Small town

She said "I need to get out."

Get out

Get out of my head

Get out of my buy one

Get one free deal

Get out of my schools

Get out of my country

She cries "Get out!"


I don't see any of your

Little black-eyed

Blue-eyed children

Children with smoke in their hair

I don't see 'get out'

Written anywhere

Anywhere you want me to be

Anywhere they watch with their

Blind eye

Circle eye

Anywhere they don't expect it.

In a small town

Take her for example

With her two cents free

I don't see her


I don't see her "Get out!"


I see her small town

Street clown

Cardboard sign

"Get out of my fucking head!"


Like maybe this small town's going off the edge

This could be anywhere

This could be your deal

Deal with the devil

Deal in a small town

This could be you getting lost trying to Get Out of
