Granny's funeral was atense affair with my family crawling out of the woodwork like cockroaches when you turn the lights off. It was disgusting to see somany people there that hadn't been there for her when she was alive. I guess they all wanted their 5 minutes in the lime light and then it wasn't to talk about grams but about my life to the press.
Relax baby, Aina said holding my clenched fist
I took a few deep breaths.
We sang hymns and the preacher did her justice in his eulogy talking about her earlier days when she had been a young woman and a kind one.
Would anyone like to come up and say something.. he added and Alile stepped up.
Grams was a harsh woman by the time I met her, with a sick sense of humour and a mean poker hand. However you coud still feel the loyalty and love she had for her family and for her friends shining through. She may not have been the perfect grams buts she was damn good one and I will miss her. she got down and I smiled at her.
I didnt want to say anything because it would be nothing but cursing my ungrateful family. Samantha got up there and made a show about grams finally being forgiven for all her sins and that a few of us should learn that we shouldnt wait until death to get our ultimate pardon.
I ignored her and looked at her poor husband. He was in the pew with the children just trying not to look embarassed.
My uncle Joe was in the corner and he was drinking from a flask I bet it wasn't water.
My grams long standing lawyer was here too . It had been kind of him to show though we were supposed to meet him later for the will reading.
The service finished and he stood up.
If you all would remain in here for the will reading.
I looked at him and Aina who was smiling now I jabbed her with my elbow
Is there something you want to let me in on Aina?
Nope you'll see she said with that wicked grin of hers
we all sat back down. Once the wishpers ceased he said
Your grams wanted me to read this here in the church and so we shall honor her request.
I took a deep breath and hoped the letter or will wasnt full of curse words my hopes were dashed when he said she wrote it herself and insisted I read it just as she wrote it God forgive me.
I internally groaned and waited
To my remaining family I should leave nothing at all but I will because I cant take it with me.
My house goes to Aneesa the past few weeks I spent with you has made me realize you are the only one soft enough and who respects me enough to do exactly what I tell you to do with it.
Remember no selling and get the house back to its old luster. You might want to hire Celine for that and move her in so her beating cheating husband cant get his hands on her. Dont frown like that I know he aint come to the service and Celine every one knows just get away from him and you and that little spit fire jasmine will be just fine. By the way she is about Alile 's age. I looked around at my cousins who were all shooting glares at me samantha started to protest and the man went on
Samantha dont you dare say a word because I wasnt givng you that house even in your dreams. You are the most disrespectful gal I have ever met and whats worse is you are taking a perfectly nice man down a path he'd rather not go. The man you have is a pussy, sorry Mark but you are for letting her cheat on you with that bitch Diana and not saying a word. Now I want you to divorce your husband and let him keep the money and the children until you get that bitch out of your system. If you manage that you will get half of my money and you know you want it.
Aneesa gets the other half to fix up my house and pay Celine. None of you others are getting anything unless Aneesa wants to give it to you. With my luck though her soft behind will give it to you. Oh and Aneesa take care of Joe for me put him in that home you wanted me to die in that ought to sober him up quick, and once he is sober and back to his normal self you will find he is a lot like me just handier with tools and shit. Also say yes girl and live it up , be happy ,be naughty.
alright now I am sorry for cussing all in the church if I dont make it to heaven, i'll be back because hell wont want none of this here.
the lawyer took a deep breath and put the letter down and the church errupted in chaos. In the midst of it all i found the exit and rolled out laughing so hard . Thanks grams I said I really needed that. We got in the car and Athena said
your grams is nuts you hear me ?
yup i said and started to drive slowly.
This is grams house yall i said as I drove past it
wow its huge and it looks like with a little work it could be perfect
Yeah girl when I was little this house used to be the place to be, I am glad she left it to me I am going to fix it up and make it my get away place. I parked and got out to just look at the huge ranch style house with all that land and weeds.
How about we make it our honey moon place and we can work on it while we work on each other, Boy would love all that new terrain to explore. Aina said and I turned around not sure I had heard her right. She was on her knees in the dirt which would really stain her very expensive black pants. In her hand she held a piece of jewelry I recognized. then the man's words from the church rang in my head... say yes girl and be happy.
No she didnt I said gaping at it.
yes she did she told me she couldn't bear to throw it away she had been happy with it and she wished it gave us twice the happiness it gave her. Aina said her voice catching in her throat behind the emotion. My grams had been mother to us all and she had left Aina her wedding ring. A single teardrop diamond encased in white gold. the thing looked as big as it had in her hands and when i had asked her once why it was shaped like a tear she had said Its not just any tear babygirl its a tear of joy, those are the special ones.
Aina cleared her throat and brought me back to the present
Gorgeous female still on her knees waiting for an answer? she said
oh right well you have to promise to let me work and I want a kid but if you agree to those terms then yes I will marry you even thoug we are both crazier then grams for doing this. Before I had finished my sentence she had scooped me up in a fierce hug and I could hear athena and Alile making sounds of extreme happiness.
Then let us be crazy in love she wishpered in my ear before giving the kiss that bound me to her forvever.