Golden Flakes
Prologue Let the Games Begin
I sneered in disgust as I saw the Snow crew pull into the school lot. Naturally as a Golden, I hated the Snows. Especially Snow girls, they were all bimbo's and I only knew one good Snow, and that's because she helped me get to where I am in the Golden gang today. Michael sat beside me, thick black hair entangled in his hand, with a cigar hanging from his pink lips. Alex and Sam (the Snow girl) sat in the back, equally disgust by the Snows.
"Mike, hurry it up, we don't have all day to smoke." I stepped out of my black, 1967 Chevy Impala, and ran my fingers nervously through my curly black hair.
If and when Mike got caught with cigs again, he'd be suspended for a month. Which means he'd be grounded for a month, which also means he couldn't go to the bash this Friday, and I needed him there.
Sam, the Snow girl in our crew, stepped out of the car, placing a tiny white hand on my shoulder. She knew I was having a rough time since Nixon left. My heart ached as I thought his name. Mike put out his cigar and he and Alex stepped out of the car.
"Let's roll," I said popping up the collar to Nixon's old leather jacket he had given me. I took my spot in front of the crew. My stance practically screamed Golden girl, and I knew it. The way I glided not walked said 'stay away I'm dangerous, and lethal,' and they all did.
As a golden, everyone parted in fear of me and my crew. Everyone but X's crew the Snows. We were polar opposites, Xavier and I. I had long thick curly black hair, brown eyes, and golden skin. Incorporate that with high beautiful cheek bones and a body to die for, and I was untouchable by anyone who wasn't high up there in gang life.
Xavier had Snow hair, blonde and disgusting Snow hair. His blue eyes glistened in the sunlight, his jaw was firm and his cheekbones just as visible as mine. In Snow world he was worshipped, in Golden life, he mine as well have been Satan. His skin was white and translucent, but nonetheless woman on the Snow side of school thought he was God. But as much as X would like to think the Southsiders ruled the school, and that the Golden's would think of him the same as the Snow's did, he was wrong.
Howard Height's was a school torn into sides, and as we walked into school we could see the dividing line form. I smirked at this, the school had been trying to put us Golden's and Snow's together since the day me and Sam started the crew, and the day Xavier and Sarah started theirs. Sam was the only exception, no others, period, end of discussion.
"We've all got history first period, correct?" I asked the other three.
"No, chemistry, seriously Talon what's up with you lately? It's like you got a Snow brain put into you." I snarled at this, and Alex immediately regretted saying what he had.
1. Because whether he knew it or not, he had brought up Nixon. And Nixon certainly was not to be brought up.
2. Because he had just insulted Sam's Snow brain, which was actually very efficient.
"Sorry," said Alex, nervous as ever. I just glared at him as if to say 'don't mention this again or I'll kill you, and I do mean kill.' We continued to walk to our lockers, which we had gotten placed next to each other. I opened mine dialing the code, and then threw my bag inside of it. Soon enough I had my chemistry book in hand, and my pocket knife in the other. I flicked it open and closed twice before I tucked it inside my right pocket.
Upon my arrival to chemistry, a new teacher sat at the desk. Although she didn't exactly look new to the world, I scoffed she was in for a lot of shit this year, and I had a feeling she knew it. I took a seat beside Sam, in the back left corner. But the stern looking teacher stood.
"Don't get to comfortable, I'll be assigning the seats." We all groaned, knowing that we were going to hate this teacher already. Especially if the school had hired her for the reason I thought they had. The rest of the class swept in including Xavier, his girl Sarah, and my ex best friend Alana. The teacher, who I now knew as Mrs. Lang, told us all to stand in the back of the room to wait to be assigned our seats. We did as we were told.
"Alana Morris and Michael Smith," Michael mine as well have hissed at Alana, because they both looked pissed. It was only natural that they would be doing this. But there efforts would fail, Snows and Golden's don't mix, and they never will. She called the rest of the names until it was me and Xavier left standing. "Well, take the empty desk you two." I sneered, this was just great.
"Listen Mrs. Lang, this doesn't fly with me. You can't mix Snow's with Golden's, it doesn't work that way. Not now, not ever." I said in an irritated voice.
"I'm sure Xavier doesn't bite Ms. Heart. So I suggest you take your seat." Said Mrs. Lang, she was a Snow too, of course she'd side with him. Angrily, I took my seat beside him, and lowered my head. He chuckled beside me.
"Okay," said Mrs. Lang, "Today I'll be assigning you your first project. It can be about anything you want that you've learned in previous years. It will be due in two months. Now look to your desk buddy." I did as I was told, and looked up at the disgusting Snow boy. He looked just as revolted as I was. "This will be your partner for the next 2 months, Enjoy." I stood up out of my seat, angry, no furious at the teacher. My desk chair fell back, my desk actually flipped over.
"No way lady, No way am I working with that Snow." Xavier stood too, showing that he was heated as well.
"I'm not anymore excited about working with this," he looked as if he would puke, "this Golden for two months. I'll fail, I don't care, and I won't work with her."
"CHILDREN," Mrs. Lang said in a shrill voice. "You will work with each other, and I don't care if you're a Snow, or a Golden. Now pick up the mess you've made Ms. Heart." But I stood standing in my usual fighting stance; I carefully stepped over my chair on the floor and walked out of the room. I could hear Ms. Lang calling angrily after me, and I knew that for leaving her class I would get detention but she could've allowed us a change in partners, Alana for me. At least I could be with someone I could tolerate and that stupid Snow could be with his friend.
Words couldn't describe how pissed I was, I needed someone to calm me down before I did something dumb. Luckily the bell rang five minutes later. Mike, Sam, and Alex came rushing out of the classroom fuming as well. Alex had been put with Sarah, Xavier's girl.
"The nerve of some of those Snow's these days." I said to Mike. He nodded not knowing what to say.
'And so,' I thought, 'let the game's begin.'
After first period, I rushed to my locker, avoiding the snows, avoiding everyone really, because working with the leader of the snow crew wouldn't work. He couldn't come to my place, that just give him proof that my life is fucked up. He on the other hand had it made, living on the rich side of town, which was lamely names Wisteria Lane, Wisteria Ave, and Wisteria Rd, which is where the Richie riches lived. Seriously, they named it after a show about desperate housewives, how cute.
When I open my locker, three small sheets fell out. I recognized the swerved handwriting on the outside of two of them. The third, I did not recognize. The first two had been written on notebook paper, of the golden hue, and the other snow white. I snickered, opening the one from my friends first.
"Hey girl, haven't seen you in a while, you going to the bash this Friday?
I almost laughed at Alyssa, of course I was going. It was at my place, I had arranged it for a cover up. I had a deal to make. Quicker than I thought, I was opening the next one.
Are you okay? I'm there for you if you need me... Don't let that snow get to you,
Sami. "
I sighed, knowing that indeed I had let the snow get to me. I had let the teacher win this battle but I wouldn't anymore. I opened the one that was most likely from Xavier last. Sighing in annoyance, I read it.
Tonight, seven o'clock, your place or mine partner? ;]
I scribble back a quick response that included many inappropriate words but it inevitably ended in, your place. I stuffed it into his locker and rushed to language. None of my friends had this class with me to my dismay. This used to be me and Nixon's class together.
Thinking back to him, to all those nights we spent together, to how careful he had been when touching me. To the soft passionate kisses, to fighting along side each other, each memory tugged at my heart. And then I was angry. I was angry because he left without saying goodbye angry because he had left with her not with me.
I almost wanted to cry, I almost felt bad enough to. Almost. I could hardly remember the last night we spent together when his eyes weren't hollow and empty.
'He lost his interest in you Tally,' I told myself, 'nothing to cry about.' But if he had really lost interest, if he had really stopped loving me, why did he leave his jacket behind and a note for me. Breaking my heart in the process, well I guess that was just a bonus for him.
"Ms. Heart?" I snapped out of my dazed, and responded with a here, the teacher nodded and continued. I pulled Nixon's jacket closer to my body, and breathed in his scent. It smelled absolutely intoxicating, like smoke and Orchids, my favorite flower. He would always by them for me to put in the vase next to my desk. The vase that was now empty.
The class sped by and sooner or later I found myself with my crew kicking it in the lunch room. The Snows and Golden's sat on opposite sides of the cafeteria. In a crowd full of Golden skin, only one Snow face was there. And suddenly, there were two. Xavier strode powerfully over to where I was sitting, and I knew that it had everything to do with us being partners in chemistry. I cursed silently to myself, and he smirked, pulling a chair up and sitting at my table.
"You sure are big of the profanities, aren't you Tally?" He said in a deep husky voice.
"What do you want X?"
"Look Tally, I just came to give you my address, it would make it a hell of a lot easier to find my place then wouldn't it." I scowled, and he did too. "115 Wisteria lane, baby, don't be late."
"Don't call me baby, I'm no one's baby."
"Quite the temper you have there Heart," he said smirking his blue eyes sparking to life.
"Your irritating me, can you leave now?" I asked venomously.
"Ask me politely sweetie pie."
"I am NOT your sweetie pie, nor will I ever be anything to you Wickstrom. So will you please just leave me the hell alone?" He smiled at me.
"Now that wasn't so hard was it sugar." I glared, he glared. We must of sat there for minutes because sooner or later the bell rang, and I was out the door.