A Two Way Game

Sasha Farah weaved through the bustling lunch crowd. Just as she had reached her destination a hand grabbed her and drew her back. Before she could protest, the mystery person put their hand - warm but rough - over her mouth. Once inside an empty classroom - after being guided back through the crowds she had just managed to weave through – Sasha looked at the person.

"Wha-" Sasha began, a finger poised in the air, pointing at the person but Sasha was left dumbstruck when she saw who it was.

"I need your help," the person standing before her said.

Sasha was at a loss for words. Never had she heard the person sounding so desperate or nervous.

Sasha crossed her arms in defence. She wasn't going to give in without any explanation. "You have two minutes. Go."


Nina Shaw nearly dropped her phone. "You want me to do what?" Nina asked her best friend, who was on the other line, shocked.

"Um…" the voice on the other end spoke nervously. "Look, I really like him Nina and I would appreciate it if you did this for me."

"Sasha Farah have you lost your mind?!" Nina shrieked into the phone. She could almost see her friend moving the phone away from her ear.

"No. Now, will you help me?"

"Help you 'seduce Joseph Michaels so he can open his eyes to me'?" Nina asked. "You want me to seduce him so he can fall for you."


"Do you understand how stupid that sounds?" Nina demanded. "This is wrong on so many levels."

"Please, just do this one thing for me," Sasha begged. "Please…"

"No. I'm sorry but not even ten years of being your best friend can bargain for what you're asking me to do."

"Nina. I rarely ask you to do anything for me. Just do this one thing, please!" Sasha crossed her fingers, hoping her best friend would come through. The silence on the other line meant that Nina was thinking about it. That always meant that she would say…

"Farah…" Nina whined. She always used Sasha's last name when she was a little pissed. It was 'Sasha Farah' when all hell was going to break loose. "Yes. Okay, I'll help you."

Sasha squealed and proceeded to thank her best friend repeatedly.

"You owe me," Nina said dropping down onto her bed. "Big time. Joseph Michaels is our school's demi-God."

"Exactly why I hired a professional," Sasha said into the phone, grinning from ear to ear.

"Aw," Nina cooed. She stopped the pretence. "Flattery isn't working. I'm still mad."

Sasha coughed, concealing her laughter. After talking for a little while longer, the two girls hung up the phone.

And so it begins, they both thought.


At school Nina and Sasha never spoke of the conversation they had the day before. They didn't speak of it until the subject of the talk sauntered into class. Sasha turned to the right and looked into her friend's annoyed gray eyes.

"You said you would help," Sasha said with a desperate plea in her voice.

"Oh stop sounding so desperate," Nina snapped. There was a little hurt in Sasha's eyes. Guilt filled Nina. "It does nothing for your pores." Nina gave Sasha a small apologetic smile. Sasha replied with a nod in Joseph's direction. Nina shook her head. Nina had to admit that she was a little amused by her friend. Not once had Nina seen Sasha so eager over a guy.

"Not now," Nina whispered seeing the teacher come in to class. He began taking the register. Nina watched Joseph during the fifteen minutes they had in class. He was leaning back on his chair. She noticed the way his curly hair would move as the wind swept in through the open windows. He was wearing a loose t-shirt but with his broad shoulders, it was easy to tell that he was muscular. The more Nina thought about it, the more she began to realise that they shared more classes than Nina had even cared to think about.

"When exactly did you and Joseph meet?" Nina asked Sasha as they left the classroom. Nina realised that the two didn't have any lessons together. Sasha tinted red and looked a little nervous.

"Here and there," was her only reply. Nina frowned. There was more to it than met the eye. Nina shrugged it off. She adjusted her bag strap. Her hands felt unusually empty.

"Crap!" Nina exclaimed. "I forgot my folder in class. I'll see you at break." Nina and Sasha only shared form class, Spanish, ICT and Maths together; all three of those subjects were taught by strict teachers. Break and lunch were the only real times they hung out at school.

Nina managed to arrive to her first period English class just in time. Giving her teaching a small smile and apology, she went to sit at her usual seat at the front of the class, but it was occupied. Nina was in no mood for an argument so she scanned the class for any remaining seats. Lo and behold the only seat left was the one that was next to Joseph Michaels…way at the back of the class.

Nina cursed Sasha's luck. Nina sat down at her new seat next to Joseph. She noticed that he didn't even spare her glance. Not even one! For some reason this irked Nina. She realised that her work was going to be cut out for her.

The lesson was pretty simple; as she expected it to be. The class was nearing their end of term exam. In preparation for the summer exams the test was going to be about the book they were reading 'Lord of the Flies'. The task was to go over any important events in the book and note them out.

Nina's mind wasn't focused on the task at hand, but the small (huge) favour that Sasha had asked her to do was taking over her mind. Nina kept trying to think of ways she could easily strike up a conversation with him.

I could ask him for pen…

The plan went out the drain when she saw that she had placed out two pens on her table. Nina may not have been as school crazed as Sasha was, but she was still pretty organised.

Darn it.

Nina looked at Joseph out of the corner of her eye. He back was hunched; he was scribbling down notes. One hand was used to open his book, while the other was writing down notes. Nina noticed him reach out for his red pen to underline a couple of words.

Nina cackled to herself. She had a plan. She picked her bag from the floor and rummaged around it.

Nina drew breath. "Hey," Nina whispered to Joseph. She noticed him tense a little. He looked up at her. Nina's breath nearly caught. It must have been the first time she ever actually looked at him properly because while before she looked at his face she now saw the way his hazel eyes had speckles of green and yellow. She also saw how his curly hair hung floppily on his head. Nina finally saw how handsome he was.

"Um, do you think I could borrow that red pen?" she asked. "Please?" she added.

Nina held her breath as she waited for him to reply. She swore she could see something pass over his face though she didn't know what. Nina was more of a talker than a reader.

Joseph nodded. Nina subtly let out her breath. He picked up the pen and handed it over to her. Nina took it, giving him a small smile, one that he returned but more tentatively.

Nina gave herself a mental pat on the back. She did good. However after about a second of doing a little congratulatory dance in her mind, she blanched when she wondered what the hell she was going to use it for. She looked out of the corner of her eye. Once she saw that Joseph wasn't looking, she discreetly opened her planner and started writing a note out to Sasha.

Clicking the lid back onto the pen, she handed it back to Joseph. "Thanks."

"No problem," he murmured. That was probably the first time Nina had ever spoken to Joseph.

Phase one – Talk to subject for the first time. Complete.


"So!" Sasha cried sitting down under the tree next to Nina. "How did it go? Did you manage to seduce him yet?"

Nina calmly bit into her apple. Sasha gave her an impatient look. Nina threw her a wad of paper. Sasha looked at page that was torn out from a school planner.

'Dear Sasha,

I hope you appreciate this. I'm using Joseph Michael's red pen. I had to talk to him for this. Thank me! Phase one is complete. Don't ask me if that's all I did because if I'm going to do this, I'm going to do this my way.

Please don't make a shrine for this note just because it's written in his pen. And don't give me a 'pshh, yeah right' look, because I still remember when you wouldn't change those socks of yours because Chad what's-his-name complimented them.

Love, Nina. =)'

Sasha looked up to see her friend smirking. Nina watched her as Sasha opened her mouth but then closed it, then frowned about to look up, but didn't as she read the note.

"How-" Sasha began.

"Ten years baby. It counts for something," Nina replied. Sasha rolled her eyes and tossed the note into her bag.

The two spent the rest of the lunch period talking and gossiping. They didn't notice a pair of amused hazel eyes watching as they clutched their stomachs because they were laughing so hard.


A week later and Nina still hadn't spoken to Joseph, not since the borrowing of a red pen in English class. Sasha was growing a little impatient. She was acting a lot more skittish than usual, she was ditching Nina after school and on the phone twenty-four seven. If Sasha hadn't asked Nina to 'seduce' Joseph for her, she'd have thought that Sasha had a secret lover.

"You don't have a secret lover do you?" Nina asked her bluntly. Sasha almost dropped the latte that Nina had just handed to her.

"No!" Sasha exclaimed. "Gosh, why would you think that?"

"Just wondering," Nina shrugged.

"Right," Sasha said sceptically. "I've got to go drop my brother off to football practice. I'll see you tomorrow, kay?"

"Sure thing. Bye," Nina said. Sasha waved and left. Nina adjusted her work apron and put her pen and notepad in the pocket of her apron.

During the weekends Nina would work at the local coffee shop to earn a little extra money. Her parents refused to give her a raise in her allowance, so getting a job was the only other solution to her money problems.

"Hey, Nina. Can you do my table 3 please?" Nina's co-worker Paris asked. Nina nodded and walked over to table three.

Nina was in for a second surprise, in regards to Joseph, because there he was sitting at the table, alone.

"Hi," Nina said with a smile on her face. It wasn't like she was glad to see him, it was mandatory for every worker to serve with a smile.

Nina watched as Joseph's head shot up startled. His eyes looked guarded but they warmed up when he saw the smile on Nina's face.

"Can I get you anything?" she asked, her pen ready to take down his order.

"Um, yeah. Can I get a black tea please?" he asked, his eyes never leaving hers. Nina scrunched her nose. It was a reflex for her since she hated drinking tea with no milk. "You don't like that combo?"

It was Nina's turn to look up startled. She blushed. "Well…not really. I mean, how can you stand it? It's so…bitter!"

After a moment Nina realised she had probably insulted him in some way. She opened her mouth to apologise but Joseph put his hand up.

"No, I get that from a lot of people. My mum tries to put milk in it and even if it's a drop, I can't drink it." Nina laughed a little.

"Each to their own I guess. Is that all you want?" she asked. Joseph nodded. "I'll be right back with your order."

Nina walked over to the tea maker and as soon as she did Paris came bustling back from the storage room. She was looking a little flustered, a few seconds later, Johnny – another worker at the café – came out of the room looking just as flustered as Paris was. Nina could only raise her eyebrow at her.

"Ahem. Well, thanks for this Nina. I can take it from here," Paris said blushing. Nina nodded knowingly. "Table three right?" she asked picking up the tea pot.

"Mhm. Black tea," Nina said leaning against the counter, watching her friend.

"Anything else?" Paris asked after seeing Nina staring at her.

"Oh no. Nothing else," Nina simply said, smirking. She walked up to Paris and whispered in her ear. Paris squeaked ran to the back, her hands trying to cover her back. Her visibly red lacy bra was unhooked. Nina laughed and picked up the tea Paris had made. There was a smile on her face as she walked to Joseph's table.

"Here you go. Enjoy," Nina said setting the tea down.

"Thanks." Nina smiled and turned to go. "You have a nice smile."

Nina froze. She turned around. "Oh," she smiled hesitantly. "Thanks." Nina quickly walked back to the front of the store. She wanted to hide her blush. The boy sure knew his way around women. It wasn't a wonder that Sasha had fallen for him, she thought. A few minutes later, she went to serve a table full of University students. She saw their University logos embroidered onto their bags and tops. When her eyes settled on table three, Joseph was gone. She shrugged. It wasn't like that was her only opportunity to ask him to hang out.

Nina sighed as she thought about what Sasha had asked her to do.

"Just hang out with him once! You'll mention me a couple of times. Just once, swear to me just once. Then you'll spend the rest of the time finding out what an amazing guy he is," Sasha had said. Why she was so insistent that she only mention her once was beyond her. Her friend had been acting weirder than usual.

"Nina! Why don't you take off? You've already done two extra shifts this week," Chloe, her manager, said. Nina smiled gratefully and went to change.

"Have fun," Nina whispered to Paris as she walked passed her. Paris grinned, blushing and nudged Nina ever to slightly. "Bye you guys!"

Nina left to a chorus of 'goodbyes'.


"Black tea?" Sasha asked wrinkling her nose. Nina nodded taking out her ICT folder. "How can someone drink it plain?"

"That's exactly what I said. Literally," she added as an afterthought. Sasha laughed.

"You told him that?"

"Well, it was a little odd. There wasn't any sugar either."

"Only you Nina," Sasha said shaking her head with a grin on her face. Nina shrugged, a small smile playing on her face. "So what's the next step?"

Nina was hoping Sasha wasn't going to ask her that. She honestly had no idea what to do next. It was seem highly suspicious if she randomly started hanging around with Joseph.

"You have no idea do you?" Sasha asked amused.


"Well, just go with it. Oh, I don't think I'm going to be here at lunch. I've got to catch up with some art," Sasha said with a scowl on her face. "Sorry."

"Ah, I'll probably catch up with some reading." Nina loved her other friends, but sometimes they were too much to handle and with Sasha not by her side it would be a little…unbearable.

"Sure thing," Sasha said. She turned to face the teacher because he started talking about their next task, but also because she wanted to hide a smile that was forming on her face. A smile that was oblivious to Nina.

Fifty minutes later the sound of the bell indicated it was time for the next lesson. Nina had Biology next while Sasha had Art. Then it would be lunch.

"I'll see at form then," Sasha said waving her friend off.

"Yup, see ya'." Nina saluted her friend before entering her biology lab. Her eyes immediately were drawn to Joseph.


Nina forgot that she had the next lesson with him. This lesson to be exact. She noticed him give her a smile. Nina returned it with a smaller one. Her shock was not evident on her face but she was. Borrowing a pen and handing out tea earned her a smile from a guy she didn't even acknowledge before. She didn't think it would be that easy.

A thought suddenly struck her.

If it were that easy to befriend him then why didn't Sasha do it herself? Nina didn't even know why Sasha couldn't do the seducing herself.

Nina made a mental note to ask her the next time she saw her friend.

"Nina! Dawwling, yellow!" Neil Saunders, one of her long time friends called out. He was a bit on the eccentric side. Nina grinned at him ad waved. They went way back.

Nina turned to greet her partner, but was met with thin air. Nina frowned and looked around, her lab partner wasn't in class. Nina realised she hadn't seen Colin, her partner, all day. She assumed he was sick. Wanting to be nice, Nina decided to copy her notes for him too. Colin always helped her out when she was sick, so now it was Nina's turn to repay him.

"Right class. Today we'll be doing a short practical. It'll be short but you have to do it properly. This experiment, method and results, will be the focus of your end of term text next week."

The teacher rolled her eyes as the class groaned.

"Um, Miss? Colin's away today," Nina said sticking her hand up. Experiments were always done in pairs.

"Hm…" Miss S looked around the class. "I guess you'll just have to make a three. Move over to Saunders' group. I'm hoping you can get those boys to concentrate more."

Nina looked over at Neil Saunders' group. Nina almost cursed when she saw who he was partnered with.

Yup, Joseph Michaels.

Nina wondered if she was being Punk'd. She had been seeing more of Joseph than she had done so in the last four years.

"Alright Nina," Neil greeted her with a high-five. Nina rolled her eyes but slapped his outstretched hand. Neil's parents and Nina's parents were good friends; they grew up together. "How's ole' Papa S?"

"He's dead," Nina replied with a smile.

Joseph looked a little lost. Aw, he looked like a puppy, she thought.

"It's this old joke. Goes way back," Neil said to his friend. Nina nodded.

"My dad died when I was nine. Neil here, being the real sensitive guy, told me that we could share his dad."

Joseph laughed but styled it out as a cough.

"That's not even the joke!" Neil defended.

"I know. I thought it'd be a cute story."

"Get on with it woman," Neil said impatiently. Nina glared at him but turned her attention to Joseph.

"Anyway, this one time he must have accidentally asked me how my dad was. This was after he died. Neil looked so guilty, he was stuttering and all. I was young, I didn't really know my dad so I didn't really miss him…Does that make sense?" she asked.

Joseph thought about it for a second but nodded.

"Right, so Neil thought I was going to cry and get all upset but instead I calmly told him that he was dead."

"Then she gave me this adorable grin, missing tooth and all. Boy was it a relief that she didn't knee me in the balls or suttin'," Neil said shaking his head. "Now that would've been a cute story."

"Nina. Don't distract those boys further," Miss S said shaking her head as she handed out the instruction sheet.

"Aw don't blame her Miss," Neil said locking his arm around her. "She's just too cute. Ain't she cute Jose? Tell her she's cute."

Nina opened her mouth to tell him he didn't have to, but he shocked her for a second time with his answer.

"She's cute alright."

"There ya' go sweetuns," Neil cooed. He let go of Nina and clapped his hands. "Now, let's get this party started. Whaddya' say we mix a couple of these beauties?" Neil asked holding up two test tubes.

Joseph and Nina looked at each other, then at Neil.

"No way."

"José?" Neil asked weakly. Nina took the chemicals off him before he could do some permanent damage. Joseph moved the other chemicals on the table away from him. "Haters," he muttered under his breath. That earned him a whack over the head with a pair of goggles from Joseph.

"So…" Nina said after the group lapsed into silence. They were waiting for any bubbles to appear, there were none so far, but that was expected.

"So, what are your plans for the Easter holidays?" Neil asked.

"Well, you know the Shaw household. Invite the whole neighbourhood for an Easter egg hunt, big dinners, laze around in the sun."

"Am I invited?" Neil asked wagging his eyebrows.

"Neil, you know you are. You come over every year," Nina said.

"The way it should be," he said nodding. "Why don't you come over Joseph?" Neil looked at Joseph.

"Um…" Joseph trailed off looking at Nina. Neil too looked at her expectantly. Nina frowned for a moment before realising why they were looking at her so weirdly.

"Oh!" she said. "Oh. Sure, if you want." Nina gave him a reassuring smile.

"Cool. I'll ask my mum." Nina nodded.

"My best friend Sasha comes every time too, she doesn't live in the neighbourhood but no one really cares. As long as you take part, it's all good. You know Sasha right?" Nina asked Joseph.

"What about me?" Neil asked. "Ain't you gonna' ask me?"

Nina ignored him. Of course he knew her. The idiot.

"Yeah, I've seen her around," Joseph said casually. There was something different in his voice, but Nina couldn't pick up on what it was exactly.

"Great!" Nina said beaming. "She's great. Always finds the most eggs. Ruins it for the kiddies she does." Joseph gave her a small grin.

"A bubble!" Neil cried after giving up on Joseph and Nina. The latter two turned their attention to Neil. "Oh wait, false alarm. It was just a piece of the plant."

Nina groaned and started writing out her notes as well as the more detailed ones for Colin.

"Well done class," Miss S said fifty minutes later when each group was packing away their equipment. "A job well done. Mr Saunders, Mr Michaels, I see that Miss Shaw has been a good influence for you two."

"I personally think it's the other way around," Neil said shrugging. Nina rolled her eyes and picked up her bag.

"See you all next lesson," Miss S said shaking her head at Neil. Nina waved her teacher goodbye.

"Wait up!" Neil shouted after Nina, who had already left the classroom. Nina turned to find Neil and Joseph.

"What's up?" Nina asked gripping onto her bag strap.

"Nothing Chica. Just wanted to, you know…talk to you?" Neil finished off uncertainly.

"You telling me, or asking me?" Nina asked a little amused.


"Listen. Neil, darling, it's lunchtime. I'm hungry and you're wasting precious eating time. Speak if you must but do it fast," Nina said, tapping on her wrist.

"That would've been more effective with a watch," Joseph said.

"It would've been right?" Nina said with her shoulders now slumped.

"Okay. I saw you two do this weird thing that you're doing now with your minds," Neil said switching his looks between his two friends. "But so not cool dude. I don't get what you're saying."

Nina's heart started beating just that extra bit quicker. Nina made sure to keep her eyes focused on Neil. Will power only got a girl so far, because her eyes darted to Joseph for a millisecond, during which she saw his eyes hard on Neil.

"Grow a few brain cells and then you'll know," Nina said giving his arm a friendly pat. "Later guys." She gave them a two finger salute and walked towards the library.

"I think you need some brain cells!" Neil called out behind her. "The lunch room is the other way."

"I know!" Nina called out without turning around. Nina shook her head. "Boys," she muttered under her breath.

Twenty minutes later and Nina was absorbed into the world of young Pip and Miss Havisham. "Speak," Nina whispered into her mobile. She looked around the library to see if anyone was watching her. Mobiles in school were frowned upon, but using it in a library meant in detention and confiscation of the phone.

"Hey it's me," the voice on the other line said. Nina thankfully recognised the 'me' to be Sasha.

"Hey, I'm in the library so speak quickly."

"Oops! I just wanted chat to you," Sasha said from the other end sheepishly.

"Oh. Well in that case goodbye," Nina said laughing. She quickly styled it out to a cough, in case anyone heard. "Oh, but before I go, I mentioned you to the guy and he's coming to the Easter egg hunt."

"That's…great!" Sasha said enthusiastically. "About that-"

"Crap! I gotta' go, someone's coming! Bye!" Nina rushed out before pocketing her phone.

"I didn't know phones were allowed in the library," a voice said. Nina looked up and let out a sigh of relief.

"I thought you were the librarian for a second," she said.

"Me? I don't look like a fifty year man do I?" Joseph asked. Yes, the Joseph Michaels.

"No. You don't," Nina assured him.

"Good." The two lapsed into silence. It was déjà vu for the two.

"How many people come to your Easter thing?" Joseph asked.

"Well, we invite nearly all our neighbours. Twelve families with lets say generally four per family. Forty-eight plus my family, that's fifty two. Then we get extras, such as yourself and Sasha."

"I don't want to impose if…"

Nina laughed. "No, don't worry. Sasha's been doing this for years. If worse comes to worse, you'll be stuck talking to my relatives…that's if they decide to come this year. It's a very dysfunctional family."

"I have to say my family is pretty much like yours. Typical working parents, older brother and pet dog."

"A poster family."

"Pretty much," Joseph agreed nodding.

And that was how Joseph Michaels and Nina Shaw spent the rest of their lunch period; in the library talking.


"You spent lunch with Joseph Michaels?" Sasha exclaimed. Nina nodded. Sasha sat down on Nina's bed. She was still in shock.

"Are you mad?" Nina asked cautiously. "I mean I mentioned you a good three times."

"What!?" Sasha cried. "I'm not mad but what happened to the 'only mention me once' rule?"

"Oh. You were serious about that?" Nina asked.



"Yes Nina."

There was a pause. Nina looked at her friend from the corner of her eye.


"Yes! Now don't ask me again," Sasha snapped.

"Touchy – touchy."

"I'm sorry I-" Sasha started sheepishly.

"No, don't worry about it. Why exactly is it you want me to mention you only once?"

"No reason." Nina gave Sasha a look. "Well. If you keep mentioning me then it'll seem too forceful."

"Well…I guess you're right," Nina said hesitantly.

"Of course I'm right. It's why I get better grades than you," Sasha said smugly.

"Okay, that is just in D.T! Who cares about D.T?" Nina cried rolling her eyes. Sasha would always bring up the subject about Nina failing D.T (design technology).

"It was pasta Nina. Boil the pasta, drain, put sauces then eat. That's all you had to do."

Nina pulled a face at her friend.

"Saturday's the Easter thing," Sasha said casually.

"Yes. I have a plan. I'll take Neil away from Joseph, since they're arriving together, and then you'll coincidently be looking for me. He'll be looking for Neil, no doubt, so you two can look for us together. Thus giving you some alone time."

"Wow," Sasha said with an awestruck look on her face. "You really outdid yourself."

"I did, didn't I?" Nina asked thoughtfully.

"You don't have to do so much," Sasha said after a while.

"Nonsense. You like this guy so I'm doing this for you," Nina said. Sasha looked a little guilty. "Look, there's no need for that face. I'm fine with doing this. Besides, now I can find out whether he's deemed worthy for you." Nina gave her friend a wink and said something about food, leaving a very torn up looking Sasha behind.

The last three days of school went by quickly.

"And remember try to wear something Easter-y!" Nina had called out after Joseph as he left the English class they shared.

"Like what?!" he had asked. A number of students found it very interesting that the celebrity in school was talking to…well, a non-celebrity in school. Nina wasn't very torn up about the fact that she wasn't very popular. She had her share of friends; some popular, some not, but that was okay for her.

"You'll think of something," Nina said mysteriously grinning. In all honesty, she just wanted to see what he would wear.

Saturday, thankfully, was a sunny day. There was a cool breeze which allowed dresses the women and girls were wearing to flow freely, instead of sticking to their legs. This not only looked weird, but was uncomfortable too.

Nina was dressed in a plain yellow summer dress. She wore a pair of Easter egg earrings. That was her 'something-Easter-y' done. Sasha had decided to go a little more 'out there' by wearing a cute white dress that puffed out at her knees. There was a bunny tail at the back which made her look so adorable. A pair of bunny ears topped the outfit off.

"Aw, Joseph won't be able to resist you now!" Nina cooed, pinching Sasha's cheeks. Sasha smacked her friend's hands away.

"Ow," Sasha groaned rubbing her now-red cheeks.

"Leanina Shaw!" Nina's mother shouted from the stairs. "Move it! The guests are arriving!"

Nina scowled at her mother's use of her full name. Mrs Shaw never understood why her daughter just went by Nina. Leanina was such a unique name.

"Yes Leanina let's go," Sasha teased. Nina rolled her eyes. The two went to the garden.

"Oh! Nina, you look so grown up!"

"Nina, darling, my you're already taller than me!"

"You have breasts now!"

Nina was being pushed from relative to relative. Nina blushed crimson at the last comment.

"Yes, it comes with the job description of being a woman," Nina muttered to Sasha who looked fit to burst.

"Leanina, Neil and his friend-" There was a pause from her mother. "Ah yes, Joseph are here. Come greet them!"

Nina grabbed Sasha's arm just as she was about to dash away.

"Hey you two," Nina said breathlessly. The garden was big, but it was packed with people. There was barely enough breathing space.

"Where's your something Easter?" Neil demanded. He was wearing a t-shirt that had a woman dressed in a revealing outfit of a bunny.

"Is that appropriate?" Sasha asked Neil.

"Of course it is," Neil said dismissing her comment. Nina shook her head.

"Here," Nina said lifting her hair a little to reveal her Easter egg earrings.

"Women. You can get away with wearing accessories, us guys have to go all out," Joseph said acting annoyed. Nina grinned.

He was wearing a similar top to Neil's, except his was less explicit. There was cute bunny holding an Easter egg basket.

"I feel like I've lost a little bit of my manhood just wearing this," Joseph muttered looking down at his t-shirt. The three of them laughed.

"Don't worry. You're still manly…sort of," Sasha said laughing.

"Oh, this is Sasha," Nina said beaming at the two of them. Sasha shook his outstretched hand. Neil looked confused.

"My best friend in the entire world, I would kill bunnies for this girl, you forgot to add," Sasha added. Nina grinned.

"I wouldn't go as far as killing bunnies. They're just so cute and fluffy," Nina cooed.

Sasha just shook her head.

"Come on. I'll introduce you to the Shaw clan," Nina said to Joseph. Before Sasha or Neil could sneak of, for whatever reason Nina knew not, she glared at them. They quickly turned back and followed the two.

"Why is it your mum called you Leanina?" Joseph asked.

"Oh," she said grimacing at the use of her full name. "My dad wanted to call me Lea, whereas my mum was adamant on calling me Nina."

"Hence the name LeaNina," Joseph finished. Nina nodded. The two continued talking while, at the same time, were looking for her family.

"I can't find them anywhere!" Nina said exhausted of walking around in what felt like circles.

"Well, I've met your mum, who else is there?"

"There's my older brother, who's away, and my younger brother who's eight and annoying." Joseph laughed lightly.

"You're the only girl?" Joseph asked.

"Yep. It's great. I don't have to share clothes, shoes, makeup or anything else feminine," Nina said winking. Joseph flinched. "Aw, are you scared of the word tamp-"

"Well!" Joseph cut in. Nina laughed. "I'm hungry, who's hungry?" he asked turning around. Nina frowned. Sasha and Neil were no where to be seen.

"Well…" Joseph trailed off scratching his head. He stood on his toes and searched the crowd. "Oh, I see them." Joseph waved his hands manically. Nina stifled a laugh. Without any warning, Joseph grabbed Nina's hand. If Joseph had turned around he would've seen her blushing hotly. His hands were intertwined with hers!

Her heart was beating erratically.

The last thing she needed was to fall for a guy that her best friend liked.

"You guys disappeared," Nina accused once they had reached Sasha and Neil. Both were frozen with food in their mouths. Sasha turned and saw Joseph's and Nina's hands together. Nina followed her friend's gaze and tore her hand away from his.

"So we didn't get parted in the crowd," Nina said meekly. Sasha nodded. Nina swore she saw her friend…smile.

"Food's great. Try some," Neil gushed - missing the looks that the three were sending each other - to Joseph. He raised an eyebrow but took one of the pasties.

"Um, I have to go to see my mum. I normally leave Sasha with Neil during this. I'll see you all later, kay?" Nina said looking at her watch. She couldn't let her mum do all the work at the party. "Have fun!"

Nina turned and disappeared in the crowd.

"So…" Neil started. "Who wants some food? Huh, huh?" he asked grinning from ear to ear.


Two hours later Nina was exhausted. She decided to take a break and go find her friends. She hadn't seen much of her friends. The last time she did see them, Joseph was being attacked by her younger cousins and neighbours. It was a cute sight; a burly eighteen year old being attacked by mini terrors. Sasha and Neil were sitting on the high chairs watching him struggle. The grins on each of their faces told Nina they were having a good time, so she didn't need to feel quite as bad for not being with them.

"Well, seems like he's having fun," Nina whispered to Sasha. "You can't seem to take your eyes off of him." She winked. Sasha blushed.

Nina's eyes turned towards the patio door, which was only a few feet away from them, because she heard something from inside. Nina frowned but couldn't see anything.

"Jamie! Not so hard!" Nina scolded her younger brother, who had been jumping on his stomach. Joseph was thanking his coach for making him get a rock hard stomach.

"Sorry sis!" Jamie said. Joseph grinned up at her. Nina laughed at the sight. Joseph managed to stand up and tear himself away from the children and crowd of laughing parents.

"Was that your brother?" Joseph asked breathlessly, brushing away the dirt on his jeans. Nina nodded.

"The younger one," Nina said.

"I'm going to go to the toilet, excuse me," Joseph said walking to the patio.

A couple of minutes later, out of the corner of her eye she saw a man dressed in camouflage. Nina turned her head completely. She couldn't believe what, or more whom, she saw.

"Jimmy!" Nina shrieked. "Ah!" Nina ran towards him. She flung herself at him. Jimmy grabbed her laughing. He spun her around. "You're home!"

Jimmy laughed. The light rumble in his chest was comforting to her. Nina felt so safe in his arms.

"How are you squirt?" he asked ruffling his younger sister's hair. He laughed as she scowled. He set her down.

Ignoring the question, Nina decided to ask her one of her own questions. "Why didn't you tell anyone you were coming home?" She glared at her brother.

"I wanted it to be a surprise. That was my last tour, I'm free of the Army now."

Nina's eyes lit up. Nina couldn't count the number of times her heart thumped as they received a late night call. Each time Nina was expecting the worse; a call from the army telling them her brother was injured or worse. There was havoc at home when he told them he had been enlisted.

She quickly glared at her brother and punched him.

"Ow!" he cried rubbing his arm. He had taught his sister well.

"You deserved that," she said before pulling him into a hug. A couple of people cooed at the sight of the brother and sister reunion. Nina stepped to the side a little as a swarm people came up to Jimmy, welcoming him home.

"Oh!" a hysterical voice of a certain Mrs Shaw was clearly heard. "Oh, my baby!" Jimmy, who was considerably taller than his mother engulfed her into a hug. He was definitely a mummy's boy. The crowds of people ushered the Shaw family indoors while they entertained themselves outside. They wanted to give the family a little bit of privacy.

"Who's this?" Jimmy asked Jamie in feign confusion.

"It's me! Jamie!"

"What? No!" Jimmy cried shocked. "The last time I saw my baby brother, he was seven! You look too old to be my baby brother."

"Hey, I'm no baby! I'm eight. I haven't got any baby teeth. Seeee!" Jamie said showing off his teeth. Nina laughed. Nina's mum was too busy eyeing her son to see whether he was injured.

Jimmy didn't want to miss out on the famous Easter party his mum was throwing. He decided to head back outside. Nina wanted to introduce him to Joseph. She was sure that the two would get along well.

"Hey guys!" Nina said grinning. She had dragged Jimmy away from the swarms of relatives who were also telling him how 'grown up he had gotten'. Joseph had come back from the toilet.

"Jimmy!" Sasha and Neil said. They both gave him hugs. Joseph grinned up at Jimmy.

"Joseph, this is my older brother Jimmy. He's in the Army," Nina said beaming up at her brother. "Jimmy this is one of my newly found friends-"

"Joseph Michaels," Jimmy finished off for her. The two did a man-hug.

"You two know each other?" Nina asked confused.

"Yeah, my older brother is friends with Jimmy," Joseph supplied for her. Nina nodded.

"Small world," she said thoughtfully. Jimmy slung an arm over Nina's shoulder.

"You dating my little sister Michaels?" Jimmy asked Joseph. Nina choked on the drink she was drinking. She nudged him in the ribs. Jimmy didn't even flinch.

"No! He's just a friend dad," Nina said making a face at her brother.

Jimmy looked over at Joseph who was nodding profusely. Nina shot a glance at Sasha, she and Neil looked like they were stifling laughs.

Something dodgy was definitely going on.

"Well, if you do date her I'm going to have to-" Jimmy was cut off.

"Do nothing because we're not going to date," Nina finished off for him. She gave her brother a warning look. Jimmy just chuckled and shrugged.

"If you say so."

"I do. Shouldn't you be phoning a certain girlfriend of yours?" Nina asked him crossing her arms. She had a knack of pulling off the 'mother' look.

"Oh-" Jimmy said muttering profanities. Nina shook her head. Jimmy quickly bid them goodbye and ran off indoors to phone her. Louise was sick in bed otherwise she would've been at the party. She knew not to miss the famous Easter egg parties.

Nina turned back to her friends. Joseph looked slightly uncomfortable. Sasha and Neil had weird looks on their faces.

"He was just playing around. He's not going to beat you to pulp," Nina said trying to make the situation less awkward.

"Nina, can I talk to you?" Sasha asked. She didn't wait for a reply and grabbed Nina by the arm. "We'll be right back boys. The Easter egg hunt is about to start."

Sasha took her friend by the arm to the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Sasha asked Nina.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know Jimmy was going to say that. I didn't tell him about you liking him," Nina said defensively. Sasha gave her a confused look.

"What are you talk- Oh." A look of realisation fell over Sasha's face. "Oooh."

"Are you feeling okay?" Nina asked feeling her friend's forehead worriedly.

"Yes-yes. I'm fine," Sasha slowly said. She took Nina's hands. Sasha opened and closed her mouth numerous times. "There's something you need to know."

"What? You're scaring me…"

"I-" Sasha stopped when crowds of people came indoors. They both guessed that Nina's mum had ordered them to come inside while she hid the Easter eggs.

"Later," Nina said to Sasha as they both backed up to let the people in. Nina's Aunt pulled the blinds to cover the windows so nobody cheated. Nina spotted Neil and Joseph, she waved them over.

"Joseph, why don't you go with Sasha since she always gets the most and Neil and I go together because I get more than Neil?" Nina suggested.

"Sure," Sasha said. Nina was sly, Sasha had to admit that.

"Why can't I go with Sasha since I don't get much?" Neil demanded.

"Because, Joseph's new to it and I stink as much as you do. Deal with it." Neil sighed dramatically. Nina rolled her eyes and grabbed four baskets that were being passed around. She handed them out to Sasha, Joseph, Neil and took one for herself.

"I don't mind not collecting a lot of eggs," Joseph said to them.

"Trust me. You're going to care when you see the little minions people call children smirk evilly at you when they find one. Those devilish faces make you want to squash their hopes of the Easter bunny, Santa Claus and winning," Neil said punching his palm.

"He never won as a little boy," Nina said patting Neil on the back. "It was scarring for him." Joseph laughed.

"Looks like your mum's ready. Let's go!" Sasha said clapping her hands together.

Squeals of children and parents alike were heard everywhere. It was the same thing every year, except the hiding places were different. Nina gave up after ten minutes and sat down on a deck chair and watched everyone else scurrying around to find the most eggs. Neil had wandered off somewhere. He had probably gone to get something to eat.

During that time, Nina had lost sight of Sasha and Joseph. The last she did see them, they were happily talking and laughing. They looked comfortable together. Nina thought about the time that they spent hanging around at the library together. For a split second that she closed her eyes, she wished that she was back there. Quickly opening her eyes, Nina wondered what the heck was wrong with her.

Your best friend likes Joseph Michaels! Remember that!

Nina jumped a foot and squeaked out when a body dropped down on the grass next to her. She was so up in the clouds she didn't see Joseph walk up to her.

"Hi," he said grinning.

He had a dimple, she thought. Why was she noticing these things? Not now. She couldn't now!

"Hey," she croaked out. Nina picked up her drink and occupied herself with drinking it.

"Are you okay?" Joseph asked raising an eyebrow.

He could raise an eyebrow!

"Yep. Perfect. Fine. Where's Sasha?" Nina asked looking around the garden.

"She's a monster," Joseph said shaking his head. Nina looked at him wide eyed. "Oh, I just mean that she's a monster when it comes to this hunt. She's crazy. I think she glared at a baby."

Nina let out a sigh of relief.

"Right. Well I warned you," Nina said lying back down on the chair.

"That you did."


When Jimmy Shaw looked out of the window while on the phone to his girlfriend who decided she was well enough to visit him – she somehow managed to tell him through all her coughing – he saw his sister and his friend's younger brother laughing and teasing each other. They did not notice the people around them scuttling around looking to win. They also didn't notice a certain someone's best friend grinning at the two and talking rapidly on the phone.

Jimmy wasn't an idiot - he knew what was going on.


Two weeks later. It had been a whole two weeks since the day at the Easter egg hunt. Nina couldn't help but realise that her feelings towards the plan of seduction had changed. Nina no longer saw Joseph as a friend or acquaintance. There was something more there. There was no way she could admit this to Sasha. She would be devastated. Sasha would moan that there wasn't any progress between Joseph and Sasha. Nina felt guilty. Maybe part of that was her fault.

Nina decided to step back a little. She would conveniently have to take her washing out while hanging out with Sasha and Joseph, or have to walk her neighbour's friend's dog while again hanging out with Sasha, Joseph and Sampson (another friend of Joseph's). Even though she had done so much 'stepping back', she still found herself talking to him online, on the phone or at school. People at school noticed him hanging out with Sasha and Nina more but Nina especially. They didn't comment on it, but the looks they gave the girls told them everything.

During the time she left the two together, Nina realised that she hadn't spent anytime with her best friend alone. That was how Nina found herself at her friend's house, just hanging out like they use to. Every time Nina looked at Sasha, she found it hard to talk to her properly. Joseph came into mind each time. They both liked the same guy.

Where in girl code did it tell you what to do when you both liked the same guy?

"Sasha," Nina said softly. "I can't do this anymore."

Nina had found some courage in her to tell her best friend the truth. Or maybe it was Ben and Jerry giving her encouraging looks…or the sweet taste of the ice cream that made her see the 'light'.

Sasha deserves the truth.

"Hm? What are you talking about?" she asked looking up from the magazine she was currently reading.

"I mean," her voice broke. "I can't 'seduce' Joseph for you."

"Why not?" she asked. A look passed over her face but it was gone before Nina could even attempt to read it.

"Because…I'm falling for him," she said after a moment. Her voice was strong and bold.

Nina and Sasha had sworn to each other that no guy who ever get in the way. Nina was praying that Sasha would remember the little pact they made way back in year seven – when guys first came into the picture.

"Falling for whom exactly?" Sasha asked slowly, sitting up. Nina didn't say anything. "Falling for who Nina?"

"Who else?" Nina said, choking back a sob. "Joseph Michaels! Ever since you asked me to help you, I've been bumping into him more. Maybe he was always there and I never realised it, but I see him now Sasha. I really see him. I'm sorry if this breaks all girl code but I just can't help it. I'm sorry."

Not once had Sasha seen her best friend so…broken up about a guy. Sasha, while book smart, always wore her heart on her sleeve whereas Nina would use her brain and keep her heart locked away.

Nina looked at her best friend, who looked, well, a little constipated. Nina didn't recognise it to be her 'angry' look…or any other look for that matter.

"Are you alright?" Nina asked cautiously.

"Finally!" Sasha cried out laughing. "Oh my God I never thought I would have to keep this up for so long!"


"Oh gosh Nina this was all a lie!" Sasha said jumping up and down. Nina was baffled. She had no idea what her friend was talking about. She voiced this.

"Nina. A couple of weeks ago Joseph asked me to help him." Nina's jaw became slack. She had a funny feeling she knew where this was going. "He wanted me to help get you to notice him! At first I thought, yeah right our school's demi-God was interested in you-" Nina was about to protest to this. "Oh come of it, you preach everyday about guys like him never going out with girls like us." Nina then shrugged because it was the truth.

"Then what?"

"Well, he told me how much he liked you after that time you helped that kid out. Remember, Rahul or something? He fell and dropped all his food then you helped him when no one else did. He saw that and he just…he saw something different in you. He saw what I saw; a genuinely good person."

"Wait…are you in love with me?" Nina asked forgetting the whole point to what Sasha was saying.

"No silly. I'm not in love with you."

"Good. Wait…Joseph Michael's likes me!?" Nina squeaked out. Sasha nodded. "Oh I need to sit down."

"Look. You need to tell him you like him too."

"Wait," Nina said slowly. She disregarded the fact the Sasha muttered something like 'is that her favourite word or something?' under her breath. "That means you wanting me to seduce him was all a lie?"


"And you never liked him."


"So I wasted all that time for nothing."


"Huh?" Nina said, confused again.

"You didn't waste your time. You finally know what an amazing guy he is. You've found yourself a potential new boyfriend and I found myself a new friend. Actually," Sasha said giggling. "I found myself a boyfriend too."

"What!?" Nina cried. Two bombshells over one tub of ice cream just was not right.

"Yeah. He's a friend of Joseph's. He was in on it too, even though he didn't even do anything to help. Sampson."

"Who else was in on it?" Nina asked faintly. She couldn't believe she had been so oblivious to the whole thing.

"Joseph, myself, Neil and Sampson were all in on it." Sasha looked at her friend. She was silent. Nina was never silent, she almost always had something to say.

"You're not mad are you?" Sasha asked Nina timidly.

"Well. I'm kinda' mad at myself," Nina replied sheepishly. Sasha gave her an inquiring look. "Well…am I really that cold that I'm unapproachable? I mean, couldn't Joseph have just…talked to me. He never even looks at me in class. How's a girl supposed to know that a guy likes her?"

"Aw no," Sasha soothed, putting an arm around Nina. "He was just afraid you'll see him for who he is at school; the popular guy, and dismiss the guy inside him. He probably has a huge guy inside him. Eh, eh," she said nudging Nina.

Nina laughed and nudged her friend.

"That's gross Sash."

"This is what you wanted to tell me at the Easter thing?" Sasha nodded. Nina suddenly registered something that Sasha said. "Wait, Neil knew? The little wank-". Nina stopped when Sasha gave her a disapproving look.

"Look. I'm going to text Joseph and tell him that you're on your way to the smoothie shack, and he can 'accidently' bump into you. Then kabam you can tell him how you feel."

"I could…" she said pondering. A mischievous look came across her face. "Or I could have a little fun with him."

"What are you going to do?" Sasha asked frowning, but a smile was on her face. Nina laughed as the plan came together. She grabbed her bag and hoodie.

"Just tell him that I'm there, but don't tell him anything about me going to confess my undying love for him!" she said dramatically.

"Okay, but don't be mean. He's a lost puppy around you," Sasha said sniffing playfully. Nina grinned.

"Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off," Nina said quoting a 'Panic at the Disco' song.

Sasha laughed.

"Hey," Nina said halting at the door. "Thank you."

"Ah, it's just a text."

"No. I mean, for everything you've done. Just…I'm so glad I met you. You're a star, you know that right?"

The girls may not say 'I love you' to each other as often as they should, but it was times like those that they really knew how much the other meant to them.

"Twinkling from the heavens is what I do," Sasha joked. Nina knew that it was her little way of saying 'You're welcome'. Nina gave her friend one last smile before heading out of her room.


Nina sat down at an empty table after ordering her 'Oreo Smoothie'. She took her iPod out and put some music on. She wanted to create the illusion she wasn't waiting for anyone. Specifically Joseph.

She didn't have to wait long. While her eyes were roaming around the place, she saw the door open and Joseph walk in. He was alone.

His eyes roamed the store; if Nina hadn't known that Sasha had texted him, she would've thought he was looking for someone. His eyes finally found hers. She smiled at him.

He smiled at her, but this time it was a little…different. Nina wondered whether Sasha had told him anything, but she soon realised that it wasn't that it was different, it was special. Nina finally saw how his eyes lit up and his smile shone. He had this aura about him. She was finally seeing him. Not like before when Sasha asked her the favour, but she saw his entire self; body and soul.

"Hi," she said tugging her headphones out.

"Hey," he said. He stood by her table. She cleared her throat.

"Wanna' join me?" she asked. "Unless you're meeting someone else."

Wonder what he's going to say…

"Nope, just thought I'd get a smoothie," he said. She could tell he was lying; his voice went high a little at the beginning. She wondered how many times he lied before but she just never realised.

"Same here."

The two looked at each other for a moment. They both opened their mouth to say something but a waitress interrupted the two.

"Can I take your order sir?"

"I'll just have an Oreo Smoothie."

"Coming right up."

"Nice," Nina said holding up her own smoothie. Joseph laughed.

The two talked about trivial stuff until his smoothie came. Nina did not want to have a private conversation in an open place.

"Hey, do you want to take these and get out of here?" Nina asked him. Joseph looked surprised for a moment and she wondered if he was going to say no.

"Sure," he said leaving some money on the table. Nina let out a sigh of relief and followed him out.

The two walked to the park. It was fairly empty, at least the swings were. Nina thought it was the perfect time to tell him.

"Joseph, there's something I need to tell you," Nina said turning on the swing to face him a little.

"Oh," he said simply. She could see his Adam's apple bopping as he swallowed nervously. "What?"

"A couple of weeks ago I honestly had no reason to speak to you or hang out with you. If you told me we were going to hang out like this, I would've laughed in your face and walked off." Nina saw his defeated face and blushed. "But I'm glad we are." Nina couldn't help but smile when she saw his eyes light up a little. Though he didn't outwardly smile, she saw his eyes twinkling.

"The thing is…a couple of weeks ago everything changed when Sasha, my best friend, asked me to…seduce you for her."

Joseph chose the wrong moment to take a sip of his smoothie, because he choked when he heard what Nina said.

Nina slapped him on the bad a couple of times. She had to admit that it hurt her hand.

"Go on," he croaked out.

"Well, the more I hung out with you the more I realised that I…" she trailed off nervously. Joseph leaned in unconsciously. "-That I…think you two would make the perfect couple!" she finished off beaming.

Joseph nearly fell off the swing.

"Um, what?"

"Yeah. I mean, you two have so much in common. You both like the water-" Great thinking Nina, water, who doesn't like it?! "-school and you're both gorgeous," she said nudging him playfully.

"I really don't think we'd…I mean…n-" Joseph started but Nina slapped his shoulder.

"Oh don't be silly! Of course you two look good together. Look, if it'll make you feel better we can double date. I'll bring my boyfriend along and we can do a double. It'll be great!" Nina said grinning from ear to ear.

Her plan was coming along perfectly.

"I don't…Wait, boyfriend?" he asked in slight disbelief. Sasha had never told him that Nina had a boyfriend. His heart sunk. He couldn't hide his emotions, his face looked defeated.

Nina felt a little bad for playing him, but he played her so it was only fair.

"Yup. Going on two years now. I think I might give him my 'you-know-what'," Nina whispered winking.

"Your what?" Joseph echoed through gritted teeth.

"My," she fingered him to come closer. Once he did, she whispered "-virtue!" Nina giggled like a school-girl. If Sasha had been there she would've never let her live it down. Nina did not giggle. Ever. Period.

"What?!" he cried.

"Yup. I think I'm ready," she said breathing in.

I should get an Oscar for this.

"Look. Sasha and I aren't a perfect match and you shouldn't be giving your…virtue up so easily. You've only dated one guy!" he said his voice rising. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I think I should go. I'll see you around." Joseph got up off the swing, but before he could leave Nina grabbed his arm, dropping her smoothie in the process. Her eyes never left him though. Nina burst out laughing.

"Wait," she said. "I'm lying."

"Nina, look. I'm tired of whatever game you're playing so please let go of me so I can go home." He wanted to add 'and cry my eyes out…in a masculine way though'.

"Oh right. If you want to talk about games," Nina said rolling her eyes. "Sasha, help get Nina to notice me," she said in a mocking voice.

Joseph went stiff.

"You should've just told me," she said softly.

"Yeah and get burned," he said turning around. He didn't care that she knew that he liked her. He knew that the ball was in her court. Then he remembered. "You have a boyfriend remember." He winced just saying it.

"I said I lied! God, I just wanted to pay you back a little."

"You lied?" he asked, a little hope coming back to him.

"Yes! I mean you asked my best friend to lie to me, so I thought I would have a little fun with the whole thing."

"Sasha told you?" he asked a little shocked. "She swore to me that she wouldn't tell me."

Nina cleared her throat. This was the moment to really tell him. "She didn't tell me. She only told me after I told her that I couldn't seduce you for her because I was…starting to…"

"To?" he asked leaning in, his heart thumping.

"Like you," she finished off. Nina realised what she just said and groaned. "Did I just say that? Ohh, gosh, Nina Shaw does not tell guys she likes them. What was I thinking?"

Joseph watched as Nina rambled to herself, looking up at the heavens and glaring at him. He didn't care. After a year of trying to get her to notice him, all he needed was a little help and she could've been his. Joseph looked at the finger that was pointed at him, he watched as her mouth moved rapidly. She was obviously blaming him for her falling for him, but that was okay. To him, the whole world could hate him, just as long as he had her.

As cheesy as that sounded, it was true.

Joseph grabbed Nina's arm and pulled him to her. Nina flushed at their closeness. Before she could say anything Joseph pressed his lips against hers. He wrapped an arm around her waist. The other hand was still holding onto hers. Nina was still for a moment, just as he was about to pull away…she responded. Their fingers intertwined. Nina's arm hooked onto his neck and she grinned into his mouth.

"You taste like Oreos," he said softly. She laughed throwing her head back. Of all the romantic things he could've said, he chose to tell her that she tasted like Oreos.

"Now we can go on the double date," she said. Joseph cocked his head a little. "Me, you, Sasha and Sampson." An 'oh' formed on his lips.

"Wow, who would've thought it? Two best friends together."

"At last eh?" Nina asked grinning. She didn't bother to wait for an answer. They had all the time in the world for talking, for now; it was make-out time.

So, this is like an apology for not updating 'Seven Alphas' sooner. I swear there's going to be a chapter out this week...or the next. Pinkie Promise.

I was writing last week, but then I kinda' lost my muse. :( Sadness…

Anyway, on a lighter note, I really hope you enjoyed this. Took me about a week to write. I tried not to drag it on too much, 29 pages! Phew. Oh, and I really will update Seven Alphas soon!! Thank you sooo much for all the reviews I've been getting. They truly do mean a lot. :)

Hopelessly Cliché.


Disclaimer – I do not own anything else recognisable – song names, labels, people, books, characters etc – I do not own. :]