A/N: This is the last chapter of White Flag II! It's Emma's POV again.
But I am not done with the characters yet, there will be Lily's story up here soon too, and it's very different from this little love triangle story. It will be Lily trying to find out who she is and what she wants out of her life, its starts at her being 17.
What do you think of an epilogue to this story? I've growing in love with epilogues and I have no problem writing one if there's a request for it, otherwise it's not worth it. It really does end here.
This chapters' song is 'How Deep Is Your Love' by Bee Gees – a true classic beautiful song!
Chapter 12 - We Belong To You And Me
When I got home Jake was sitting on the sofa appearing content with himself. No one else was in sight.
"Hey," I greeted him as I entered.
He got up quickly and met me at the entrance with a huge hug and a soft kiss. I smiled involuntarily because he was just too sweet.
"Everything okay?" I asked suspiciously but quite amused by him.
"Yeah, it's great, you would be proud of me," he said with his chest puffed, as if showing off.
"Oh no, what did you do?" I laughed and went to sit on the sofa.
"I got a date for James today," he said proudly and sat beside me.
"Really?" I smiled widely.
"Really," I heard James say from below the stairs.
"That's great, who is the lucky lady?" I asked him excited.
"Her name is Grace Evans," James said and sat back on the armchair beside us.
"And she's freaking gorgeous, Emma – you would approve," Jake said.
I laughed, "that's great, when is the date?"
"Tonight," James said.
"Do you need me to help you get dressed?" I smiled, trying to convince him to allow me to help him.
"No, I think I can manage with that," he smiled.
"Okay, so go home and get ready," I said still excited for him. My life would really be complete if James could find himself his other half too.
"There's still time," he said and stretched himself in the chair.
"No, you go get ready now," I said and got up to practically push him outside the house. "And you call me the second it's over and tell me every little detail, you got it?" I asked smiling.
"Got it, got it." He smiled back and left.
I turned around and just like last night, jumped at Jake and cut off his air supply for a few seconds.
"You are the best man I ever knew, the best husband that ever existed and the best friend I could ever imagine – thank you for doing this for him," I said to Jake while I was sitting on top of him.
"Ah, it was my pleasure," he shrug it off and I couldn't resist the urge to kiss him a million times before finally allowing him to breathe.
"Lily's asleep?" I asked and he nodded, still out of breathe.
"Hmmm…" I said with a mischievous smile on my face and Jake chuckled at me before kissing me passionately.
The next day started with my awakening to the doorbell instead of to Lily waking up. I rushed downstairs still in my pajamas and opened the door to see James.
"Hey, you're early," I said still half asleep.
"No, I'm not," he said and showed me his watch – it was 9 in the morning. I slept through everything already. Jake must be with Lily upstairs.
"Weird," I said and allowed him inside.
"You go wake up, I'll wait here," he said and sat on the sofa.
"Wait for what?" I asked.
"So I could tell you 'every little detail' because it was too late to call you last night…" he mimicked the way I said those words to him last night.
"Right," I smiled and went upstairs. I washed my face with cold water, trying to wake up, and brushed my teeth. I walked to Lily's room but she wasn't there and so wasn't Jake. I walked back to my bedroom, slightly wobbly from the morning, and found a note from Jake.
"Good morning love,
We went for a walk outside, be back soon.
Jake. "
I smiled at the note and dressed up quickly before going downstairs again and sitting beside James.
"Tell me everything," I said and waited.
"She is very sweet, she's 19, she goes to San Francisco State University and she majors in International Relations. She has three brothers and she's the oldest, she was born here… what else…" he trailed off, thinking.
"Did you feel something towards her?" I asked interested.
"Oh yeah, there were definitely sparks flying there," he chuckled.
"So, when can I meet her?" I smiled.
"Tonight?" he suggested.
"Ooh, I know! You two come here for dinner with Jake and me, and then we could get to know her," I suggested.
"Sounds good, I'll have to ask her, though," he mentioned.
"I'm sure she'll agree. Hey, does she know you have a daughter?" I asked wondering. Is that even something to confess on a first date?
"Not yet, but she will know, and if that bothers her then there's no reason for me to continue meeting her." He said harshly as if making a mental note for himself.
"I'm sure she'll be fine about it." I hoped.
"Yeah…" he hoped too.
The day flew by and sooner than I knew, it was already dinnertime. The table was set in our kitchen dinning room, the food was served on the table and I was waiting, biting my nails nervously, to James and his newly found girl.
I heard a knock on the door and assumed it was James – he would know not to use the doorbell since Lily was already sleeping. Jake was sitting on the sofa and he got up as I reached to open the door.
At the entrance stood James, dressing a casual suit and a tall and slender beauty stood beside him. She had almost golden hair and piercing light blue eyes that were placed perfectly on her porcelain heart shaped face. She looked innocent and pure, almost child like, which she was being only 19. Though we were all 19 ourselves, I felt as if we had more life experience than she had - I was a mother, after all.
"Come in, I'm Emma," I smiled at her and she returned me a shy smile.
"I'm Grace, it's nice to meet you," her voices was velvet.
They entered inside and I closed the door, stepping next to Jake.
"This is Jake, my husband," I smiled at her and then at Jake – he smiled sweetly back. It was the best feeling having to say he's my husband aloud.
"Yes, we've met ," she flashed a perfect set of pearly white teeth as she smiled at Jake.
"Good to see you again," Jake smiled.
"Let's go sit at the table, shall we?" I said and they followed me into our kitchen slash dinning room.
When dinner was over James walked Grace back to her house and returned to our place. We were all sitting downstairs, a little tired from the long night.
"She's a keeper," Jake said and patted James' shoulder.
James turned at me, his eyes expecting my opinion of her.
"I think she's perfect for you, she's very articulate and serious for a 19 year old, and I think she'll take it just fine when you tell her about Lily," I smiled at him.
"Thanks, both of you." James smiled at us.
"Our pleasure," I said and Jake wrapped his arm around me.
"Exactly," he said.
"I'll go now," James made a move to the door the second Jake was about to kiss me and we both laughed.
I got up to walk him to the door.
"Good night James," I half smiled up at him. His green blue eyes were sparkling again – the way they always did when he was happy. And my heart must have skipped a beat at the fact that I realized he was no longer happy because he had hope with me, but because he found himself a woman to love, at last. And I was glad for him.
"Good night, Emma." He half smiled back and left. I closed the door behind him and turned around to see Jake standing right in front of me.
"I love you," he whispered, reaching closer to me.
"I love you back," I whispered and he kissed me softly.
believe in you
You know the door to my very soul
You're the
light in my deepest darkest hour
You're my savior when I
And you may not think
I care for you
When you know down
That I really do
And it's me you need to show
deep is your love
I really need to learn
'cause were living
in a world of fools
Breaking us down
When they all should let
us be
We belong to you and me
A/N: Done! I can't believe this. It's over. They all lived happily ever after :]
Next up – Lily Taylor at age 17! Should be interesting to read, so wait for it!
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