
I watched as Elsie was pulled farther and farther from me as the weeks dragged on until one day, she missed our lunch meeting. I thought it might have been a fluke so I called her. She apologized, she forgot to call me and tell me that she would be eating with Aaron. That was fine, as long as it was only once. But, it wasn't once; she began to forget about our lunch meetings everyday. After a month of not eating together, much less seeing her, she invited me to her place for dinner, although, Aaron was cooking. I agreed, only because I was desperate.

I hated Aaron's food. It was horrible: no spices, no seasoning, I'd rather eat hardtack and gruel than eat what he made ever again. Elsie praised him at every moment, telling him that he was a chef. I watched them interact as if I wasn't even there. It hurt, my body shaking with anger. They kissed, hugged, snuggled and everything else they could. I decided to leave them alone so I went into Elsie's room. Everything was always tidy, clean, and utterly feminine.

It overcame me then, the urge to take. I had never taken anything from Elsie that wasn't offered to me. It hit me then that Elsie never offered herself to me, and now that Aaron was around, she never would. If Elsie was going to kick me out of her life, then I would take something with me of hers but, what would I take? A picture? No, it had to be something uniquely Elsie. The one thing she really loves is her "I'm a Princess" shirt. Listening to by the door for any movement, I moved into her closet, quickly going through her things until I found the shirt. I grabbed it then balled it up. I had to make my escape. I told Elsie that I was tired, all the while, holding her shirt behind my back. She expressed a sort of sadness. With a wave, I was gone, speeding home and back to my room. Once the front and bedroom doors were locked, I pulled out the shirt. What I had done was dangerous, stealing from Elsie. But as I caressed the shirt with my face, the scent of Elsie drifted to my nose and I knew it was worth it.

After that night, I began stealing from Elsie whenever I could. I had a key to her apartment so I just waltzed in and took. First, it was small things: earrings, ankle bracelets. Then it got to be bigger things: jeans, more shirts, bras, panties, her iPod. I should have felt horrible but I didn't. Elsie belonged to me and everything she owns belonged to me as well, she just didn't realize it. Soon though, soon, she would realize that Aaron was just a phase and then she would come running back to me.

I should have felt the strain of Elsie not being near me but I didn't; she was never far from me anyway. If she went to the movies, so did I. If she went to the library, so did I. If she went to Aaron's apartment, I followed then waited outside the complex to wait for her to come out. She had no idea what I was doing, she was never that observant.

Aaron, on the other hand, must have felt someone watching him. He became wary when he was alone. He should be worried. After all, he stole what was mine. I've tried several ways to keep him from seeing Elsie; I've poked holes in two tires, I've called him several times using a pay phone, but nothing so drastic as of yet. I've avoided talking to him, only giving him glares to serve as conversation. He's s the reason that I've stooped so low as to stalk Elsie.

I miss having Elsie come over. She only comes now about twice every two weeks. I find that I have time to think, time to plan, and time to smoke. When I feel lonely, I take out everything I have of Elsie's and drape it over me, breathing deep into the clothing. I clutch it tight and imagine that Elsie's body is beneath mine. My phone rings; I don't know who it could be. I take a look at the clock: eleven pm. I answer my phone with a harsh "what".

"Hey, it's me. Are you sleeping?"

I straighten up on my bed. "No, I'm not sleep. What's up?"

I'm giddy. Elsie hasn't called me on the phone in weeks, maybe months; I can't remember.

"I wanted to know if I could come over."

I look around the room. Elsie's stuff is all over the place but all I have to do is stuff everything in my box and store it in my trunk. I get up and start packing everything away.

"Sure. Everything all right?" I throw the shirts and jeans on the bottom of the box with all the jewelry on top.

"Yeah, everything's good. I just wanna chill out with you for a while. I'll be over in a few minutes."

"That's great! Se ya soon."

I hang up. I check the room for anything I might have missed. I run out to my car and stuff the box inside. It wouldn't do for Elsie to see that I have her things. As I shut my trunk, I see Elsie's red cavalier pull into my extra space.

"Hey stranger."

Elsie locks her car door then comes to me, a small smile climbing on her lips.

"Hey yourself. What have you been up to?"

I shrug before pulling out a Marlboro. I light it quickly then take a puff.

"Nothing much. School and work. You know how it is."

I turn to look at her. She has a scowl marring her face while her eyes focus on my hand.

What the hell is she staring at?

"Why are you smoking? You promised you would stop!"

Damn. I wasn't thinking when I lit up in front of her. "I'm stressed," I say to her.

It wasn't a lie. Elsie being away from me and Aaron forcing his way into my life had me stressed: stressed enough to smoke, stressed enough to think horrible thoughts.

I hear Elsie sigh beside me. She grabbed my jacket, dragging me to my apartment. I open my door, my cigarette still pressed between my lips.

"You're not taking that in are you?" She gestures to my cig.

"Its fine, Elsie." I push Elsie on the back to the living room. I grab some drinks from the kitchen. Elsie declines her but I put it on the table anyway.

"It's not fine. You promised to stop. I get stressed too but I don't pick up a cigarette when I do."

Elsie pulled back her hair before reaching for the Sprite can.

"Well, I'm so stressed that I'm smoking, get over it. Now, you sounded nervous on the phone. Tell me what's going on or leave so I can smoke in peace."

Elsie huffed before moving on. "This conversation is not over."

"It never is," I thought.

"Well, it's about Aaron." She fiddled with her shirt hem.

"Are you breaking up?" I tried not to sound happy and excited.

"No! In fact, I'm thinking of taking it farther." Elsie gave me a shy smile.

I freeze. "What do you mean farther?" Please don't say what I think you're going to say!

"Well," she began, "What kind of condoms are best?"

Once Elsie had left, I screamed so loud that I think the mirrors rattled. I threw everything that my hands could grab: books, backpack, shoes, and beer bottles. Thumps, crashing, and banging echoed from my apartment. Apparently I was so loud that the Manager on Duty came to my door, requesting that I keep down my racket. I did stop, after an hour. I stopped so that I could drink my sorrows away in a bottle of Lager, only to smash the bottle against the kitchen cabinet walls. Never had I been so disappointed in myself, never had I been so lacking in the protection of my territory.

I had it in my gloved hand: the brick that would frighten Aaron away from Elsie. I wasn't parked next to his house: in fact, I was parked far away from the apartment complex several streets over. I was wearing all black, from the ski mask to the black combat boots. I crouched low, brick in hand. I slowly made my way over to his place on the first floor. I watched for about ten minutes before I did anything; I had to make sure he was home. Through the curtains, I watched as he walked into his kitchen, a bowl in hand. I stood; I had to make the throw now. What if I don't have enough force? I stepped back a little. I raised my arm high and paused. Could I do this? Would they find me? I shook my head. No, no one would ever know: I had made sure of that. I had made sure to get the brick from somewhere far from my own home, made sure to pick up the brick with gloved hands and put it in a fresh Ziploc bag with surgery gloves. Again I raised my hand high and this time, I chucked it at the window. I ran, never hearing the crash behind me as the window shattered. I ducked behind the house across the street before I ran again. It had been a great night.

Elsie called me later that night in a panic. I tried to act surprised that someone was that evil but I don't know how well that went. I soothed her with kind words and reassurances that everything would work out fine for Aaron. Elsie then told me that Aaron was staying with her until he could have his apartment fixed. I told her that as long as he respected her privacy, it was cool to me. She giggled and said that he would, she would make sure of it.

A week later, I called Elsie and asked her if I could make dinner at her place: Aaron included of course. She agreed. I was beyond happy; I would talk to Elsie about kicking Aaron out of her apartment. I would make him sound like a free-loader. I shopped for all of Elsie's favorites: chicken, spicy sausage, green beans and more.

I must have spent thirty dollars on tonight's dinner.

I smoked a cigarette before I made it to her apartment. I was anxious, impossibly so. I pulled in to an extra space of the apartment next door. I decided to wait before I brought the groceries in. I grabbed the flowers I bought for her then let myself in with the key Elsie gave me. The lights were out. Her car was outside but where was she? Where was Aaron?

I looked about for a minute before setting down the flowers on the table. I heard a thump, the sound of a shoe dropping. I went to investigate. I maneuvered around the living room furniture before coming to Elsie's door. Another thump. What is going on? I gripped the doorknob. I knocked and said "Hey, it's me". I push open the door to see…

Aaron on top of Elsie- naked.

Their bodies were moving together, Elsie clasping at Aaron's back for support.

"What the hell!"

They pull apart, shocked by my voice. Elsie pulled the covers to her chest while Aaron made a dash for his boxers and shirt.

"Oh God! I'm sorry! I totally forgot!"

"You forgot? You forgot!" I can't stop pacing, my mind is racing. How dare she give away what is mine to have! I can't seem to grip my mind; my mouth began to run on its own.

"You forgot? Well, that's all you seem to have been doing! You forgot about me! Me! Your one true love! How could you? All my life I've given you everything, everything! I've given you my love, my honor, my protection, but most of all, my heart! And you do what with it?"

I jump on the bed and grasp her shoulders. I shake her, my fingers leaving bruises.

"You're hurting me!"

"Oh! I'm hurting you? What about me? You've hurt me! You hurt me the second you brought that asshole into our lives! What about me? And you," I turn to Aaron, rage in my eyes. "You took Elsie from me! You took her and now you've had all of her! She was going to love me fully before you stepped in! Look what you've done!" I spit. "You've soiled her for me! But, I love her so much; I'll take her back. Don't you want to come back to me, Elsie?"

Elsie's frightened eyes stared at me, the bruises on her arms forming.

"What are you doing? What are you saying?"

"Don't you get it Elsie? Don't you get that I love you? Don't you?"

"But, you know I love you!" she cried.

"No, you don't. But I'll show you how much I love you!"

I ran to the kitchen, my body running into furniture. My mind was set; I had to show Elsie how much I love her, how much she means to me. I grabbed a knife; the longest, sharpest blade I knew was there. For a moment, my mind told me how cliché it was to grab a knife in a fit of passion but I could care less. I went back to the room just in time to see Elsie pulling on a shirt and Aaron trying to pry open the bedroom window.

"Where do you think you're going, huh? Huh? You think you can take what's mine and run? Do you?"

I grabbed his hair in chunks, pulling and tearing. He fought me, throwing his fists but fists were no match for my rage.

"Stop! Stop! Let Aaron go! What are you doing?" Elsie screamed.

"I'm getting rid of the thing that's keeping us apart!" I yelled back.

"Don't do this!" yelled Aaron.

I raised my knife much like I had raised the brick.

"Stop! Don't do it! Please!"

"Shut up! You're mine! You're mine! Sit down and shut up!"

Elsie ran at me, trying to grab my hands but I pushed her off. She fell to the floor with a loud thump.

"Take what's mine will you? Never again!"

I thrust downwards, and time slowed. I saw my knife plunge into Aaron's chest as if it was butter. Blood splattered on to my face and hands; the warm liquid covering the knife. I plunged again in a different place; once again, the blood spurted like a waterfall. I stabbed again and again until Aaron began gasping. I put the knife behind my back and watched as Aaron fell to the carpet, blood being greedily sucked into the fibers like water. I turned to Elsie; she stood against the wall, her breast rising and falling in short waves. I held my hands out to her, blood dripping from both.

"Come on, Elsie, let's go."

"No. No! You killed him! Why!" Tears cascaded down her face, her brown eyes watery.

"Don't make me force you, Elsie. Let's go."


Elsie ran at me, her hands held out to push me. We connected as we both fell out of the room. Elsie gave a cry of pain; I knew I had stabbed her.

"Elsie! Elsie! Oh God, say something!"

I turned her on her back, my knife sticking out of her; it was hilt deep. I gathered her in my arms and cradled her close. Her eyes were closing, a stream of blood coming from her mouth. My poor Elsie.

I lit a cig. I puffed a little before letting it rest in between my fingers. I was soaked in blood: Elsie's and Aaron's. I didn't feel bad about Aaron's but Elsie's… I puffed again, the smoke escaping me. I sat on the couch, my arm wrapped around Elsie's body. "What to do," I thought. What to do? I looked at my cigarette, inspiration hitting me. I kissed Elsie's head before laying her full out on the couch. I took a curtain in my hand. I took a good puff then lit the cloth on fire. I watched as the curtain went up in orange and red flames. I was proud.

"Well, that's were the police found me; sitting outside the burning building. You know the rest."

The psychiatrist stared at me behind red rimmed glasses.

"Very interesting. How do you feel now?"

Now? Now, I feel cheated. In the end, Elsie and Aaron are together like some kind of Romeo and Juliet story.

"I feel something." I replied.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

"No. You asked for my story and I told you. What else is there?"

He sighed. "Alright, try again. Answer the question and you can leave. How do you feel about Elsie now?"

I didn't have to lie, I didn't have to think. "She's mine, God gave her to me. She's my twin sister."

The psychiatrist shuffled his papers. "Alright, Erica. You may go."

Okay my lovelies! Don't forget to review! Hope you enjoyed reading Bleeding Love as Much as I loved working on it. Once again, Bazooka, you lovely thing! Thanks for the help…or rather, just being around so that I could think better! Ciao people!