Chapter 1

I'm drifting -- I'm floating -- towards peace.

I'm startled awake by Daniel leaning over me. Worry and fear are etched across his face. I'm naked in the tub. The water is red from my blood and bone chillingly cold from the hours I've been in it.

"Shit" is all I can manage to say.

"It's ok" Daniel says and picks me up with vampire ease and moves me to the bedroom. He hurries away moving so fast I can't see him. He returns with two towels, wraps me in one and tells me to dry my hair with the other one. Daniel runs his hands through his thick tousled black hair. His slender hard body is still shaking from finding me. I look into his deep dark mesmerizing eyes, so dark they could be black. I know he is mad. But I'm mad too. We both keep looking at each other while shaking our heads no. He breaks the silence first. "Why do you do that - to yourself ?" Practically spitting out the words, as he jesters his hand over my arms and thighs. I just let out a large sigh---he knows why! Then his eyes grow wide narrowing in on my neck. He reaches to push my head to the side. "YOUR COMING WITH ME !" He yells and reaches forcefully into his pocket for his cell phone.

"UUggghhh" I sigh and drop back onto the bed. Great, a million things are running through my head. 'Why did he have to find me.' 'Stupid vampire blood.' 'Dam it, now I'll be watched around the clock for at least a month by Thomas' friends.'

'Thomas….Thomas…..Thomas.' Now I'm crying. Ten years have past, but I still grieve. I still feel the void. This particular time I couldn't pull myself out of the black hole of depression that was sucking me in. I started cutting myself years ago to relieve the pain. Usually the cuts are shallow, just enough make pain. The distraction of the newly created pain takes away from the other pain. The pain that leaves me hollow inside. My arms and legs are covered by years of scarring. But this time, this time I was desperate for a more intense…… distraction. I slashed my neck. Well, that amount of distraction must have been right because that's the last thing I remember before Daniel woke me up by shaking me.

They are all here now, all four of Thomas' loyal friends have teleported in from their lives to rescue me again. Dam them. Dam Thomas' last words.

He made them all give their word to take care of me before he…………..

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by my towel being removed. I should be embarrassed, but I'm too weak to care. I have done this to myself before, and they have seen me before. The only difference now is my dyed black hair. Ten years later and I'm still afraid I'll be recognized. Not that I look now, anything like I did then- or leave the house, for that matter.

Then I had a nice body. Blonde hair and blue eyes. My boobs were on the bigger side and most weeks my butt was a size eight. Now, I'm way under weight, my body is scarred and my boobs are mostly gone. Most of my time is spent in bed. I might remember to eat once a day. Then I sleep some more.

Depression, Sucks!

My cuts are examined and I'm dressed like a large living doll. I know not even to bother to resist or argue - they'll take me by force if necessary .

Ian approaches "Lass, ye need to take better care of ye self." "Ye'll be stayin' with me now" I glare at him.

He shares a look with the other three, they nod to each other then teleport out. Teleportation is the ability to move from one place to another place. I think it feels like your sliding on air. A vampire who wishes to teleport just visualizes the destination in his mind, and he appears there. If they have not been to the place they wish to teleport to they can use a sensory beacon, like a voice over the phone or an answering machine. To take someone with them you just have to hold on.

Now it's just me and Ian. He slides back onto the bed and moves to sit against the headboard. He relaxes back and reaches for me.

"Now lass" he says as he pulls me in-between his legs, my back up against him. He places his left arm around my waist to secure me in place. I'm too weak to give him a hard time. I hear the 'crunch' of him biting his right wrist. I drop my head back onto his shoulder. His wrist is at my mouth.

"Drink" he softly commands.

I drink.


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