AN: So I'm finally publishing a story, so comments and criticism of the constructive sort are welcome. I'm starting the revision process, a bit early I realize, but I left some questions at the bottom at the bottom. If you decide to review, if you could answer them that would be awesome. Okay I'm done now. Thanks for clicking on the link and I hope you enjoy the first chapter.

Destiny Between Two Stars

By Lady Andromeda

My grandmother believed my destiny was written in the stars for the world to see and admire. She told me I would experience adventures unexplored by the imagination. I would do great and wonderful things. I would find love so powerful and true not even the great William Shakespeare could write a tale to match how epic it really was. And it was all mapped out on the nights sky, begging for me to follow it. I was seven, and ate up every word.

She told the stories with such detail, always beginning with "Once upon a time." There were always pirates, fairies, an evil sorceress, and of course a handsome prince. It was all in my future, she told me, I just had to wait until I was ready, whenever that may be.

"My dear this place of magic awaits for you between the brightest stars!" She told me, widening her eyes. "Always remember, the forest is full of wisdom. Listen for their whispers in the wind, they will help you on your journey!"

"Now that's enough." My mother would then say. "Anymore of that nonsense and she'll actually start believing a place like that exists."

"Doesn't it?" I remember asking once.

"Rose sweetie, if a place like that exists don't you think the scientist would have found it with their telescopes?"

"Oh hush." My grandmother said, "Not even the mightiest telescope in the world can see magic."

Now my mother was a rational and honest woman and didn't tolerate the fanciful stories my senile grandmother would spin. She told me they were just stories and they could have been about anyone. I didn't want to believe her, I wanted to be special. What's the point in being special when anyone could be? Still, at seven I understood my mother was probably right. After all, when your grandmother insists that instant oatmeal is the creation of Satan, you see past the magic of the story and see it for what it really must be; the work of an overactive imagination.

There is no such thing as destiny, my mother told me. It was all about the decisions and the choices you made. Nothing and no one controlled the direction your life took, only you could. I had to admit, that sounded pretty good. However, I did once ask if I could decide to choose to take on my destiny, and lets just say that's when I learned there were such things as stupid questions.

A few years went by, eleven or so to be more precise, and I embraced the control I had over my life. Once my grandmother died I felt whatever destiny I had died away with her. Taken with the wind along with her ashes. Still, I hoped, dreamed even. I dreamed about a place between the brightest stars, where the trees were enchanted, and a rendezvous with destiny awaited.

Questions For You:

1. Does the Prologue cause enough intrigue for you to continue? If not, in what ways can I better it?

2. Are character descriptions necessary or does the dialogue in this chapter give you general feel for the characters and how they may impact the main character?