I watched a seriously fantastic film that took place in Beirut at two-thirty this morning.

I was having some trouble sleeping again.

The movie was in Arabic and French,

But even those beautiful languages couldn't compare to your eloquent words.

I always love to read what you write.

Tomorrow, you're going to write a book because you think everyone's a little bit autistic.

I'm going to write this verse because I think everyone's a little bit bisexual.

You always love to read what I write.

That's why we're going to drive to the Smoky Mountains over spring break,

Then to New Jersey tomorrow night;

I'll write about every single instant that we'll fulfill.

You'll pull the car over and read what I have to say about it,

And you'll love it. You always do.

You'll love it so much that we'll get a nice house somewhere in between,

Fill it with a couple of kids, or animals, or both.

We like adopting things like catchphrases, kittens, and old dogs.

I'm going to cook for you all the time because I think you're perfect.

You'll love it.