The first day back was pretty long, and so was every day after for the rest of the week. I was happy Friday came. I could spend the whole weekend at home, and have nothing to worry about. I had just finished my exam when I heard a couple girls talking in front of me. I don't know their names and I didn't really care too. In my class was looked at like a bitch. Anyways I heard them talking about a great looking guy standing outside the building. Then started giggling about going and talking to him.
Time was up with for the test, but I didn't really care I had finished my exam forty-five minutes ago… I just had nowhere to go. Everyone hurried with packing their things and running out the door. I took my time and stopped to talk to my professor about a project coming up. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I walked out the door. The air smelled so fine with a breeze coming off the ocean a hundred yards behind me.
I exhaled and opened my eyes and saw the giddy girls from my class crowding around the guy in front of the building. I started shaking my head and laughing at them then from the center of the crowd I heard, "Trish! Trish, please wait up for me?"
I knew I knew the voice, but I felt completed to turn around to see if it was who I already knew it was. "Jeff?"
I stopped and watched him push his way through the sea of girls surrounding him as soon as he was free he ran toward me, "Wow, you were in there forever. The lady behind the desk said you were taken an exam… I thought you would have been out an hour ago." He had laughter in his voice.
I felt compelled to smile, but I kept my face firm "I did finish an hour ago, but I waited to talk to my professor. I am just going to ask so you can be on your way. What are you doing here?"
He cleared his throat to erase the laughter, but he couldn't get rid of the smile on his face. "Well you just get right to it huh? Well I didn't like the way we parted the last time we saw each other. I know how it looked and I know I left you by yourself for a long period of time and I am so sorry for it all. I am here to tell you that. Tried to call you and talk, but you won't take my calls."
I didn't want to listen to it, "I knew it was you that is why I ignored your calls. I don't care about what it happened, so you don't have to explain anything. Now if there is nothing else you can get home before traffic gets bad and leave me alone."
Hi smile was gone, but there was no sign of him surrendering in this argument, "I am sorry Trish, but I can't do that I am off until Tuesday. I am not leaving until you give me another chance."
For the first time since I first saw him I made eye contact with him and I slowed down so that he could start walking beside me. "You seriously came all the way up here to see me?" I looked at him to get a soft smile and a nod. "Well I have to say I didn't expect that. So where are you staying?"
"Well to be honest I didn't get that far, seeing you was the first and really the only thing I could think of doing," he said looking down at the ground.
"You had to have rehearsed that," I responded with laughter. "Well go grab your car and you can follow me home. You can crash on my couch, but don't you expect anything."
He looked up at me with such light in his eyes, those beautiful perfect eyes. I waited for him off of base and he followed me as I drove home. I had a nice sized apartment, and it was all mine and not in a crappy neighborhood. It was a left over perk from the navy, all I had to do was go to school and they paid my bills. I opened the door and lead him in. he looked around like he expected something to jump out and eat him.
"It is safe I promise," I said as I headed into the hall to grab some blankets for him on the couch.
"I was just looking around. It is actually a pretty big apartment for someone to live by herself in. Do you have a roommate or something?"
"No, I like being by myself. No one can let you down that way," I bit my tongue after I said that. "Oh sorry that wasn't a shot at you."
I heard him laughing, "Yeah I know it wasn't and I know what you mean. So, any big plans tonight?"
I stayed quite trying to avoid the pink elephant in the room. I walked back into the living room and saw him staring at me for my answer, "No, just relax after along week of exams."
He smiled, "Alright I will cook."
He did too, that whole weekend he did. I kind of enjoyed having him around what was normally empty apartment. He kept to my rules very well; he didn't even try to grab my hand once and always sat away from me. The living room started to have his smell everywhere, and sadly it was comforting. I wasn't mad at him anymore and I wanted him to stay he had to leave the next day in the afternoon.
"Can I ask you a question," I asked.
"You know you can."
I gulped and let it come out, "That day when we were suppose to go out and you ran into that girl… can you tell me who she was?"
He shifted his weight so he could look straight at me. "She was a loose end. I dated her twice and I knew I didn't want to be around her. I had no conversations with her worth remembering. Then I found out you were coming home to visit and I remember how much I loved talking to you. You asking me to hang out with you was just luck, but I was going to ask you out if I saw you.
"So when we went out and we ran into her, I tried to tell her that I didn't want to be around her. When you left I seriously felt something inside me break and I knew I had to fight for you."
Well that wasn't quite what I expected, but then again he had the surprise card playing in his hand every time I dealt. There was nothing but silence between us for several moments. I was wishing to read his mind again, and I think he was making that same wish to himself. He scooted closer to me and came close to me and kissed me cheek again. I felt so soft and I felt my face get hot.
I looked at him as he pulled back and made eye contact. His eyes were greener then I ever had seen before. I watched as the green got closer and then disappeared behind his eyelids and he placed his lips on mine. I sat still, fearing that if I made any sudden movement it would end. He kept it soft, he didn't try to deepen it by any means and I sat and enjoyed every second until he pulled away.
"I would say 'Sorry' but I am not. I have wanted to do that for years."
I scooted a little closer to him and said, "So have I. Please don't apologize and do it again."
I didn't have to ask again, he placed his lips on mine and this time I returned the kiss. I pushed into it a little so he knew it go a little farther. His hands were running through my hair and my hands were playing with the bottom of his shirt. He pulled back again and this time I looked at his eyes they looked so focused.
"Are you sure you want to do this? We can stop right now…."
I placed my index finger over his lips and said, "If I want to stop I will let you know. If you want to stop you tell me ok."
I removed my figure from his lips and placed his on mine again except holding nothing back, including his body. He was on top of me and caressing the side of my face and I start playing with his fuzzy hair. His lips move from mine to my neck. I let out a soft breath so egg him on. His hands were working my body; it felt so good that I actually let out a moan.
I pull his shirt over his head to expose the body I always wondered about when I would look at him. His body was so cut and toned the way I knew it looked. I started smoothing my hands over the newly exposed skin to remember every ripple of muscle. He pushes my shirt up to my neck and starts kissing on my stomach. I moan again to let him know he is on the right track as he moved to my bra.
He removes my breasts and places his mouth on my nipples and starts to suck on the left then the right. I moan again, louder to let him know that he is doing everything right. He sits himself up on his knee to give me space as he pulls off my shirt and bra. We close the space between at the same time to kiss once more, this time with strong passion. He picks me up and carries me to the bedroom and lays me on the bed.
He kisses from my lips down my neck past my breasts and to the rim of my jeans. He undoes my pants slowly and leaves me in nothing but my underwear. His figures start running across my clit and I can't stop the moans that escape my lips. I feel my juices flowing and my underwear is soaked and I know he knows. I push him so that he stands as I sit up before him at eye level with a bulge in his jeans.
I take the lump in my hand and I feel his body shake. I softly stroke up and down as I work to remove the clothing left between me and my prize. It is bigger than I imagined it was. I stroked the shaft a little faster if a slightly firmer grip on it. I hear he taking deeper breaths and they are my encouragement. Then with an over whelming yearning I placed it in my mouth and began to suck.
When I placed his dick in my mouth I heard Jeff take a breath and moan in pleasure. I bobbed up and down on his hard dick and worked the shaft up and down. I don't know how long I did this, I did it until I felt him softly push me to lay down as he removed my final article of clothing… my panties. He knelt down and kissed his way from my knees to my pussy. He ran his tongue over my clit and ever so slightly sucked on it. I started moaning so load and I couldn't do a single thing to stop myself. My back arching in pleasure I didn't want it to stop.
He backed away and slowly climbed on top of me. I felt his stiffness working up my body and I wanted it in me so badly. As bad as I wanted it I wasn't prepared for when he shoved it in. My body went to eight different directions of bliss at once. He started off going slow never breaking eye contact with me. His eyes are such a perfect color; he was looking at me like I was the only thing in the world. I felt his trusts get stronger and deeper inside of me.
His firmness inside of me and getting deeper and deeper. My back arching and my nails digging into his back. I am screaming now telling him not to stop that I am so close to mine. My screams and moans are silenced by his lips on mine. He is putting so much passion into the kiss and him inside me. Passion that I didn't know that someone so beautiful was capable of. I break the kiss to arch my back uncontrollably.
I feel Jeff put his face into my neck while he is taking deep breaths. His warm body closer to mine and finished me off. The climax was like seeing the green flash for the first time. Intense, something you feel in every square inch of your body and still feel long after it was over. A smile rises on his face I assume from self satisfaction, knowing what he just accomplished. I quickly recover myself to prepare for the roughness I expect from him, but it never comes.
He keeps the same pace and places his face back into my shoulder after a quick kiss. His body quickly starts to shack and I know his end is near. His breaths start to get deeper and finally he pulls out as he finishes. I keep my hand on his back as he stops shacking. He collects his breaths and turns to look at me, and then lies down next to me. We keep eye contact until mine shut from exhaustion.
He pulls me close to him and just feeling our skin touch again is enough to give me goose bumps throughout my body. Ever so softly in my ear I hear him whisper, "This is not me saying 'I love you' and I am not trying to rush anything. I know about what happened in your past relationship, I simply want to tell you that I am willing to try. It was hard not having you in my life for two years and I do not want to know what it will feel like again. So as long as you want me… you'll have me."