My Claimer: I DO own Johnny and Kevin and you may NOT use them without my permission...grr.

Angry…scared? Johnny was definitely freaking out. What in the world was Kevin doing? He didn't agree to this, he agreed to practice kissing for when he decided that maybe he did like a girl. Right away Kevin's mouth was at his neck, biting and sucking. Johnny continued to try and push him away but Kevin seemed a little too persistent.

Definitely angry at Kevin for taking this too far but also scared he was going to be raped then and there. He panted the suction and stinging on his neck feeling much too strange and foreign. He suddenly let out a loud yelp, feeling Kevin's hand begin fiddling with his jean button and tugging at the hem. "Stop it!" he cried again, this time bringing back his leg and kicking Kevin away into the TV stand, his head smashing against the screen., the TV blacked out and Kevin slumped forward…dead!

"Ohshitohshitohshit…" Johnny muttered, body freezing, mind reeling. "Kevin?" he called out to the lifeless body, a foot going out to poke the boy in the thigh. "Kevin…!" he said, more loudly this time. "Oh shit…" He swallowed thickly before crawling forward towards him and grabbing his wrist to check a pulse. A vein throbbed under his touch and he let out a sigh of relief. "Oh god…what do I do…I mean, it wasn't my fault, he was molesting me, it was strictly self defense!" Johnny looked back at Kevin then sighed.

He stood up and bent down, hooking his hands under Kevin's armpits and lifting him into the air with a grunt before quickly dropping him on the bed and adjusting his limbs so he looked…at least a little bit comfortable. Why were thin guys heavier than they seemed? Johnny put his hands to his head and grabbed a handful of red hair before looking at Kevin again. He was still angry at him…still frightened and shaken up but he hadn't meant to knock him out. He calmed down then dug in his closet and got dressed, looking back at Kevin paranoid, every once and a while as he changed. He pulled on his hoodie last then walked to his desk and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen to write Kevin a note. He took in a shaky breath then left.


Kevin woke up and everything was blurry. And white. He blinked and rubbed his eyes a few times before sitting up and wiping away the crap in his eyes. Blinking a few times and squinting really hard he finally began making out shapes before things finally began to clear. It took a while but he finally realized his was still in Johnny's room. "Oh…OH! Oh, shit…fucking crap!" He stood up quickly then raced out of the room and began tearing the house apart, looking fervently for Johnny, expecting to find him curled up in a ball, traumatized.

When he didn't find him anywhere he headed back upstairs, more calm yet more worried. "I'm an idiot…what was I thinking?! Get him to trust you then molest him! I'm the kind of person that gives gays a bad name…I should kill myself…oh Johnny…I'm so sorry." As he walked in the room he noticed the discarded jeans and shirt Johnny had been wearing earlier which meant either two things. He was streaking, completely naked…or…he changed and went somewhere. He looked over to the desk and noticed a stray piece of paper he hadn't noticed before.

Kevin made his way towards it then picked it up. It read:

Kevin. Sorry for knocking you out but you deserved it. I went for a walk, and if you've woken up and I'm still not home, I want you out before I get there. John.

"Harsh." He sighed. "But I guess I deserve it." He didn't want to make Johnny any more mad than he was all ready so he dug in a few of Johnny's drawers, finding a stash of vodka and a few razors in his sock drawer, but left them and grabbed a pair of socks before pulling them on and making his way back downstairs. He walked to the front door where Johnny had hung his coat and found that his shoes were right where he left them. He glanced outside, via window and saw that it was still raining, like earlier if not harder.

Kevin pulled on his boots then dug in the closet for his jacket and pulled it on. He'd get his clothes later. He tugged the front of his jacket closed the opened the door only to come face to face with Johnny whom backed up automatically.


"I-" they said in unison before Kevin spoke first.

"I'm sorry Johnny, I didn't mean to-"

"Just shut up." Johnny muttered, cutting him off, not giving him a chance. "Just go." He pointed towards the street. Kevin looked then nodded and without a word slipped past him and left the house, leaving Johnny behind, alone, with his thoughts.



(Sorry…hiatus…if you've checked my profile you would have noticed that my laptop was broken and was supposed to be taken in to get fixed which took forever and when it finally was taken in they erased my hard drive thus, erasing everything…I had to start this chapter over so no sexytiems for you. Sorry…besides, I hate scenes where the person is all like "Omg, I r gunna like raep you nao." And they other person is like "lulzo, alright then becuz i liek ttly dun liek it but r gunna accept it then realize i luv you." "lol okay." And they all pretend it never happened and live happily ever after. No. That's not how it works! So yeah…angstyangstyangsty…it's a short chapter but be happy there's a chapter at all.)

(PS. AND ASHAME ON EVERYONE WHO EXPECTED A LEMON! lol just kidding...I totally played you all on that...there will be on in the future, just hang on a bit perverts.)