"The fuckin ass hole hates me. I'm telling you man." Evan snapped. "I'm not goin to his class anymore. I'm gonna fail, why put up with his little digs for the rest of the year. Fuckin Nazi."

"It's been two weeks. You can't just decide to cut two weeks into school."

"Mike. I got no fuckin chance. I'm telling you. He HATES me."

"You could always switch out of his class." Mike offered.

"He's the only world studies teacher. I'm fucked. Fucked up the ass." Evan snapped and threw his books into his bags.

"You would enjoy that far to much." Mike joked and sat at the small table in the cramped kitchen.

"Not if it was that asshole."

"Look, Evan, maybe you could try cutting down the Nazi jokes to a minimum. Believe it or not I think it embarrasses him, especial with Schwartz right there." Mike said and watched Evan put on his old torn shoes. The shoes were faded black with white shoe laces. His hair was curly, and came down past his ears. Something that Mr. Eisenberg loved to make fun of.

"Not gonna happen. Cant wait till we start studying world war two." He laughed. "Throw me my sweatshirt." He said and mike threw the gray sweatshirt at him. Evan placed it on over his plain grey shirt and left it un zipped. His shorts came down to below his knees, and band aids and bandages could be seen all over his legs, matching the ones that were wrapped around and his hands, and the ones that were hidden under his clothing.

He had a new white bandage across his nose from the previous night. Mike thought that Evan was lucky his nose wasn't broken. It scraped the skin clean off the bridge of his nose, along with the skin that covered his palms, hence the white wrappings he put around his hands.

Evan went to the kitchen cabinet and pulled out his mothers vodka bottle. "Throw me your bottle." he said and Mike passed him his green soda bottle. Evan filled both the bottles to the top with the vodka and screwed the tops back on. "This will get us through fifth period." Evan laughed and handed him his "soda" bottle.

They left Evan's house at quarter to eight and threw their boards to the ground. They pumped their legs to pick up speed and skated down the center of the street on their way to school.

"I just don't get why he's gotta rag on me all the time." Evan complained. "Did he fuckin pick a random name from the roster to piss on all year and I have been the lucky person?"

"He has it out for all of us Evan, anyone whose not in that preppy crowd he goes after, but you're like our ring leader." Mike said. Evan twirled his tongue over his spider bites and sighed. The cold metal tasted metallic and he couldn't help but dread 5th period.



Evan took a drag of his cigarette outside by the dumpsters. Eddie and Zeke were with him, ditching English class.

"I'm not going to World Studies." Evan said. "Why should I bother."

"You need that class to be a senior next year dude." Eddie told him. "Just shut up and put up." He said.

"Wanna get high?" Zeke asked.

"No." Evan said and through the but onto the ground. "I'm on the fifth floor. I'll see you guys later." He said and began walking up to his next class. He had his backpack around one of his arms. He walked up the stares like a man walking to his death.

When he open the door and stepped in Mr. Eisenberg looked over at him. He had been writing on the black bored and Evan sneered when he saw his face.

"Finally decided to join us Mr. Moretti?" He said. "I'm honored."

"I thought I'd grace you all with my presence for a bit." He said and sat down next to Mike.

"No Mr. Moretti. I want you up here today." He said and pointed at the front seat.

"What for! I haven't done anything!" He yelled.

"You showed up late, and were flip." He said. "Sit."

"I'm not a fuckin dog." He mumbled under his breath and threw the bag down on the ground. Eisenberg gave him a cold stare and turned back to the board.

"Can anybody tell me why world war one had so many deaths?" He asked and a few kids raised their hands.

"Cuzza the Nazi's." Evan called out and Mr. Eisenberg stiffened.

"Nazi's were not in world war one." He said. "If you had at least half a brain you might of known that." He turned around stiffly and looked around the room with a mean expression at the kids with their hands raised.

"Rebecca." He said.

"Trench warfare?" She asked and he nodded and turned to write on the board.

"Yes!" He said. "Good job."

"I still blame the Nazi's." Evan said and picked at his nails with his pencil, cleaning out his dirty nails.

"You know Mr. Moretti, the Italians were allied with the Germans?" He asked and turned to look at him, his arms crossed in front of his chest. The other kids laughed and Evan's face turned pink. He tried to think of a snappy come back, he searched into his brain for one but to much time had passed.

"Nothing to say?" The teacher asked and the other kids snickered. "Perhaps you realized that when you know nothing, it is better to say nothing." Evan clenched his jaw and his shoulders slumped slightly. He stared back at Mr. Eisenberg with a blank expression, and the teacher didn't miss the tick in his jaw. He turned back to the black board triumphantly and began to write down notes on trench warfare.

Evan stood violently and grabbed his bag before heading for the door. "Detention Mr. Moretti. Friday, after school." Eisenberg said and Evan stopped with his hand on the doorknob. He turned to look at him, and found his teacher writing on the board. Not even acknowledging him. Right before he slammed the door shut behind hind he heard his teachers arrogant voice.

"Now that that's out of the way-"



Christopher sat at his desk reading over his teaching schedule for next week. He didn't think Even Moretti was going to show up for his detention and so he put his feet up on his desk and rested his notebook on his lap. It wasn't until 3:30, a half an hour after school ended did he hear the door open slowly.

He saw the problem student walk in like a beaten dog, and quickly brought his feet down from the desk. "I am quite surprised you showed up." He said and slapped his planner on the desk.

"I cant get suspended." He said and sat down in one of the front desks.

"I didn't see you in class all week." He said and paused when he saw the bruise on his face. "Cant say I missed you." Evan nodded but said nothing. "I want you to write an essay for me." Christopher said and walked over to Evan. "On the Germans role in World War One." He said and placed a few pieces of white lined paper and a pen in front of him. "And detention for the rest of next week for being late."

Evan looked up with an indignant look on his face but stopped. Christopher smiled and went back to his desk. He watched Evan begin to write, but his eyes lingered on the side of his face. A large, dark bruise was the right side of his face, started right above the eye, and coming down to jus below his cheek bone. It was four thirty when he finished and Christopher looked up from his book when he sensed the boy standing in front of his desk.

"I finished."

"I can see that." He said. "Put it on the desk." He spoke as if Evan was a five year old, but he got none of the usual lip from the boy. He placed it on the desk and left. Once the door was shut Chris picked up the paper and began to read. He was slightly shocked by the sophistication and accuracy of the paper. The few assignments he had actually ever gotten from Evan had been rushed, and little care put into them, and they all somehow commented on him being a Nazi. This one however, was well thought out and respectful, and it was written in an hour with no notes or textbook.

Christopher placed it on the desk and stared at it a moment in thought. Maybe Evan Moretti wasn't the brainless criminal he thought he was.



Evan sat in Eisenberg's room listening to him lecture about something or other. He kept his head down, so his hair covered the fading bruise on his face. He scribbled on a sheet of paper Eisenberg passed out and rested his face in his hand. The bell rang and Evan grabbed his bag, ready to leave as soon as he could but he was stopped.

"Moretti." He said and Evan rolled his eyes. He was the only kid he refused to call by his first name.

"Yes?" He asked standing by the door.

"I would like to speak to you."

"Then speak." He said and Christopher slapped his hand down on the desk making Evan jump slightly.

"Tell me. You already have a week of detentions, do you want another?" Evan said nothing but walked over to his desk.

"What did you want to talk about, sir."

"This." He said holding up Evan's paper.

"Look I didn't call you a Nazi once!" He said holding up his hands and Christopher almost laughed. Almost.

"That is not what this is about." He said calmly. "This paper. Well, it's very good." He said. "Very good." he repeated and looked it over and Evan scrunched his forehead up. Was this really coming from Mr. Nazi Eisenberg?

"Um. Thanks?"

"I think Moretti, if you put some effort into your work, you could be a rather gifted student." He said and Evan looked confused.

"I don't think so dude. I'm only staying in school in the first place cause my dad would kill me." He said and watched Eisenberg's eyes flicker over the bruise on his face.

"I cant base it off of this one paper, but I think you would be better suited for one of my Advanced classes." He said and Evan looked at him like he had five heads. "If you could bring your grades up in my class, I could have you switched into a faster moving class." He said.

"That would require I work." He said. "No." Evan went to walk out of the class but was stopped again. He turned around with a loud sigh. "What?"

"How'd you get the bruise?"

"Fell off my skate bored." He said. "You said yourself I am "obviously not that good if I come in with bandages all the time." Remember?"

"I do. And I still believe it, but you didn't get that from skating."

"It's none of your business." He said.

"Ah, but it is. I am your teacher, and therefore it is my duty to watch out for the well being of my students."

"Yea right. Like you care about what happens to me." Evan said and looked up at the ceiling. Christopher scowled at him.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You know what it means. You don't give a fuck about me. You wont even use my name." Evan said and went for the door.

"You have another week of detention Evan."

Evan turned to look at him and stood in the doorway. With out a thought he held up his hand, silently saying fuck you, and shut the door behind him.

A/N: Just so everyone knows, I am horrible with first chapters. So bear with me. I have trouble introducing characters I think, but once I have them established, I do a pretty fair job I think.

Review, and I have ¾ of the next chapter done for Just Bitch? So yeah. Lol.