A/N New Oneshtot :) Longest yet and I love it. Wasn't really sure where it was going just went with the flow, I hope you can't see that in the writing though.
Let me know what you think, whether you like it or not. How it compares to my other oneshots etc.
Wasn't too sure on the title it is subject to change (Orgasmic Accents or Darlin' or Lucia) let me know what you think title-wise.
Rated T for language and references - if you think it should be M let me know.
Hope you enjoy.
Debates over Woody's and Boner's
Whenever I think of her name all that comes to mind is the line; "Lucia I want to be her", the words fit in perfectly to a tune that I can't name, yet I know they aren't true.
Lucia really was beautiful, and I guess that made it alright that she knew it. She was a cliché; the new girl turned popular over night. Everyone seemed to know who she was, the majority liked her and she was clever. I think I'll always find that unfair; beauty and brains but maybe that's jealousy speaking. It would be nice to know if that emotion still resides somewhere in me.
As I said, Lucia is beautiful and I think that the male population knows this. And the female population begrudged it.
Right now I'm getting a view of Lucia's cleavage from the way she's leaning across the table across from me, which means, although I'd deduced this already, that the guy sat next to me was getting the same view. And from the way he was intently staring at her as she spoke to him, he was enjoying it.
The problem with this scene was me, not necessary me being in it but the fact that I was doing nothing to prevent it. There was no anger in me, the arm that was casually flung over my shoulder didn't feel like anything to me.
I just sat there and watched this beautiful girl and my boyfriend flirt. I could see where his gaze was and I could tell that, by the way they were sitting, they were playing footsie under the table, but still no jealousy. It wasn't as though he did this often, but I doubted Lucia was the first. It wasn't as though I had grown so used to it that I was now void of feeling that jealousy. I just don't think I cared.
Lucia could flirt all she liked, they could fall in love and start copulating right here on the lunch room table having asked me to hold their clothes for them, either way I didn't think my jealousy would even veer it's ugly head. I knew I'd probably get angry if it got out about them 'getting it on' while he was still with me, the rumours that it was all because I was frigid would surely get out, which was why I was logically rehearsing my break up with Kyle in my head.
But maybe, just maybe it would be better to show him I didn't care. Not being up myself at all but I had looks, not Lucia looks but still looks. With my shiny and straight brown hair and my brown eyes I could be seen as plain but I had the confidence that raised how beautiful I was considered.
I was probably one of those girls that was considered to look good enough for a shag or on the other hand a good girl for a long term relationship, which is why I think Kyle probably chose me. I was the type of girl you'd take home to your parents and have no worries, they wouldn't spot me in the shopping mall with 6 inch heels and a mini skirt up to my bum on. I was the safe option. And I was sick of it.
So there was the decision made. I was going to get found with another guy in a compromising position, now all I needed was a guy. The best way to do this was find a cliché.
Boyfriend's best friend, no too sluttish to be found with a member of the sports team, they might start saying I've been round the block with all of them, well as least the frigid rumour would be turned on its head.
The goody-two-shoes, no way am I lowering my self to Benjamin Lewis, he may look nice and tidy but I'd heard of him and teachers getting a bit too close for comfort.
Now a teacher, that's a possibility, although it does scream slut and has an illegal nature.
Boyfriend's enemy, Travis Tanner scares me.
School bad boy, could be slut name calling yet there is little known of Cameron Walsh, he is wanted but it isn't spoken of. And Cameron Walsh is hot.
The cliché of school badass and goody-two-shoes, yet secretly bitchy, girlfriend of the popular jock wins.
Now to initiate meeting.
Well we'll have to begin tomorrow. New outfit is necessary. I think I need to go shopping.
And find someone else to drive me to school tomorrow. Kyle will not like the transformation, plus can't have him knowing, not that he's smart enough to figure it out. Ah the dumb jock…
I love Lucia.
Maybe she has plans of her own, try to get friendly with targets girlfriend so that popularity escalates, but she is now my new best friend.
I'm still a little unsure of why I'm sat in her car wearing an above the knee skirt and a top that shows a little more cleavage than I'm used to but it happened. I guess I now know where Lucia shops then, my seduction clothes come from her usual shop.
Does that mean she's in permanent seduction mode? Wait I already know the answer to that, a resounding 'yes she is'.
The oh-so-lovely Lucia offered me a ride and I really couldn't say no, she has a look. Obviously her charms affect those of the female variety as well as those of the male species.
Could Lucia have lesbian tendencies? - Must investigate at a future date.
I hope no one thinks that Lucia was the cause of this makeover, I wish to take full credit. Well I guess Cameron Walsh can take credit if he wishes to.
Maybe she's going to take credit and then when she finally seduces Kyle in front of the whole school it will look as though I'd been taken in by her and I'll be the laughing stock, that is if I'm not busy mouth raping Cameron Walsh in the corner, that is if it doesn't turns out Lucia's a lesbian.
If she is a lesbian do you think she's been after me all this time? Wait Faye? That's me.
"Huh?" Oh I truly am the epitome of cool.
"We're here. The bell's already gone and I don't want you to be too late for History." Does she have to act so nice? I know she's a bitch who's about to steal my willing boyfriend. And wait a sec…Holy. Shit. How does she know I have history.
Oh god she's like a stalker. Maybe she's planning to 'get rid' of me to get her hands on Kyle, does she not know I could be doing him and he's leave me for her (not that I ever plan, or have planned, to 'do' Kyle) , or maybe she really is a lesbian who's deeply interested in me. I really need to look into these suspicions.
"I have to pop into music first," Probably to get it on with Mr. Andrews, God knows how much time that sleazy man spends staring over girl's shoulders in that class, and I let you know it's not because he's watching our keyboard skills. "so I'll be in History a few minutes late, can you tell Miss. Summers for me?" Oh, that's how she knows I have history…
I have a feeling I must have been nodding my head absently at her as she screeches a 'Thanks' at me before skipping along to where ever, and when I say skipping I mean it.
As I walk in the other direction I turn to watch her and notice that maybe she skips because it makes her skirt fly up as she moves, and I swear you can see her pants at certain angles…Oh God, maybe I'm a lesbian.
Okay so as a lesbian what clichés could I cheat on Kyle with?
His older sister, she has a boyfriend and would probably deck me one. I've always had the impression she didn't like me.
His best female friend, oh wait he doesn't have any…maybe Kyle's just faking interest in Lucia and me, and is really getting it on with all the guys in the changing rooms after games…
The girls' PE teacher, still a teacher, still illegal. And slightly gross.
School slut, that would make me a slut too, and I'm pretty sure she only spreads her legs for guys…although you can never be too sure with her type.
School's resident lesbian, I'm pretty sure I'm not Grace Lamb's type from what I've seen of her past girlfriends.
Female school outcast/badass, we don't have one. Only a male one…
It seems I will just have to remain straight enough to get it on with Cameron Walsh.
Now Cameron Walsh is hot, as I said.
He has jet black hair, natural, and is one of the few boys in our year that lets himself grow facial hair, though only to that really attractive stubble length. Oh the number of times I've wondered what that would feel like scratching against my face, I'd happily get pash-rash for that man. I'm pretty sure that every other female, discounting Grace Lamb, in my year has had the same thought. He has brown eyes much like my own, but his don't say boring, they say mysterious. And he has a strong jaw line that screams manliness.
If I was a guy I would so wake up with a morning woody over that guy, ah the lovely crude language of the male species, though woody is better than boner…I think.
I would like to let everyone know, for future reference, that you shouldn't have a debate over whether boner or woody is a cruder word whilst walking, as you are likely to not be paying attention to where you are going.
"Freakin' step. When the hell did they put that there?!" I believe that I am slightly more violent and rude in my language when I don't think anyone else is around. Maybe the real me is some angry girl with the mouth of a trucker…
"It's always been there."
"Holy shit!" I truly believe that this is the new phrase to show surprise.
"Now that's not very nice now is it." A deep and accented yet slightly amused sounding voice says from above me.
I look up very slowly and all I can do is stare, I believe my mouth may have just fallen open. Now the question is whether the reaction is out of fear of shock…both.
"Nice knickers, maybe ye really are fuck-able Faye."
I stay sat on my ass staring at him, innerly cursing the person who came up with that ironic nickname for me, but close my legs from their open position at lightening speed.
"Aww, I was enjoying the view." It has to be reluctantly admitted that he has a fuck-me voice.
There are only two words that are flashing through my mind at that point though. Travis fucking Tanner. Well maybe that's three. But seriously, I am staring up at Travis Tanner and he isn't going away even when I blink furiously.
"Got somethin' in ye'r eye darlin'?" Although it could seem that there could be concern for me, there is a mocking and slightly amused tone to his question. However much that annoys me I am still unable to get up. Or respond.
"Fuck, I knew ye were quiet but I didn't know ye were mute darlin'." Even if he is completely and utterly terrifying it's got to me said that when he says "darlin'" in that hot accent of his it is amazing. Nearly orgasmic to know it's aimed only at you.
Travis Tanner and orgasmic…woah, never thought I'd link them.
He chuckles slightly under his breath as he offers me a hand to help me up, almost as though he can hear what I'm thinking. Oh God don't let me have said any of that out loud. Since he hasn't said anything else though I guess he's just laughing at me for the way I'm staring at his hand as though he's lost his mind.
"I won't bite ye darlin', unless that's what ye're in to." There's a smile on his face that makes me think of what a shark would look like as it smirks sadistically at its prey, and I shudder in fear as I let my fingers close over his hand.
It's warm and soft but you can feel the strength, especially as he pulls me up. I fight the need to jump away from him as I'm pulled flush against his body.
Who knew Travis Tanner emitted so much heat, here's me thinking he was cold hearted.
"Thank you for helping me up." He looks like he wants to laugh at me, but I carry on in my attempt to escape his clutches without stammering. "I'd better get to class."
I go to walk away but the hand I was holding, and apparently still am, pulls me back.
"No point now darlin', don't want to turn up late. Ye're better off ditchin' this one all together." Even though my flight or fight response is stuck on flight I have to admit I can see the logic in his words. Maybe Travis has that charm that Lucia has…
"Well, I can see that you may be right. Miss Summer's wouldn't think twice in sending me to detention however kind she usually is…"
Wow…he really can charm. Wish I could do that.
"What happened sweet-cheeks? Ye were being so much more…free before." Sweet-cheeks, hmm nice.
"Free?" Did he mean leaving my legs open, because really flashing him was not something I wanted to do again, especially when I take into account I'd decided to get really in character today and wore a thong.
To think Travis Tanner has seen more of my body intimately than my boyfriend of 2 years.
"Ye were dropping in swear words every few words darlin'." I prefer darlin' to sweet-cheeks. It's nice, even if this is Travis Tanner, The Travis Tanner, the completely and utterly terrifying Travis Tanner…
"Err…" Great, my fear sets in now. My head's screaming escape, but my body really isn't taking any notice.
"Ye gone back to bein' all mute? I gotta say ye always struck me as havin' a feisty undertone."
I feel like he's laughing at me…wait, he is.
Why the hell is he laughing at me?
"Why the hell are you laughing at me?" Shit…stupid mouth. Why's my mouth so stupid while he has quite a nice mouth…
Shut. Up. Stupid. Brain.
"There we go darlin'. Ye know I like a feisty women." It's the shark smile again, with those perfect white teeth, in that nice mouth, on that oh-so attractive face.
I believe my eyes just widened considerably, whether it's because my brain registered what he said, or because I finally worked out what my brain was saying, I don't know.
"Don't look like that darlin', I promise it was a compliment. Now where's that idiot of a boyfriend of yers?"
Aww look at him insulting Kyle, isn't it sweet. Although I guess it's not an insult, more like the truth. He's really not that bright. Though I shouldn't stand for Travis insulting my soon to be ex like that.
"Boyfriend?" I really didn't mean to say that, I was supposed to tell him off.
"I know he's nothin' compared to me but ye really should try to remember 'im, however horrifyin' it all is." He has such a nice accent, I know some girls don't like accents like his but it really does make him sound hotter.
He has that kind of voice that makes you think of him lying in bed next to you after a night of so very hot sex, he's smoking and drawling out words to you, while you lie on him chest still dazed and oh-so very much turned on still.
These really aren't thoughts that Travis Tanner is usually in, where's Cameron Walsh? He's supposed to be lying next to me in my sex dreams! Travis Tanner is supposed to only appear in my nightmares.
Although I guess neither of them should appear in my sex dreams, my boyfriend probably should…but it doesn't happen. Not a single dream. And for a 17 year old virgin I have a lot of sex dreams. I'm like a guy…that's worrying. I'm a gay guy though, although thinking back to watching Lucia's skirt…
I try not to get too concerned in my thoughts, or laugh at what Travis had last said and go to answer him.
"Too horrifying, shame he's taking up an ex residence soon."
Okay…the truth was NOT what I was aiming at, more like sticking up for my boyfriend…damn that brain of mine. And no longer is it stuck on flight response…I'm confused.
"Oh really, why would that be darlin'?" Shark smile is now on full beam…why am I not running?
"Because him and Lucia could shag in front of me and ask me to hold their clothes and I wouldn't care." Damn that truth telling part of me, ah well it seems to be peeking his interest…is that a good thing?
"New gal?" I nod slowly, why is he not saying 'hot girl' or 'Lucia, shit, good for him'…weirdo. "So public dumpin' is it then?"
"Kinda." Oh look his way of speaking is contagious…
"How 'kinda'? He looks interested again, wow my social/love life interests Terrifying Travis.
"I'm going to find someone else," He nods as if this is boring, "before I dump him. Hopefully I won't have to because he'll have got the message." No one has any idea as to how difficult it was to speak properly then and not be influenced by his bloody accent.
"Who were ye thinkin' of darlin'?" He's got the smile again, I think I can see something attractive in it, it makes him look confident and really pulls you under his power.
I think he may have pulled me closer to him…I don't remember having to turn my head up this high before.
"Err…no one in particular." Liar! Now I lie…hmm, entirely unconscious decision.
Maybe my mouth knows how hot he's looking, with his dirty blonde hair and gray-blue eyes, and that strong looking face. Oh God, I better not be drooling.
You know, when the initial scariness is gone boyfriends enemy is really a good choice. He doesn't date much, he doesn't sleep around, he shows his face at parties but never shows anything else…unlike Kyle and that time he stripped…
And Travis really does have the nicest, softest mouth I've ever felt…What?
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
He's kissing me. Travis Tanner is kissing me. And I may have to admit I'm kissing him back.
Does kissing another guy whilst in a relation make me a bitch…? Hmm, I don't care.
His hands are linked round my waist, and I swear I can feel his fingers brush against my bum every now and then, but I don't care. I like it.
Oh God, Travis Tanner is kissing me and I like it.
All I can think is that this kiss couldn't be any better, his teeth biting tenderly against my lower lip and the feel of his soft skin tickling against my skin wouldn't feel any better if he had stubble. Just thinking about that made me open my mouth to let his darting tongue in, and to stop him from nipping so amazingly at my lips.
He used his grip around my waist to pull me tight against him and to feel the very thing I'd been debating over when I fell earlier push against me. And it was decidedly delicious.
Exactly a second or two later the bell went and it took me a little longer than it was supposed to, to pull my mouth away from Travis'. I kept him in front of me and peeked round his side and ignored the chuckle I could hear from above me. I was hoping that anyone that had come out of their classrooms had ignored the back that was clearly owned by Travis Tanner who was obviously making out with someone in the middle of a hallway. Though I have to say if I saw this site I would have stopped and stared openly.
Slowly peeking round the side of the body in front of me I noticed a few people openly staring, while others were walking by and oh-so unsubtly staring back at us. So, not the plan I had of a lunch room tryst but I was pretty sure that this would get back to Kyle. Shame. Damn that bitchy mode.
I heard the voices rise when they saw that it was in fact Faye Lyndon, girlfriend of their beloved jock, making out with Travis Tanner, un-beloved yet lusted after, occasional football player.
Go me and the stereotype clichés.
"So when yer boyfriend and ye have parted amicably, fancy a date darlin'?"
I felt the corners of my lips rise and wondered if he'd scared off my fear with his kiss, and then began to gaze in wonder over the fact that a guy like Travis knew words like 'amicably'. Maybe he really wasn't like Kyle
The voices raised once again with hearing this gossip and looked back up at the masses.
There were a few people just walking straight past and I noticed one of them was Cameron Walsh, well some things aren't meant to be. And from the fact that Lucia was walking very closely next to him I realised things really weren't meant to be.
That meant no Lucia and Kyle.
Shit, maybe I really am a bitch…oh well.
A/N All Reviews and Advise accepted.
On Story, title, Rating etc
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