My Claimer: I DO own Johnny and Kevin and you may NOT use them without my permission...grr.
Johnny's eyes furrowed at the sky darkening above him and his friend.
Kevin was swinging back and forth, his eyes closed and smile wide.
Somewhere in the background thunder rolled, the light from its cause not reaching the boys.
"Kevin..." Johnny whispered softly, his hands clenching the chains holding up his seat and small being. He hesitantly looked up at the other boy who looked as though they were about to swing over the top. Instead of doing that though, he came to a slow and looked over at his best friend.
Johnny dropped his gaze to his boots and whispered out to him, "I don't want to go home..."
Kevin tilted his head, "Why not?"
"Because..." he bit his lip, "I don't want to lose you."
"You won't lose me..."
Johnny closed his eyes, causing them to burn from holding in his tears, "But they're going to take me away from you...and...I don't want to be away from you. You make me happy Kev...I don't like being sad. I don't like being away from you."
Kevin gave the boy a strong and stern look before sighing, "I wish I could stay with you but I have my own family to be with. We've been friends since we were little but if you have to go than go...I don't want to hold you back from life John...It'll suck not to see the world-"
"You are the world!!" Johnny yelled as he stood from his swing, "But you don't seem to get that!" he began to sob, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Why don't you see I can't stand being without you?"
Kevin's expression was unchanging. A wind blew by him, mussing his bed head even more. "Go home's about to rain. You can smell it can't you?" he questioned.
"Ah!" John yelled, entangling his fingers with his own red hair. "You know what? Never mind! I hate you!"
"Why? Because if you trick yourself into hating me it'll make it easier for you to leave? If so than go ahead...hate me. Because even if you do, you will always be my best friend."
John began to breath heavy, his attempt to keep his fit at bay. The cold warning wind brushed past his red vest and green cargo's causing him to shiver. Kevin had to bite his lip to prevent himself from hugging the redhead, to keep the cold away like he usually did. John saw this and frowned even more, "If that's how it's going to be...than fine...go ahead...I hate you Kevin..."
He turned and began to run, his eleven year old legs, carrying far away from the boy sitting on the swings. The rain began and still Kevin sat there. Eyes on the ground lip still between his teeth.
"I'm glad you hate me..."
He stood from his swing, rain penetrating his white shirt and jeans. "You won't need me anymore and now only one of us will suffer." He smiled sadly. "That's good..."
Slowly...he walked home.