
Her face was stained with sticky liquid. What it was and how it got there, she had no idea. And she really couldn't care less.

Once again the blade snapped her skin. Red lips parted in small moans of pleasure. Crimson liquid dripped down on the bathroom floor. Another cut. More pains shot up her arm. Sharp, sweet, perfect. She just wanted it to stop. Wanted to get away from everything. From him.

She hadn't been able to feel real pain for almost as long as she could remember. She had learned the hard way how to avoid getting hurt.

But then he came around. Claimed he loved her.

The defensive barriers she had built up in her mind broke down. Her painless fairytale world had been ripped into pieces. Destroyed, never to be fixed again.

There was no way to put the barriers up again. He had gotten in under her skin. Filled her with the forbidden pleasure that she had sworn to never feel again. Wouldn't let her protect her fragile mind.

Tears, blood. It stained her clothes, her skin, her hair. Every inch of her body. She was shaking, sitting in a puddle of blood on the floor.

Quiet sobbing, too tired from blood loss to cry loudly.

Footsteps down the hallway. His footsteps.

The door opened, but the bloody image earned no expression from the blonde standing in the doorway.

"Don't hurt yourself," he said tonelessly. "It kills me to see you like this."

She didn't reply. Didn't look at him. She just couldn't find the strength.

Strong arms lifted her up from the floor. Carried her down the hallway, heading for the bedroom.

She was laid down carefully on the bed.

"I love you," he whispered softly in her ear, then kissing her blood-stained cheek.


A smirk graced his face. The one that had torn her imaginary world – the only place where she could be safe – apart.

"But that's how you like it, isn't it?"

What use was there in denying? It was the truth. She hated it, really, really hated it. But it was true, whatsoever. And there was really no way of escaping.

I just had to get this idea over with and out of my head. It just wouldn't let me go until I had done something about it, and I have to admit, after several weeks, it was about to drive me crazy.

This is kinda inspired by my boyfriend. Yes, I do hate him, actually. Even though I don't. Well, it's complicated.

Anyway, please review! ^-^