Author's Note: Yes, I thought I was done with this story too. I guess I'm not. I was carrying the feeling of wanting to keep writing Emma for a while now and I told my best friend, who reads my stories, and she suggested that I should write. So, I did.
I notice each time I enter my account here that I have constant readers to 'White Flag', and it really puts on a smile on my face each time. Thank you so much for everyone who likes the story enough to read it.
Please review this chapter, and tell me if I should keep writing, because I have a few good and surprising things up my sleeve.
Chapter 1 – Unexpected
One month after I had Lily, Jake and I were all packed and ready to leave to San Francisco. All this time, while my mom helped me take care of Lily, she tried to convince me to stay in Sacramento, with them. A part of me wanted to stay, to have the comfort of my family, to help me whenever I needed to, but then again – I was a married woman and a mother, and I should learn how to live on my own. But mostly, I just wanted to be away from Sacramento.
I was never a really independent person, my parents were too good with me, and I don't blame them but I needed to do this on my own. I needed to live with my family.
"I'll miss you, little sister." Kyle said with a slight glum expression, hugging Jenny who was already tearing.
"Me too," Jen said and hugged me tight.
She released me and I turned to say goodbye to my parents.
"Honey, please don't hesitate to call me, whatever happens, you know dad and I will be there in no time." My mother said very kindly and hugged me tight.
"Thanks mom, dad-" I turned to my dad, who was the only one who didn't appear to show any sadness in his face.
"Let's go," he said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, leading me outside of the house, where Jake waited with Lily, next to the car my mom got us for our wedding, a black Honda Civic Hybrid.
"Dad, I'll miss you," I turned around and faced him. He let out one tear and hugged me the tightest of all. I felt my heart break from having to leave them like this, but I knew that this was my only way.
"You're all grown up now Emma, I hope you make wise choices in your life. I'll miss you, Baby." He caressed my cheek and smiled before I turned to face Jake.
I cried as I reached and hugged him, while he caressed my back and tried to sooth me by whispering how much he loves me in my ear.
I released the hug and took one last look at my house; my entire family was out all hugging each other, looking at us. I waved one last time and got into the passenger seat. Jake said goodbye to my family, placed Lily in her seat at the back and got into the front seat, smiling at me with a slightly sad face.
"Ready?" he asked me and looked back at our beautiful daughter, sleeping in her baby chair.
I looked back as he did and took a deep breath, "yes."
He turned on the engine and the car purred to life. I turned on the radio, there was playing Snow Patrol's 'Make This Go On Forever', and for some reason I remembered James. I looked over at Jake and I knew I was looking at my perfect man, so why was I suddenly remembering James? I felt so sick all of a sudden and then I must have dozed off for a while.
When I opened my eyes again, Jake was taking out Lily.
"Are we here?" I asked sleepily, wiping my eyes to clear my eyesight. It was dusk; the sun was setting beautifully behind the ocean. We were in San Francisco – I could already see the famous red bridge.
"Yeah." He whispered but it was unnecessary; Lily was already up too, looking over at Jake and me, and where we had brought her.
I got out of the car and closed the door, standing for a minute and looking at the beautiful view we had right next to our house. I turned to retrieve our bags from the trunk while Jake carried Lily into our home.
My dad, God bless him, had bought us this house. It was an old house from the late 1800s, with at least a dozen more houses that looked exactly the same next to it; only difference was the colors on the outdoor walls. Our house was the first off the road, which meant we had the best view.
We entered the house; a two story old looking, full of character, unbelievably beautiful house. We had the living room straight after you got past the three steps into the house. It was already fully furnished, thanks to my dad again, with old vintage furniture. Behind the living room, to the left of the house stood a huge black grand piano. My eyes filled with tears for the beautiful gesture my dad did for us – he even bought me a piano to play here.
A swinging door led to our rather large kitchen with a dining table right next to it. There was a door in between that lead to our large backyard.
I went back through the door and returned to the entrance where I got up the stairs to the second floor. There were four rooms – three bedrooms and a bathroom.
It was the perfect house for a couple who was starting out their life. More than that, it was the perfect house for Jake, Lily and me.
Jake continued to bring in our bags as I sat with Lily cuddled in my arms, on the sofa in the living room. I loved this house, and most of all I loved the direction my life was heading. Although, the circumstances were far from being perfect, I never did anything perfect in my life, and neither did anyone. This was my definition of perfect, in my little imperfect world.
Jake came back after leaving all of our stuff in the second floor, and sat beside me, cuddling me close to him.
"This is perfect." He said and kissed the top of my head and reached to hold Lily's tiny pale arm.
"I was just thinking that." I smiled at him and reached to kiss him on the lips. I was falling in love with Jake more and more as each day passed. No matter how hard the first month with Lily was, he was always there for me, always had the right words to say. I saw a transformation in Jake; he was always near, in body and in his emotions and thoughts as well. Which he wasn't before I told him I was pregnant.
I was terrified that it will change. I was scared to lose him, because I knew I wouldn't be able to live through that.
Lily was growing with each day and never looked quite the same as she did the day before. She celebrated her first Christmas and Jake and I got her presents. She didn't seem to understand much but she did enjoy the toys we got her. It was January already and I was starting to feel a little suffocated being closed in the house all the time. The only times I went out were with Jake and Lily, when we would walk around the beautiful city parks with her.
Jake and I were laying in our bed, preparing to go to sleep when an idea occurred to me.
"Jake, would it be terrible if I got a job? I feel like I need to do something with myself…" I said to him.
"No, that could be good, actually. We'll have to hire a nanny though, you wouldn't mind?" he asked. Jake already had a job, as a security guard at the mall we had right down the street.
"Well, maybe you could quiet you job." I suggested, "I don't like the idea of a stranger taking care of my daughter."
He smiled lightly, "whatever you want, sweetheart."
"Thanks Jake," I kissed him lightly and we cuddled together to sleep.
The next day I got up at 6 in the morning, like any other day – Lily always woke up that early. I fed her, dressed her warmly, and left her to play with her toys in the living room. I got dressed and waited for Jake to wake up in the living room.
"Good morning," he said to Lily and me.
"Hey – so are you going to your job now?" I asked him, hoping he hadn't changed his mind about quieting his job to allow me to get one. Thought, we could both just stay home because Jake had received a huge amount of compensation money from his parent's car crash. But I wanted to get out of the house already; I felt if I didn't I would lose my mind.
"Yeah, I say I'll be home before lunch," he smiled at me and kissed my lips lightly before leaving the house.
He was right; he did got home before lunch. I was just tucking in Lily in her crib when I heard the front door open. I went down and Jake was already taking off his shoes and relaxing on the sofa.
"That was fast." I smiled while I reached to him and sat beside him. He got to a seating position and wrapped his arms around me, kissing me passionately, making me forget how to talk, not to mention breath.
"I told you." He said when we broke off the kiss.
"So, can I go to the school now?" I asked eagerly, hoping someone would want to hire me, even though I had no college degree and only high school education.
"You want to work in a school?" he asked, not believing.
"Yeah, you know I always had something to the teaching field," I chuckled, "let's hope they need a literature teacher." I smiled as he kissed me again.
"Lily's asleep?" he asked.
"Go then – good luck, honey." He kissed me again and let me go to my way.
I put on my shoes and went out, breathing in the wonderful smell of January winter in the beautiful, rainy San Francisco. I walked too fast until I reached the local school, which was only twenty minutes from our house. I entered and hoped they would still need a teacher in the middle of the year.
I headed to the secretariat and was told to wait for the headmistress. I waited for a few minutes and then I talked to the lovely Mrs. Brown. She said they do not require full services of a teacher but she would gladly hire me as a substitute teacher. Needless to say that I accepted immediately. A part time job was still a job.
As I walked out of the school, I felt so elated with my newly acquired job, I bumped right into someone.
"I'm sorry," I said without looking at the person and started to walk again.
"Emma?" I heard his perfect voice and my eyes widened, my mouth fell open. It was James. I knew it – I would recognize his perfect, musical voice everywhere in the world. What was he doing here?
A/N: I hope you liked this chapter, please leave a review stating if I should continue writing this or not.
Have a great day :)