"Julianne, you should have left twenty minutes ago. What's taking you so long?"

I looked in the mirror. The girl staring back at me did not look like me at all. I was wearing a deep blue form fitting dress that showed curves I never knew I had. The top part of the dress was like a corset and was a little too low cut for my taste. I preferred jeans and t-shirts to dresses any day, but my grandmother wouldn't hear of it. She was part of a socialite club and tonight was their annual masquerade ball. This year she had decided I was old enough to go and had guilt tripped me into it.

"I'm coming! I'm trying to find my mask." I finally found it under my pillow and slipped it on over my eyes. The silver of the mask made my blue eyes stand out and matched my silver heels. I looked into the mirror one last time and. My brown hair was curled and pinned back thanks to my mother. The mask made it hard to tell who I was. Well, I thought, that's as good as it's going to get.

Grabbing my silver purse that held my phone, I made my way out of my room and down the stairs where my mom was waiting for me.

"Julie, you look so pretty. You're growing up so fast." A tear started making its way down her cheek, but she wiped it away so fast I almost missed it. "Have fun tonight. You deserve it." I smiled softly, hugged my mom and made my way out to my car.

As I drove to the symphony hall twenty miles from my house, I kept trying to think of excuses I could use on my grandmother as to why I was late. Coming up wit nothing I decided I would just wing it.

I pulled up in front of the hall where cars where lined up; valet running around frantically. When I pulled up to the front I stopped the car and got out carefully making sure I didn't snag my dress on anything. I wobbled in my heels at first but soon started getting the hang of things as I made my way inside. I found my grandmother easily. She was talking loudly over everyone and was in a huge group of people, something I was not overly fond of. I made my way over to her carefully.

She saw me approaching. "Julianne dear," She said with a smile. Maybe I was off the hook, "you're late." And there was the scowl.

"I'm sorry grandma. It took me a little longer than usual to get ready. I'm not really one for dressing up."

"Yes dear, I know. But I'm so glad you decided to come."

I nodded, not wanting to say anything rude like how I had not decided on my own that I wanted to come. The only people I had seen on my way in were a bunch of older couples. It seemed like I was the youngest person there, which really wouldn't have made a difference anyway. In school I only had one true friend, Sarah. We both liked to stay out of people's ways and weren't really noticed by anybody. People were so busy in their own "cliques", they were too busy for anybody else. But, I think we both preferred it that way. The people I seemed to get along best with were small children and elderly people. Well, nice ones anyway. It seemed the people my grandmother knew were always in somebody else's business.

After I realized I wasn't going to get anything more out of my grandmother, I excused myself and found myself at an empty table where I sat myself down. Glancing at my cell phone, I saw I had only been there for ten minutes, so I would have to stay for awhile longer if I wanted to satisfy my grandmother.

I looked up when I saw someone clear their throat. A sweet looking old man was standing in front of me. "Excuse me miss. I really hate to bother you but you looked kind of lonely over here so I thought I'd come say hello.

I was a little surprised with his concern. "Oh, well thank you. The only person I know here is my grandmother and she'll probably be busy for the rest of the night."

"Well, now you know one other person. I'm Nicholas Crowe." He held out his hand which I shook.

"Julianne Erikson. It's a pleasure to meet you Nicholas."

"Now my dear Julianne, would you care to dance?" I was a little surprised at his request but delighted.

"Yes, I would. Thank you." I stood up and set my purse on my chair. I let Nicholas lead me to the dance floor. He was a little slow in getting there but faster than half the people there.

I was suddenly glad I had taken dance lessons as a young girl. Nicholas seemed like a very experienced dancer. He led me around slowly and talked while we went. "All these people have no idea how to have fun anymore." I giggled at Nicholas's loud declaration.

He went on about how he had fought in the Vietnam War. It was fascinating listening to his talk so freely about it. After three dances together I saw Nicholas look over my shoulder at something, "Grandpa," or someone, "Grandma says you're going to need to take a break."

"A break?" Nicholas looked indignant. "I don't need a break."

"Grandma said you'd say that. She also said if you don't take a break, she's going to come make you."

"Fine, fine. I'm coming." Nicholas looked crestfallen. "Well dear, I must go sit down before Alice comes to get me. She can be downright scary sometimes." I couldn't help but giggle.

"That's okay Nicholas. I had a wonderful time dancing with you. Thank you." He let go of my waist.

"Maybe my grandson here wouldn't mind taking my place for the time being."

"No, no, that's okay." I hadn't even had a chance to look at who his grandson was; or how old he was.

"I don't mind." His grandson spoke up. "I'd like to actually, if you don't mind. My grandfather seems to have been keeping the prettiest girl here to himself." I had never been called pretty outside of my family or Sarah.

"A dance sounds nice then." I finally turned around to see who my dace partner would be. Even through his black mask I recognized Black Crowe when I saw him. Blake was the quarterback of my school. Everybody either wanted to be friends with him, or they wanted to be him. I watched as Nicholas smiled and walked away.

Blake grabbed my hand and waist and held on as a new song came on. I put some more space between up. Blake noticed. "You seemed more comfortable around my grandfather."

"I seem to get along better with people outside of my own age group."

"Well my grandfather acts more our age than most of the people I know. You got along fine with him." I hadn't thought about it that way. Nicholas had seemed a little more lively than most. I laughed. "So we've been dancing and I don't even know your name."

"It's Julianne."

"A pretty name for a pretty girl." I could feel my face heat up. "I'm Blake."

"I know."

"Do you? So you knew who I was but yet I've only just learned your name. Where do you know me from? My grandfather wasn't talking about me was he?" He groaned probably thinking of a story his grandfather could have told me.

"No, he didn't talk about you. I've seen you around school actually."

"You go to Riverway High?" He looked a little shocked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I moved here at the end of last year."

"And I've never noticed you before? How is that possible?"

"I guess we're just in different social circles."

"What do you mean by that; the whole jock thing? That doesn't matter to me." He looked a little offended.

"I didn't mean it was your fault. I tend to keep to myself more in school. I'm just not that noticeable."

"On the contrary, you were the first person I noticed when I walked into the room."

The song came to an end. I pulled back and let go of Blake's hand. He grabbed it again. "Dance with me again, please."

"I, uh--." I looked to the side. A boy with dark hair was making his way towards us. "I'll dance with you if we can go outside first for a second." Blake nodded his head and led me outside.

"Any reason you wanted to come out here?"



"You know him?"

"Yeah, I wish I didn't though. Boy can he talk."

"You bet he can. I'm sorry I dragged you out here. He was making his way over to us and I really don't want to dance with him."

"I can see why." The music could still be heard from where we were outside. "Dance with me?"

I nodded and took his outstretched hand. A breeze came at that moment and I shivered. Blake slipped out of his jacket and placed it around my shoulders. I went to protest but he wouldn't hear of it and continued to lead me around our makeshift dance floor.

"I don't know anything about you Julianne."

"Well I don't know anything about you either Blake. Well, other than the fact you have an awesome grandfather and have scored the most touchdowns in Riverway's history." He laughed then turned serious.

"What's the thing you want most in life?" Quite a personal question to start with.

"True love. I know I sound completely girly and keep it between us, but I'm a closet hopeless romantic." No one, not ever Sarah knew that about me. But I figured it wouldn't hurt to tell Blake. He doesn't know who I am without the mask. "I'm the type of girl that wants a happy-ending fairytale."

"Have you ever thought you've come close?"

"Never. I've never had a boyfriend."

"You've never been that interested in someone?"

"No one's ever been that interested in me." I hoped to change the subject. "What are you planning on doing after you graduate?"

He seemed aware of the subject change. "College. I don't know where yet, but I do know I want to major in history."

"That sounds nice. I'm pretty horrible at history myself." He laughed.

Just then the back door opened and I saw my grandmother peek out. "There you are Julianne dear. Your mother just called me. She said you are to call Sarah. She said it was an emergency so you'd better hurry."

"Thanks Grandma." She walked back inside. I let go of Blake, worried about why Sarah would be calling. She knew I was out. I took off Blake's jacket and handed it to him before walking inside quickly. I heard him following behind. I made it to my table where my purse lay and pulled out my cell phone. 4 missed calls.

I dialed Sarah's cell number waiting for someone to pick up. She picked up on the second ring.


"Yeah huhn, it's me. What's wrong?"

"Daddy. He was in a car accident." I heard her sobbing. "I'm at the hospital now. They don't know if he'll make it or not." Sarah and her father were extremely close. I knew she needed someone there for her.

"Oh Sar, I'll be right there." She told me which hospital she was at and I hung up.

Blake looked concerned. "Is everything alright?" I shook my head.

"My friend's father was in an accident. I need to go." I picked up my purse. "Thank you for the wonderful evening."

"Can I see you again Julianne?"

"Now's not the time for this Blake. I have to go." Before I could walk away though, Blake had grabbed a pen off of the table and was writing his number on my wrist. I pulled my arm away quickly when he was finished.

I started off at a brisk walk but it soon turned into a slow jog. I went as fast as I could in my tall heels. I knew by now Sarah would probably be about to break down. My grandmother must have known I was leaving because my car was waiting outside. I thanked the valet and went to get in. In my rush, I felt my mask slip off of my face. I had no time to pick it back up so I pulled the car into drive and drove. From the rearview mirror I saw Blake run out. He watched me leave then I saw him walk into the street where he bent down and picked something up off of the ground. My mask….

I made it to the hospital in ten minutes and walked inside quickly. I got quite a few stares on the way but I didn't care. The receptionist looked bored. "Hi, I'm looking for Alex Davis's room. He was just admitted."

"Are you family?"

"Yes, I'm his niece." I felt bad about lying but they never checked if the information was right or not.

"Room 203. Go down the hall and make the first left. Keep going towards the end. It's on the right hand side."

"Thank you." I followed her directions and went into room 203. Sarah had her head on the bed at her father's side. I saw her brother standing out of the way. Their mother had died when they were younger so I knew this would be especially hard on them. I cleared my throat. Both siblings looked over to me.

Sarah lifted herself up, I walked over to her. Wrapping my arms around her I said, "Everything will be okay." Her sobs eventually slowed down. I led her to the only chair in the room. "Here, you sit here and I'll go get you something to drink." She nodded softly and sat down. I walked back to the door. "Do you want anything Travis?" I asked her old brother.

"I'll go with you."

We walked out together and down to the food court.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" I asked quietly.

"I don't know. The doctor said we'd have to just wait and see."

"Your dad is a tough man." I said.

"Yeah, he is."

I bought a hot chocolate for myself and Sarah while Travis bought a coffee. After we had paid, we made our way back to Mr. Davis's room. Sarah looked a lot calmer and thanked me when I handed her her drink. "I'm sorry for pulling you out of your dance thing Jule."

"Ah, that's okay. It was too dressy for my taste anyway." She laughed knowing I hated to dress up. Then she grabbed my hand.

"What's this? You got someone's number?"

Just then we heard a small cough. I didn't answer her question.

I looked towards the bed. Mr. Davis's eyes were open. Sarah rushed over to his side. "Oh Daddy, we were so worried." Travis expressed his agreement.

"What happened?" His voice was hoarse from sleep.

"You were in a car accident."

I stepped out of the room so I could let a doctor know he was not awake. I found one at the second floor desk. "Excuse me. Do you know who's in charge of Mr. Davis in room 203?"

"That would be me Miss. Why?"

"Mr. Davis has just woken up."

"Oh great. Thank you for telling me." He led the way back to the room. Sarah and Travis were both talking quietly to their father. They stood up when the doctor walked in. He started examining Mr. Davis while I let the two Davis kids know I was leaving.

Sarah gave me a hug, "Thank you for coming so fast. I'm sorry again for pulling you out of your party."

"That's okay. I'll see you in school whenever you're able to come back." I figured she would be taking a few days off to spend with her father.

After saying my goodbyes, I made my way back home in less than twenty minutes and found my mom in the living room when I walked in. "Everything with Sarah okay?"

"It is now." I told her what had happened at the hospital.

"How was the ball?"

"It was… nice."

"That's good honey."

"Well I think I'm going to go lie in my room. Goodnight."

I walked up the stairs to my room where I slipped out of my dress and into some comfortable pajamas. The number on my wrist seemed to be staring at me. I was almost unsure what to do with it. So I programmed it into my phone and being spontaneous, called Blake. He picked up after the first ring."

"You still at the dance?"


"Yes, it's me."

"No, I left soon after you did. It just didn't seem worth it once you left. I'm glad you called me. I almost thought you wouldn't."

"I almost didn't."

"I can't stop thinking about you. You just seemed so different from other girls."

I placed myself under the bed covers. "Different can be good."

"Different is very good." I didn't have time to reply when his voice came through again. "Can I see you again?" I didn't know what to say back to that. Blake was like a king when I was the mere peasant girl. Great analogy, huh?

"I can't."

"Why not?" He sounded frustrated. "Do you like someone else?"

"It's not that. Like I said earlier, we're from too different of social circles."

"But different is good, remember?" Now he was using my own words against me.

"You don't even know me."

"But I could get to know you."

"I've got to go. Maybe I'll see you again someday. Tell your grandfather I said thanks."

"Someday? I'll look for you in school on Monday."

He could look all he wanted. He wouldn't be able to find the girl behind the mask. I just didn't stand out like that. "Goodnight Blake."

I hung up before he could say anything else. Then I turned off my phone so I couldn't have anymore calls. I turned off my bedside lamp and fell asleep quickly.

The next day, Sunday, passed by quickly. I played with my dog, Copper, for most of the day.

When Monday came around I went to school dressed in a pair of light jeans and my favorite light blue t-shirt, with my naturally straight hair falling around my face. The day went slow without Sarah. At one point in the day two girls in my class caught my attention.

"He's been asking people all day about some girl named Julianne. Have you ever heard of her?"

"No. I doubt she even goes here. Blake should just move on."

"Yeah, I know. I mean, what's so special about her anyway?"

I turned away not wanting to hear anymore. Blake was looking for me?

On the way to my locker at the end of the day I happened to pass by Blake in the hallway. He looked to be in deep thought and didn't realize it was me as I walked by. He'll never know.

When I got home I finally looked at my cell phone that I had left home to charge. 5 new messages. Clicking on my inbox I started with the oldest ones.

5. Julianne please tell me who you are.
4. I will find you.
3. I asked about you all day today. No one seems to know you.
2. Hey Jules, I'll be in school tomorrow. See you then!
I was glad Sarah seemed better.
1. ONE NEW PICTURE. I found out my grandmother took this and transferred it to my phone. You really do look beautiful. The picture was one of Blake and me dancing. We both had smiles on our faces. I laughed and opened a blank message.

Thank you for the picture. I'm glad someone took one. It didn't take long for me to get a reply.

You're talking to me now?

I went to bed early last night. I couldn't call or text you.

You could have said something to me in school. Were you there today?

Yeah, I was there.

Who are you Julianne? No one seems to know you and you're not in any of the yearbooks.

I keep to myself and that's because I moved here after pictures last year.

Well I will find you whether you like it or not. A subject change came then. How is your friends father?

Much better. He'll be okay.

That's great. I'm glad he's okay. Hearing Blake's concern was nice.

Thanks. So am I.

What are you doing now? He asked.

Playing with my dog. You?

What's her name? I'm thinking about this great girl I met.

Copper is a boy.

I see you're ignoring my last comment.

Ha. Favorite color? I still chose to ignore it.

Blue. Favorite food? He asked.

Strawberry cheesecake. Future occupation? Something to do with history maybe?

Yum. I think I'd like to be a teacher actually. But everyone keeps pushing me towards sports.

Do what you want to do.

I wish it was that easy. I don't want to disappoint anyone.

Did you ever think they might be more disappointed if you don't follow your heart? I heard my mom call me at that moment. "Julie, dinners ready!" I've got to go. I texted. Dinner.

Text me later?

We'll see. I sat my phone aside and made my way downstairs.

"What's for dinner? It smells great."

"Spaghetti. And thank you."

My father walked in and sat down. "How was school today Munchkin?"

My father had called me munchkin for as long as I could remember even though I was now five foot six.

"Okay, I guess. Sarah wasn't there so it was kind of boring." I didn't tell him about Blake looking for me.

"How is Sarah?"

"She's doing well."

"That's nice."

We ate dinner with some small talk. After helping to clear the table I walked upstairs where I got in the shower and threw on some pajamas. I worked on finishing my homework then sat and watched two movies on TV while texting Blake again.

When I looked at the clock I saw it was already ten o'clock.

What time are you going to bed? I asked.

Probably as soon as I'm done on the computer. I'm printing some things out. Are you ready to go to sleep?

Yeah, I'm pretty tired.

I'll let you get to bed then. Sweet dreams.


I fell asleep quickly; happy Blake wasn't pestering me anymore about who I was.

When I woke up Tuesday morning, the sun was shining through my window. I stretched and got ready for my day. When I got to school I parked next to Sarah's Honda Civic, where she stood waiting.

"Good morning Jules. You ready to go in?"

I nodded. "So how's your dad doing?"

"Great! He got to come home yesterday afternoon. He's really starting to perk up."

"That's good." When we got to the school doors it seemed like everyone was in a buzz. "What's everyone excited about?" Sarah shrugged and we made out way in.

Flyers covered the hallway. So many people were crowded around it was impossible to tell what was on them. Sarah and I walked a little further down towards my locker where we finally saw what all the fuss was about.

There was a picture on the flyer. The same picture Blake had sent me the day before. In big letters below it said HAVE YOU SEEN THIS GIRL? Please contact Blake Crowe with any information. I tore the picture and crumbled it throwing it on the ground. "I can't believe he did this!"

Sarah pulled a flyer off of the locker next to mine. "Julianne," She looked at me with wide eyes, "that's you."

"No… it's not."

"Blake Crowe? And you didn't even say anything about it?"

"There was too much going on this weekend." She looked like she wanted to argue, but didn't.

"Why is he looking for you? Doesn't he know who you are?"

"No, and I'm not planning on letting him find out either."

"What? Why not?"

"I like where I'm at now. If he knew who I was, I'd have all sorts of attention on me. You know I hate that."

"I know Jules. But it looks like he really likes you. What guy goes through all this trouble just to find one person?"

"I don't know Sar. Maybe he's just curious."

"I still think he likes you. Have you guys talked or anything other than the dance? Wait that was his number on your wrist wasn't it?"

"Yeah he put it there when I was rushing to leave."

"Do you talk to him?"

"We've talked a few times."

The first bell rang signaling we could go to first period sounded so Sarah couldn't say what she wanted to say. She headed to math while I headed off to study hall where I had time to think. I pulled out my phone and texted Blake.

Did you really need to do that? I wasn't sure if he would reply back or not in school but I soon got my answer when my phone lit up signaling a new message.

I wouldn't have to if you'd just tell me who you are.

Well that's not going to happen. And did you know Chad Michal Murray did the same thing with the fliers in A Cinderella Story? Not to sound girly or anything.

Where do you think I got the idea?

You've seen the movie?

Yeah my cousin made me watch it with her.

Haha. You know our life it kind of like that movie. The fliers. The mask at the dance. He has no idea who she is but she knows him. He's the football star, she's the nobody.

You are not a nobody.

Okay, I take that part back. But the rest is true.

If we go by the movie, I'll find out who you are in the end. :)

The next few weeks passed by quickly. Blake never relented in trying new ways to look for me. I almost felt bad for him. We still talked and at times I almost wished I told him who I was just so we could talk in person, but I was still worried about other people; something, Sarah said, I shouldn't be worried about.

One day when I sat down for lunch, Sarah seemed kind of nervous, almost guilt like. I kept catching her looking over at another table. When I had finally had enough, I turned to see what she was looking at. Blake Crowe was looking right at me. I turned back quickly to look at Sarah.

"You didn't."

"I'm sorry Jules. But you've been so sad lately. I thought this would help." I looked back towards Blake's table. He was standing up and heading straight for us. I gave Sarah one last look before I stood up as well and made my way quickly out of the cafeteria.

"Julianne!" I started running. I can't do this. "Julianne stop!"

I heard loud footsteps behind me. I pushed myself harder. All of a sudden I felt someone grab me from behind, holding tightly to my waist. I had no choice but to stop. I struggled against his arms. He turned me so I was facing him. My mask was in his hands.

"You're even more beautiful without the mask." A tear fell down my face. He lifted his hand and brush the tear away with his thumb.

"Blake, I—" Before I could go on, his voice cut me off.

"Before you give me every excuse in the book as to why we can't be together, let me do something first."

His hand came to tilt my chin up. Then his lips descended softly on mine. I kissed him back slowly, tentatively, my eyes closed. He pulled away before I did.

"Now, let me hear all the reasons why you don't want to be with me."

I thought about how I didn't want to be the center of attention, of how we were too different. Many more reasons ran through my head.

Then I just happened to look in his eyes. "Oh, screw it." I mumbled before I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him down for another kiss.

Sometimes, you need to ignore all doubts, and just follow your heart.

Wow. This has been running through my head for the longest time and I had to write it before I could focus on any of my other stories. It started off as a full story but as I got into I decided it would be better off as a oneshot. I hope you liked it. Don't forget to review. :)