Another night. Another morning--another long morning, to be exact.

I can't believe Adelaide and I are being forced to do our presentations today.

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous, because I am nervous.

I can barely look at Adelaide without my heart reacting badly--I can't imagine what it will be like when I'm standing right next to her.

God, I really hope I don't make a fool out of myself--not that that would be unusual for me. I am a fool--the fool that let Adelaide Weston get away.

She loves me, I know she does.

I love her, too, and I wonder if she knows that I do.

If she does, she has a good way of hiding it.

I pushed all those thoughts to the back of my mind as I entered Mrs. Rhodum's classroom and took my usual seat beside Adelaide. I didn't look at her. I couldn't look at her.

Adelaide didn't look at me, either.

I spent all night last night thinking about what Emmalynn and Mikey had told me. The both of them claimed that Adelaide was really in love with me and that she had been for a very long time. If that were the case, then how come she never told me? Why did she keep it a secret for so long?

That's a stupid question.

She was scared, like me.

I never told her that I loved her because I, too, was scared. I didn't want to have another broken heart. I changed after what happened with Danika, and when I realized that I was in love with my best friend(Adelaide, obviously), I thought that pushing her away would be best for not just me, but for her, too. I'm not good enough for her. She deserves better than me.

The ironic thing about that statement, though, is that I don't want her with anyone but me.

I want her all to myself.

Yes, I am very aware that I'm a selfish asshole that makes no sense whatsoever.

Thankfully, though, first period went by smoothly and slowly, allowing me enough time to prepare myself for Honors English.

When the bell signaling the end of first period rang, I inhaled, exhaled, and then rushed out the door.

I met Adelaide outside of the Honors English room and forced myself to smile as I looked at her. It was complicated, though, especially because the moment I saw her, my heart stopped beating in my chest. She looked beautiful--like always, but today--she looked exceptionally beautiful.

She was wearing a baby pink spaghetti-strapped shirt under a denim jean jacket, faded denim capri pants, and pink flip-flops. Her gorgeous auburn locks were pulled back into a bun and her eyes had that vaguely familiar smokey affect to them that I had grown to love. Her cheeks were still permanently flushed, but it looked as though she had added a tad of blush just for kicks. I avoided her lips, but only because I knew that the second I looked at them, I'd want to kiss her.

I tried not to think about all that, though. We had a project to do.

"Got the posters?" I asked, attempting to keep my voice monotone and devoid of any emotion.

Adelaide nodded, but she didn't say anything.

And with that, we headed to Honors English so we could present our stupid project.


I looked better today--well-rested, to be exact.

AP Calculus wasn't half as bad today as it had been yesterday. It was a little better, but not a whole lot, and the fact that Andrew and I would be giving a presentation in second period didn't help ease the tension between the two of us. In fact, I think it made it worse.

I didn't pay attention to Mrs. Rhodum today--I was too busy staring at the clock, counting the minutes until I would be forced to work with Andrew.

The moment the bell rang, my heart began racing rapidly in my chest.

The video I made last night would determine the outcome of my non-existent relationship with the boy I love--that boy being Andrew, of course.

And speaking of, he just happened to meet me outside of the Honors English room. I avoided any eye contact with him for fear that I wouldn't be able to control myself if I stared into his baby blue's for too long.

"Got the posters?" Andrew asked casually, his voice devoid of any emotion.

I nodded, but I didn't say anything. My voice would crack if I spoke to him--I knew it would.

Once inside, Andrew picked up our posters and we prepared for our presentation while Mrs. Toman took role.

Mrs. Toman smiled at the both of us--we forced ourselves to smile back, and then, when Mrs. Toman spoke, I took a deep breath. I had to remind myself to exhale, namely because my nerves were getting the better of me.

"Giving their presentation today will be Andrew Hadley and Adelaide Weston."

My heart did a little flip flop in my chest as I heard my name being spoken. However, it wasn't my name that made my heart flip, it was Andrew's. The video I made was a now or never kind of thing. I could show it, but what good would it do? He knew everything. I knew everything. We were back to square one--hating each other, though deep down, I love him.

I'm in love with him, and he knows. He can't honestly think that I don't know that he knows, can he?

But he played the game on me, too.

All those kisses, those hugs, the laughter, they were all fake.... for him.

In the beginning, they had been fake for me, too, but not now.. not anymore. It wasn't fake.

It hadn't been for a long time.

Because just as everyone had warned in the beginning, I had allowed myself to fall in love with the heart breaker himself, Andrew James Hadley.

He had hurt me... again.

Little did I know, I had hurt him, too.

Andrew didn't smile at me when we took our places in front of the classroom and I didn't smile at him, either.

Andrew was up first. Our poster board was covered with pictures of couples we believed Wuthering Heights represented and quotes from Wuthering Heights were written all over it in Andrew's fancy writing.

We told the class why we chose the quotes and what they meant to us, and then, it was time for our video presentations.

I had changed the video last night--that's what Cadence and I had been doing, making a video for Honors English. I hesitated for only a moment, and then I decided.

Andrew seemed confused when I put a videotape in the television and then everyone's eyes locked with the television screen as soon as they heard the first words escape my mouth.

"It all happened so fast, I wasn't expecting to fall in love, just like I don't think Catherine and Heathcliff were. I wasn't expecting to feel something for a guy who by all means, was everything I hated. He was popular, cocky, smug, and an egomaniac. Everything about him made him a jerk. He thought himself to be better than me, or so I thought... in the beginning. I started seeing a side of this boy that I had not witnessed since we were kids, and he was bringing out a side of me that no one else ever got to see... kind of like Heathcliff and Catherine. They brought out the good in each other, no one else was able to do that. This boy that I fell for, he brought out the best in me and I was beginning to bring out the best in him. But it was all part of the game, you know? Or at least, it was that way for two days. Two days into the game and I was having doubts. You see, that reminds me of a quote I heard the other day.

"'We spent two days together. That's all. It's like a fraction of a fragment in time. He managed to touch my heart then and he still manages to fill me with bliss. Everything he does is so beautiful. Everything he says brings me peace. Every part of him does something for me.'"

At that moment, on the video, I paused as my voice suddenly grew shaky from the tears threatening to leave my eyes. (Much to my dismay, I had cried a million times before making the video).

"So, that's right, after two days, I was doubting everything. I pushed my more than platonic feelings to the back of my mind. I couldn't trust him, not again. Not after he had ripped my heart to shreds way back when. Freshman year, I made a fool out of myself. He made a fool out of me. Half the student body witnessed my heart being sliced with harsh words from this one person. I tried so much over the years to not care, and it worked. I stopped caring. I started hating and ignoring. I became the worst version of myself all because of the one person who I thought cared about me, betrayed me. I wasn't me anymore. But when I came up with this game plan, I was suddenly me again. It was strange, I was supposed to be breaking his heart and tearing him down, and in return, he was lifting my spirits and making me soar. Come homecoming, I realized something. I realized that I was in love with him. I had fallen for the one guy who had the power to break my heart, as he demonstrated so nicely freshman year.

"I knew I had to tell him, so I talked to my best friend and told her I was finished playing the game. Little did I know, this boy, he was listening. He had heard every word that had escaped my mouth. That afternoon, I spotted him full on making out with another girl. He was supposed to be my boyfriend, or so, I had led him to believe that. I was going to tell him everything, even everything about the plan, but he beat me to the punch. He told me that he already knew. His eyes were so distant and his face was as cold as stone. That's when he told me that I never really meant anything to him, either. He hated me, too, he said. He told me that he thought of playing the game the same day I had. We had both played each other, only his plan had worked... I had fallen in love with him. I tried explaining, but then he repeated the words that had torn my heart in half freshman year. He said that I was pathetic. He said that I was stupid. He said that I meant nothing to him and that I never would.

"Want to know the sad part? I realized that somewhere, deep inside, I've always loved this boy and I still do. I still love him, despite not wanting to. I can't let go of him. I don't know how." I had paused again during the video, which gave me a chance to tear my eyes away from the screen(where I was currently bawling... Cadence got really irritated with me last night) and chanced a look at Andrew. His face was set in stone. His eyes were cold, but there was something else. He looked... hurt? Was this hurting him?

I should have been pleased, but no, I wasn't.

I no longer felt any joy at his pain, because his pain hurt me, too.

I wanted him happy, despite how much he had hurt me.

He didn't deserve this. He doesn't deserve my pity.

But I love him. I can't stop. I tried.

It's impossible. He has my heart, he always has.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard my voice on the television again.

"Take my advice, don't play the game. I learned the hard way that it doesn't do any good. We aren't the ones who play the game. You see, the game plays us. We always lose. Someone always ends up with a broken heart. Life, no, love, is funny like that. But that's life. You have to learn to deal with it. Your heart is going to get broken, but you can pick up those pieces. Just don't do it by trying to shatter someone else's heart. The game isn't fun, no matter what any of you think. It only leads to heartache. My heart is broken because I was stupid. Don't make that same mistake. Be happy. Don't ruin it with hatred.

"And for that boy, if he's listening, I want him to know that I love him with every fiber of my being. I never meant to hurt him, and I'm sorry."

The video ended then and I heard a few sniffles from some of my classmates.

Were they crying?

I turned my head, searching for one person in particular, but he was no longer there.

That's when I saw him. He was leaving. He was running out of the classroom.

I had to get to him, and I had to get to him fast.

The teacher tried to stop me, but I brushed past her and chased after Andrew. I finally caught up with him in the school parking lot.

"Wait!" I yelled and he finally stopped, glaring when he saw me, his face devoid of any emotion.

"What the hell do you want!?" he snapped, his voice cracking with anger with each word.

I ignored the big lump in my throat and the way my heart was racing rapidly in my chest. I focused all my energy on the boy standing in front of me--the boy that had my heart and would always have my heart. I had to let him know that. I had to make things right.

"I don't know what to say to make what happened between us better. I don't think anything can make it better, but I meant--I mean-- what I said on that video." I paused then--I couldn't continue. My eyes were already welling with tears and I had only just begun my apology. I had so many things to say to him--I just didn't know how to say it all. Standing in the parking lot outside the school felt like déjà vu, only this time, I had hurt him, not the other way around.

After all, I'm the one who went through with the game--he gave up after eight days. Clearly, I'm the more horrible person here.

"That day, the day you found out, I was going to tell you everything. It's true that I played you the whole time, but that was only in my mind," I explained. Andrew went from looking angry to confused when I said that. Well, at least he wasn't angry anymore. That's a start. "In my heart, I knew that I wasn't playing the game. I knew that I was falling for you, but I denied it because I was scared--more like terrified, actually. I was afraid of putting myself out there for you, because I didn't want to get hurt." I couldn't stop the tears that were now falling from my eyes, so I didn't bother trying. "You hurt me so bad freshman year. Those things you said to me cut through my heart like a knife. I quit letting people in after that, because I was so afraid that I would lose them like I lost you. I never understood why you said things to me--not until now, that is. I think you did it because you were scared, too--you were afraid of getting your heart broken again.

"And I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you after what happened with Danika. You should have told me, because you know that I would have been there. Even if you don't want me there, Andrew, I will always be there for you. Before high school, you were the only person in my life that really understood me--not even Emmalynn, bless her heart, understands me as much as you do. Sometimes I think you may know me a hell of a lot better than I know myself. Let me be here for you, Andrew. I don't think I can stand another day without you in my life. It hurts too much."

I paused long enough to take a deep breath and scrutinize Andrew's expression. I couldn't read it--his eyes were emotionless, his jaw was set in a hard line, and he wasn't say anything. Suddenly, I felt extremely self-conscious. I wiped the tears from my eyes, but they just kept on falling, so stopping them worked to no avail.

"My feelings for you are not a game, Andrew. The game has nothing to do with them. I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember. I just didn't realize it until now. I'm not asking you to forgive me. I'm just asking you to give me a second chance, because I'm sorry, and I love you," I pleaded. I felt so stupid and so vulnerable standing in the school parking lot pouring my feelings out to him. This is really the worst case of déjà vu that I've ever had.

At this point, my heart was racing rapidly in my chest and I was furiously wiping the tears from my eyes. That's why, when I felt strong, soft hands pull my hands away from my eyes, my heart quit beating altogether. Andrew intertwined our fingers, and when I looked up, I was gazing into his familiar orbs of baby blue. Yeah, my heart is definitely not beating.

"Adelaide," Andrew began, his voice filling with the emotion that it had been lacking earlier, "when I found out about the game, I felt betrayed, hurt, and once again, I felt the same pain--only worse-- that I had felt when I found out about Danika cheating on me. Hearing you say that everything was just a game hurt. It hurt so bad that I was surprised it didn't kill me. I couldn't let you know that you had won, so when I ran into Addyson in the hallway, I devised a plan. I would make you believe that my feelings for you were just a game. When I was kissing Addyson, all I could think about was you-- you and your lips, and how perfect you are. I forced myself to think that Addyson was you, because I didn't want to kiss Addyson. I wanted you, Adelaide--I want you. I've never wanted anything or anyone so much in my life. Mikey was right to tell you that I've always been in love with you, because I have been. That's why I said those things freshman year. I meant every word that I wrote in that letter to you, Adelaide. I am so sorry that I embarrassed you freshman year. At the time, I thought hurting you was the only way to keep you from getting hurt, and I know that doesn't make any sense and that it probably sounds really stupid, but that's the logic I came up with freshman year. Clearly, I need to work on my logic, but that isn't my point---my point is that I love you.

"Eights days into that stupid game, I realized that I still care--I still care about you, Adelaide. I don't think I ever stopped caring about you. I understand now why, though you never knew I did, I went to all of your volleyball games. That's why I would always look your way when you passed me in the hallways, and that's why, at the beginning of the year, I was thinking about pursuing you next. There's no doubt in my mind that if I would have pursued you, I would have fallen in love with you. I was already in love with you, so, obviously, my feelings for you are inevitable. They'll always be there, even if you can never forgive me for what I've done to you.

"I forgive you, Adelaide, because I love you. I am so truly, madly, deeply in love with you." I smiled at the reference to one of my favorite songs, Truly, Madly, Deeply, but other than that, I couldn't move or make a sound. I tried to open my mouth to speak, but no words came out. My heart stopped beating altogether. All I could think about was Andrew.

He loves me.

He forgives me.

"W-why do you l-love me?" I managed to choke out, though tears were already threatening to fall from my eyes.

"You're everything, Adelaide. You're beautiful and intelligent and kind and warm-hearted and unlike the other girls, you're real. I've been in love with you for years and I... I can't lose you," Andrew whispered. "I don't want to lose you."

Andrew pulled me closer to him and I let him. He would be crazy to think that I wouldn't want to be this close to him.

"I am so in love with you. You're my Princess, Adelaide," Andrew whispered, gazing into my emerald green's. His eyes said it all. He wasn't lying. He meant every word that he just said. Like I said before, I know when someone is lying, and Andrew's not lying.

"So, Adelaide Aislinn Weston, will you be my real girlfriend? No games this time, Ade. This time, it's going to be real, and it's going to be because we love each other," Andrew said. "What do you say? Do you think we can do this?"

He's crazy to think that I'll say no.

I sniffled and I couldn't stop the smile that was threatening to form on my lips--and I didn't stop it.

"Just kiss me," I ordered.

"Gladly," Andrew murmured before placing his hand on the small of my back and bringing my body closer to his. He pulled a few stray strands of my hair behind my ear and his right hand caressed my cheek. I closed my eyes the moment those soft, familiar lips pressed against mine. I relaxed my body against his and all thoughts of the previous games we had played against one another flew out of my mind. All that was left was me and him. His lips were so perfect, so soft--they were made for me. I took pleasure in how his lips felt against mine before kissing him back full force.

I wrapped my arms around Andrew's neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist so that he could pull my feet off the ground. I kissed his upper lip, then his lower lip, and then our tongues were in each other's mouths, deepening the kiss and causing me to lose my breath.

I couldn't think---all I could do was feel. I felt love, peace, and harmony in his arms. I belong in his arms and he belongs in mine.

"It's about damn time!" more than one voice bellowed in unison, causing Andrew and I to break apart. I wanted to feel his lips against mine again, but I really didn't feel like being watched.

Andrew maneuvered us so that his arm was around me and I was standing directly beside him. It felt good to feel that closeness and to know that we were together for real this time. No more games.

Emmalynn, Mikey, Alec, Cameron, Grayson, and Cadence came to a stop in front of us.

Emmalynn smiled cheekily in my direction.

"Oh. My. God. Please tell me that the two of you made up and that I really saw you kissing," Emmalynn pleaded.

I stifled my laughter and grinned knowingly at Andrew. Andrew returned my grin and then we were stuck explaining ourselves to our friends.

"Emmalynn, Mikey, Alec, Cameron, Grayson, Cadence--I would like all of you to meet my boyfriend, for real, Andrew," I explained.

Emmalynn and Cadence clapped their hands together excitedly, whereas Alec, Mikey, Cameron, and Grayson patted Andrew's back in congratulations.

"Was I right or was I right?" Alec murmured.

I groaned inwardly. "You were right, Alec. You were all right. But a better question is, why the hell are you guys out here and not in class?"

They all pointed in the direction of the school and that's when I noticed Principal Webster and Vice Principal Shreeves standing in front of the doors, along with Mrs. Toman and the rest of my Honors English class. Ah, great. We're in deep shit.

"Hey, if we get in trouble," Andrew whispered, pressing his lips against my ear, which made me shiver, "at least we get in trouble together," he finished.

I grinned, causing all the others to roll their eyes.

Though going back into the school, I knew that I would most likely have detention for a week, I couldn't have been happier.


After hearing Adelaide on the video, my heart couldn't take much more, so I just ran.

Surprisingly enough, I ended up in the parking lot. Ironic, much?

"Wait!" a voice demanded, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up, only to see Adelaide standing right in front of me. I forced myself to look angry, though I was anything but. I was more confused than anything else. Had she meant everything she said on that video?

"What the hell do you want!?" I snapped.

I tried not to feel horrible for snapping at Adelaide like that, but it worked to no avail. I don't enjoy hurting her. It hurts me to see her hurt.

"I don't know what to say to make what happened between us better. I don't think anything can make it better, but I meant--I mean-- what I said on that video," Adelaide started. I could see tears welling in her gorgeous emerald green's and I hated how that broke my heart. I didn't say anything, though--I just listened.

"That day, the day you found out, I was going to tell you everything. It's true that I played you the whole time, but that was only in my mind," she explained. Confusion flickered across my face. What the hell did she mean by that? I guess I'm about to find out. "In my heart, I knew that I wasn't playing the game." Oh, that's what she meant. "I knew that I was falling for you, but I denied it because I was scared--more like terrified, actually. I was afraid of putting myself out there for you, because I didn't want to get hurt." The tears that were falling from Adelaide's eyes had my heart breaking. I just wanted to hold her, but I couldn't breathe, let alone move. "You hurt me so bad freshman year. Those things you said to me cut through my heart like a knife. I quit letting people in after that, because I was so afraid that I would lose them like I lost you. I never understood why you said those things to me--not until now, that is. I think you did it because you were scared, too--you were afraid of getting your heart broken again."

Obviously, Mikey had gotten a hold of her. I knew Adelaide meant every word that she was saying--I could see it in her eyes. Those eyes don't lie. I feel like an idiot for hurting her as much as I did freshman year, and I hate that I'm the reason she quit trusting people. I never meant to make her give up on the people around her. I was just scared.

"And I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you after what happened with Danika," Adelaide continued, her voice cracking with each word. "You should have told me, because you know that I would have been there. Even if you don't want me there, Andrew, I will always be there for you. Before high school, you were the only person in my life that really understood me--not even Emmalynn, bless her heart, understands me as much as you do. Sometimes I think you may know me a hell of a lot better than I know myself. Let me be here for you, Andrew. I don't think I can stand another day without you in my life. It hurts too much."

Adelaide paused and took a deep breath. I took that time to process everything she had just said, and came to the conclusion that I can't be angry with her. I was never angry with her to begin with. I was more or less angry with myself for ever having wanted to hurt her, and for ever hurting her freshman year.

"My feelings for you are not a game, Andrew. The game has nothing to do with them. I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember. I just didn't realize it until now. I'm not asking you to forgive me. I'm just asking you to give me a second chance, because I'm sorry, and I love you," she pleaded.

I watched as Adelaide wiped furiously at the tears in her eyes. That's when I realized that this whole thing was stupid. I couldn't be angry with Adelaide. She means too much to me. I took hold of her hands to stop her from wiping her tears and then intertwined our fingers, which caused her to look up at me. I gazed into her emerald green's and decided that it was now or never. I wouldn't lose her--I couldn't.

"Adelaide," I began, allowing my voice to fill with the emotion I had been hiding before, "when I found out about the game, I felt betrayed, hurt, and once again, I felt the same pain--only worse-- that I had felt when I found out about Danika cheating on me. Hearing you say that everything was just a game hurt. It hurt so bad that I was surprised it didn't kill me. I couldn't let you know that you had won, so when I ran into Addyson in the hallway, I devised a plan. I would make you believe that my feelings for you were just a game. When I was kissing Addyson, all I could think about was you-- you and your lips, and how perfect you are. I forced myself to think that Addyson was you, because I didn't want to kiss Addyson. I wanted you, Adelaide-- I want you. I've never wanted anything or anyone so much in my life. Mikey was right to tell you that I've always been in love with you, because I have been. That's why I said those things freshman year. I meant every word that I wrote in that letter to you, Adelaide. I am so sorry that I embarrassed you freshman year. At the time, I thought hurting you was the only way to keep you from getting hurt, and I know that doesn't make any sense and that it probably sounds really stupid, but that's the logic I came up with freshman year. Clearly, I need to work on my logic, but that isn't my point---my point is that I love you.

"Eight days into that stupid game, I realized that I still care--I still care about you, Adelaide. I don't think I ever stopped caring about you. I understand now why, though you never knew I did, I went to all of your volleyball games. That's why I would always look your way when you passed me in the hallways, and that's why, at the beginning of the year, I was thinking about pursuing you next. There's no doubt in my mind that if I would have pursued you, I would have fallen in love with you. I was already in love with you, so, obviously, my feelings for you are inevitable. They'll always be there, even if you can never forgive me for what I've done to you.

"I forgive you, Adelaide, because I love you. I am so truly, madly, deeply in love with you." I chuckled quietly at my lame reference to a Savage Garden song and smiled when I saw Adelaide smiling. She opened her mouth, but no words came out.

"W-why do you l-love me?" Adelaide stammered.

I didn't even hesitate before answering her.

"You're everything, Adelaide. You're beautiful and intelligent and kind and warm-hearted, and unlike the other girls, you're real. I've been in love with you for years and I... I can't lose you," I murmured. "I don't want to lose you."

I pulled Adelaide closer to me and gazed into her beautiful eyes.

"I am so in love with you. You're my Princess, Adelaide," I whispered. I knew that my eyes said it all. Eyes never lie, right?

"So, Adelaide Aislinn Weston, will you be my real girlfriend?" I asked, praying that she would say yes. "No games this time, Ade. This time, it's going to be real, and it's going to be because we love each other. What do you say? Do you think we can do this?" I asked.

Adelaide sniffled and her lips curled up at the corners, forming a beautiful smile--the one I always wanted to see.

"Just kiss me," Adelaide ordered.

"Gladly," I murmured before placing my hands on the small of her back and bringing her body closer to mine. I pulled a few stray strands of her hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek with my right hand. Adelaide closed her eyes the second my lips touched hers. It felt nice to just stand there with her, basking in the moment. After a moment of just enjoying the feel of our lips against one another's, Adelaide forcefully kissed me back. I smiled against Adelaide's lips as she kissed my upper lip and then kissed my bottom lip. Adelaide wrapped her arms around my neck and I pulled her up so that her feet were off the ground. Her lips felt so warm against mine and I knew that we were made for each other--or at least, that's what it felt like in that moment.

I couldn't think. I could just feel. And it felt nice, that is, until a voice ruined the perfect moment.

"It's about damn time!" more than one voice exclaimed, forcing me to break my wonderful kiss with Adelaide.

I maneuvered Adelaide so that my arm was around her neck and she was standing directly beside me.

Alec, Cameron, Mikey, Emmalynn, Grayson, and Cadence approached us.

"Oh. My. God. Please tell me that the two of you made up and that I really saw you kissing," Emmalynn pleaded. God, that girl can be so melodramatic sometimes.

I chuckled and grinned knowingly at Adelaide, who grinned back. And then we had to explain ourselves.

"Emmalynn, Mikey, Alec, Cameron, Grayson, Cadence--I would like all of you to meet my boyfriend, for real, Andrew," she explained.

Emmalynn and Cadence squealed and clapped there hands together excitedly, whereas the guys just patted my back. I was thankful that they didn't squeal. That would have been strange.

"Was I right or was I right?" Alec murmured.

Adelaide groaned and I rolled my eyes.

"You were right, Alec. You were all right. But a better question is, why the hell are you guys out here and not in class?"

We were answered when they all pointed in the direction of the school, and well, needless to say, both the principal and vice principal were waiting for us, along with Mrs. Toman and our entire Honors English class. I guess we put on quite a show.

I pressed my lips against Adelaide's ear and smiled when I felt her shiver next to me.

"Hey, if we get in trouble," I whispered, "at least we get in trouble together." Lame, I know.

Adelaide grinned cheekily and the others simply groaned.

We were in deep shit, but I didn't care.

I was happy.

I had Adelaide and I wasn't about to let her get away...not again.

The both of us got detention for the rest of the week--the both of us being Adelaide and me, obviously.

"I can't believe Principal Webster gave us detention," Adelaide complained as we walked out of the school. My arm was lazily draped around her neck and she was leaning into me. It felt good. It felt right, and I could definitely get used to this.

"Princess, he only gave us detention for Thursday and Friday. No biggie," I murmured before we finally reached my car. I opened the passenger side door for Adelaide and shut it once she was in. I went to the other side of the car and got in, putting the keys in the ignition once I sat down.

Adelaide and I talked about nothing and everything on the way to my house, but we both fell quiet when we heard screaming from inside the house and then the slamming of more than one door.

That's when my father came stomping out the door, followed by Grayson who had a blank expression on his face, and my mother whose face was set in stone.

What the fuck?

"Stay in the car," I ordered Adelaide in a whisper before getting out of the car and walking over to Grayson, who was now standing in front of my mother's car.

"Grayson, bro, what's going on?" I questioned.

Grayson whipped his head around to look at me. I couldn't read the expression on his face, but I could tell that he wasn't exactly happy about what was going on.

"Dad cheated... again. Mom is kicking him out... again," Grayson murmured.

I scowled--not because I was upset that our bastard father was leaving again, but because he had cheated again. I can't say I'm surprised, though. I'm the only one who expected it to happen, after all. Like I said before, once a cheater, always a cheater.

"I can't say I'm surprised," I mumbled bitterly.

Grayson groaned inwardly. "Neither can I, bro, neither can I," he agreed. Hmm... he's taking this surprisingly well. Before, Grayson would have ran off on his motorcycle. Awe, my little brother is growing up.

"Fucking bitch, go to hell!" my father yelled out the window before speeding out of the driveway.

Once he disappeared from sight, I stalked over to my mother and placed my hand on her shoulder, attempting to comfort her.

"Mom, are you going to be okay?" I asked.

My mother turned to look at me. It was obvious that she had been crying, but she wasn't crying anymore.

"I'm going to be fine, baby," she answered, smiling warmly. "I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you. Sometimes I have to remember that the mother isn't always right. Your father is never going to change and today, I found that out. He's out of our lives forever, I promise."

I couldn't stop the smile from forming on my lips, so I didn't fight it. I hugged my mother tightly before pulling away.

That's when I realized that I forgot something, well, rather, someone.

"Oh, shit, Adelaide," I murmured.

My mother's head shot up and that's when she took notice of who was sitting in my car.

"I thought the two of you--" my mother started, but Grayson cut her off.

"It's a long story. Let's go inside, and I'll explain it to you," Grayson whispered before walking inside with my very confused mother.

I chuckled under my breath and ran back to the car, opening the passenger door so Adelaide could step out.

"Sorry about that, princess," I apologized once Adelaide and I had made our way into my house.

"Are you okay?" Adelaide asked, frowning slightly when I didn't answer right away.

I nodded. "I'm fine," I assured her. "In fact, I couldn't be better. I hate that my mother had to deal with my father all these years, and I'm happy that she finally got to see his true colors. I'm not happy that she's hurt, but she'll learn in time that it's better this way."

Adelaide pecked my cheek. "I knew there was a reason I love you," Adelaide teased.

I mentally rolled my eyes and took Adelaide by the hand, leading her upstairs to my room. Adelaide plopped down onto my bed and rested her head against the bed frame. I sat at the foot of the bed.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" I joked.

Adelaide grinned mischievously. "Is it working?" Adelaide asked, her tone seductive.

"No one likes a tease," I grumbled.

"Who said I was teasing?" Adelaide retorted.

I growled. "I hate you," I joked.

Adelaide rolled her eyes. "Oh no you don't," she replied.

I sighed. "You win," I murmured, groaning inwardly.

Adelaide stuck her tongue out at me like a two year old.

God, I love that girl.


It feels nice to be laying in Andrew's bed again, though I'm not so sure that it's the same one he had when he was younger. We used to have countless numbers of sleepovers when we were just kids. I actually remember one time when I slept over in his room.

Ah, one last trip down memory lane.

Ten year old Andrew threw a pillow at my ten year old self's head.

I groaned inwardly. "Andy, don't throw pillows at me!"

"Shut up, Ade," Andrew murmured before laying down on the bed beside me.

"You should take the floor," I snapped.

Andrew rolled his eyes as he rolled over so that he was facing me.

"No, no. I do not want to take the floor. You take the floor," ten year old Andrew protested.

"Ugh, you suck," I retorted. "Girls before boys."

"That doesn't even make sense."

"Does to."

"Does not," Andrew protested.

"If you don't sleep on the floor, I'll kiss you again," ten year old me threatened.

Andrew scoffed. "You will not!" he exclaimed. "I don't want your cooties. I'll take someone else's."

I fake pouted. "I do not have cooties. You have cooties."

"Girls have cooties, not boys, you idiot," Andrew grumbled.

I mentally rolled my eyes. "Girls do not have cooties, boys do. That's what my mother said when I was like five."

Andrew stuck his tongue out at me. I returned the gesture.

"Your mother is a liar," Andrew replied.

I grabbed one of the pillows off his bed and threw it at his head, but ended up missing because I threw it too far.

"Haha, you throw like a girl," Andrew teased.

"I am a girl and I was aiming for your head. If I threw it too far, that means I have a good arm," I retorted.

"Good arm or no good arm, you throw like a girl," Andrew snapped.

I rolled over so that my back was facing Andrew and I was staring at his walls, which at the time had been covered in posters of basketball players. Even then, Andrew had a thing for basketball. He's always been talented, after all.

"Ade, don't be mad," Andrew said, groaning when I didn't answer him. "I'll get the monster from the closet if you don't look at me."

I rolled my eyes as rolled over once again so that I was facing Andrew.

"There are no monsters in your closet, but now I want to tell scary stories."

Andrew shook his head. "Nope, no scary stories. Grayson will get scared."

"Grayson isn't in here," I whispered.

"Fine, we'll tell scary stories. I go first," Andrew demanded. I shrugged, signaling that I didn't care who went first, so long as someone told a scary story. "Have you ever heard the story about that graveyard?" Andrew asked.

I shook my head. "No, I haven't," I answered. He definitely had my interest.

"There is this graveyard that's surrounded by a black fence. There's a gate built into the fence and no one is supposed to open it, because bad things happen. You see, there was this ten year old girl who was dared to go to the gate and open it. There was this black cat there and the black cat hissed at the little girl, warning her to stay away. The little girl disappeared. When she came back again, the cat hissed again and scratched her. If she came back for a third time, things would be worse. Being the idiotic little ten year old that she was, the girl went back a third time, only to find not just a cat, but a witch, too. The cat scratched the girl to death while the witch, ghosts, and other creatures circled above her head. They buried the little girl at the top of the hill. The grave--the one in the center of the graveyard-- belongs to that little girl," Andrew said.

I rolled my eyes. "That is so not true."

Andrew shrugged. "Believe whatever you want to believe, Adelaide, but you know it's true. A little girl really is buried up there... and her tombstone is in the center of the graveyard."

"Prove it," I murmured, testing him.

Andrew shook his head. "No way, Ade. I am not going up there."

"Chicken," I teased before throwing another pillow at his head.

There was more to the conversation, but that's pretty much all I can remember.

Hmm... maybe we could check out the graveyard now.

"Let's go to the graveyard," I blurted before crawling to where Andrew was now sitting. I maneuvered myself on the bed so that I was sitting on his lap.

Andrew narrowed his eyes in my direction and stared at me as though I had grown three heads.

"The graveyard? Why in the hell do you want to go there?" Andrew questioned before pressing his lips against the nape of my neck.

I shivered at his touch, but ignored the way my skin burned with fire from his lips, and continued talking. He was so not going to distract me.

"I want to go there because when we were ten, you said you'd prove that the story about the little girl was true," I answered, though it was complicated because Andrew was now leaving butterfly kisses up the side of my neck.

"Do you really want to go to the graveyard?" Andrew murmured against my neck.

I whimpered as he bit the tender skin on the right side of my neck, and then shook my head, answering his question.

"N-not really," I stammered. God, I hate the way his touch made me melt.

"That's what I thought," Andrew teased before lifting me off his lap and placing my back on the bed so that he was hovering over me and I was lying underneath him.

Andrew lowered himself on top of me so that he was straddling me and he cradled my head in his hands.

"You're beautiful," Andrew whispered before pressing his lips softly against mine. "So sexy," he whispered against my lips, causing me to shiver. He knew how to get me going, and I hated that, but loved it all the same. I know, I make no sense. Give me a break--I can't think. Hello, sexy boy on top of me.

Andrew kissed me everywhere possible--my forehead, my cheeks, under my jaw, my lips, my neck, and once he removed my jean jacket, he kissed my shoulders. Everywhere his lips touched turned to fire once he pulled away.

I'm not normally a take charge kind of girl, but in this one scenario, I was willing to take charge. I couldn't help myself.

I forcefully pressed my lips against Andrew's and pulled him down with me so that his body was directly on top of mine. I kissed his lower lip, then I kissed his upper lip, and then he chewed on my bottom lip, causing me to whimper. I sighed against Andrew's lips as he deepened the kiss and ran his tongue along my lower lip, asking for access into my mouth. I granted said access and in the next second, our tongues were battling for dominance. It was incredibly sexy, just like Andrew.

I couldn't believe that I had ever wanted to hurt someone so amazing. I would never hurt him again. Hurting him hurts me, so unless I randomly decide to be a masochist, I don't plan on hurting him again.

Andrew's lips against mine makes it so hard for me to think--the way it should be.

We pulled away and I somehow ended up cuddled right next to him with his arm wrapped around my waist and my head resting against his muscular chest.

"Being here with you just feels right," I blurted, not really knowing why I said it, but knowing that I felt as though I had to say it. I want him to know how much he means to me.

Andrew smiled as he turned his head to look at me.

"I wouldn't want it to feel wrong," Andrew whispered, gazing into my emerald green's. I couldn't help but gaze into his gorgeous baby blue's. I allowed myself to get lost in them, not caring that I couldn't think straight. I wanted to cherish this moment forever. I wanted to cherish the moment with the one that I'm in love with.

"You don't have to worry. It never will," I promised.

Andrew pressed his lips gently against my forehead.

"You're everything, princess," Andrew whispered against my forehead.

"I love you, Andy," I whispered, grinning from ear to ear. I had never been happier than I was in that moment.

"I love you, too, princess," Andrew murmured before pulling me closer to him.

I took in his scent and let the moment sink in.

In that moment, nothing else mattered.

Nothing else but me and the one that I love.

The one that I've always loved.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Prepare for the longest author's note I've ever written.

I want to start off by thanking everyone who has stuck by me through this story. I know, at times, it was frustrating and at other times, it was bliss. I want to thank everyone who supported me. Honestly, I would have never finished this story if it weren't for all of you. You guys were my inspiration, so as a thank you, I want to dedicate this story to Spurlunk and HighOnBrokenWings. Honestly, without the help of the two of you right from the beginning, I would have never gotten this far. So, thank you. And thanks to my other readers as well--you guys are just as important.

I told you that chapter nineteen was a jumbled mess. I still think it is. I'm not sure that I like the ending. It may be a bit mushy, but I don't plan on changing it. You guys either like it or you don't. I can't do anything to change that--it's your opinion. I, personally, am okay with how the ending turned out. I wanted to get in another moment with the father. Of course, I had him leave. I've been waiting for Andrew's father to leave forever, and now that the end is near, so is the end of his mother's marriage with his bastard father. See, Adelaide and Andrew have been in love with each other since forever--the two were just scared. I finally revealed the concept of Wuthering Heights being the book I chose for Mrs. Toman to have them read. They bring out the best in each other, and I think that's always a plus when you're in a relationship with someone. They know each other better than they know themselves, which is also a plus. I've enjoyed writing their characters and like I said in my last author's note, I'm really going to miss it.

Also, the 'scary story' that Andrew told is a true story from the town I live in here in WV, but I tweaked a bit to fit Wisconsin(I don't live there, obviously) and I changed the story up a bit. The real story is something like that--there is a black gate across the highway from where I live and that's where the graveyard. There are like ten million versions of the story and I know some people that have said they've seen the witch, but I think it's bogus. I just like scaring little kids with the story, aha. Anyway, just wanted to say that I didn't make the story up--it's like our town's legend or something.

But that's the end.

Finis(the story, not the author's note).

I plan on writing another story, and though I know everyone enjoyed the idea for The Not-So Fairytale, I can't seem to write the prologue the way I want it. I'm not so sure I like any of the ideas I came up with for my second story, so I will be working on something that has nothing to do with the ideas I posted. Maybe in the near future, I will write The Not-So Fairytale, but not this time around. Until then, enjoy the final chapter of The Games that Play Us and thanks again for sticking with me for the story.

Much love,
Kara--the author.