I look at Nattily, my mouth open, and I'm shocked. She knew my better then my parents, although she still knows noting about me. She jumps down to me and Eric's Level; she rests her hand on my shoulder.

"You're a demon? What happened to you?" she scans my body and looks in my eyes.

"Yes I'm a demon! Listen we need to find that BANGER BOSS now! Do you know where I can find him?" I say looking back at her. Calm, she's always calm. "Yes, I will let you know he's very strong. We will help you, they have purposed war against the wolf tribe, and with you we might be able to win. Also… he will never hold back, no neither should you." I hear the truck growl and Steve steps out. "She won't be able to stop if she looses control! She'll be gone forever!" Nattily looks at him and says "She will, she has to."

I see fear in Nautili's eyes, she speaks softly "The Demon in you is more powerful then you know. Now we leave in twenty! Get ready for the battle of a life time!" Anxiety hits me. I knew I could fight but I didn't know that it would actually happen. We battling a Demon Far more powerful then I could ever comprehend. What I supposed to do? Tears start to fill my eyes, my lips starts to Quiver. Eric notices and Steve turns to my attention.

I swallow my fear, He took away my life. Whatever kind of Demon it is he is! I want to take him down! Eric holds me as I start to cry. Steve pats my head and jimmy sends me a smile. "Katy..." Eric says sighing.

"Wh-what…" I say sniffling.

"I'll stop him. We'll stop him; the boss doesn't know what he's up against either."

"That's Right." Steve whispers. I grip my ninja sword.

"Where do I find the BOSS?" I turn around to Nattily Who's informing her Army of Wolf solders. She turns to me. "In the middle of the forest, there's a tunnel into the underground Jail where they keep the girls they kidnap…"

I remember every day since I left with Jimmy to my new life; so much has changed, like to night… so much with change. Noah is suddenly in front of me. "Katy…" he strokes my cheek and cares, his hand fit there perfectly, "Noah, I cant be with you if all you want to do is control me." His hand flinched and hurt crossed over his face.

"Fine, But… I'll still fight for you." I look at him straight to his orange eyes. "fight for them I don't need anyone fighting for me."