"It feels so much better to be off those damn crunches." Josh smiled at Roni as they walked in the mall with Leslie and Nic.
"You're still cripple." Leslie grinned.
"I want some nuts." Roni said walking over to the stand they were at the last time they were in the mall.
"Sure." Josh said buying her some.
"So what do you think it was?" Roni asked popping a nut in her mouth as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean like after your mom passed then my boyfriend cheating on me and your girlfriend being gay. It all happened so fast."
"Yeah it did. We got into arguments, had sex together and had fun."
"It doesn't even feel like we were apart."
"Yeah I know. Your mom is home getting remarried to your dad. Everything is falling back into place."
"Yeah everything is back where it supposed to be."
"And it feels damn good."
"Like I was saying what do you think happened?"
"Maybe it was… fate. Fate brought us back."
"Hmmm yeah you could say that. I guess we had to go on a bumpy road."
"What do you think it was?"
"Well I think it was your mom."
"What?" Josh asked chuckling.
"Faith brought us back."
"Are you kidding me?"
"No think about it. She called my dad to let me know. I knew and because of her we seen each other again. I just think you should say Faith instead of fate."
"But it was fate."
"How do you know it wasn't just by chance?"
"Because I know your mom would do something like that. Call my dad just to get us back together."
"Well she didn't really like Lisa. She loved her but she always told me I would always be with the one I love the most."
"Well see that's proof."
"Not enough to prove my mom was up to it."
"Trust me I know Faith is looking down with a huge smile on her face because we worked things out and now we're back together like old times."
"Fine I give up."
"Say it."
"Say what got us back together."
"SAY IT!" She screamed turning heads of strangers.
She giggled as he told her to be quiet.
"Faith brought us back."
"I love you." Roni said wrapping her arms around him.
"I love you too." He said looking down at her.
Roni smiled and giggled at the same time as she pecked his lips.
He leaned down for a real kiss and Roni kissed him and spit 2 nuts in his mouth.
"Aww did I nut in your mouth?" Roni asked laughing.
"That's real funny." Josh said laughing with her spitting the nuts on the floor.
"Love you babe." Roni said finally giving him a sweet sensual kiss.
"No PDA here please?" Leslie begged.
"Come on. It's cute." Nic grinned.
"I love you Josh."
"I love you Roni."
"I love you more."
"No I love you more."
"No I love you even more."
"I love you 3 times infinity."
"Well I love you infinity times infinity cubed plus infinity to the thousandth power."
A/N: Okay personally I think this is a sucky epilogue. I'm going to miss writing Roni and Josh but be sure to check out my new story that I will be start soon. I hope you guys liked it. Please review! I love you all that have reviewed at least once Broken Lies, Sandyness, Devoted reader 12, Sapphyre Nymph, Autumn, Anonymous D. Disclosure, Kenyakemya. Hugs and kisses for taking time out of your precious lives to review my story. Love you all.
Love silent-crys-