Nine Months
chapter two: dealing with it.
Everything felt so surreal. It felt as if she was in the twilight zone or something like it. And at the moment nothing was making sense to Zorah. She had always prided herself on the fact that she had her life planned out and that nothing would be able to surprise her. But right now, Zorah was moving through this dream blindly. Which meant that every single thing that occurred was out of her hands and a complete surprise to her. That was what worried Zorah. Biting her lip in a nervous gesture, Zorah stepped into the unfamiliar apartment that was said to be hers for the past seven months. Seven, the number rang through her thoughts. Un-freaking-believable Zorah thought numbly. There was no way this was real.
"Love, I made your favorite, cherry pancakes," the man said as his arm tightened on Zorah's shoulders. Zorah blinked, cherry pancakes were her favorite. Well at least that was familiar she thought comforted by the fact that at least one thing was familiar. Leading her to the dining table, Zorah took the time to observe her surroundings. Although Zorah still felt the instinctive panic in her chest, she was a lot calmer comforted by the understanding that this was just a dream, one she would be able to escape as soon as she went to bed.
Her eyes skimmed the furniture and she was satisfied to realize that it was in her taste. Beige, simple, and chic she mused. Moving her gaze onto the mantelpiece she paused when she saw a few pictures. Removing herself from his grip, Zorah slipped toward the frames. Her fingers skimmed the frames as she saw that they were pictures of her and that man as well as pictures of her own family and Zorah assumed his family. Zorah's eyes moved to the last frame and she stilled, it was a picture of her in a wedding dress standing next to that same man with an expression of complete and utter happiness.
"That was the happiest day of my life," the man said as he wrapped both arms around Zorah's waist. Zorah looked at him and realized that he was very attractive. And the feeling of comfort and warmth was undeniable. It felt so natural. A frown appeared on her features as she tucked her fingers into her palm.
Pulling herself from the man's arms, Zorah attempted to create a game plan. Her eyes moved back toward the man and she could see the concern written over his face. Zorah attempted a smile to assuage his concerns. She didn't even know the man's name but she'd con him blue for his blue eyes. They were the bluest blue she had ever seen and Zorah had always been a sucker for blue eyes. There were a few things she needed to figure out and one of them included figuring out his name. Her thoughts were broken as she felt a pair of warm hands on her hands.
"Zorah, are you sure you're okay?" Blue asked, his concern evident. Mutely, Zorah nodded and he kept his gaze on her and she could tell that he wasn't so sure of her answer, "You're positive?"
"Yeah I'm fine don't worry about me," Zorah though pulling her hands from his, "I'm going to make a phone call really quick."
Blue sighed before saying, "Okay, sure. When you're done come into the kitchen, those pancakes are going to get cold."
"I promise it'll be quick," Zorah said as she moved away toward her purse. Opening the purse, Zorah sifted through the items before pulling out a cell phone. Relief flooded Zorah as she found that it was her same phone. Skimming through the contact list, Zorah found the name she had been looking for and pressed dial.
Once the ringing stopped a very familiar and comforting voice said, "Hi Zorah."
"Emma," Zorah breathed out as her shoulders lost its tension.
"What's up?" Emma asked. Zorah paused, what was she going to say to Emma, did Emma know? She didn't want to alert Emma so much especially with the motherly nature Emma had.
"Nothing, I was just wondering if we could meet up tonight," Zorah said.
"Zorah, are you okay? You and Aleck agreed to dinner tonight," Emma said. Zorah let out a sigh. So that was his name, Aleck. Turning her body, Zorah could see his figure moving through the kitchen. Aleck, she mouthed.
"Oh right, I forgot," Zorah said, flinching because she was never forgetful, "But I was wondering if you and I could meet earlier."
Emma let out a small chuckle, "Must be the pregnancy, you're what ten weeks now right? Zorah you've never been forgetful until now, must be a side effect. But sure, we'll meet for a cup of coffee?"
"Yes," Zorah agreed instantly. Although the fact that she was supposedly ten weeks pregnant caused Zorah to feel sick to her stomach.
"Alright, are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Okay," Emma said dubiously, "At Café Soirée in two hours?"
"Of course," Zorah said, relieved that it was a place she was familiar with. Whispering her goodbye, Zorah hung up the phone before placing it on the counter. This wasn't real, Zorah repeated. But it sure as heck felt real, she mused. Moving toward the dining room, Zorah let a small smile appear on her face as she saw the table set with her favorite breakfast. After years of living alone and serving herself Zorah was pleasantly surprised by the fact that this man, Aleck had made her breakfast.
"Sit down, the doctor said not to stress yourself out," a voice came from behind her. Zorah jumped surprised, still not used to his presence. The smile on Aleck's face was infectious causing Zorah to relax and return the smile. He moved forward placing a hand on her stomach before saying, "I never would have thought you and I would get to this point."
Well neither did I, Zorah thought as her smile faltered. Taking a seat Zorah grew even more surprised as Aleck began to serve her. She had never been one to be taken care of, at least she hadn't been for around seven years. Zorah had gotten used to the life of solitude and this wasn't something she was used too. Although her surprise lingered, Zorah took a fork and began to munch on the cherry pancake. The first bite melted on her tongue causing Zorah to savor the taste as she let out a small sigh.
"It's good then I'm assuming," Aleck said with an affectionate peck to Zorah's forehead. Startled Zorah tried to placate her quick pulse. She hadn't even been in this man's presence for more then a mere hour and she was reacting this way. Well apparently she had been around him for more then half a year, Zorah thought. Everything felt to real, the food, the pain she had felt earlier when emptying her stomach into the toilet. Was this really real? Zorah couldn't quite grasp it but some part of her instinctively knew that this was real even though she wanted to deny it vehemently.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Aleck asked as he took the place beside her. Zorah shrugged before taking another bite of her breakfast, the taste the same as the first.
Letting out another sigh, "This is really good and I'm going to meet Emma today for a cup of coffee."
"Aren't we seeing her and Sean tonight?"
Zorah blinked, Sean and Emma? Looking at Aleck with a confused expression, "Are they together?"
Aleck whipped his head up and began to laugh, "You're joking right?"
Zorah let out a nervous laugh before mentally sighing in relief. At least Sean and Emma weren't together. That would be a whole new standard of weird. And this situation was weird enough, "I was joking."
"Good," Aleck said pausing, "Are you sure you didn't hit your head?"
"No," Zorah said narrowing her eyes. Aleck grinned and Zorah couldn't help but be swayed by his smile. It was obvious that Aleck was attractive. He had those deep blue eyes and that one dimpled smile that would bring any woman to her knees. And Zorah couldn't help but wonder if that was why Zorah had so been easily swayed into marriage. A lifetime of commitment Zorah never thought she'd be involved with. Biting her lip, Zorah pushed a piece of pancake into her mouth.
"The doctor's weren't kidding, mood swings are rampant during pregnancy. Why are you sad now?" Aleck asked, his voice soft but still grating on Zorah's nerves.
"I'm not sad," Zorah hissed. Aleck lifted a brow but apparently he knew when to end the topic.
"Would you like me to take you to drop you off at the coffee shop before I head to work?"
Work. The word rung in Zorah's mind as Zorah remembered the dinner and her chance of a lifetime. A wave of fear filtered through her body as she asked, "Work?"
Aleck quirked an eyebrow, "Yes work, where I go every single day."
"What about me?" Zorah questioned.
"Zorah you took a leave from work. Are you sure you're okay?" Aleck asked, his concern flooding in his blue eyes. Zorah frowned, she had taken a leave from work? What work? Where did she work? The last place she worked at prior to the chance at working at the Brown firm, Zorah had been an assistant for a small unknown firm. Twisting her fork in her fingers, Zorah looked up.
"Yeah I'm fine. I just feel useless is all," Zorah replied.
Aleck patted her hand, "You're not. Brown will take you back, he's too charmed by you to let you go even after you decided to marry me."
"Marry you?" Zorah blinked. Aleck grinned.
"And I'll never regret that day, never ever. You made me the happiest man alive," Aleck said. Zorah's thoughts were swimming. Even after she decided to marry Aleck? Meaning Brown never approved of their marriage? Her lips pulled downward into a frown.
"Hey now, don't be sad. You'll have a lot to do around the house since Mama is coming over next weekend," Aleck said pausing at the look of horror on Zorah's face, "You do remember that Mama is coming over right?"
"Your Mama?"
"No," Aleck said furrowing his eyebrows, "Yours. Are you sure you're alright?"
Nodding quickly, Zorah stood up from the table, "I'm going to get dressed."
Aleck nodded as Zorah walked quickly to the bedroom. Opening the door, Zorah walked in before freezing. She didn't know where anything was. Moving her eyes over the items in the room, Zorah stepped toward a door and pulled it open. Zorah let out a sigh, she got lucky. It was a closet full of clothes. Looking over the clothes, Zorah grabbed a pair of jeans and a dark red top. Slipping out of her bottoms, Zorah pulled the jeans on, hopping on her feet to overcome the tightness of her jeans.
Letting out a string of curses, Zorah pulled the pants up and buttoned the snap. God, she hated being bloated. Zorah paused, no correction she was pregnant Zorah thought as she looked at her small bump. Moving toward the mirror in the corner, Zorah turned her body so that she was facing the mirror sideways. Glancing at her stomach Zorah whispered, "Now that is real."
Lifting her shirt, Zorah could see the minor changes. Although she wasn't showing much, it was obvious to her eyes that the small baby bump that was beginning to appear was her pregnant belly starting to protrude. Sighing, Zorah patted her stomach. What was once a flat surface was now a small bump. It wasn't overly obvious but it was clear to Zorah that none of the people who kept telling her to take it easy were lying. They were right, she was pregnant. And this was all a dream, Zorah repeated silently. Taking her top off, Zorah moved to put on her other top when a pair of strong arms wrapped around her midsection.
Zorah paused as a warm voice filled her ears, "You're beautiful."
Blinking, Zorah looked at the image the two made in the mirror. A small smile quirked on her lips as she realized that they did make a pretty little image, "Thank you."
Pulling herself from his arms, Zorah pulled the red top over her head. As she finished getting dressed she looked at Aleck who was staring at her from the bed. His gaze was intense and for a moment Zorah wondered if he had figured it out. A nervous feeling grew in her chest as she asked, "What?"
"I'm the luckiest man on Earth," Aleck said. A feeling of guilt started to swarm in Zorah's stomach. She didn't know who he was but it was obvious he loved this made up Zorah. And well, she wasn't that one. But Zorah wasn't heartless.
"I'm the luckiest woman," Zorah said quietly. She wasn't lying or at least Zorah was speaking the way made up Zorah would. Well that was what Zorah was forcing herself to believe.
Nonetheless Aleck smiled, "So do you want me to drop you off?"
Zorah shook her head, "No I'll walk."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I think it'll do me some good," Zorah replied. Aleck looked at Zorah with an expression of doubt before nodding his consent.
"Alright," Aleck said before wrapping his arms around Zorah. Inhaling, Zorah could make out a particular scent and it was a musky soap scent. One that Zorah had never encountered. And it was heavenly. Taking another breath, Zorah wrapped her arms around Aleck. For a brief moment, Zorah forgot who she was then remembering, Zorah pulled away and let out a small breath. This was a dream, she repeated silently.
"I love you," Aleck whispered. Zorah's breath caught. She didn't know how to respond to that. How could she? She didn't love this man. She didn't even know him. But the love in his blue eyes caused Zorah to feel immense guilt.
"I do too," Zorah said unable to force the words I love you out of her lips. Aleck smiled before pulling away from Zorah.
"I'm going to take a shower, you think you'll be out of here by then?"
"Yeah," Zorah responded as she took held the doorknob. She watched as Aleck slipped into the bathroom before Zorah walked out of the bedroom. Her emotions and thoughts were swirling around in her mind and chest. Everything was too real. All the emotions, all the thoughts it was too real. But no this was a dream.
"It's not a dream, I'm telling you," a familiar voice said breaking Zorah's train of thoughts. Startled Zorah whipped her head around.
"You," Zorah hissed.
"Me," the cabbie said grinning, "Doesn't this feel like déjà vu?"
Zorah frowned ready to attack the man, "How'd you get in?"
A mischievous glint appeared in the man's eyes as he said, "Magic."
"Yeah well, get out," Zorah said crossing her arms in front of her. The cabbie rolled his eyes.
"Look, I realize that my explanation earlier hadn't been the best and I had let you go without the right information," the cabbie said. Zorah nodded.
"Yeah you're right."
"Well, let me explain then," the cabbie said.
"Zorah you okay?" Aleck's voice drifted through the doorway.
"Yeah," Zorah replied before turning back to the cab driver, "Explain to me outside. I'm on my way to meet Emma for answers you so conveniently left out."
Grabbing his arm, Zorah pushed him toward the door, "For a preggers woman, you're pretty tough."
Zorah scowled before throwing him out the now open door, "Okay shut up, let's go."
Stepping into the hallway, Zorah tapped her feet irritated as she slammed the door shut. These mood swings were getting out of hand as Zorah turned to the cab driver as she said, "Okay tell me everything you know."
"Well if I told you everything I knew then it'd take days and days," he said, his voice laced with mirth.
"Shut up, you know exactly what I mean, you got me into this mess, now you better help me get out of this mess, "Zorah hissed angrily.
Holding up his hands in surrender, "Okay first of all you landed yourself in this place because of the way you were running your life. Secondly, you don't have to be so harsh. Besides is that any way to deal with your fairy god father," he paused as Zorah narrowed her eyes and raised her hand threateningly, "Ok, alright I'm not your fairy god father! I just have connections."
Unable to hide the irritation, "Get to the point."
"Fine fine, alright so you're in this position because when I was reviewing your life you had two paths to follow. And you didn't follow this one," he said.
"Reviewing my life?!" Zorah asked incredulously. The cabbie gave her a pointed look before taking her arm and leading her toward the elevator doors.
"Yes," he paused, "For the big man you know?"
"You're joking."
"Does that look like a joke to you?" he asked pointing to Zorah's stomach. Crossing her arms in front of her stomach, Zorah shook her head.
"Okay, so listen. This is all real and I'm giving you the chance to experience life the way it should have been for you rather then the path you had decided to follow. So maybe when you come to that point in your life, you'll choose this one," he paused, a serious look crossing over his features, "Zorah, you are Zorah Kerr now. You met Aleck Kerr through your mother ten months ago. Two months after you got your job at the Brown law firm. And for some reason you agreed to date Aleck for your mother and you quickly fell in love. Three months into your relationship, you got a promotion opportunity from Brown at the same time Aleck proposed. In this life, you choose to get married to Aleck, even though you had only known him for a short time. And I can tell you this, you're happily married even though you lost the opportunity to move to the LA firm where you would have been the head honcho. And I can also say you never regretted that decision."
As he finished, the doors to the elevator opened and Zorah allowed the cab driver to lead her in. She gave up the opportunity of a lifetime to marry Aleck? Why in the world would she do that? Zorah blinked. How would choosing this path make her happy? Zorah froze, unable to comprehend all the information the cab driver had said. Everything was starting to settle and Zorah still couldn't believe any of it.
"I'm serious by the way," the cab driver said. Zorah held up a hand, still in the process of understanding what good would this do her.
"I want you to learn. I want you to see that you'd be a heck of a lot happier married to Aleck," the cab driver said. Zorah looked up.
"So I'm stuck?" Zorah asked.
"No, not stuck, you're here but not for forever," the cab driver said, "But you're here for a while so just try it."
Zorah let out a sigh as the elevator operator asked, "Is everything alright Missus Kerr?"
"Yeah, everything's fine," Zorah responded although she felt like everything was severely wrong.
"I'll be around," the cab driver said as he let himself off at the second level. Zorah leaned against the railing. So it really wasn't a bad dream, it was all real. And she'd just have to deal with it. Twisting her head, Zorah wondered if Emma had any more information on the life she'd have to live for now.
a/n: Hey all, thanks for the great response to the introduction of this story! I truly appreciate it. So for your great support so far, I have updated as quickly as I could. Haha, I don't think I'll update this frequently but if I have it finished, I'll update. And to answer peacelovesun's questions: Yes, the cab driver did fast forward her life a year and so she is in the future. As for your second question, we'll see hehe, I don't want to give away the ending on if she goes back or stays for a while. So just keep reading! If any of you have a question, just go ahead and ask. Thanks for the read, please read and review to tell me your opinions on this chapter of the story. Oh and brownie points for anyone who can tell me what ethnicity Aleck Kerr is, the last name is your hint.