Truth or dare…
I can't believe I picked dare….Damn, the one time I actually picked it, and it comes to this… Now I'm sitting here…In the dark… In my bra and panties…With this guy I've like for freaking years… Wow… This sorta just freaks me out a little… Not because I'm pretty much naked… but the fact that, well he is too… And yet, he's just playing the game still like we aren't sitting here… Half freaking naked… Look maybe this half naked thing wouldn't bother me so much, if I weren't a bit of a fat ass...
His hand travels to my left breast… Holy hell… What's going on? It's my turn… And instead of dare… I choose Truth…
"How awkward is this for you?" He asks… Its pitch black, but for some reason, I can feel his eyes looking down at me…
"Not that awkward…Not like I thought it would be." I answer back…
"So I guess it's my turn, and I pick dare."
Fuck! I hate dare! I've pretty much ran outta dares after his pants came off… "Umm…" I try thinking to myself…Damn me! "Put your other hand anywhere."
"Ya gotta be specific."
"I don't care." I say thinking he was just gonna bit it on his head or something… That's when I felt a warm hand travel down my fat stomach… It traveled all the way down, to my panty line, and well, you can guess where it landed.
"Well I guess it's your turn." He seems to smile.
"…Truth." I answer.
"Okay…How far are you willing to let this go?"
I'm a dense moron, because I didn't understand what he was saying. "I don't care… What about you?"
"It's up to you…"He spoke softly…
God I'm so fucking dense…
"Well I guess it's my turn, and I pick dare."
"I dare you to do whatever."
"Ya gotta be specific…"
"I don't care." I reply…
I feel him move my bra down, and a moist tongue lap my sensitive nipple… Holy hell… I'm a virgin… I'm a good girl!! And…and yet…
"Lift up…" He whispers…
I lift my head from his lap, and felt him get off of me… I can hear him move, and soon, feel him lying on top of me… His hands yank down my panties, causing me to lift my back side… At first, I feel a sting, as he pushes his index finger deep into me... My body tensed, and I let out a whimper…
He only pushed in deep once more with his finger, before pulling it out, and positioning himself… It wasn't until I felt him poking my entrance that it finally hit, what was happening.
My arm wrapped around his neck, as he pushed himself into me… I let out a gasp, as he pushed himself deep… It hurt, but not as much as I anticipated… he pushes in once more, this time, I let out a soft moan…. This is too good… My body wants more…I want more…
"Are you okay?" He asks.
I nod… God I'm stupid…Here it is pitch black, I can't think of anything to say, so I nod… Smart huh… Though, right now, I think he gets that I nod. I feel him push in deeper…
I run my fingers through his silky short hair, I close my eyes…as my lips part, letting out another soft moan… He soon picks up his rhythm, and I soon feel my heart beat faster… All the years I've known him, seem to flash before my eyes, back when I knew him as this dorky little kid, to this dorky little freshman… To now this man… This man, who is providing me with such awesome pleasure…
He picks up the pace once more, I hear his heavy breathing as he pushes in… For some reason, my mind travels from this sweet bliss, and I think… Wow, I must be like the fattest chick he's ever been with, yet he's not making it seem like that… but my thoughts are drawn away from that, as he places his moist tongue on my nipple once more… Oh man, oh man… This is far too good…
My heart pounds my chest harder than before, as he finally gets me to my sweet bliss… My body feels like it wants to explode in a sea of ecstasy… And soon, his does as well…
Our bodies stop moving, and soon we just lay in the dark, trying to catch our breaths… Once we catch our breaths, I feel him pull out of me, and get up… And just like that… We find ourselves looking for our clothes, in the dark, using lighters to find what bits and pieces of clothing we could… And then, we sat back down on the couch, the way we had, before…
"So…" I whisper… "Truth or Dare…"
The end