eEpP!!! My first story i am so excited!!!!! Okay's so this is based on true events im my life, I tooks some poetic liberty and changed a couple things but none of that effects the story line! Not that you really care.. hehe. So anyways one with the story!!! ;D

~ Shealy

I had heard stories- myths really- about this so called love.

I had dreams of experiencing this so called "pleasure."

My heart yearned for it,

And then I met you.

I was 7 years old…

I had spotted you on the playground at our school, my first thought? 'It will never work out.'

But despite all my doubts I think I loved you.

When I was 9 the teasing started. Little nicknames and pats on the head. My face would flush bright. From anger or pleasure?

I was in 5th grade, you were in 6th. You had gotten your first "girlfriend" and the teasing stopped soon after.

That was the first time you broke my heart.

The next year I hardly saw you we went to different schools. I tried to convince myself I was over you.

When I made it to junior high, my gaze landed on you. Girls clustered giggling and flirting. I was lost in the back ground. But I didn't care I was over you.

The year ended all too soon left moving on to bigger and better things, high school. Though this time you left with a hug that left me shaking. And for the next year we saw each other rather often.

In 8th grade I really came out. And by summer I was ready to show off. School soon started, I was 14 and nothing could hold me back. I was ready to take on the world, but deep down I knew one thing could stop me. You.

Two moths later I got my first kiss. The school bad boy, leather jacket, juvie record and at 17 he was a dream come true.

My excitement soon ebbed as I heard the latest news. She was one of my best friend and you had asked her out.

One week later it was over. And with it came immense relief.

The hugs had become a constant now; we shared light banter and even talked. Every thing was just fine. You could even say we were friends. Soon after my dreams came true.

You asked me out.

My heart bounded and my excitement bubble in my chest I was in euphoria. Two days later I was ready to give you my answer. You took it back, changed you mind.

My heart broke that day.

Then you asked her out. She was 18, "an older woman" so to say. With her clear blue eyes that sparkled, her chocolate brown hair that shined, and her white porcelain skin, she was… perfect. How could I compare?

The impossible happened then.

The remaining fragments of my heart shattered.

I saw you again soon after you acted as though nothing was wrong. As though nothing had ever changed. And soon I almost forgave you. Almost.

I got a boyfriend then. My first. He was exactly what I needed. He adored me. Everything about me. But something was wrong. He wasn't you.

Things soon ended.

We hardly talked now. You were always with her. But that was okay. Life went on, and I was in a personal form of rehab, for months things seamed to slide by and I would watch them pass in content satisfaction.

And then you broke up with her. Part of me was almost giddy. Though I hid it well and commiserated. Soon after we talked again.

But then I met 'him' we would hang out as we watched you swim meets. He was a friend of you ex-girlfriend. Ironic? I thought so. I saw him again at a dance and as expected we did just that, danced.

He kissed me. Twice.

A week later it was raining and you took pity on me and gave me your jacket. I was undeniable happy. I ran in to him that day. He asked for my number, I gave it freely.

He called a total of two times, the last time he mentioned that some one had told him and I quote, "She's hot, but unavailable."

We were thrown together a lot after that, families and friends.

2 weeks ago we sat in the back of your parent's car. You took my hand in yours and squeezed. Then you took one of my rings and gave me one of yours. My body froze.

No! Not this, not again.

Now I think about it as I lay in bed. My mind races. And every night as I cry myself to sleep,

my mending heart slowly breaks.

What will tomorrow bring?

Thank you, thank you! And please dont be shy review, review!!!