Summary: A collection of odd and hilarious snapshots from the life of two gay teenagers: Reece and Dimitri.

Warnings: Gay boys. Enough said.

A/N: There are some things you need to know about this before delving into the hilarious world of Reece Connick and Dimitri Conley. First of all, they're not "gay" gay, just for each other. Second of all, these snapshots are just that, so they have no real order or story line. However, I am working on the multi-chapter story of their hook up, which I wouldn't hold my breath for (it's still got a long ways to go). Lastly, Reece and Dimitri are two of my RL friends, so please don't make any negative comments about them. But if you want a link to their myspace, PM me and I'll hook you up.

Now, enjoy the snapshot!

A Lesson Learned

By: Oop

Reece smiled at Dimitri, his pearly whites flashing in a dangerous smirk that put the other boy in a defensive state. Dimitri's boyfriend may have been oddly scary sometimes, but he was always hella sexy, no matter what. It was almost shameful how anything Reece did could turn Dimitri on, even if the slightly smaller boy didn't mean to.

If Dimitri had it his way, they'd be doing the dirty all night every night, but Reece didn't allow it. He always said, "It's not special if we do it every night." But, somehow, it was still special every other night.

"Dimitri?" Reece asked. "Anyone home?" Knuckles lightly pounded the side of his head, and he glared, hoping it would keep Reece from noticing he was hard.

"What, Reece?" Dimitri asked, feigning annoyance. Actually, he wasn't even faking. His boner was uncomfortably annoying, and it was Reece's fault for making him have a boner, and therefore Reece was annoying. If a=b and b=c, then a=c. Of course, Dimitri would never reveal his logic to Reece, because Reece would promptly shoot it down with the typical, "It's your fault for being a pervert." And then Dimitri would either say or want to say, "No, it's your fault for being so sexy on accident all the time."

"F-ing A! Are you going to listen to me, or daydream about having sex all day?" Reece said, slapping his cheek lightly.

"I wasn't daydreaming about sex!"

"Your boner says otherwise."

"I didn't know it talked." That was close. Reece almost had him there.

However, Reece was either too smart to respond or didn't have a response. He gave Dimitri a deadpan look instead: One of his oh-so-hot (though he'd never admit it) "be a bit more mature, would you?" looks that didn't help Dimitri's situation any. For just a moment, he wished that he could be dating someone a little less hot, but after some quick, not-so-strenuous contemplating, he revoked that desire. No. A not-hot, not-Reece would never do. He would rather have random boners than no boners at all. But that still didn't make him feel any better.

"Don't you ever get random boners?" Dimitri asked defensively.

"Not really." What was that supposed to mean? Not really. Did it mean sometimes, or no, or "yes, but I won't admit it"?

"That's a lie." Dimitri refused to believe that crap.

"No, it's self-control."

"No, I think it's just 'cause I don't try very hard to make you hard. I don't have to."

"What, and I do? I was just sitting here!" Dimitri loved it when Reece got upset. He was usually so calm that a hurricane probably couldn't make him freak out. Only Dimitri could get him this way. And, as most things, he found it incredibly hot.

"How do you know I was thinking about you?"

Reece dished out another deadpan look, and Dimitri inwardly admitted defeat. That had been a stupid thing to say. Who else would he be thinking about?

Silence stretched, and Dimitri's discomfort only grew. Usually his "problems" went away a lot faster. It must have been because Reece was glaring at him with those lovely green eyes of his, or because of the way his pectorals were flexed from crossing his arms. …Stupid Reece being so goddamn sexy... If Dimitri were just a little bit more stupid (or just a little more desperate for Reece to put out) he would just jump his boyfriend. But he wasn't. He was stubborn and didn't want to admit that he needed… help.

But finally, Dimitri couldn't take it anymore.

"Reece… Please…?" he asked, his chocolate eyes growing. He had to be careful: if he even so much as hinted at a smile, Reece would never give in.

"No." Reece seemed equally as determined.


"No." It might have just been Dimitri, but he could swear there was some kind of laughter hidden in Reece's voice. He was such a sadist. Unfortunately, Dimitri was not a masochist.


"No." But Dimitri could see his lips turning up at the very ends. He refrained from grinning victoriously.

"But you give the best-"

"No!" If he could just make Reece understand how badly he needed his "help". The longer this went on, the harder he got. Because Reece was still glaring (though only half-heartedly) and his arms were still crossed (just not as firmly).

Dimitri scooted closer to his boyfriend and whispered in his ear, knowing it drove him nuts. He whispered a bunch of sweet nothings, and a few significant somethings, which included multiple "It'll be worth it"s and "I'll make it up to you"s. Reece sat still, enduring for longer than Dimitri would have bet, but he finally earned a shudder from the boy when his tongue found Reece's ear, swathing the shell before taking the lobe into his mouth. Reece's ears were by far one of his most sensitive areas.

Even so, it took longer than Dimitri would have thought. Either he was losing his touch, or Reece really had self-control as tough as a rock, and Dimitri knew he wasn't losing his touch.

"Fine," Reece finally consented, practically bruising Dimitri's lips as he kissed him, knocking them both over. Dimitri was on his back, and he didn't like it very much. He was always top – always – and tonight would be no different. However, he couldn't think about it very hard with Reece's tongue popping into his mouth to say hello, or Reece's hair tickling his face, or Reece's hips grinding down on him with, ironically, the least self-control Dimitri had ever seen… or felt.

"Mm. Reece, slow down," Dimitri astonished himself by saying. Not only was he amazed that he was saying that at all, but also that he was saying it to Reece, of all people. It had only been a few days, maybe less, and Reece was behaving like a deprived rabbit. Not that Dimitri would complain, but at this rate it would be over in minutes, and then Dimitri would be SOL for another two days.

"Why?" was the breathy response. Like hell Dimitri would admit what he'd just thought out loud. (Saying it out loud would add at least one more day to his sentence.) However, when he finally made eye contact with his absurdly horny boyfriend, Dimitri saw the mischievous glint in Reece's eye, and knew that he'd been set up. Reece wanted to go fast, most likely to teach him a lesson in patience and/or self-control. Though this was an odd way to teach anyone anything, Dimitri couldn't say it was failing. If nothing else, the attempt would be memorable.

"It won't work," Dimitri said as his hat, then his bandana, were yanked haphazardly from his head and tossed away. Cool fingers wound into his hair and scorching lips found his throat. He groaned. Why had he said to slow down, again?

"I don't know what you're talking about." Those cool fingers unwound themselves even as those sensuous lips kept at their torturous work. Dimitri could die happy at that moment, except for the slight issue below his waist that Reece refused to address. Or maybe the grinding was addressing that? Or maybe Dimitri had imagined the grinding? Everything just sort of blended.

Cool fingers slipped beneath his dark shirt, making him shudder. Reece's hands must've had really poor circulation to be so cool at that moment. But, on the other hand, they were always cold anyway.

His boyfriend's quick breathing pulled him away from those thoughts and reminded him of what really mattered. "Reece, slow down," Dimitri said again, though his reasoning was becoming more and more irrelevant with each passing moment. But Reece didn't listen. Why should he? Dimitri didn't even sound convincing to himself, let alone his stubborn boyfriend.

"Slow down," Dimitri panted, not knowing how to escape Reece's wandering fingers, or burning lips, or wet tongue, or grinding hips. Any more of this, and…

Damn! With a hiss and a throaty groan, Dimitri knew it was over for Reece, and knowing that, it was quickly over for him as well, preceded by his own moan. There went tonight's sex…

"Is that what you needed?" Reece teased in his husky, after-sex voice, still panting. Dimitri loved that voice. Not as much as the during-sex voice, but he did love it. But did it still count as an after-sex voice if they hadn't even had sex?

Dimitri glowered at his incredibly hot, yet infuriating, boyfriend. "I told you to slow down."

"It wouldn't have mattered." He sounded as if he knew something Dimitri didn't.

"What are you implying?" Something told him he should be offended.

"You know exactly what I'm implying." Dimitri watched as Reece stood and took off his plaid shorts, tossing them to the side. He felt both pride and rage at the slightly darker spot on Reece's green boxers (which complimented his laughing olive eyes) that told him they were damp.

"I resent that," was all he muttered in response before getting to his feet to follow Reece's example. They were both redressed when Reece sauntered over to him and put his hands on Dimitri's hips. Slowly, he pulled Dimitri closer, until their pelvises touched. Even more slowly, Reece kissed him, making the action thorough enough to give an apology Dimitri would never hear.

"I love you," the slightly smaller boy whispered before walking away, disappearing out through Dimitri's bedroom door and down the stairs to the kitchen, from where the smell of food drifted. Dimitri followed him as if he was a bitch in heat and Dimitri was a horny mutt.