They say it only takes about thirty days to make a new habit. Don't believe me? Try wearing your watch on the wrong wrist for a month. After you switch it back, you'll keep looking at the wrong hand. One month is all it takes for something to change in you brain. One month, and you can change almost anything. So, in thirty days, you can do a hell of a lot.
Which is surprising. Thirty days is only one one-thousandth of the average American lifespan, and we all know someone who won't accomplish jack shit in their entire life. And yet in one month you can make a major difference in your life. It may not make sense, but believe me, it's true.
So how did I, Jack Graither, high school junior and all around average teenager, become such an expert on this subject? Well that's simple. It was thirty-one days ago that I first met Nick Rivail. Which is why today was the first day in the last month that I was used to the fact that I am completely and totally in love with him.