I never thought to much to me getting a happy ending. To me they weren't real and what you had was the best it was going to get. Despite how much you preyed and wished it never was going to change. I then found out I was wrong and this is my story.
It was a beautiful sunny day and I couldn't ask for anything more wonderful then that for a week off school so that meant a week home. It wasn't much of a home anymore really. I mean I didn't have any real family there, but to me San Diego was home. I was in the Navy for three years and San Diego was were I was stationed. When it came time for me to leave I knew that I wasn't leaving. I had ship family there and I liked them better then most of my real family.
Wow I am getting way off track back to the story…
So it was a long drive from my school. I went to a school for marine navigation and I knew that is what I wanted to do with my life. I pulled up to the gates to the naval base and went to the pier were my old ship was, waiting for my buddy May to get off work. I had some music on reclined back in my lifted jeep. I had my eyes closed and I felt a large hand cover my face.
I sat up right away prepared for everything, except what came next… it was Mr. Gene. He was my old division officer and a Greek God. He was beautiful in every meaning of the word. He had dirty blond hair and was very toned and built and these perfect eyes that changed colors depending on his mood. I felt me cheeks starting to flush, but it was anything except surprising because blushing around him was like a sport for me.
"Ms. Lee, long time no see," he greeted with a sound of almost happiness in his voice.
I gave a slight smile, "You're telling me Sir. How have you been?"
"Ms. Lee, you're not in the Navy anymore you don't have to be so formal," he corrected me laughing at me.
"Well Sir, as soon as you stop calling me 'Ms. Lee' I will stop calling you 'Sir.'" I was so proud of myself for two years down and I was still good at keep the comebacks coming.
"Ok Trisha you win."
I was not longer proud of myself… I was stuck that he remembered my first name. I mean the last name was a give me because he address me that way for two and half years. "Alright Jeff. So how have you been?"
The smile returned to his face while his eyes were shifting from a light brown go a deep green. "I have been good you know just working. How about you I heard you were going to school north of here?"
I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks again. I never could understand why he had this affect on me. I have been around men my whole life, but he was the only one I ever cared about how I worded thing around him. "Yeah I am studying marine navigation, but I think you already knew that."
"Well I figured you weren't going to stick with engineering. I mean you did get out a year early because you hated it. Also remember I always found you when you were hiding on the bridge. If you ever need help with it let me know I am pretty sure I will be helpful."
The blood was draining now, so I really felt better talking to him. "Thanks I will be sure to keep that in mind. So, big plan this weekend?"
He gave a half smile, "No I think I am looking for something new to do. What about you? Ms. Hall hasn't stopped talking about you coming down."
I started laughing because I found no problem in the world about that being true, "Relax and sleep tonight, it was a long drive. Then off-roading tomorrow to get the jeep dirty."
He raised an eyebrow at me like he was so surprised that I said that, "Off-roading, huh?"
"Yeah it is so fun… Don't tell me you have never gone before." There was a long silence were his response was suppose to be. A split second of silence made me go mad and without thinking or the ability to stop myself I said, "Oh you have to come along then. You said you wanted to do something new. Just wait, you'll totally love it!"
My complete embarrassment was slapping me across the face over and over again so loudly that I almost missed his reply, "You're right I do want to try something new. So yeah I will go with you. This is my address and phone number, just give me a call when you're on your way." I started focusing again just in time to see him grab my GPS and put his info into it. He put my GPS back on my dash and started backing away from my jeep, "I have to go. I will see tomorrow."
I watched him walk away from my jeep then get into his little import and drive away. I sat in silence for a moment and I began to wonder what I was doing. Thinking back to past conversations he always said he like stupid skinny blonds. I am not stupid and I am not fat by any means but I knew how to put a cheeseburger away. So how was I supposed to show this borer-lined perfect creature a good time?