"A Match Made Under the Moonlight"

The beach was always my favorite place to be, especially at night with a full moon above the wavy ocean waters. The way the moon reflects over it makes everything look brighter, while the sound of the waves crashing along the shore could bring a person peace. Along with moon and ocean; the coastal white sands look as if they were tiny bits of diamonds dancing in the glowing light putting on a quiet show for your entertainment. Nothing could destroy the peace that it brought to me no matter what was going on around.

Which leads to why I'm the person I am today. I found out not too long ago that my now ex-boyfriend was cheating on me for the class slut. It was heartbreaking to found that out considering we spent three years together. After my father found out what happened, he didn't take the news very well. He offered countless times to throw Derek's ass in the county jail for a couple nights to see how he could fair, but I declined and just locked myself in my room. Ever since then I been locked up in my room burning almost everything that he has giving me over the years, along with ignoring phone calls from all my friends. I was too mixed up on the inside to talk to anyone; I was lost inside of myself trying to figure out what I did wrong to make him cheat on me. After a couple days of me being locked away my parents decided that it would be best that we got away this weekend. However, my mother was growing tried of me hiding away crying day in and day out; so she packed all of our belongs up one day, threw them in the back car and stated,

"We're leaving to live in the shore house this summer no if's, an's, or buts about it."

I knew it was getting closer to our time to leave but I couldn't bring myself to walk out of my room still. I felt safe here because I knew that no unwanted person would pop in as long as that door remained closed. Sighing I looked out my bedroom window one last time thinking, 'When will the pain in my heart ever go away?' shaking my head i got rid of that though and finished packing. Once I got all of my summer clothes packed away I heard my mother yelling from the bottom of the staircase,

"Get your little Irish ass out of that room now! We're leaving now and you are going to have a good time forgetting all about that little hotheaded bastard!"

Without another word I grabbed my iPod, a couple books, and Fang's leash before ran out towards the car calling for Fang along the way. Once I got out there my father was waiting in the car with his Nickelback CD blasting while my mother was waiting next to the car with her camera in her hands smiling away. Slightly smiling back at my mother I turned around locking up the front door before making my way towards them.

"Come on Shravani; let's get going before the traffic decides to pick up on us." She said as she climbed into the passenger seat.

"I'm coming chill out." I replied opening the back door letting Fang jump onto the seat before I climbed in after him, closing the door behind me.

"Alright now" She started turning in her seat so she could look back at me, "Did you lock the front door and everything up before you closed it?"

"Yea it's locked mom. Can we just go now?" I asked scratching Fang behind his ears making his fluffy tail wag happily behind him.

"Yepp let's get a move on, John."She stated belting her seat belted and getting comfortable in the seat.

My father pulled out of the driveway still blasting his music as we headed down the street towards the highway, while in the passenger's seat my mother starting to fell asleep. As the time was passing by dad's CD was starting to get annoying, so I pulled out my iPod and started listen to my own music. As my father was driving down the highway like the hounds of hell were chasing after him, I got to sit back and watch the world fly by. Glancing over at Fang I noticed he was laying across the seat with his head hanging slightly out the window enjoying the fresh air that was blowing in his face.

After an hour of driving we finally pulled up to our beach house. Since the sun was still hanging high in the sky I opened up the door letting Fang free to run off towards the beach. Not soon after I climbed out of the car glancing over at my mother,

"Umm . . . mom do I have to help you and dad unpack the car or can I run off to the beach with Fang?" I questioned lightly biting on my bottom lip while waiting for an answer.

"Sure Shravani just don't stay out too late. Don't you agree hun?" She asked my father as she carried one of the suitcases into the house.

"Yea why not she has Fang with her, so I don't see what the problem is." He stated dragging in mother's suitcase as well as his own.

"Alright thanks dad! I'll see you guys later." I yelled running out towards the beach looking for Fang hoping he didn't run off to far.

Looking down the beach I saw Fang jumping around in the waves swimming after random sticks that were floating around. While he was doing that I walked down to get closer to him and sat on one of the rocks nearby watching after him. I leaned back watching Fang as he got a hold of a stick and was swimming out of the water towards me. As he reached the shore he pranced over towards me wagging his tail with the stick hanging out of his mouth. Jumping up on the rock next to me he dropped the stick onto my lap barking at me to throw it out into the waves again. At first I just looked at it before pushing it off my lap and onto the rock next to me, but needless to say that didn't stop him. He continued to bark in my ear and nudging his nose against me cheek.

"Alright I get it. I'll throw the damn stick already." I mumbled throwing it back into the water for him to go and chase.

Without a second glance Fang ran back into the water. Shaking my head I just sat back again watching him not paying attention to anything that was going on around me. I think Fang and I keep this little game up for a couple hours, He would bring me the stick and I would throw it then he would go fetch it. Fang started to grow tired of the game then laid down next to me deciding it was time for a nap. I look down at him laughing before looking back at the sky to watch the sunset. Everything was peaceful just like always and it was starting to calm me down.

Once the sun disappeared behind the horizon the full moon began shine brightly in the sky. Happily smiling I laid back on the rock basking in the moon's calming glow; until I heard something moving around by the cliffs. Jumped up I looked over seeing nothing but the shadows of the rocks themselves. Shrugging in off and thinking nothing of it I laid back down closing my eyes. After a few seconds the sound of rolling rocks came back again but this time it sounded closer. This time I jumped off the rock being careful not to wake Fang and quietly took a few steps closer to the cliffs not thinking. As I got closer and closer to the cliffs I started thinking, 'I really shouldn't be doing this . . .'

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I questioned watching the shadows to see if anything moved but there was nothing.

Sighing I turned around heading back to the rock to lay down. That's when I heard something moving along the rocks again. I spun around wondering if I'll spot anything; however this time I saw what was stalk around the rocks. Standing against some of the larger rocks stood this huge, rustic looking black wolf peering around the side of the rocks staring at me. At first I couldn't move an inch because I didn't want this animal to jump out and rip me to sheds. Yet as I watched this wolf-like creature it carefully walked fully around the rock still watching me like the predator does when it is hunting its prey.

"It's okay boy. I'm not here to hurt ya. . ." I muttered as I slowly took small steps backwards towards Fang in hopes of getting away unharmed.

The wolf just continued to slowly stalk closer and closer towards me and because I was paying more attention to the wolf then to where I was going I managed to trip backwards on the stick Fang left laying around. When I was falling I closed my eyes in hope that I wouldn't hit my head on anything and was quietly counting the seconds until I hit the ground. But when the pain never came I opened my eyes noticing that someone grabbed my wrist and was holding me off the ground.

Suddenly I knew I wasn't alone anymore. Slowly I opened my eyes looking up to see who my savoir was and when I saw him my heart nearly stopped. His hair was long nearly down to his shoulders, and it was black as the night sky above us. However what was amazing about his features were his golden eyes; they seemed to hold a dangerous secret but also they held certain warmth. Once I looked away from his face I allowed my gaze wander down his body taking notice of the tribal tattoos covered part of his shoulders and continued down his well build body only to stop at the top abdomen. When I finally looked back up at him there was a hungry look in his eyes that sent a chill down my spine. Even though I wanted to look away from him, I found out that I was unable too. It seemed that I wasn't alone with that feeling; but ever so slowly he began to pull me back on to my feet but instead of putting some distance between us, he pulled me against his body smiling.

"Are you alright, Miss?" He asked as he held me out at arms length checking me up and down looking for any sign of injury. "You're not hurt or anything. I didn't mean to scare you I promise. It was an accident I swear it." He glanced down into my eyes and I could see that he was worried but also a hint of afraid. But I had no idea why he would be scared of anything, so I just ignored it.

"No, I'm fine really you don't have to worry about me." I laughed pulling away from him smiling before continuing, "You didn't scare me at all, but that huge ass wolf scared me a little bit." After finished speaking he looked away from me and over towards Fang, who decided to wake up from his nap.

"That dog is he yours?" He muttered as he slowly strolled over to Fang.

"Oh yea that's Fang. He my baby boy . . . ain't you Fang?" I asked my dog, who happily barked a reply while watching the young man that was walking closer to him.

"He seems to be a well trained dog. What kind is he . . .? I mean if you don't mind me asking?"He questioned as he keeled down next to Fang scratching him behind the ears.

"Well he's not really a dog; Fang here is a Timber Wolf. I found him when he was a pup. Some of the hunters in the area had him cornered in a cave near my house. I think they were planning on killing him until my dad went out and put a stop to it." I stated sitting back down on my rock, "Ever since then I've been taking care of him, so he's my baby boy now. And the funny thing is now no one in the neighborhood comes near my house anymore. It's really peaceful now."

After I finished telling him about Fang I noticed that his fists were clutched at his side and it looked like he was in pain. I peeked over at Fang to see if he was hurt or anything but there was nothing wrong. So I looked back over at the young man and quietly asked,

"Are you aright? Did I say anything that upset you; if I did I'm sorry."

"No, you did nothing. I just can't stand it when people think it's alright to kill innocent animals just because they feel like it. Nothing seems to change within the human race they're all still a bunch of self arrogant bastards." He split clenching his fists tighter digging his nails deeper into his palm drawing blood.

Glancing at the ground I noticed tiny drops of blood in the sand as I looked up a bit I saw that the blood was coming from his hands. Without a second thought I jumped off my rock grabbing onto his hands trying to unclench his fists, but it seemed that my touch shocked him causing him to jump back away from me. I looked over at him before grabbing onto his hands again slowly brushing the sand out of his cuts with care. While I was busy doing this he slowly moved closer to me, so he was sitting directly in front of me.

"Why are you worried about me? These cuts are nothing . . . they'll be healed in a couple minutes." He whispered reaching up brushing some of my hair behind my ear causing me to blush lightly.

"What do you mean they'll heal in a couple minutes . . . You dug your nails pretty deep into you palms. They'll take at least a week to heal up." I stated glancing up at him from the corner of my eye.

"Well then you don't really don't know what I am, lover." He stated while he lifted his hand placing it gently on the side of my face lightly stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"Of course I don't know you, this is the first time I've met you." I replied while I unconsciously leaned into his touch.

He laughed lightly before pulling his hand away snapping me out of my daze as well as causing me to blush again before looking away.

"Now . . . lover a beauty such as you shouldn't be looking down at the ground. You should be showing to world that beautiful face of yours." He whispered into my ear as he pulled me into his lap.

I couldn't help myself as the blush crawled its way onto my face but against what he told me I continued to look down at the sandy ground. I felted his arms wrap around my waist pulling me closer to him and I could feel his heart beating calmly in his chest against my back.

"Now let me introduce myself lover, my name is Draven McAston and I am a Werewolf. What's your name or can I continue to lover?" Draven murmured next to my ear while he nuzzled his cheek against my neck.

"M-my name is S-Shravani. And how can you be a werewolf? They're not real . . . Can you please not do that?" I shuttered trying to pull away from him.

"Well lover they're real and now you have one wanting to get to know you a bit more intimately then this little question and an answer session you started." He husked while continuing to nuzzle against my neck.

"D-Draven . . . please, stop that." I shuttered again pulling away only to be pulled back against him.

"Why should I lover you seem to be enjoying it?" Draven stated placing small kisses lightly down the side of my neck causing me to let out a breathless moan, "See now do you really want me to stop this."

I couldn't find my voice to reply to him while he continued his small assault along my neck. It wasn't until he got to the base of my neck that I let out a small moan; I could feel him smirking then the next thing I felt was him biting and sucking on my soft spot. I bit my lip trying to stop myself from moaning but it seemed like that was something Draven didn't approve of.

"Now lover, I know your enjoying yourself and I'm pretty sure you can tell that I'm enjoying this as well or due I have to show you just how much I am?" he questioned spinning me around to sit on his lap facing him.

"N-no you don't . . . I can kind of feel your happy friend." I stuttered looking away from him blushing again.

"Lover, will you stop looking away from me." Draven demanded as he forced me to look back at him again "Now I think you need to be punished for doing that. Don't you think?" He looked down at me with a lustful smirk before pulling me forward forcefully yet passionately kissing me. For a moment I was at lost but I didn't let that stop me from kissing him back with the same burning passion that he was showing me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck letting my fingers lightly play with the hair at the base of his neck. He groaned quietly into the kiss before pulling away and making his way across my jaw, down my neck to my collarbone, where he started biting again. Another moan made its way out of my throat while he continued his assault on my collarbone I failed to notice his hands slipping their way into the back of my shirt until I felt his warm hands against my cold skin.

"D-Draven you need to stop . . . please." I panted against his shoulder trying to catch my breath.

"Why lover we're only just getting started. Just lay back and enjoy it." He husked as he pulled my shirt over my head throwing it off to the side. While he was laying me back on the sand leaving me in nothing but my plain black cotton bra, I was staring off into the distance trying to hide the blush that was making its self forever known on my face.

"But Draven I . . . I can't do this . . ." I muttered looking over at Fang, who fell asleep again and didn't seem to care about what was going on with me.

He looked down at me with his head tilted to the side then questioned,

"Is it you can't do it or you won't do this?"

"I-I can't do this . . . I just met you Draven. I'm not the love 'em and leave 'em type. . . Sorry." I stated crossing my arms over my chest trying to cover myself from him.

"Shravani . . . Lover, what makes you think I'll leave you after this? I want you to be mine and only mine. I don't want to share you with anyone else. I love you and I want you to be my mate. I never want you to leave me side." He pleaded making me look into his eyes and they showed me nothing more than undying passion, love, as well as an underlining lust.

"Draven . . . how can you say you love someone you hardly know?" I asked in a hushed whispered.

He smiled, "It's quite simple lover . . . a wolf always finds his mate under the light of the full moon. And that's right where I found you."

Once he that he leaned down covering my lips with his in one mind blowing kiss, and on instinct I reached up wrapping my arms around his neck kissing him back. Smirking into the kiss he lightly licked my lips asking for entrance into my mouth trying to make the kiss deeper but deciding to make him work for it, I pulled away and started kissing down his neck looking for his soft spot. It wasn't until I got to the hollow point in his neck that I heard him groan in approval causing me to smirk this time and decided to play with him a bit longer. I lightly sucked on the spot before pulling away leaving a light mark showing that I was claiming him as mine. Pulling away from him I smile up at him while he was smirking down at me and I could tell that he was quite please with my work.

"Lover you know it's not nice to play around with a horny wolf if you don't want to do anything about it." He warned smirking at me.

"Well I thought I could at least try something before I have to leave you." I replied smiling.

"And when do you think you're leaving me, lover?" He question before leaning down and kissing the area around my bra but never moving it out of his way.

"Hopefully I'm gone before my father decides to come looking for me with his trusty friend." I said squirming underneath him slightly.

"Who's your dad's trusty friend or is it something I don't want to know about?" He asked while pulling my bra off my breast and latching his mouth on one of my nipples making me quietly scream out his name.

"Ahh that . . . that would his 12 gauge shotgun. . ." I panted arching up to get him to continue his ministrations.

He pulled away for a moment looking up at me, "Well I don't want to run into that; however I don't quite want to leave you yet."

He smirked before leaning down to continue playing with one nipple in his mouth, while he twisted the other one between his thumb and index finger. He was slowly driving me crazy and he know that he was doing it. As I was trying to keeping my mind off the things his mouth could do but it didn't help when I noticed his other hand was lightly playing with the hem of my jeans. Slowly he began unbuttoning them as he was kissing his way down my stomach trying to distract me from what he was doing. Luckily for me his head shot up and looked over in the direction of my house before he sat up pulling away from me.

"What's wrong Draven?" I innocently question him sitting up on my elbows looking in the same direction as him trying to figure out what was going on. "I don't see anything."

"Well lover your father seems to be heading this way looking for you. So I suggest you get your shirt back on before me get her. Even though I believe you should go around without one more often." He stated glancing down at my bare chest licking his lips.

"You're a pervert you know that." I mumbled pulling my bra back into place and yanked my shirt back over my head blushing.

"Yea I know I'm a pervert but it's only when it comes to you." He retorted leaning over giving me one last kiss before helping me back onto my feet.

I smiled up at him since he was about a foot taller then me and was about to kiss him again. But when I reached up wrapping my arms around his neck we heard my father yelling into the darkness,

"Shravani!! Where in the hell are you?! Do you have any idea what time it is?! Shravani Lynn Lowell!!"

I laughed looking over at Fang, who finally decided to wake up was barking happily at my father trying to gain his attention. However with the Fang is it didn't take long for father to notice him.

"Well hey there boy! Where's your sister at? . . . go get her for me." My father uttered while shinning his flashlight around until in shinned on us.

"There you are young lady! Do you know what time it is? And why are you not answering you cell phone? Your mother and I must have called the damn thing a dozen times by now. And another thing . . ." I cut him off before he had a chance to continue his rant.

"Dad breathe. Now to answer your questions . . . One no I don't know the time, two I'm not answering my phone because I left it in the car and three I want you to meet my new friend, Draven."

"Oh alright . . . wait you made a friend?" my father questioned looking rather bewildered at the new information.

"Yes dad he's the guy standing right behind me." I sighed pointing over my shoulder at Draven causing my father to aim the light right in his eyes.

"Oh . . . so he's the reason you were still out here. While say good night and come inside I want to go to bed knowing your safe inside the house, not out here doing god's know what." He ranted walking back towards the house with Fang following behind him.

I looked back at Draven smiling sadly, "Well I guess that's my cue to that I should get going now."

Draven pulled me against him hugging me tightly kissing my forehead lightly, "Lover, I know you don't want to leave and I don't want you to go either, but I don't want your dad back here yelling at you. Now head home and get some sleep then when you wake up in the morning I'll be here waiting for you."

I looked up at him smiling, "Will you really still be here?"

"Yes lover, I'm not going anywhere without you at my side now that I have you." He smiled back at me before leaning down giving me one final mind blowing kiss. However it didn't last as long as I would have liked it to. When he pulled away he smirked before smacking my ass, "Now go and catch up with your father."

"Yea . . . yea I'm going but if you smack my ass one more time you'll lose something I believe you need." I innocently smirked over my shoulder at him.

Draven raised an eyebrow at me for a second then smirked, "I don't think you'll get rid of that."

"And why do you think that?" I questioned fully turning around to look at him.

"Well before I'll even give you a chance to do that I'll make sure I fuck you so hard that you'll forget what you were planning on getting rid off." He boasted with a smirk plastered across his perfect face.

Looking around trying to hide my apparent blush and coughed into my hand, "Alright then. . . .Ummm I'll see you in the morning Draven. Good night."

"Night Lover and don't forget I will get my chance to fuck you senseless and I know you'll love it every second of it." He replied while walking back towards the cliffs.

As I watched him walk off I shook my head trying to get rid of all the mental images of him naked above me doing whatever he desired with my body before running off after my father and Fang. Hoping that I would get near the house before my father came back out to look for me I pushed myself to run faster. As I was running up the beach I thought 'Who would have ever thought at coming to the beach would not only be a peaceful place to relax and get your mind off things, but it also got me a werewolf.' Laughing to myself as I walked up my driveway I looked up still smiling to myself. Tonight couldn't of had been any better for me, I walked into the house and saw my father putting his 12 gauge away in the cabinet while Fang was lying on the couch ready for the rest of the night.

"Good night Shravani" My father called over his shoulder while locking up his guns.

"Night Dad, I'll see you in the morning." I called back heading down the hallway.

As I walked into my room I noticed my window was opened and my werewolf was laying on the other side of my bed smiling at me.

"I told you that you won't be able to get rid of me lover." He teased grabbing a hold of my wrist pulling into the bed next to him. I giggled wrapping my arms around his neck snuggling into his warm, strong arms, "Yea I know and I don't want to get rid of you . . . yet." I quietly taunted as I started to fall asleep.

"Yea I know love . . . now go to sleep." He whispered pulling me tighter into his arms. Smiling to myself I wrapped my arms around his waist drifting off into sleep. Sleep hopefully filled with peaceful dreams involving my werewolf, me and many interesting positions that we could use later on.