

I couldn't think of anything else except for the clean blade clutched in my hand. Only it wasn't supposed to be clean. It should have been covered in blood – his blood.

He grinned smugly at me. He poked his tongue at the base of one of his sharp teeth. He didn't speak. His once mesmerizing liquid brown-silver eyes now were a bloody red color. How appropriate. A scream became stuck in my throat but only because I was more shocked than scared…I had loved this…this monster. He held my gaze all the while slowly closing the gap between our bodies.

His steps were silent and virtually weightless in the sense I couldn't feel the ground shake with every step he took. A hank yanked at my hair. The fingers that had once gently traced the hollow of my throat now stung like daggers against my scalp. I yelped out in pain as he effortlessly knocked me off my feet. I continued to scream loud, hoping someone who hear me. But all I could hear were my own screams echoing back at me. I don't think he was even breathing anymore.

I clutched onto his fist full of my hair. My nails weren't doing anything. They didn't even make a dent on his icy skin that matched his icy heart. I whimpered out of pain and let out another loud yowl. I begin to kick at the floor and even begin to dig my nails into the wooden floor, an action I had much distasted in horror movies. I could feel them breaking off. He began to drag me through the house by my hair. Rooms I had once gawked at for their baroque décor and high ceilings, now filled me with nausea. I let out another scream but he just pulled harder on my hair. As he continued to drag me, I noticed that the flowers in the halls were all dying.

He stopped in front of one of the many floor-to-ceiling bookcases he had in his study and whispered something I didn't understand. The book faded to the side, exposing a hidden room. I began to thrash harder but it wasn't working. He seemed to be immune to my defenses. I watched in horror as the bookcase closed behind us. I was now trapped in here. No one was going to save me. That was clear as day now. I was going to die. The thought made my whole body freeze with terror. I was so not ready for that.

"Tobe?" a familiar voice called out in distress. The boy who was pulling me threw me into the center of the room. I caught sight of my brother tied up to one of the chairs in the room. One other person was in the room with us. Uncharacteristically, holding a cigarette between his teeth. It wasn't lit and he quickly spit it to the ground before stomping on it with his foot.

I nearly hopped to my feet in pure joy of seeing him. My twin. My precious three minutes younger brother. I wanted to pull him into my arms. But he was stopping me. I hopped up to my feet but before I could go anywhere the one and only guy who dragged me here grabbed me by the waist and threw me over his shoulder. I beat on his bad and screamed.

"Let me go! Brendan! Let me go! I want Brendan!" I screamed for my brother as I pounded on his back. It, of course, did nothing. He threw me into a chair and tied me up. He then took two steps away from me. He muffled a hand through his dark hair…but then it turned light blonde.

"Shape shifting has never been so fun," he said in a dark tone. It was not the one I had fallen for…it was his twisted brother who was doing all of this. He had only shape shifted into him so he could get me.

I felt like the biggest idiot and kicked myself in the head for it. I will so need to tell Brendan 'I told you so' if we escape alive.


If you were to ask me how I would picture my life in the six months after my brother's leaving, I would not say this. It would probably go along the lines of "I wanna go home. I miss Eric still." Not "I just got kidnapped by my lover's older brother and so did my brother and not to mention, he is like, indestructible."

Yeah, my life has gone really down hill since Eric left.


[AN] Okay, so that was my awesome prologue. Sorry if it is a little bit confusing but everything will eventually be explained. Review please! [AN]