Nine Months

chapter one: just a bad dream?

The sound of rambunctious laughter and whispers of gossip filled Zorah's ears as she stepped into the restaurant. Slipping her arms out of her coat quickly Zorah handed it to the man who held out his left hand for her coat. Quickly the man took it from her hands before gently placing it on the coat rack. He gave her a small smile before nodding to the hostess. Gracing the man with a small smile Zorah stepped toward the woman who held an expression of complete boredom. Seeing Zorah, the woman's expression didn't change as she asked, "Do you have reservations?" And as an afterthought, "miss."

With politeness that would please her mother Zorah replied, "Yes, under Brown."

Nodding, the hostess glanced down at her book before her eyes widened a fraction. Zorah couldn't resist the smug smirk that pulled at her lips as the bored expression disappeared only to be replaced by an overly polite smile, "Your party has arrived Miss," she paused.

"Zorah Cohen," she replied. The hostess nodded before stepping away from the podium.

Holding her hand out the hostess said, "Right this way Miss Cohen."

Zorah followed the woman as she clutched her purse. The butterflies that fluttered in her stomach left her feeling unsettled as her nerves began to grow once more. It was not the first time this night that the thought of running away crossed her mind. But she was going to stick this out, Zorah had planned for this night ever since she graduated high school and she'd be damned to let her nerves get the best of her. It wasn't as if she this dinner would affect her chances of getting into that firm, Zorah thought frantically. The two women quickly reached their destination giving Zorah no chance for escape.

Gathering her nerves, Zorah attempted to pull her composure together. Glancing at the three men that sat at the table she gave them a demure smile before she said, "Hello, I hope I have not kept you waiting too long."

"Not all my dear," the oldest man said as he stood up. His face aged with wrinkles and graying hair was full of warmth causing Zorah to feel instantly at ease. Holding out her hand, the man took it before he let out a small laugh, "Very good grip my dear, take a seat."

"Thank you Mister Brown, I'm Zorah Cohen," Zorah said introducing herself as she took the only vacant seat.

"Miss Cohen, these are my sons Christopher and Daniel," Brown said introducing the other two men that sat at the table. Both men gave her a nod of acknowledgement. Zorah's eyes skimmed over both men and she could tell both men were protective of their father or at least of their inheritance. Biting the inside of her cheeks, Zorah knew she needed to play nice. There was no other option but to play nice if she wanted this job. And she wanted this job dearly. Zorah would just have to smile and be polite. No matter how arrogant the two looked in their Armani suits.

"Thank you for the dinner invitation Mister Brown," Zorah said turning her gaze back to the more pleasant person of the three.

"You can thank your friend Sean for that Miss Cohen," Brown said, his lips pulling into a kind smile, "He said you were a pretty woman but his words did you no justice."

Unable to hide the blush, Zorah bowed her head, "Thank you Mister Cohen.

"You're quite welcome," Brown replied. Zorah found herself charmed by the old man and she grew even more fond of the job she wished to have if it meant working under this man. However, his sons didn't seem as welcoming as their father as one gave his father a disapproving glance.

"Now father, let's not embarrass the woman," Daniel said before turning his gaze back to Zorah, "So tell me what makes you believe you would be a great asset to the Brown law firm?"

Without a moment's hesitation, "Ever since I entered law, I have only one aimed for one law firm and that is yours. I have worked for years to gain my reputation and I have numerous recommendations that speak well of my work ethic. Misters Brown I am competent but still willing to learn under your guidance."

Daniel and Christopher reacted with nothing more then narrowed eyes before their father said, "Wonderful my dear, wonderful. Why don't we order for dinner, I'm starving."

Nodding, Christopher signaled for the waitress. The four ordered their meals and continued the dinner with pleasant conversation. Small talk that Zorah was sure was initiated by the two sons that seemed to dislike her. Not letting that deter her from her goal, Zorah kept her irritation under wraps. If the eldest Brown was charmed by her, he'd take Sean's words to heart and hire her into the firm. And that was all she needed to happen, it was apparent that Mister Brown didn't really take his son's opinions to heart.

Taking a sip of her wine Zorah turned to the eldest Brown as he questioned her about her education, "I just completed my education and graduated about a month ago."

"And I hear from Sean that you passed the bar exam with flying colors," Brown commented lightly. Nodding modestly Zorah placed her champagne glass on the table.

"Yes but I'd like to take what I've learned and put into practice at your law firm," Zorah said. Charmed Brown gave her a smile and opened his lips to speak but was interrupted by his son.

"Father, I think we should get you home. It's quite late," said Daniel. Brown turned his head, his warm face turning cold but any intentions of denying his son's request disappeared as Brown nodded his consent.

"Alright. It was nice meeting you Miss Cohen, I'd like you to come by the office on Monday," Brown said as he stood up. Zorah felt her heart stop as a smile began to spread on her face. Standing up, Zorah shook all three men's hands.

As she took the eldest Brown's hand, "Thank you Mister Brown, thank you."

Nodding Brown gave her a smile before saying, "Just don't disappoint me, I'd hate to take back my offer."

The grin on Zorah's face grew as all three men exited the restaurant after Daniel paid for the meal. Reaching into her purse, Zorah pulled out her cell phone. Dialing an all to familiar number, Zorah placed it against her ear waiting for the ringing to stop as the other line asked, "Zorah?"

"Sean, I think I got the job," Zorah exclaimed, her tone full of exultation.

"That's great, we have to celebrate Zorah," Sean replied. Nodding enthusiastically, Zorah voiced her approval before hanging up the phone.

Grabbing her purse, Zorah gracefully walked to the lobby her smile permanently stuck to her face as the hostess questioned if she had a good dinner. Replying with a yes, Zorah took her coat from the coat racks before she stepped out into the cold winter night. Snow was falling softly onto the sidewalk in small amounts of fluff as Zorah spun around in joy. She was beginning her life now and finally Zorah was beginning to accomplish all that she had set out to do. There would be nothing to bring her down tonight.

Hailing a cab Zorah stepped into the cab as the cab driver asked, "Where to miss?"

"Club 20," Zorah replied, the smile on her face growing with every second. It really did feel great to realize that one's dream was in reach. Noting the smile and the happy expression on Zorah's face, the cab driver spoke out.

"I see you're out to celebrate miss," he said. Zorah glanced at the rearview mirror and nodded.

"Yes I am," Zorah replied.

"An engagement, miss?" the cabbie asked. Zorah paused her smile disappearing all together. Now that was laughable, that was one of the last things Zorah wanted to do at the moment. She wasn't ready to settle down. No not at all.

"No just a job opportunity sir," Zorah replied politely.

The cab driver frowned, "Don't let life pass you by miss."

"Okay," Zorah said, hoping that this cab driver wouldn't ruin her mood.

"All you young people, missing out on life's greatest opportunities because you're to wrapped up in achieving success," the cab driver said to himself. But the words were not going unheard by Zorah. Her lips pulled into a frown as she tried to ignore the probe the cab driver had unintentionally made toward her.

"Here we are miss," the cab driver said interrupting her thoughts, "that'll be eighteen dollars miss."

Nodding, Zorah began to search for her wallet. Pulling out her wallet, Zorah took out a twenty and handed it to the man, "Keep the change."

"Thank you miss," the cabbie said and as Zorah opened the door, his voice caused her to pause, "Keep your heart open, experience all that life has to offer."

Shrugging back the cryptic message, Zorah exited the cab and shut it. Her name was called out just as soon as she stepped toward the line going into the club. Searching Zorah caught sight of Sean and her dear friend Emma. Moving toward them Zorah said, "Hello guys."

"Congrats love!" Emma said, her excitement and enthusiastic nature rekindling Zorah's earlier feeling of success. Sean chimed in with a congratulations as he wrapped an arm around Zorah's shoulders.

"Thank you guys," Zorah said as the cab driver's lingering words disappeared fully from her mind. She was going to have a good time tonight and celebrate her latest achievement. Grinning at her companions Zorah said, "Shots on me tonight?"

Sean cheered while Emma grinned, "Ah, the glory of the single adult life."

"I'll attest to that," Zorah said, her eyes glistening with mischief. The cryptic words long gone from her mind as the line moved forward.

Three hours later in the wee hours of the morning, Zorah arrived home at her small apartment clinging to the arm of Sean as they sung an old familiar song from their teenage days. One of those teeny bopper songs that was all about sugar and rainbows that Zorah wondered why it made it to number one. Grinning Zorah slurred out, "Lemme get me keys."

Sean nodded as he leaned against the wall brining Zorah with him. Pulling out her keys, Zorah unlocked the door and turned to Sean, "Thanks for everything."

Although her words were pretty indiscernible and slurred, Sean seemed to understand as he turned down the hall to walk drunkenly toward his apartment. Smiling Zorah stepped into her apartment throwing her keys onto the side table as she slipped out of her heels and coat. Unable to make it toward her bedroom, Zorah collapsed onto her couch. Cuddling into the couch Zorah let out a murmur of content. Oh yeah even though she was plastered, life was good. She was single, young, and had everything going for her or at least it was heading in that direction. Closing her eyes, Zorah allowed sleep to claim her.

Groaning, Zorah shifted as she slowly opened her eyes. The headache she was experiencing was massive and Zorah could feel the bile coming up her throat. Moving quickly, her mind still fuzzy and her eyes still slightly bleary, Zorah made it to the restroom as she emptied the contents in her stomach into the toilet.

Leaning against the toilet, Zorah let out a small murmur, "This is why I don't get wasted often."

Moving to get up, Zorah froze as she heard footsteps and a voice, "Zorah, love are you okay?"

Blinking rapidly Zorah reached for her toilet cleaner, her vision becoming clearer as she realized she wasn't in her bathroom. Panic seized her chest as she looked around, clawing for some familiarity. But nothing around her was recognizable. Zorah could've sworn Sean had gotten her home into her apartment even though she been extremely inebriated at that point. So consumed in her thoughts, Zorah hadn't even realized that a man came into the bathroom that is until his arms wrapped around her midsection.

"Love, I told you not to overdue on the eating last night," the strange man said. Frantic Zorah pulled away from him. Looking at his face, Zorah couldn't recognize him at all. Who was this man? Panic began to build in Zorah's chest as she swung her toilet cleaner at him.

"Get away from me!" Zorah exclaimed as she got up. As she raced around the bedroom that clearly wasn't her own, Zorah could hear the curses that the man was uttering.

"Zorah, what the hell is wrong with you?" the man asked from the bathroom. Quickly Zorah frantically grabbed a purse she recognized as her own. Running out of the room, Zorah made it an inch away from the door before a strong arm wrapped around her waist.

"Let go of me, let go of me," Zorah repeated deliriously. The man sighed as he kept his hold on Zorah.

"Zorah, love this isn't good for the baby," the man said simply, "did you hit your head on something?"

Baby? Zorah froze. What baby?! Zorah's mind questioned. The man let go of her as soon as Zorah froze, he seemed to assume that Zorah was alright now. Taking this brief moment as her chance of escape, Zorah lunged for the door. Opening the door she slammed it on the man's face as she ran toward the elevator doors as it began to close. Yelling out, "Hold it! Hold it please!"

The elevator operator blinked at Zorah but nodded his consent as Zorah slipped past the closing doors. Breathing out a sigh of relief, Zorah leaned against the elevator railings.

"Missus Kerr, are you alright?" the elevator operator asked. Zorah spun her head in his direction then looked around as she realized she was the only one in the elevator.

"Missus Kerr?" the man repeated. Zorah blinked.

"My name is not Missus Kerr, it's Zorah Cohen," Zorah said quickly. The man began to laugh as he looked at Zorah.

"Missus Kerr, you were Miss Cohen seven months ago," the man said. Zorah blinked. Seven months ago? What the hell? She hadn't even been dating recently. As the elevator doors slid open, Zorah ran out just as the man yelled out, "Missus Kerr, slow down, that's not good for the baby!"

Baby?! These people were crazy, loopy! Zorah thought as she pushed herself out the doors and into the freezing city. Whistling for a cab, it stopped right in front of Zorah. Climbing in, Zorah gave the cab driver her address quickly as she shifted through her purse.

"You okay miss?" the cab driver asked. Zorah froze, that voice. It was familiar. Looking up, Zorah found herself looking into the eyes of the cab driver from the night before.

"You," Zorah said harshly.

"Me," the man said with a smile. This had to be a dream. All of this was, Zorah thought frantically. She had been out last night with Sean and Emma. Sean had taken her home, she was sure of it. This was a dream, Zorah thought once more.

"No this isn't a dream, Zorah," the man said. Zorah glanced up once more, surprise written all over her face.

"Yes I know your name Zorah," he paused before adding, "Kerr."

"My name is Zorah Cohen!" Zorah exclaimed.

"No it's not, at least it hasn't been for seven months," the cabbie, "And please don't stress out too much, it's not good on the baby."

Following his gaze, Zorah looked down at her stomach which had a very distinct bump that could only be recognized as a baby bump. Feeling panic seize her once more Zorah said, "This isn't possible! I haven't even dated or seen anyone in months!"

"It is possible," the cabbie said as he continued to drive. Turning his head toward Zorah he said, "This is all real. And this is all my doing."

"Excuse me?!" Zorah asked anger filling her every feature.

"Calm down and I'll explain," he said as he looked at Zorah who was giving him dubious looks, "You want to know the answers don't you?"

Nodding her consent the cab driver sighed and said, "I've given you the chance to experience life as you should. I think deep down you're looking for love and family," Zorah moved to interrupt but the cab held up a hand to silence her, "You're not going to get out of this, so you might as well listen so that you can at least understand why you're here. I've fast forwarded your life a year and this is exactly what could happen for you if you stop to experience what life has to offer instead of the disastrous choice you made by ignoring it. So I'm giving you a chance to experience it, in hopes that you'd follow your heart rather then your ambitions and your clearly planned out path."

Zorah blinked, unable to understand the man, "You're joking, you're crazy."

"Look down Zorah, that there is evidence that I'm not lying," he said as Zorah glanced at the bump underneath her shirt, "Just try it Zorah."

Zorah kept looking at the cab driver suspiciously, her eyes narrowed as she tried to decipher his true intentions. All of this couldn't be real, this had to be a dream. There was no way this could be real. Lifting her head Zorah said, "Prove it, prove that this is all real."

The cab driver sighed as he pulled the cab to a stop, "Get out Zorah, just try it."

And as if she didn't have control over her own body, she was pushed out of the cab and back in front of the building she had earlier vacated. Just as soon as she had stepped out, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her, "Zorah, love please don't do that anymore."

Turning her head, Zorah saw the cabbie wink before he mouthed the words it's real, just try it. Sighing Zorah turned back to the man before attempting a smile, "I'm sorry." This was all a dream, all she needed to do was fall asleep and she'd be back in her own bed.

"It's okay Zorah, let's get you back inside," the man muttered as he pulled Zorah back into the building as her eyes remained on the cab driver who kept on mouthing that tit was real before he sped off. This wasn't real, Zorah thought confidently even if everything did feel and look real.

a/n:So this is my new story & it has a very interesting story line that I'd like to share with all of you. It is a bit different from the other things I've written but I'm very confident that I'll finish this story. Thanks for the read, please read & review to tell me your opinions about the story so far.
