The new Sexy Vampire story in the making.

By: Grace Jones~


"Winter lovely winter…" I say opening my window. Stair into the night, the cruel night filled of Vampires, the cold souls.

No one really cares though, there is no real reason to hide your self if you're a Vampire, and we wont kill you, unless you try to kill us. All we really know about there habitats are that they are very sexual. That's about it, or that's all I know…

I unwrapped a lollypop and I pretended it was a microphone. Singing beat it loudly.

"Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it no one wants to defeated!" Dancing around my room, and Giggling.

"Katy! Go to bed." My mom yelled.

I looked at the door, and sighed. I knew if I didn't go to bed she'd get my Father to, and that wouldn't be to fun.

I looked at the dresser and set out my clothes for my first day of the last year of high school. I got into bed, and whispered the words to thriller till I drifted off into the dreaming world.

I started breathing fast, and I felt something touch me, and it also was cold

Something like a hand… and then…

I jolted up realizing it was a dream.

I looked for a clock it was 5:59am

"Might as well get up" I sighed, and made my way to my dresser Grabbed my cloths headed across the hall to the bathroom for a Shower.

I turned on the water, and took off my cloths stepped in to the shower, the warm steamy shower.

"Katy! Hurry up I gotta get to work!" my dad yelled

So I take a little more time to wash hair. Then I stepped out of the shower and got dressed in my Black skinny jeans and my Caption jacket then I teased my hair, got on my black Eyeliner and light blue eye shadow.

I get down stairs and my mom burnt my food, so I was just going to give it to my dog, Truffles. I sat at the table and looked at my food. Here came Truffles sat next to as I sipped my Coffee and feed Truffles my food and she just smiled and walked on to my mom thinking she'd get more burnt food.

It was time to go to the Damn bus stop, where everyone wants to talk. So I start to the bus stop and see, two boys chatting up these three girls.

"So babe what are you doing to night?" one boy asked

"Hmm… I'll probably hang out with you what do you say girls?" they looked at each other and giggled, "Yeah we can do that." A repeated giggle.

This made me sick I knew what the two boys were, their called Bangers, people that get some other people of the opposite Gender, bang'em and while they sleep the Vampire boss comes and eats them. If these girls had not bleached their brains out they'd know that. Man I wish I had a car.

I sat in the middle row of the bus where, I saw a baby faced boy sit next to me; I just looked the other way.

"Um, excuse me miss?" the baby faced boy said.

"Yes?" he told me he was new to this school, and he wanted me to help him around the school.

"Sure… what are your classes?" he handed me the paper in which I saw we both had the same classes.

"Well we got all the same classes so this will be no problem… what's you name?" I ask him

"My name is, Err-Eric."

"Well my name is Katy."

Eric seemed nervous like he's fucked nervous

His clothing looked nervous to, he had on a red Dashboard shirt on, and plain old jeans

With the wallet and chain and messy blonde hair. We go off the bus and he kept starring at my lip ring and finally reached out and touched it.

"Is it r-real?" he turned his head.

"Yes it is why are you in total wow about?"

"Well I would never be able to do that, to nervous."

"Yeah I got that"

We go to homeroom, Protection 101…

It where you learn about Vampires, Eric seemed discussed by the topic, or like he really had to go number 2.

I looked to the sky sighed and knew this would be a long day.

Its lunchtime and he' still here, no matter how hard I tried to get rid of him. he sat down next to me and gave me a cheesy smile.

On his plate sat a big burger and Fries.

"So is it hard to eat with that on, I mean the lip ring?" he asked me giving my lip ring the stair again.

"No Eric it's pretty easy." He looked at my plate and then at me. He gave me the fries and smile. I guess I was hungry, plus I didn't have any money in my account, I was never going to eat my packed lunch, only lord knows what's in it.

I heard the giggle I heard this morning and looked that way to the three girls and the two boys flirting and kissing each other.

"Well you know they won't be bored to night." Eric laughed. Then said "they'll be…"

I cut him off. "Dead."

"You mean there… Banngers?"

He looked down and told me he felt sick and wanted to go to the nurse's office, but he didn't know the way.

We headed down to the nurse's through the packed halls into the nurse's.

"I'm here to lay down" she under stood and then I walked in behind him.

"And what are you here for?" she gave me this dumb look.

"She's showing me around to day and I don't do well with strangers…"

It was a bad lie though she bought it.

We lied down on some beds and fell asleep.

"Wake up you two, I wanna go home." The nurse shook Eric and me.

"Ugh" I moan. I didn't want to get up.

"Come on Eric." I slapped his face.

"Wait what time is it." I muter, I look around and it's all most dark. So we rush out of the school to hear, more giggling from the courtyard. I peer around the corner to the sexual teens on the floor kissing touching each other's butts.

"We have to help those girls Katy." He looked down and I started to see tears fall down his face.

"bangers killed my sister, they all should d-die" he pulled a something out of his bag, a gun. He started to charge toward the bangers till I stopped him, the boy is way to nervous to shot let alone put up the strong act.

"Give me the damn gun you couldn't shot some one if you wanted." I walked over then and pointed the gun at one boys head.

"Get away from the girls." I stair at the back of his head long enough then I get mad.

"What if I don't? What if I wanna stay here and enjoy the ride." He looked at me and then the other one took a girl and a knife to her throat. The 3'de girl mouthed to me Bangers? I nodded. She ran over to Eric.

Then the other girl under the boy pushed him and ran to Eric as well.

They screamed for Jessica and pleaded for her life.

But Jessica knew her fate. But she still fought the boys holding her captive.

"Let me go please let me go…" she gave up, shot at the boy on the left and hit his leg.

"What the shit!! God just kill her already!" he rolled on the floor and tried to crawl away. The boy took the knife and stabbed her in her belly watching her scream in discomfort made me almost cry I was more shocked then anything.

Eric grabbed the gun from my hands and shot the boy in the head and the two girls ran to Jessica while the other boy escaped in to the woods.

"We should go after him!" Eric yelled, suddenly he grew some balls.

"He wont get real far, he'll bleed to death…" the two girls tried to get Jessica up but she's dead, you could tell cause she stopped crying.

"She's dead put her down…" they set her down and mourned in her absence.

"What should we do with the body?" Eric started to cry too.

"Leave it here, they'll be eaten by morning…"

"How can you say that…" one girl said.

"Its life! Everyone has lost a person to them, or has been in a place filled with them! Lord knows we all have! But some of us don't make it out alive or by our self's…"

They under stood, but didn't want to.

"Its 9pm we should all get home" one girl said

I walked with Pam she asked me weird questions, like how come you never talked to me at the bus stop. You know weird stuff.

We finely got to her door and she hugged me in tears and went inside.

I remember my first encounter with a Vampire; I was walking back from the store and I took the wrong turn, I ended up in an alley and I turned to see a man with fangs and I freaked out. He told me he was gonna kill me, but when he was about to suck me dry another man came with a strong steady voice grabbed me and got me home safely.

He wouldn't come with me inside even though I invited him in, but I gave him my first kiss and then I ran to my room.

I think I still like him… but I have no idea who or where he is.

I got into my house and looked on the counter to see a note my mom and dad had a meeting to go to for work, they'd be back on Thursday. Nattily would take care of me.

"Man… Today sucked." I removed my jacket and put on some clean clothes on.

I heard a bump up stairs.

"Damn truffles." I walk up the stair to see truffles lying on the floor sleeping. I heard the noise again, it came from my room, luckily I still had the gun close at hand and I entered the room. The door slammed and I look around to see a man, blocking the door and his skin was burned from entering my sliver window. He was a vampire. I shot at him but the gun jammed.

"God damn!" I make my way to the window but he grabbed my arm and throws me to the wall and I hit me head pretty hard so everything got fuzzy.

He locked the door and kneeled over my legs staring into my eyes. His fangs pop out and my hand finds some scissors.

"Take this!" I stab his hand and push him out of the way and get to my door where he once again throws me to my bed, it hurt too much to move.

"I can smell it on you" he said his voice was strong, then he took his finger and his thumb and finger placed them on my chin…

"What?" I cry.

Then he touched my lips with his…
