Author's Note: ATTENTION! Surprise, surprise. To be quite honest, I intended to update this chapter in 2 months time but I suddenly found my fingers typing away. So, like, I have this SUPERMAJOREXAM in October. Hell, I'm even having exams at the moment but I could not resist. I want to apologize for the terribly late update. I'm sorry, it can't be helped. Also, I think my English is deteriorating. No, I'm serious. So please excuse and ignore any grammatical errors, missing words or whatnot. I happen to be lacking in reviews. Please tell me how I am faring. LOVE YOU!
Author's Announcement: For your information, I am also currently revising the other chapters. And I have to admit, there are certain parts where I've made some drastic changes. For example, in Chapter One, I've decided to introduce Vincci. You could just read the part when he came in though. And there were others that I've changed although I think it's not that drastic. And yes, if you haven't notice I have actually changed the summary for the story because someone gave me a severe criticism for the previous one.
Special thanks to: LEMonLoVerDeFiNaTeLy ~ UsagiNeko ~ x.x_buk_wurm_x.x ~ RKO4ever ~ Kcoarra ~ CharismaAlexis7432 ~ lonelygal-shuyi ~ Midnightxoxo ~ Cybernetic
P.P.S. Do tell me if you guys want a reply because I wouldn't mind replying, really.
Story Starts:
"Jane," Luke called.
She looked at him questioningly, blinking her eyes.
"Pass me the butcher knife, will you?" he said looking at my exhausted figure with hard eyes, "Or better yet, the razor sharp saw in the storage because I find myself in the mood to do an operation that involves severe castration."
"Thank you but no thank you. I still have intentions on siring a few children no matter how limited my chances are," I replied gravely, giving him a mocking smile.
"How in bloody hell did you get stuck in school?" demanded Luke.
I roll my eyes at his exaggeration. Trust him to get so uptight.
"Luke, he's tired," chided Jane, "can you at least let him rest before you start interrogating him?"
I smile thankfully at Jane. There's always a reason why she's a woman.
Softening his glare, Luke nodded silently.
Looking down on my disheveled form, I took a shower. Once I was freshened up, I reclined on my bed which had been enticing me ever since I came back home. I closed my eyes and relay the events that took place. After Luke found us, we were met by Mr. and Mrs. Robert who had concerned frowns etched on their foreheads. Jane waited outside with my parents because Luke prevented her to follow him in. My parents were there but Milly's weren't yet. I insisted on waiting with her till her parents arrive but Mr. Robert objected vehemently. Hence, I went home first as Milly waited for her parents with Mr. and Mrs. Robert.
I sigh with a shaky breathe. God I missed her already. Raking my hand through my wet hair, I forced myself to relax. Just thinking about her makes me feel so…restless. I grabbed my phone to call her but suddenly I remember that I didn't have her number, yet. I let out a frustrated growl. I needed to find some way to contact her or I swear I'll go mad. Just to make sure she's alright, I reminded myself although my conscience was telling me a different thing.
My legs felt fidgety and so I stood up and paced around my blasted room.
"Do you have a sudden fascination for walking?" came a voice from the threshold.
My head turn to the direction of the voice. I raised an eyebrow at Luke.
"I thought you were ready for my interrogation," he said as he walked in, "And I was right."
"There is nothing to talk about, really," I rolled my eyes and sat on the edge of my bed.
"Do you know that you got Mr. and Mrs. K fucking worried? Jane and I include."
"It really wasn't our fault," I replied, amused.
He just raised an eyebrow. I sigh and nodded. In a matter of minutes, I told him of the event that took place. Excluding the parts where things between Milly and I got heated up.
An amused grin came splaying across his face once I was quite done.
"Damn you," I accused playfully, "what's so fucking funny?"
"The fact that you must have been scared shitless,"
I punched his arm, hard. "It was quite the contrary actually. I thought I was going to burn the school down sooner or later. In fact, I'm still considering it."
With a crooked grin, he punched my arm back. "Yeah, I didn't know I knew someone from an asylum."
"That's insulting."
"It was supposed to be."
"Self-centered bastard."
"Dude, go to sleep will you," Luke bid, throwing a pillow on my face as he got up to leave, "God knows you look like Snow White."
"Fuck you."
However, before he could retort back, a sweet feminine voice interrupt our banter, "Fighting again?"
I looked at the doorway of my bedroom and saw my parents entering. I smile in contentment at the sight of my mother. She was gorgeous. She maybe petite in figure but what she lacked in size was instantly covered up by her personality. Mom has a big heart. Whatever she did, she could pull it out gracefully. No wonder my dad was besotted. Dad, however, is quite a contrary of mother. He stood over six feet tall, he's even taller than I am, and had the look of a classic handsome. The angles of his face were a bit too harsh and he had a whipping body for a father. He doesn't smile often, only to people he love and care for. Oh, and we have the same blue eyes. Well, to be quite frank, almost everyone we met told us of how I look exactly like my dad. But of course, I always insist that I was the handsomer one, just to spite dad.
Pushing the tray she was holding to dad, she came to me and cupped my face and start pressing kisses around my face while murmuring, "My baby's alright."
"One hope that every child of theirs grows up," remarked my father in gravel wrapped in velvet voice, "But apparently, only mine doesn't seem to dictate the rules."
"Oh hush, Jorbel, can't you see what our poor son has gone through?" retort Mom, glaring slit eyes at dad.
Dad chuckled and came to me and placed the tray on my lap. "Food for you, son. Your mother was afraid you'll die starving."
I looked down on the tray to find some delicious looking spaghetti. My eyes gleamed in appreciation. "Thanks mom."
"Jane cooked it actually," Luke said as he lean on the wall with half-closed eyes.
"Oh god, no thanks then," I replied with a disgust look, pushing the tray away, "She must have put some sort of rat poison in it."
"Don't be nonsense," chide mother, "eat some."
"Yes, eat some before she force it in your mouth," Dad said with a smile.
I nodded and ate silently.
"Now about those vulgarities…" murmured Dad.
Picking up the small rocks on the ground, I trotted to my destination, whistling softly on the way.
It was still dark as it was still in the wee hours. What was I doing out here? Well, let's just say I have something important to attend to.
A smile tugged on my lips as I saw the building of my destination. Stealthily, I climbed over the fence and treaded lightly on the lawns as I turn around a corner. There, I saw a window draped with a maroon curtain from inside. Holding a small rock on my hand, I aimed on the window. A soft 'thud' was heard as the rock hit the glass. As there was no answer, I threw another rock. It wasn't for another five throws when a white figure finally appeared. She looked piss off as she slide the window pane up. But her eyes widen the moment she looked down.
Then I started singing Italian opera.
She was trying to suppress a smile, but fail miserably, "Jannus! What the hell are you doing here?"
"You don't like Italian opera?" I feigned disappointment, "Then how about a Scottish limerick?"
I started to open my mouth once more to sing when she hushed me, "Be silent, will you! My parents will hear you."
"I'm coming up."
Milly's eyes widen at that as she shook her head without hesitation.
"My parents will kill me. Go back home, Jannus," she protested, looking at her back once in a while to ensure that none of her parent was there.
"Alright fine, I see you need some more persuasion," I said, "How about some Spanish poem, senorita?"
Regardless, her mouth twitches as if tempted to laugh.
"Really, Jannus, you have to go. I don't think this is a good-"
I started reciting a Shakespeare poem. Well, I think it was Shakespeare.
Looking exasperated, she put a finger on her lips to hush me once more. I availed her.
"I will continue to recite or sing any confounded song or poem I know until you let me in," I told her, folding my arms across my chest in an adamant manner.
She bit her lip and thought silently. Just when I thought I was going to fail, she nodded and said, "Oh alright. Just be quiet, please."
I grinned and bow gentlemanly. "Anything you say, milady."
Climbing on the tree nearest to her bedroom window exact tact, I skillfully leaped from a branch and went through the open window without a sweat.
The room was laminated with a yellow-orange light as my eyes roamed appreciatively on the figure standing just before me.
"Hey, baby," I drawled.
Instinctively, I grabbed her waist and crushed her soft body against my hard one. A gasp escaped from her lips at my crushing embrace. I kissed her hair and let relief sunk into me, knowing that she was fine. She cupped my cheek tenderly and rubbed her thumb across my cheek. I turn my face to her palm and kissed it.
"Now, tell me, what are you doing here?"
"I needed to contact you."
"You could have called me instead, idiot," she murmured, tugging a lock of my hair that had tumbled on my forehead.
"I wanted to but I suddenly realized you weren't in my contact list," I told her, leading her to her bed.
"Then how did you know where I lived?" she asked with narrowed eyes, her hands on her hips.
"I have my sources," I said with a cheeky grinned, "Come here."
I lay down on one side of her bed and patted on the empty side to entice her.
She obliged and lay down next to me. We were not touching, just facing one another, but I could feel her heat engulfing me. I welcome it.
"Because of you, I can't get to sleep now," she accused, "it's your fault."
My hand went to the curve of her neck. I fondled gently, rubbing and massaging it as she let out a small sigh of pleasure at the amenity.
"Poor baby can't go to sleep," I murmured softly, "Let's try to make you go back to sleep."
"In your presence? I don't think so."
I smirked. "Now you're challenging me."
She gaped, and then frowned. "I don't have the mood to challenge you right now."
"I didn't say you have to. All you have to do is to lay still. I'll do all the work."
But she wasn't able to finish because I had the full length of my hard supple body covering hers within seconds. Bending down to her ear, I whispered sweet endearments that made her toes curled in response. My lips skimmed along the soft contours of her jaw line. God, she tasted sweet like always. Her arms went around my neck as she tried to pull my head down to her lips. I shook my head and laugh softly when she let out a small sound of vexation. Instead, I snuggled my face on her freshly scented neck. Unable to resist temptation, I succumbed to it by biting gently on the pulse. She let out a beguiling moan as her fingers came raking through my black hair.
One of my hands then roamed down to her petite waist as I tightened my hold there. I went lower and pressed my lips between the valleys of her breasts. I was touching it but neither was I really touching it.
"Jannus…" she called out. "Please."
"Shh," I whispered against her stomach, "Just relax."
But her legs were moving in a restless motion. I then pinned her thighs. The white nightgown that she was wearing came riding high up. I swallowed to control myself. I went back to my ministrations on her stomach as I spread kisses around through the thin fabric of her nightgown. I forced myself to stop and take a look at her. Her eyelids were half-closed with passion and her rosy-hued lips parted slightly as if she's been thoroughly ravished. God, she looked like a seductress and she didn't even need to try.
My lips went lower to her right thigh. She looked up at me with a confused gaze. I smile wickedly back. Pulling her right thigh straight, I lifted it up and massaged her calf. This made her eyes closed as she relaxed considerably. Bending down, I put my lips on the scintillating white flesh and placed wet kisses along it. I kissed the underside of her knee, licking and sucking it to my heart desire. Another moaned came out from her lips.
"Jannus," she said amid passion, "this is unfair."
"I know," I flashed a devilish smile.
Going lower to her feet, I tickled the sole of her foot. She giggled out loud. But the giggling stopped when I started kissing each of her tiny toes. How small and delicate her foot really is. It made me feel like protecting her at all time. When I was quite done with her right leg, I went to her left leg. She groaned.
"No, don't," she pleaded, "I can't stand it anymore."
"Yes you can darling."
Despite her attest, I kept kissing her left thigh, all the way down to her foot where I lay another five small kisses on her toes. Satisfied, I lie back next to her and put an arm around her waist in a possessive gesture. She snuggled her lithe body against mine, rubbing on occasion for warmth as she lay her head on my chest.
I lean down and kiss her forehead.
"Go to sleep, baby."
"I'm trying," she replied in a soft mumble.
"Do you want me to sing another opera song?"
I felt a smile formed on her lips.
"Your singing is atrocious. Don't bother, really," she teased.
"Never!" I mocked hurt as I put a hand on my chest in attempt to look as if she broke my heart. It didn't convince her though.
"Oh stop it," she said as she rolled her eyes.
"Twinkle twinkle little stars. How I wonder how you ar-"
She smacked my chest to shut me up. It was actually quite effective as I find myself shutting up. Jeez, I even irritate myself. One would almost think my childhood was depraved.
"I find it rude that you hate my singing," I accused with twinkling eyes.
"I really have no idea why I put up with you…" she mumbled, her voice muffled slightly as her face was face down on my chest. But I heard it nonetheless.
"Because you find my brooding looks appealing?" I suggested randomly, wagging my eyebrows up and down.
She laughed. Then she sobered and stare at me with curious intense. She wasn't even blinking her eyes. Her hand then came up to my face, touching my cheeks, her knuckles grazing lightly, my nose, eyebrows, forehead and most definitely lips. I nipped on her fingers.
"You have a crooked nose," she remarked out of the blue.
I grinned sheepishly at that. "Yeah, I got it when I had my first fight."
She frowned as she touched my nose lightly as if afraid it would break. "Who were you fighting with?"
She shook her head in dubiety but a small smile appeared on her lips nevertheless.
"But of course, I return back his present."
Gripping my hand, she played around with it. Tracing, poking or just simply holding it. Strange emotions were swirling in me as I watch her entwining her fingers with mine. It was overwhelming; this feeling. I hate to admit it but whatever she's doing to me, I find myself unable to stop it let alone control it.
We were silent for a few minutes as I contemplated the feelings coursing in me.
"Milly, I think we need to talk," I said, almost uncertain. I was never uncertain.
But there was no response from her. Puzzled, I looked down and saw her sleeping. Her body was curled up against mine, our hands still interlinked as I could feel her shallow breathing on my chest.
Laughing softly at how foolish I was, I brush my lips gently on hers so as not to wake her up. Couldn't get to sleep, could she?
Releasing my arm from her waist, I replaced my form with her bolster pillow. I stood rooted to the spot when she started twitching and fidgeting but I sighed in relief as she hugged the bolster instead and stopped moving.
With a leg on the window ledge, I turn to look at Milly's sleeping figure once more before leaping out of the window.
"Did you go bird hunting last night?" Luke asked suddenly as we walked towards English class together.
"A late night walk actually," I replied solemnly. It was true actually; it just happened that Milly's house was around that particular area.
He was smart enough not to reply back.
I couldn't sleep a wink last night. If I lay awake, my thoughts would undoubtedly drift to Milly and if I were to close my eyes her image would form in my head. Either way, I was inevitably stuck.
However, before I even took a step on the threshold of the classroom, I felt a tingly sensation at the back of my neck. I scowled darkly. That only happens whenever I'm around Mil-
There sitting in the front row was none other than Milly. She hadn't sense my presence as she was rearranging the notes on the table. I smiled slightly at her meticulous habit. As if sensing my presence (finally), she looked up. I nodded coolly in acknowledgement and headed to the back of the class where various kinds of vermin were breeding. If you have no idea what are those, they were the jocks and airheads. But I averted my direction to where Vincci was sitting. He nodded at Luke and me.
I scanned my surrounding and saw Jane sitting in the front row too, except to the utmost right where the windows were located. I looked at Luke and saw his gaze fixed on Jane. An eyebrow of mine came riding high. Was there-
"Alright, class," came a feminine voice.
I looked up and saw Mrs. Cooper entering the class. Standing in front of the class she clapped her hands for attention. It worked actually. No one and I mean no one dares to interrupt her. Not that she's scary and all that. In fact she's one of the most beautiful teachers in this goddamn school. If it wasn't for her marital status, I'll wager she'll be frequently hit by students. But there are times when she becomes firm…and aggressive, that are when you have to be a tad bit careful.
"Good morning," Mrs. Cooper greet with a jovial tone. "I have something delicious in store for you people."
Everyone looked eager while I became wary. Knowing her since I was a freshman, all I could say is her surprises are usually real, shocking surprises. And no, I am not kidding.
"I'm not surprise if she's giving us frogs for motivation purposes," I remarked, amused.
"Nah, I don't think that's very gruesome," Vincci retort, "Must be some kind of cow dung for facial enhancement."
"That's fucking gross," Luke said, his face screwed in revolt.
But our arguments ceased the moment she came back, her Salvatore Ferragamo pumps clicking with precision as she trotted in the classroom. On her hand was an artificial baby doll made of synthetic; you know those kinds of creepy dolls where five year old girls keep as companion. Its plastic eyes looked as if it was monitoring everyone closely. The doll only had a diaper on. Dude, it was not adorable. Not one bit.
"Say hello to your baby!" exclaimed Mrs. Cooper.
There was a low incoherent murmur of reply.
"For two weeks, this will be your assignment: taking care of your own baby," Mrs. Cooper informed us as the whole class groaned.
Of all the surprises, this must have been the most shocking one to me. I have to take fucking care of a fucking baby. No fucking way.
"Quiet," she ordered sternly, "Fortunately, you guys will be partnered. And of course it will be a male and female partnering."
My eyes promptly went to Milly's figure.
Mrs. Cooper continued, telling us about the assignment in detailed, "Each one of you will be paired up with the opposite sex. From there, I would award marks on how you handle the baby. If one of the pair fails to commit his or her responsibility, marks will be deducted and you guys will fail deplorably. Every day I would like to see a report on how the day was spent between the parents and baby. And for your information, this assignment is to promote interaction between students."
Interaction? Mhmm, I could definitely use some interaction with Milly. I shook my head in self-denial. God, get a gripped of yourself.
"But that's not the best part," Mrs. Cooper beamed, a mocking smile on her lips.
I raised an eyebrow. Why am I not surprise?
"You and your partner will be getting married!"
What the fuck. Is this some kind of sick joke?
The class was in an uproar. I looked at Milly and saw her giving furtive glances at Mrs. Cooper. Glad to know she wasn't on the same page as her.
"Silence!" her command was instantly obliged. "Oh you guys will get married, quite literally. To be frank, the marriage part was my idea. No, it is not to cook up some unwanted romance-even if I want it to-but my intention was to actually make you guys learn how to trust your partner. Anyway, I think this assignment is very beneficial. It will make all of you realize how hard raising a baby is, you ungrateful, insolent punks."
I smile at her very true choice of words.
"Now, I will be calling out your names. Once it's called, please stand on this altar and await your verdict," Mrs. Cooper teased.
"Philip Anderson and Maria Lane," that was the first pair of name.
Seven pair of names later; she called out, "Peter Lockman and Cassidy Rose."
Almost everyone gasped. Even both of my eyebrows were raised in surprised.
Peter Lockman is famously known as the school resident nerd. He was well-known for his fantastic skills in academic and he was flawless when it comes with computer. Can't say the same about sports, not that I think he's lousy but we didn't have the same Physical Education class together, hence I could not deduce if he ace in that area. On the contrary, Cassidy Rose is the Head Cheerleader of our school team. She could be considered pretty if one prefers blondes. Too bad my preference seems to lean towards the brunette.
In a matter of minutes, they were married; the shining silver ring on their left marriage finger was enough proof.
The rings that Mrs. Cooper bought for us were to remind and emphasize us of our responsibility and integrity. It also reminded us that we could possible fail the assignment with flying colors if we do not take it seriously. Both rings are made from silver steel. While the boy's ring was a simple silver band, the girl's ring had a tiny diamond on it to indicate a feminine look. Mrs. Cooper did comment that the next greatest thing at getting married was the diamond rings. How true.
"Next, Vincci Morrison and Victoria Brown," Mrs. Cooper called, surprised, "Oh! I didn't notice both initials are V."
Luke and I were laughing our assed off. Poor Vincci, he was getting married to some sadistic goth, well that was what people said about Victoria. Vincci was scowling blackly. Basically, no girls dare to associate with Victoria. Jane befriends her though. Said she was not scary at all. Milly was right. I couldn't be bothered with other people's affairs. A smile tugged at my lips at that memory.
But Vincci did not flinch at Victoria's deadly glare as they linked their hands and said their 'I do's'. With the gleaming ring on his left hand, Vincci sauntered toward us with a wicked smile.
"I'm married now," he said with a teasing grinned, "Fuck off."
With that, he took his belongings and went to take a seat next to Victoria.
Then it was Vane Brown and Melissa Alice. Yeah, he's Victoria's twin, all dark and gloomy with his long black hair almost covering his entire face. He even wore eyeliner that was thicker than Victoria's. And Melissa, well, eh, some librarian I guess. Well, if she's not, she should be one anyway.
Then it came to the fourteen pair, "Ah, left with my two favorite boys."
"Love you too!" Luke and I chimed in at the same time.
She gave a warning look then called, "Luke Hobson and Jane Mallory."
"No," I heard him muttered, his eyes downcast.
Yes, I've always thought they were compatible but it never once cross my mind that…there could be romance budding between them. I regard them closely as Luke stood opposite Jane with a smirk. Jane stuck out her tongue out and put her hand high up as if she was Her Majesty.
"I thee wed you in holy matrimony…" recite Mrs. Cooper for the umpteenth time. She's a hopeless romantic.
I regard them with keen eyes. Luke's eyes were twinkling with amusement and Jane face was contorted with annoyance but the familiarity between them could not be dismissed. The attraction between them was practically glowing. Of course, they were familiar with one another; what with them living under the same roof for many years already. I must've been a terrible third party.
Once they had made their solemn oath of 'I do's', Luke gave a devilish wink to Jane who just roll her eyes. For some odd reason, something wasn't really right, as if there was a thick tension underlying all the pretenses that they were trying so hard to convince. I was utterly baffled.
"And lastly," Mrs. Cooper said, eyeing me pointedly, "Jannus Knight and Milly Foley."
A smitten grin formed on my lips no matter how hard I was trying to suppress it.