So there he is: Josh finally arrived to Japan, alter a long flight of 18 hours delayed because some random health inspection. And I don't even want to talk about the cold January wheater, completly different to the sunny Californian days that Josh knew and loved.
-God, what the hell am I doing?- Josh said to himself, while thinking in the reason that leaded him to make this unusual trip, to this weird foreign country
It was just one short scale, with only one simple goal: Deliver a packet. Yeah, he could just send it with some Professional company, but no…Miaka wanted something else.
Miaka; One of those women that you just find once in the lifetime. Josh met her a couple of years ago, in the LA zone, and they matched instantly: It was pure, it was magic, it was love.
Josh had to go to some little city in the North; It was snowing, and Josh was feeling a little sick because of it; Damn it, he was tired, he was getting sick, and he didn't even was comfortable with the little space in the train; That will hurt his back one of those days.
-Miaka, you little bugger, I hope you appreciate this, or else…- Josh thought
It didn't take too long to finally arrive to his destination; Toyama, the little hometown of Miaka, and her father. Now Josh was really nervous to meet him, at last.
-Well…It's just like Miaka described it…-
With a note and some directions, Josh found Mr. Imamura's home, Miaka's father, and with nothing but a briefcase and a lot of stress in his shoulders, he announced himself to Mr. Imamura, knocking on the door.
-Mr. Imamura, it's me: Joshua Horwitz…-
-Oh please, come in, and sorry for my broken English.-
Josh entered to the humble but neat Imamura's home; The house of a lonely man, with no one in the World but his memories.
-I think you know why I'm here, Mister Imamura.-
And then, Josh gave him the briefcase; Inside, there was a photo album, with pictures of Miaka, her father, and Josh.
-I know how much Miaka would appreciate this detail, I think you want it back.-
-Thank you, Mister Horwitz…I barely knew you, but…I know how much you loved my dear Miake, and how much she loved you in her last days…-
Josh spent the evening with Mister Imamura, talking for hours about Miaka, and how much they miss her, and as the sky was getting dark, Josh knew he has one last thing to do.
Outside the city, there was this little temple, where the visitors can make a wish if they write it down and put it on a shrine; Maybe some crazy fairy tale to attract tourists, but he had to take this chance.
A humble and simple message: "Miaka, please, stay in our hearts and memories forever…"
Josh knew that what he felt couldn't be described with words, but that was better than nothing, and at least, his soul felt some relief, and freedom, a way to close a chapter in his life, and after that little homage, Josh was ready to take the train and return to the Tokyo Airport, because, after all, he knew it will be a really long trip…
NOTE: Yeah, this is my first story in English, so please be nice, and by the way: To all the otakus and Japan lover's, please excuse me if I made some factual mistakes, I'm afraid I'm what some of you would call a "western demon"…See ya XD