Reminder UNEDITED.
" Sophie are you ready ? Anna asked through the door, Pushing Her Brown hair out of here pale face.
"Almost!" She screamed back then began to sob. Anna heard, yet another, a scream down the hall. She walked into the room and saw her mother and Lilac trying to put makeup on. Lilacs dress was a little purple than Anna's dress. Her white hair had the sparkles that Sophie sprayed on her that morning. She almost look like a fairy.
"Whats wrong you two?"Anna said laughing, at Lilacs expression.
" Your mother is trying to blind me, Anna! That what wrong!" Lilac screamed.
"Dear, I was only putting eye liner on you!" Her mother giggled.
" Mom, I think that Lilac can do with out it to day! Lilac help me get Sophie out of the bathroom. She's going to be late, for her wedding!"
As they hurried down the hall, Anna ran right into Sophie soon to be husband John Heinrick . He was as pale as ever, and with his tux, his silk black hair was brushed back, looked like a Vampire. The girls giggled as they pasted him, and then heard a scream.
" She's been screaming, since I last saw a two little gals passed by !" John shouted. The girls ran down the hall,and into the room, where Ricky and Milo sat by the bathroom door.
" Come on out, Sophie it's not like Johns gonna ran out on you. He would tell you first!" Ricky said, not really helping.
" Milo, can't you control that cousin of yours!" Anna asked.
" I can't tell what he's going to say,and he's your boyfriend, you get part -!" Milo answered.
"Ricky, Milo, what are you to doing?" Anna demanded.
" Well, Sweet heart," Ricky said grabbing Anna's arm, and kissing her cheek, "It's like this. Sophie's screams, were making, Little Johny nerviest, so we came and tired to comfort Sophie. Is that alright, baby?"
" Sophie if you don't come out right now, I go find a girl who would love to marry a rich business man!Anna cried through the door, " My hard work is not going to waste because you are worried about him walking out! Are you -! Suddenly, the bathroom door swag open hitting Milo, and Sophie grabbed her bag and threw it at Ricky.
" Get up! it's time to go!"Sophie screamed rushing everyone out of the room.
At the Chapel Ricky took, Anna's arm as they began to walk down the isle.
" One day, this will be our day." Ricky whispered . A smirk ran across Anna's face as a she replied,
"Oh, only in your dreams"
After Lilac and Milo, and another couple, Sophie softly came down the isle. Her soft red hair flood around her like a water fall. Her white dress , had a light purple shade and look as if it was pulled out of an opera show. Sophie locked eyes with John he stared at her with his mouth dropped. When the music stopped,and the Preacher began speaking, Anna asked Sophie,
"Of course!" The whispered.
O.k., if it sucked it was because I wrote it in science class, last year. Thank You for reading all the way to the end, at least! Review please!! I love it if it will help improve it! Reminder UNEDITED.