and licked her ice cream.

It must not be you against her since you ran here to your sister... might I add that from New York to Savanah, Georgia all by yourself is rather daring

Pleeze I am a grown woman you know ... I felt her get ready to give me the story so I motioned Miss Daniels over. She walked over to us yet she stopped within hearing distance giving her sister her space.

Does she have to be here? the younger sister asked flipping her braids back towards her sister and before I could answer she added

Its funny how you want to be here for this but when you turned 18 you couldnt wait to get the hell out.. didnt want to be around then huh...?she turned and squared off against her sister I moved closer in case of a physical altercation not that big sister couldnt take care of herself but just in case. I stuffed my whole cone in my mouth and waited

I hate you Aina! you just send a check every month, never call or show up. You are never there to see her blow the check on booze and boyfriends trying to forget her husband and oldest left her for the same reason, they both liked girls more then they like her. I heard Aina gasp in an oh my god kind of way but her sister was on a roll

You dont see me pick up after her drinking binges, cleaning up the empty bottles and occasonal puke. You are not there when I walk to the church to get a hot meal because there is nothing to cook at the house .How about when I wait until I get to school to have breakfast are you there then? do you care that I still maintain straight A . I hate it that you just send a card for my birthday with some money. You promised me you would protect me and keep me safe. Well you failed! she said breaking for air and trying to control the tears at the corner of her eyes.. she was shaking so hard from the effort ,then the fight went out of her and she said barely above a wishper.. where were you when her latest beau creeped into my room late at night and tried to rape me huh? You were not there. Then she did that pitiful I am near hysterics laugh and said Ironically it was one of your self defense moves that kept me from getting raped. I looked at Miss Daniels and the expression on her face broke my heart it was anguish and pain all wrapped up in one

Alile I swear I didnt know--- her sister caught her off

Dont you dare try that shit with me Aina Daniels you have been lying to yourself for so many years you actually beilive that shit now? She was drinking when you left did you think she was going to sober up because you left? No it just got worse.. I told her, you know I did. She threw a fucking bottle of vodka at me telling me not to lie about her man. she said I didnt want to see her happy. she fucking hit me, I never put my hands on her but I protected myself that day. The fucked up thing is you know what I was thinking about.... How you probably wouldnt know I was dead if she killed me that day. Life would go on for you and her.. you would keep making money and she would keep getting a check.

she started sobbing then great big wracking sobs from deep within her.

Aina went to her sister and hugged her while she cried she was a head taller then her and easily wrapped her in a big old hug. I just watched and felt kind of helpless.

I was inching away when I heard her call me

Wait I dont even know your name... could I have it and your number in case I want to talk again? the younger sister said running towards me braids swinging

My name is Aneesa I said pulling out a work card and writing my cell number on the back and giving it to her saying Anytime day or night dont hesistate and you should come to a group session if you dont like the one on one with the shrink.

I hugged her good bye and walked off when I was called back a second time I turned around and the older sister was pulling out a card from her wallet

please if there is anything I can do for you let me know thank you for this I cant thank you enough she said pulling me into a fierce hug wrapping me in that scent again

I put the card in the pocket of my skirt and added Its important at this stage to just listen to her and trust your instincts she loves you and you guys can move past this with some understanding and compassion. She nodded and went back to her sister and I finally got in my car and drove off. It wasnt until I got home and took a shower that I looked at her business card and gasped .... Miss Aina Daniels is CEO and founder of Naughtygirl Inc the company that I am cheif accountant at.