Hey everyone. This is my first ever story being posted here, and I'm pretty new to this site. I would greatly appreciate reviews and ratings. Don't hesitate; I'd really appreciate constructive critism.
Chapter One
"Why don't you skip class with us, Amelia?" I heard a deep, tough voice say. I jumped,and my eyes slowly and automatically lingered onto my friend Trish's face. I hesitated for a moment. I had a very important French test to complete. That mark would be going on my report card; the one and only final report card of the year. I clutched onto my books, wishing I had the guts to push past Trish and run to class. But, I knew that would never happen. I relaxed my fingers, biting my lower lip. I shoved my books into my locker.
Trish raised an eyebrow, "What? You got a test or something?"
I cleared my throat, deepening my voice. ",I don't care. Y'know? Whatever." I replied.
Trish snickered. She shifted her weight, and started to walk to the exit doors. "Yeah. You'll do it at lunch, or something."
I followed Trish outside, to the back of the school. I saw my group of 'friends' in the distance, watching us. I looked up, turning to look at a few girls entering the school. I pretended to be disgusted by their all pink outfits. Though, I wish I could afford their clothes.
Trish leaned onto the wall, next to Nico. I watched her light up her cigarette and give one to her boyfriend—Nico—and to the rest of the gang, except for Trevor and I. I stood there awkwardly as I watched them. I looked at Trevor from the corner of my eye. He was leaning against the wall, staring at the sky with a rebellious and careless look on his face. But, with his hands in his pockets, and the intense look in his eyes, I could tell he was nervous.
I studied my group of 'friends'. Karma, Trish, Nico, Rob, Trevor, Bellz and I. Karma(Kimberly) is short with black hair with green and purple streaks. She has high cheekbones, a rounded face, brown eyes, and full lips. She wears trashy clothes; black miniskirts,cropped tops,fisherman tights,and her favorite red stilettos.
Trish let out a puff of smoke, and I suppressed a cough. Trish(Patricia) has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. She's tall, tanned, and wears way to much makeup. She has a heart shaped tattoo with her mom and Nico's intials on her left arm. Trish doesn't care what she wears. I usually notice her wearing black skinny jeans, converse, and a graphic tee.
Bellz(Isabella) is the smallest one. She has brown hair and brown eyes. She has piercings on her nose, lip, and bellybutton. She's small, but strong and muscular. She wears baggy clothes, and mostly tanktops. Bellz loves jewelry. She's always wearing necklaces and rings.
Nico and Rob. Nico wears skinny jeans, converse, and band t-shirts. He has multiple piercings and black gelled hair. Rob is literally his twin, just that he isn't as slim as Nico. He's more muscular. Trevor wears baggy clothes, sneakers, and shirts that are way too big on him.
The whole group has someone—eachother. Trish has Nico, Karma has Rob, and Bellz has Trevor. Who do I have? I have no one. I have blonde hair, green eyes, and I'm just the average height. I don't have a sexy edge or flawless features. I look innocent and fragile. I always wonder how I got into this group. Sometimes I think I'm just their toy. Their experiment. Some girl they picked up and decided 'Hey,lets ruin this girl's life!'.
Trevor and I are the only ones who don't have different names, or nicknames. Amelia sounds to innocent, and Amy sounds to cliché. That's what they say. Sometimes I think Trevor and I are here for the same reason. We need something to do. Our parents are never home, and we're alone. We were new to this school, had no friends, and these were the only people here. The only people who didn't really care and decided it would be fun to have another life to mess around with.
"Yo, Amelia. You coming?" Nico asked. I felt the eyes of all my 'friends' on me.
I had no idea what they were talking about, and I suddenly felt self-concious. Whatever it was, I would have to say yes.
"Yeah," I said, unsure. My voice cracked at the end, and I prayed no one noticed. I saw Trish crack a smile and that only made me more nervous.
"This party will be sick!" Rob said, smiling. I gulped and I saw Trevor's lips twitch as he tried to keep a straight face. It looked as if I were in for something bad.
* * *
I walked out of the office, clutching my books and my late slip. The teacher didn't believe my lie. She knows the people I hang out with. And, I've been late too many times already. She gave me the yellow slip and told me to fill it out myself. I inhaled as I knocked on the door to Mr. Avella's classroom. I put on my best careless face, knowing Karma would be in class.
The teacher opened the door, smirking. He glanced at my empty yellow slip. I think he's had enough of me. He handed me a worksheet, saying nothing. I took the sheet and shuffled to my desk. I glanced at Karma who was watching me, a smug smile on her face. I noticed the rest of the class was giving me the same old looks. A mixture of curiosity and amusement. Or—if I was lucky—pity. I exhaled slowly, keeping my breath even.
I think people sense that I'm fake. That I don't belong with these people. I think they know that I was too shy to make freinds, and these were the only people who enrolled me into their little group. I'm pretty sure Trish and the rest of the gang realized how vulnerable and lost I was. I'm just their toy, and people notice.
Trevor is stronger than I am. I never really dare to get up close and personal with him or the others. Bellz had once told me that he was adopted. But, I wouldn't know. Trevor has gotten used to the gang. He's decided to rebel like them. We both could've backed out, but I didn't want to admit to being a loser. Even if I did, they wouldn't let me go. They would probably just bully me and do what they had planning from the beginning. Ruin my life. Treat me as their little toy soldier; obeying all of their commands.
I did my worksheet slowly. I had missed too many classes. I didn't understand much of what was on the paper. "Its been thirty minutes. If you're not done, too bad. You also had last class." the teacher called from the front of the room. A student passed by the rows, collecting our sheets. I sighed and slouched in my seat.
"We'll be starting something new. I'm going to give an assignment to do with a partner. Some of the answers will be in your textbook and some will require some research." the teacher started. Karma snorted; The teacher ignored her. "You will not choose your own partners. You will pick a number out a bag. The number you get will correspond with the seating arrangements."
Students picked the numbers out of the bag, and met up with their partners. I sat there quietly, waiting for my name to be called and a shocked reaction to whoever my partner is. "Anthony Miller and..." the teacher said as he waited for him to pull out his slip. I jerked up after hearing his name called. I watched him pull out his slip, knowing whichever girl he was paired up with was the luckiest girl ever.
Anthony Ryan Miller. My crush. Ever since I stepped foot into Richardson East High. He talks to everyone, except my group of 'friends'. That would kill his reputation. He's such a nice guy and absolutely gorgeous. With his brown hair that always falls in his eyes in the cutest way and his hypnotizing blue eyes. He's popular and he's not a jerk. We only spoke once. I was looking down at my schedule, around the first week of school when I bumped into him. He helped me up, said sorry, and flashed me his brilliant smile. Well, technically he only spoke to me. I was just there the whole time looking dumbfounded.
"Anthony Miller and Amelia Natera," Mr. Avella repeated. I heard Karma disguise her laugh into a cough. My heart stopped. The teacher moved onto another student. Anthony's body was slightly turned, waiting for me to go to his desk. By the way his eyes were fixed, looking at the board, it looked as it he didn't want to make eye contact with me. But, I could only dream that was the case.
"You goin' with fancy boy, or what?" Karma snickered. I didn't turn to look at Karma, even though she was expecting me to make a rude remark about him. It was clear that my group of 'friends' weren't too fond of popular people. I absent-mindedly picked up my books. I took my time to walk over to his desk. Anthony was writing our names on the sheet. I smiled internely. Our names look so good together.
"So, we meet again." he said, only glancing at me.
I saw Karma walk over to her partner's desk, which was close to where we were. "Yeah,whatever." I replied tonelessly. I didn't dare look up at him. If I did, I would be knocked out breathless. And, Anthony wouldn't help me. Especially with his stingy ex-girlfriend in the room.
"Let's get started," he muttered.
I reached out for my pen, but couldn't find it. I had forgotten it at my desk.
Anthony sighed. He took out a pen, handing it to me. I took the pen slowly, only grabbing the end of it. I was afraid to touch him. I don't know how I would react to that. I saw Karma smiled.
Anthony leaned in closer to me. "You know, just because your so called friend is across from us, it doesn't mean you have to act like a jerk." he said quietly.
I looked up to see Anthony a few inches away from me, studying my face. His icy blue eyes were intense, almost sad. My breathing stopped and I clutched onto his desk.
I didn't respond right away. I didn't know what to answer him and I was wishing this could last forever. It was the closest he would ever get to me.
"I'm not," I whispered, it's usual tone. Anthony didn't move. He smirked and kept the same distance between us. I could literally feel his ex-girlfriend, Kayla's eyes boaring holes into my back, and Karma staring.
"You're going to Alex Newton's party, aren't you?" he asked.
I didn't care if I sounded like the Amelia who hung out with Karma, or the real me. "Yeah. How did you know?"
"Alex Newton's my older brother's friend. He invited me." he replied.
"So,you'll be there?" I continued. My heart fluttered. He would be at the party. My heart sank. Obviously. He was at every other party. And, he never talked to me.
"Yeah, I will." Anthony didn't move. I wondered why he was staying so close to me for so long. Wouldn't his ex-girlfriend get him back for this? Start a rumor?
"You'll be with your friends?" I asked. I noticed my voice was still a whisper. I was too scared to speak up.
"Yes. They're coming too." he said. I saw him glance at the clock. He locked eyes with mine, and then leaned back into his seat. The bell rang, and he stood up. "See you tonight."